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Peas, I am going through some of the same feelings. My son is starting kindergarten. It is such a strange feeling to be proud of him and missing him at the same time. Slowly he is learning to do more and more for himslef but one thing I learned is that once he learns one thing there comes 10 more things he needs to learn. He may be able to ride the bus but you will have new homework time to teach him all kinds of things. My son is dressing himself now but I am teaching him to play catch and hit a ball. It's is hard to let go but we do it so we can embrace something new. My stepmother was in love with the story you posted while my sister was a baby. I could never get my son to sit and listen to it. It is such a sweet story though.

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Back from the wedding--lovely! My nephew will be 28 next week and he is still, to me, "such a good boy." I will say that when he is 58! (please God that I am here to see it!)

Eva, tell DH that I hope his shingles go away soon. As soon as I am 60, I am getting the shot. I don't care how much it costs! My mom had it at age 80 and it lasted a long time (a year).

Good to see Apples back--PLEASE take care. I am hoping that your life is calm and boring for a while! (and peaceful)

Gwen, your doctor did not tell you about PB? Has he done this before???? Sorry you found out. It's still part of my life--2 years out.

Had a date--it was fun. Don't go out and buy bridesmaid dresses. He is much younger--I refer to him as my puppy. hahaha

Spoke to a man at hospice today--he has fit 100 years of living into 53. The stories he has belong on a TV movie! We need to enjoy and be grateful for each day and each friend!

Gotta go--dinner with friends tonight....oxox

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Hi all,

Laura, I read that here at my desk at work, oh my, what a huge mistake that was!! Sobbing my eyes out and then I copied and sent it ot my dear sweet 38 year old baby -- oh he will KILL me for that also cause he's probably sobbing at his desk now and he's the plant manager and that won't look at all too good!!! He's a big softie and we take turns trying to make each other cry with cards, etc. Oh, that pics of Nelson as your avatar is too precious -- just such a beautiful baby. I have great stories about my DS -- one was that he always got into his Christmas presents and so I thought I was being wise in wrapping them all in wrapping paper and then hiding them in the apt. Well, one year I bought him a camera and I had gotten all the presents out from hiding and had seen that some had some torn areas. I wanted him to take pics with the camera and all the presents had been opened and no camera!! So I went to his room and found it unwrapped under his bed and all the pics on the roll were already used up!!! I still wrap his presents extra well - even though he'll turn 38 this September! He played football and I still remember the feeling I had driving to his very first hs freshman game -- the next 8 years of him playing football flew by so fast that I still can't believe it's been over almost 15 years. It does go fast.

Wow what a difference -- I never would have believed it was the same woman -- what an inspiration!!! I'll have to check out her blog. She is absolutely gorgeous.

LauraK - -so proud of you and the walking -- keep it up and good luck with the bf -- I'm hoping it will continue to go well -- you deserve to be happy!! How is DD adjusting? Hope she still likes it out there. If she ever needs anything, call me immediately and I can hook her up with help. My ds and dil are available and would be happy to help out if needed. I'll google soft tuck -- have an appt. with my surgeon on Fri. so will ask him to recommend it for me. I need it.

Janet, so sorry for the Andrew drama -- I know -- I have it at my house too and it's just something we have to keep reminding them. It's frustrating that they keep pushing our buttons and pushing the envelope -- but stay strong and you can get through it. It's heartbreaking at the time but you know it will turn out good in the end.

Julie, sorry the pain interrupted your visit with Phyl. -- I need some Zoey kisses! I'm jealous! My Merry had tests done today -- won't know anything until Fri. I'm just keeping positive thoughts. She's been running around on her 3 legs all week as the tumor seems to be painful now. I just want it done now. Yum on the pork and sauerkraut - one of my favorites also -- I haven't had it in a long time!

Phyl, enjoy your visit with Apples and if you ever get further south (on 80) we could get together. Hope you guys take some pics.

Lori, sorry about the pb -- that sounds really bad. . I drank some sparkling wine one night after banding and had a similar experience -- never again. Haven't tried anything like that since, it tends to cure you from wanting to ever again. Have a fabulous time in Hawaii and if I were you I wouldn't work either. I'm just waiting for the day when I can stop working forever Also, have a lobster for me - that's one of the places I want to take my RV when we get one - spend a whole summer up there, I love Maine.

Taking GD to circus tonight -- sure am having a busy week -- then tomorrow night is concert in park and Friday two appt. in Des Moines and then the fair and another concert. Then Sat. we have a memorial service for a friend's hubby who died. I did something really stupid I think. I read an article last week that said if you want to try to jump start your weight loss to try jogging instead of walking, etc. So I jogged on the treadmill Sat. for 5 miles and it didn't hurt at the time but my hip has been killing me ever since. So I'm taking it easy on exercise this week -- not sure if it was that or my treking at the fair -- either way I'm limping around and having pain and am afraid to do anything cause I don't want to hurt it. It's my new hip. I'm so irritated that my physical body is not cooperating with my mental state. I really enjoyed the jog too -- felt good.

Charlene -- good luck to your daughter while she has her baby. Will be thinking of you! Can't believe it's already time for her to have her baby - I remember when you first talked about it -- seems like yesterday.

Melissa, wtg on the job fairs!! Impressed with your renewed mental strength -- you sound great -- keep it up. I'm sure something good will happen -- this was all meant to be.

Jess - good luck with school -- you sound so organized -- we're all proud of you. Hope you got your uniforms shrunk/altered -- those looked so big on you - especially the pants -- maybe you can find some pants at goodwill or something? Problem is you don't have time I'm sure. Glad your dad wanted to have the party. As a grandparent, I figured he'd be interested -- just something we like to do as grandparents. Loved the quote -- it's perfect for all of us.

Eva sorry to hear about your back -- once your done with work maybe it will start feeling better -- so much walking and standing are hard on backs. And sorry about DH's shingles - one thing I don't understand. I went to my GP last year and requested the shingles shot -- he said I can't get it until I'm 60 -- well I know tons of people who get shingles before they're 60 so that is a stupid rule. Anyone know what the deal is with this? I don't want them -- I know how bad they are.

Still at work, need to get something done. CBL


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Lori - way to go at the gym. You have really stayed with it since you got settled. Great job.

Arlene - I agree SIL should take the birth control issue from here. Oh well.... none of the adult kids listen to me anyway. lolol

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Jessica - sorry about your sister's loss, but understand the mixed feelings.

You will be an inspiration to her showing that all your career dreams can come true. Keep up the great work. BTW - wonderful, no test first day.

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kurby~ You need to be very adamant that you get answers to your questions. (what type of surgery you had- important to know if you needed to go the ER with emergency complication or something). If they don't get back to you in a timely manner (and they didn't provide you with a detailed post op instructions with FAQ, etc), then call the physician on call. That's what they are there for and that's what you/your insurance paid big bucks for! Hope you feel better soon. It also concerns me that you don't know the difference between carbs and Proteins. Did they not have a pre-op class with the dietitian? All of this should have been explained and written down for you. You can also search on this forum and whichever band you had. (LAP-BAND® and Realize has their own websites with great patient education/information)


Hi Laura,

I did get a call this morning and yes i did have the hernia op and i did get 7cc's. it was confirmed with the op nurses hand written notes. I'm actually self pay as Canadian's aren't covered for this.

i also do know the diff between carbs and Protein i just don't have knowledge of food in general. no there wasn't a preop course but i am seeing the dietitian week after next and will continue to see her until i'm comfortable with my food knowledge (which could be years) my choices over the adult life has sucked - or i wouldn't be in this mess

i have a HUGE sweet tooth and even sore i'm craving sweets like chocolate and Snacks like chips - those were and i guess still are my down fall.

i do have a lot to learn.

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Good Evening Ladies...had a wonderful visit with Phyll and DH. Got lots of Zoey kisses and went to dinner with a clean face and even clean ears! LOL

Phyll is just as she is online. A very pretty and wonderful/interesting person. Warm and friendly. Same with her DH. Was so happy they took the time for me.

Yes, Phyll, I'm home. Was at the end of your road and turned my blinker towards home instead of the lake. Remembered I needed to pick up my MRI results for appt in Alex tomorrow. And, for everyone...the arm and hand are doing great. Lots of mobility in the hand the last couple of days and only pain in the wrist. Makes me happy.

I did experience hell on earth today with my 2.5 hour dental appt. Every bit of it is worth it though. I am already smiling (even with my temps) and have so much more confidence when I smile.

I did not take photos with my camera today. They are on Phyll's camera. I got a little lazy and let her do it. Sorry Phyll.

Janet....sorry for the Andrew drama. I think us mom's will worry and keep getting a fair amount of crap from our children until the day we leave this earth. At least that's the way it feels sometimes. Even if they are respectful on a daily basis. Those odd times are such a bummer.

On the snip, snip issue....men are babies.

Will talk more later or tomorrow. It's hubby time and crossword time.

Edited by Apples2

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Hi gang.......no weight loss this week. The psychologist talk to us today. Some girls shared about Dr. Davis talk on Monday night....I missed it. It was about how the French eat and enjoy their food, but don't gain. They said he brought different wines and dark chocolate. So, girls, he approves a small glass of wine every night. I don't drink, but I might start. And chocolate......I am on it! Of course I think he told them dark chocolate twice a week. I just finished my evening walk. It was a little cooler tonight.....low 90's......lol.

I guess we all agree on one thing......my SIL needs to get snipped. My DD was going to appeal to what matters to him.....the cost. Snipping is so much cheaper......maybe that will sell him on the idea.

Well, gotta go shower ........later peeps!

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Hi All,

I can still remember when each of my kids went to school by themselves the first day. Feels like yesterday. I felt they had all grown up to quickly.

Where I live the shingles injection cost me $125.

Saw the orthopedic surgeon today about knee surgery. He will not do surgery until I lose another 20 to 30 pounds. He also felt that my lap band surgery was not very successful.

He based this on when I got banded, how much I lost, and that I haven't lost anything for three weeks. I am planning to go back to square one - liquid stage. Not to sure what else I can do.

My surgeon (banding) has his Excellence Award - never said a word about PBing.

I remember when I started college. Felt like the teachers, Professors, that you were only taking their course. I was overwhelmed the first day of class. Congratulations for going to college.

Just looked at the clock, it is after midnight - gotta go.

Gwendolyn Smythe

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Quick middle of the night post. Maybe the internet is fixed. DH can make computers work....yeah. I think I got a virus because I could get email on one account but not on the other. I got both tonight (this morning?) Up because the foot/back issue again but I did 45 minutes in the pool.

Janet so sorry about Andrew. He must be feeling his independence too. They want to grow up sometimes.

Laurua, beautiful story thanks for sharing it. Nels's baby picture is so cute.

Phyl and Apples, glad you guys got to meet up.

Melissa, good luck at the job fair.

Hi Charlene, Lori, Kurby,, Joyce, Judy, Laurka, Julie, and everyone else I've missed.

Hopefully I'll get to sleep soon and my internet will keep working.



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Good Morning Gang...

Yesterday was my 2 x at the gym - didn't get home till 8:30

Drama over for now but I gotta say it wasn't emotional like last time..

Apples - Yep Phyl & DH are great !!!

Gwen - What are you eating??? What does your doc (ortho) know about lapband - it's not bypass... I think he needs some education - Remember this isn't about dieting but eating healthy

Kurby - Try WW online or do you have any meetings in Canada - I figure they are everywhere - Yes you need to see the nutritionist - you need to learn what are healthy foods

I have a sweet tooth too - SF puddings - popsicles - fudgesciles, yogurt - Chip - well gf you gotta leave all that junk food alone - remember thats the stuff that got us fat in the 1st place

Judy LOL Puppy ;0)

Eva - Hugs on the back issues - how many days left ;0)

Charlene - LOL small amount of dark choc and small amount of wine - the problem with choc is when I start I don't want to stop - its my heroin and when they say a small amount they are talking about one of those trick or treat small little hershey choc..

You have lost a lot of weight in the last few months - it may slow down = just keep plugging away

Jessica - glad you got all your school stuff - 1st day of school - I remember it well.. (even my own)

Laura - how was Nelson 1st day - I skimmed your poem cuz I was at work and knew it would make me cry

Great WTG at the gym - I am going to try TKB (turbo kick boxing) on Sunday at 9 then Pilos at 10 - Dont' think it will be a regular - 6 times a week at the gym is a bit much ;0) even for me ;0)

Well time to hit the shower - CBL

Hugs & Love to everyone I missed...

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Good morning girls~

Linda~ I always love your posts. It is clear that you give each person a moment of your undivided attention. Really after I read it I just want to write "ditto". : ) Glad you were able to forward the poem to your DS. When we were up in NC, the night before we were leaving Nels said to me "Mommy, will you try not to cry tomorrow when we say goodbye?" (I always cry). I told him I would try but that it was hard. He then told me he would give me $1..LOL. I cried and he kept his $.

Apples~So glad you had fun last night. Sorry about the dental appt. hugs. You are a tough cookie and I know the end result is what keeps you going.

Jewel~ Glad you are finding your books and getting ready. Sorry to hear about your sis. As hard as things are, there is a reason for everything and we don't always know why. God has a plan. Now, about the resume. PLEASE don't worry about that now. You have PLENTY of time. Trust me, once you get out in the RN field, the only thing they care about is you graduated and passed your boards. (and in an interview you don't chew gum and spit tobacco and can act like a human). I interviewed RN candidates for 2 years when I was head nurse in the ER in a big city. I actually hated the "fluffed" up resumes that were obviously professionally done and not the person's own words. That's just one opinion. Phyl may be able to add more. But just focus on prepping for school and looking over your books- you'll have lots of time for job prep.

Eva~ Glad to hear about the computers up and running ok. Sorry to hear about your back. How many days now? You should make a ticker..LOL.

Gwen~Oh dear. An ortho giving opinions on bariatric surgery success?! Lord have mercy. Don't listen to him. Let's just concentrate on getting you healthy! It's very hard for those to lose weight as quickly with immobility issues. Each person has an individual journey.

Kurby~ Glad you got the info re: ur surgery. The comment that your knowledge (or lack thereof) got you in this obesity mess stopped me in my tracks! Hon, it has little to do with knowledge of food (some but not much). I (as many on this thread do) have EXTENSIVE knowledge of nutrition. Hell, I have a masters in nursing (family nurse practitioner) and a minor in nutrition. (I don't spit that one out often) and it didn't keep me from getting morbidly obese. Ask Janet, she could have written a BOOK on diets and nutrition, she had done them all- it's about WANTING to change, not just KNOWING HOW.

Jb~ Loved your post and so happy about your nephew.

Arlene~ Keep us posted on the baby news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! woohooooo. Yes, I agree with Dr. D. Wine and dark choc in moderation is one of the best kept secrets to happiness. : )

Lori~ LOVED hearing your stories about your kids and the first day rituals. And I don't think of you as a depressed person AT ALL. : ) Hell, with me and all the sap I am posting lately, you guys are probably thinking- there is a reason you should not go through menopause and have a kid starting first grade! LOL. The joys of being "mature" parents. I just LOVE LOVE LOVE being a mom. It's by far the most rewarding job I have EVER had. (and I have loved some of my jobs). But nothing replaces those smiles, giggles, hugs, and thankyous. Just a bit ago Nelson woke up (slept late b/c we were out late at friends for dinner). He walked in the office all sleepy faced and said "I love you mom", turned around and went to watch SpongeBob in the den. OMG.... Could I freeze that moment FOREVER?!

LadyKC~Thanks for the sweet comment. : )

Well, last night we went to one of my DH's partner's houses for dinner. His wife is 6 months pregnant and has been DYING to show me the nursery and the stuff she has gotten. She is an interior designer and very organized and OCD. She is having a boy. Before we left the house I said to DH, should I bring one of his Water bottles so he doesn't spill in their new house? He thought for sure she had lids or something and had thought of that. I said, should I bring juice or something he will drink? He said naw. FF to the night. Think WHITE CARPET AND FURNITURE....... CLEAN FRESH OFF WHITE PAINTED WALLS........ holy canoli. She is also an organic/no preservatives/artificial colors/flavors kinda gal. She does eat meat. She offered Nelson Water or Naked juice (carrot/mango/guava). Rather than him vomit that beautiful liquid on the white carpet (which he would have- has any of you tried that nasty stuff??), I had him drink water. All I have to say is they have a lot to learn and there is a little one in her belly just WAITING to teach them the joys of being the parents of little boys! :thumbup: I brought her a tasteful small hand painted plate that had a little blue rattle on it and said congratulations. (local artist). They had a Turkish water pipe Hookah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia and needed lessons on using it(not the mommytobe) . So we showed them. It has fruit flavored tobacco- no wacky tobacky : ) Also the Dr's brother and GF were visiting from Miami. I ate VERY little, didn't want to PB with them. The Dr and his wife knew about the LB but the bro asked me why I wasn't eating and I just told them. They actually have a friend who had one and it was done with. : ) Was a fun night.

ok... off to play with my boy. 4 days left until school!!!!

peasout.. Laura

Edited by peascorps

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On the snip, snip issue....men are babies.

Yes they are on so many procedures involving pain. Heck even when they are sick LOL

It was about how the French eat and enjoy their food, but don't gain. They said he brought different wines and dark chocolate. So, girls, he approves a small glass of wine every night. I don't drink, but I might start. And chocolate......I am on it! Of course I think he told them dark chocolate twice a week.

I have heard of this before maybe I should try it. I am assuming he was talking about red wine (i really never could find a good tasting one)

Hi All,

I can still remember when each of my kids went to school by themselves the first day. Feels like yesterday. I felt they had all grown up to quickly.

Gwendolyn Smythe

My is 15 and I try to call him my little boy at home only he likes it sometimes. But he just went back to school 10th grade and he has a wait lifting class so now he comes home and shows me his muscles and then limps the rest of the night say owww :thumbup: Not funny but it is cause he will always be my baby even if he wants to act tough all the time

Good morning girls~

When we were up in NC, the night before we were leaving Nels said to me "Mommy, will you try not to cry tomorrow when we say goodbye?" (I always cry). I told him I would try but that it was hard. He then told me he would give me $1..LOL. I cried and he kept his $.

I miss those moments cherish them. Nels is so loving.

Well, last night we went to one of my DH's partner's houses for dinner. His wife is 6 months pregnant and has been DYING to show me the nursery and the stuff she has gotten. She is an interior designer and very organized and OCD. She is having a boy. Before we left the house I said to DH, should I bring one of his Water bottles so he doesn't spill in their new house? He thought for sure she had lids or something and had thought of that. I said, should I bring juice or something he will drink? He said naw. FF to the night. Think WHITE CARPET AND FURNITURE....... CLEAN FRESH OFF WHITE PAINTED WALLS........ holy canoli. She is also an organic/no preservatives/artificial colors/flavors kinda gal. She does eat meat. She offered Nelson Water or Naked juice (carrot/mango/guava). Rather than him vomit that beautiful liquid on the white carpet (which he would have- has any of you tried that nasty stuff??), I had him drink water. All I have to say is they have a lot to learn and there is a little one in her belly just WAITING to teach them the joys of being the parents of little boys! :)

I wonder what would happen when she gets peed on the first time LOL

Anyways little boys bring so much more than girls. Oh wait till she opens his book bag one day and out pops a Salamander:biggrin:. That happen to me. Thank goodness I am a tomboy at heart or I might have passed out.

ok... off to play with my boy. 4 days left until school!!!!

peasout.. Laura

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Good Morning Girls...

Eva...sorry about the aches and pains. Never good when it interupts sleep. See if you can get some good rest this weekend. So exciting that you are counting down the days. Less stress is in your sights. Ahhhhhhh....the light at the end of the rainbow. (You get my drift...and I know your job has not been all fluff and rainbows).

Janet...aren't you just the exercise queen! No wonder we look to you for support and guidance. All kinds of inspiration on this thread but you hit home with all of us when you outline your eating and exercise plans.

Linda...ditto what Laura said about how you take so much time for each of us with your posts. You make us each feel special.

Hey Julie....how's the weather in ND? We are cloudy and expecting rain today. Kind of a welcome relief from the last few weeks. We'll take it. Now....not too many cloudy days in a row though.

LauraK...really interested in finding out about the PS procedure you were talking about. Does not sound as invasive and reg TT.

Laura...been trying to think of any advice or beginning school stories. My boys were such straight forward independent little stinkers. And, like Nels, wanted to get on that bus and left mom standing at the end of the long driveway with tears while they just hopped on that bus the first day of kindergarten and never looked back. I guess the only advice I have is to let him go with it. Kids can sense a mom's anxiety and you certainly want him to push forward and not look back and worry about leaving mom. You will do it. Just enjoy the weekend with him and set your sights on all the things you will do with the freedom a new school year brings for a mom. I always loved it when my boys started the school year. That structure was good for them, for our family and made for easier family life.

Phyll...I imagine you were up bright and early and are trucking across Wisconsin by now. I do not envy you travelling that interstate between Mpls and Madison, WI. Bumpy, bumpy, crappy road.

I just have to say it again...I had such a lovely time and was so nice getting to meet you, hubby and the fur family. Safe travels.

Jessica..you have lots on your plate in the upcoming weeks, but, I can feel through your posts that you are cut our for this and have your sights set on getting that nursing degree. I will speak for all of us hear (I do that way too often)....we look forward to following you step by step. So happy to you are posting more often and sharing like you do.

Arlene...thinking of you as you await that new baby. Exciting times.

Getting laundry and housecleaning done this morning and then heading back to the city where I met Phyll last night to see a doc about my wrist. No worries...just want to be sure on the plan for wearing splint...how long, etc. Much, much better this week.

Gums are feeling much better this morning. Had them sliced and diced again yesterday (2nd time in a month). Procedure was necessary to better fit the new caps. It's kind of like labor. You white knuckle it and then are thinking about having that next baby a few hours later. (Not typical but that's how I felt about labor).

Just had to do my daily junking up of the thread. Hope you all have a good day. Don't let the stresses of work and life get to you. We only live one life.

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Today is packing day! WOOHOO!! I am so excited to see Maui, never been to that island. First I am going to a book club tonight. Never have gone to one, a friend here invited me and thought it would be a way to meet folks and get out there, but not sure it's my thing. Time will tell.

My 'baby boy' is 6'8 and 250 lbs, but to me he will always be my little boy. LOL Laura, just wait til your friends baby boy starts to bring things home in his pockets, etc. she is in for a ride! LOL

Arlene, be careful of the wine and chocolate though, they can easily go from occassional to more and more. I'd just have to stay away as am afraid it would open up more wanting more and craving more carbs, etc. Plus I don't like many red wines.

Gwen, pooey on what your orthopedic dr said. I find that most other docs don't know much about lap bnds and think it's all like bypass. Bypass loses so much at first. I think you are doing great, the first 6 weeks after banding many don't lose at all. There's no restriction yet and it's a time for healing from surgery. It will come, don't panic.

Kurby, I agree with Laura, I too could've written a nutrition book. I knew it all, in all my attempts to lose weight I knew just how many calories, carbs, etc. I needed, the problem was doing. I could talk the talk but not walk the walk.

Janet, glad things are better with Andrew. It was tough when my kids were that age and still at home. They felt they were of age and expected to be treated as an adult while they continued to act like children. LOL

Eva, and the countdown continues! Are you getting excited??

Linda, hope the hip is better. Are you allowed to jog or run with a hip? I know I am only supposed to 'run from danger' with my knees, no high impact. Just when I was going to take up running. NOT!! LOL

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    • ChunkCat

      I have no clue where to upload this, so I'll put it here. This is pre-op vs the morning of my 6 month appointment! In office I weight 232, that's 88 lbs down since my highest weight, 75 lbs since my surgery weight! I can't believe this jacket fit... I am smaller now than the last time I was this size which the surgeon found really amusing. He's happy with where I am in my weight loss and estimates I'll be around 200 lbs by my 1 year anniversary! My lowest weight as an adult is 195, so that's pretty damn exciting to think I'll be near that at a year. Everything from there will be unknown territory!!

      · 3 replies
      1. AmberFL

        You look amazing!!! 😻 you have been killing it!

      2. NickelChip

        Congratulations! You're making excellent progress and looking amazing!

      3. BabySpoons

        So proud of you Cat. Getting into those smaller size clothes is half the fun isn't it?. Keep up the good work!!!!

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