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Phyl - Love your darling little animations to match all your comments. Very clever. Good for you starting at a new gym. Will you & DD be able to buddy up there?

I spent 30 min. on bike and 9 min. on elliptical for a total of 153 calories burned. Sure makes you take a hard look at calories in - when it takes so much to burn them off.

General question: Are banders to avoid drinking thru straws????


I like to use those "Smiley Central" animations. They sure have some cute ones.

I will be able to go to the gym w/DD & GD. Could've gone over with DD this afternoon... but after two cruises around the neighborhood on my scooter in the frigid wind this afternoon, I opted not to go out again. She was going after work... like 5pm, and that's kind of late for me, and it's crowded then. I think I'll go tomorrow morning.

Straws.... I've heard that we're not supposed to use them, but I do anyways. I don't have a problem. I think it's something about swallowing too much air. But I burp whether I use a straw or not!! :thumbdown::biggrin::blushing:

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Ok the multi button isn't working - so lets see how I do

Joyce - yep 153 calories burned isn't even working off one candy bar - it's another thing that keeps me in line - I go to the gym - I work out - but can't say I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT - It's work and I have never been a phyiscal person - in Catholic school we didn't have p.e. - I didn't have p.e. until 8th grade when I went to public school - I think it's very important to teach children at a young age (pre-school) that we need to exercise... Just like we need to learn to read - we need to teach children about eating healthy and exercising - all this super sizing fast foods - video game etc is the reason for childhood obesity - and I bet you most of us were chubby kids - I know I was. But that being said - we also over eat due to emotional issues and it usally involves abuse of some kind - mental (neglect) hitting and for some sexual - I think food equate to love for some of us.. It gets that serotion in our system that makes us feel calmer..

Hell it's a big issues and even the health pple haven't figured it out.. so I don't know - our obesity has so many factors.. But all I know is that I really try and be healthy and move now a days - I try my hardest - to limit my treats and I still crave my old foods - but truly if I do have some it doesn't taste as good as I remember - and I do crave more veggies and meats now a days..

Ya we think skinny pple eat what ever they want when they want - cuz that's what we see - we see them eating ice cream - cake etc - they just don't eat it every day every meal

Jodi - you can eat what ever you want - some pple can't eat shrimp - salad etc - and some pple can - it's really an individual thing - Soda/carbanation is the thing they tell us to stay away from but that's cuz when you drink it one sip and you will feel it in your stomach right away - some of us (including myself) will have a soda now and then but we let it get flat (I pour it between 2 glasses untill most of the bubbles are gone) I was never a big soda drinker to begin with so not drinking soda doesn't bother me - I may have one every 6 months -

I can eat bread - shrimp - stringy meat will give me a problem but that's about it - I eat brussel sprouts - but I cook all my veggies well done (thats how I like them even pre-band) and chew well and eat slowly and I can eat anything.. Well I doubt I could eat a submarine sandwich - a big roll or thick bread - would be too filling..

I eat salsa - hell I put jalapeno in alot of my food - I don't have a problem - the only way you will know if something doesn't agree w/you is to try it - it's all allowable - the only thing that isn't - is high sugar - high fat foods - it's just about moderation and what your band will tolerate..

I like hummas - but 2 tablespoons is about 70 calories and I eat more than 2 tablespoons so it's more like 4 140 cal then add the cracker another 140 at least - 280 - that's a high calorie snack for me - I snack at night on 100 cal snack pack popcorn - and spray it with a little spray butter..

I will also have the bite size tostido's you get 24 chips for 140 calories - eat that with some salsa (which I consider free) you have a good low calorie snack even if you add 1/3 cup low fat cheese 130 cal you have a satisfying snack that fills you up or even a little avacado - these types of Snacks are treats for me now a days - I may have them once a month if that..

Eva - Recycling clothes - I gave away tons of 16 14 10 8 6's - but now I don't have any friends that are my size - so I keep them in my closet -

Some of my clothes are weekend day time and then for going out at night - some are for work - I buy impulsively sometime - it looks cute on so I buy it Do I need another pair of Jean capri's no not really but they are cute and a diff style so I buy them.. I did this fat too- then I only wear it a few times - I have a brown dress I bought - I think I wore it once - it depends on my mood in the morning when I get dressed - causal - dressy - heals or flats - comfy or prissy..

Eva you crack me up - Andrew just told me I am mad all the time and grouchy... (it all started cuz the stupid dog chewed up my carpet - it's not real bad - most likely can be streached and fixed - but I threw a shit fit- why did he leave the damn dog in the house when he left) I don't think I'm mad all the time - but with teenagers who don't have pressure of the real world - I guess they just don't get it - it is a big thing to me - the freaking dog is tearing up my house - I don't care that it's fixable - I don't want it torn up..

Slimnole - How old are you - what does your doc have you on as far as food - Clear Liquids - full liquids etc.. liquid tyelnol - gas x strips - walking will help the gas... Are you getting in your flulids - I can't say I was starving on day 4 - I was full on about 1/4 to 1/2 cup of Soup (cream) or pt shake - ya not chewing was had but I only had 10 days of full liquids then got to move to mushies - and again I was full on 1/2 cup of soup

What are you eating - I found that home made foods/soups were more satisfying than the can stuff - you gotta go ck out the food thread on the home page for ideas -

I made cream of bean soup - make a pot of whatever kind of Beans you like - season them as you would normally - then when the beans are done - scoop out the beans and meat - but them in a blender w/a little of the bean broth and puree them - then add that mixture back into the bean broth - cream of bean soup - I did this with navy beans & pinto beans

Our bands aren't the magic cure to our hungry - it doesn't do a damn thing about head hunger - and that's our biggest problem - and I still struggle 3 yrs out (well almost 3 yrs) with the physiological factor of eating smaller about of food - I will be full phyiscally but not mentally - that's when I get up and do something - wash my face - get on the computer - do something to distract yourself

Hope you come back..

Julie -Thanks - Today was a good day at work - productive - but when I left - I saw the mail I got - so hopefully tomorrow I can get it done and back to working my renewals..

I paid bills Friday night... so I got that out of the way - We got an offer on bro's house - sister agreed to it - so hopefully it all goes threw - one less thing I will have to deal with..

Hugs and continue prayers that you find some releif soon - has anyone talked to you about a tins pack (don't think I spelled it right) but a lady at work wears one - she has these things that look like the Patches that the put on you when you get an ekg - and they are hooked up to a battery pack - and it shoots electrical currents into her muscles - something like that - I am not good at explaining - but she was in a bad car accident and she wears this every day for her pain issues...

Apples - I saw Andrew Gracia - he was the one w/the glasses (thick) tattoo on his neck - He's from Moreno Valley - and that's where we went shopping at.. It was cool to have a celebrity sighting and talking to him..

Jessica - Give yourself Credit a B is ABOVE AVERAGE!!!! You rock on all that school work - so pat yourself on the back..

As to our issues - that's what counselors are for - to help us figure them out..

Charlene - lol just like my 24 tostedo chips - makes me think I am getting tons of food -

I always make my shakes think - like a milk shake gotta eat half of it w/a spoon..

Well gang - it's 8:21 and I need to go eat...


Hugs & Love to all t hat I missed

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I was supposed to go tomorrow to get my first fill but I saw amy ENT today to have him look at my clogged ears and I have adouble ear infection and an infected gland - he thinks it is a salivary gland. Interestingly enough, it is the side I had a filling replaced and a temporary crown done on last thursday. I am on antibiotics and steriods so I talked to the bariatric coordinator and we agreed to put it off a week.

Today I was hungrier than any day so far. I hope that does not increase a lot before next Wednesday. I am trying to stick to lean Proteins and low carb veggies and one fruit per day. It helps to avoid carbs.

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I was supposed to go tomorrow to get my first fill but I saw amy ENT today to have him look at my clogged ears and I have adouble ear infection and an infected gland - he thinks it is a salivary gland. Interestingly enough, it is the side I had a filling replaced and a temporary crown done on last thursday. I am on antibiotics and steriods so I talked to the bariatric coordinator and we agreed to put it off a week.

Today I was hungrier than any day so far. I hope that does not increase a lot before next Wednesday. I am trying to stick to lean Proteins and low carb veggies and one fruit per day. It helps to avoid carbs.

Debra - Sorry about the med problems - If you get hungry eat healthy low calories - you will b find

this is my 1692 post on this thread - have you noticed that bit of info

Well I get here by going to subscribed thread and now it's showing how many post you have on a thread

Well of to see what's for dinner - don't feel like what I made..

cb in the morning - sweet dreams

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Good Morning...

First off...Alex has the thread that he started this morning titled: "Mindless Eating...Why We Eat More Than We Think". Worth a read and also lots of interesting articles on the site.

Loooooooooooooong day yesterday but better today. Just spent it in bed when I could. I think I know what triggered this vertigo episode...all the flowers in the church at the wedding we attended. Not off and running today but much better.

In order to "talk" to each of you guys, I would need to go back and re-read. Too much going on here today and no time right now. Just want to say I hope everyone is doing well and having a good day.

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Morning............. hope everyone is up and being productive...unlike me.... just sitting here doing not much of anything.... like ordered.....

Apples, I'm so glad you feel some better today... Do flowers bother you that much to start an attack? I guess I don't know much about vertigo.... thought it was more a balance things... I'm not good either... No help from the doctor on Friday and now I'm once again waiting for insurance approval for more tests and another shot.... The pain is spreading to the other shoulder, getting stronger, and coming at any and all times of the day.. Already had a medium sized attach this morning that I'm just coming down from.... Had one at 4 yesterday afternoon that about got me.... I don't drink, but I called my DD at 5:30 and asked her to bring me some sweet pop wine, like strawberry Hill.. I remember drinking it from the bottle in college.. A friend and I killed it last night... I don't think it did a thing for me, but I was just completly crazed and thought it couldn't hurt... I know it says no alcohol with the pills, but I didn't figure a little wine would like kill me..... don't know if I'd care at the moment....

So, I need to try to do some paperwork today.. Did some during the night, then went to sleep about 5:00 and woke up the hard way... Maybe the rest of the day will be better ...... hope so....

Everyone have a safe day.... Hugs to all... Julie

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Good Morning Gang

Drive by as I am at work and don't want to get caught on not working ;0)..

I tried to post from home this mornng but the page would never load - blank screen...

Julie - A little wine w/the med's isn't going to hurt - Boones Farm OMG - I remember that - I was in HS - drinking it but again I was a bad girl ;0)... I don't know if I would like it now a day - I use to drink Bali High - Don't think they make it any more - Hugs on the pain - wish I could do something to help,.

Apples - Hugs on the vertigo - cant you take some meds for it - a girl here at work had it - I think I remember her taking something for it.

Well, not much to report- watched Dancing with the Stars last night after I got off the computer - Had lasanga for dinner 3/4 of a cup then a fudgesile for dessert..

Well gang - Have a great day - I will ck in tonite after gym - I need to get my cardio in since I couldn't go Saturday

Hugs & Love to All

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Good morning guys~

Nice hearing from everyone.

APPLES~Glad to see you back and mildly trashing around. Poor stinker isn't as effective when you have the spins. <HUGS> It sucks Apples. I abhor vertigo. You and I have so much in common. I was laughing when Phyl said "you eat grain haulers for lunch"....LOL. My mind was in the gutter.

Janet~ You are so dead on about the head hunger thing. Even mildly stuck yesterday I wanted to eat more b/c it was Greek food. How fu$%ed up is that? Luckily I was OTL with the wife of a general surgeon who does bariatric surgery. She is a psychologist herself. She understands at least, even if skinny. Her DH has only done like 15 bands (does mostly RNY and even that, just started like a year ago. So I would never have had him do it or take care of me). Great advice for everyone. yeah, I would be pissed about the rug too. ; )

Phyl~WTG on the gym. I love your humor too. Us nurses just crack ourselves up sometimes! :thumbup:

Arlene~ Sounds like you are doing great, esp with the circumstances with your mom. Keep it up. I am down a lb today but was in pain the whole afternoon and evening after eating a piece of fried eggplant. So, I didn't eat and barely drank fluids even. Today I feel better but will do liquids and maybe a yogurt.

Jodi~ I hear you on the shopping, it's tough. Now I do buy some pre-packaged Snacks. It's a way to keep portions for me. No, they aren't the healthiest always, but convenient. I buy a lot of 100 cal. things. I find that if I do that as a treat- it is planned and that is it. If I have the bag open- I am much more tempted to have too much. I buy the little individual hummus containers. Tribe Hummus has little 100 cal tubs that have like 2 oz.

Julie~ I was thinking about asking you if they tried a Tens unit? also here is a link that I thought might help you. Just like our thread helps us- there are many people with your same problem. Sometimes they will help you think of something to do to help you get some relief. Neck Pain Support Blog: Cervical Radiculopathy?? How Your Doctor Will Determine the Nature of your Neck and Arm Pain

OK guys. I am still feeling punky from getting pain from eating yesterday. It scared me enough that I ALMOST got an unfill. I decided to do liquids for a bit and see how it goes. I don't want to go to NC though loose like last time. No more gaining for me!

I need to get some work done. Will CBL. Peasout... Laura

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Julie...so sorry for what you have to go through. Drinking wine might just be what you need. My Grandfather had a couple glasses b/4 every meal and swore it kept him young. But, I am no expert on wine. You would need to ask our resident expert, Phyll! LOL

Janet....there are meds that can be taken for vertigo (for dizziness). They put me out and make me feel crappy. Like I stated yesterday....it just runs it's course after a few days and continually gets better. I don't think mine starts in the inner ear. I believe it starts in the sinus' and affects the inner ear once sinus swells. That first day is miserable and after that just off-balance. I just have never been a medicine taker. Not even when I have my kidney stones. Just do not like the affect it has on me. I think my system is overly affected by meds and always has been...kind of like alcohol. Doesn't take much to make me loopy. Not always...but most times. But, does not deter me from having a weak one once in awhile.

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Yes, Laura...you do understand vertigo issues as you have them yourself at times. Running to the doc just does not do it. But, I do appreciate that you sent me that link the last time I had it...the one on the exercise. It really does help.

You are so right on taking it easy today after you stuck episode. Back in Nov I had a medium stick and did not baby my band for a couple of days. Well, needless to say, after 2 weeks of wondering what was wrong...I ended up doing mushies for 3 days and it all settled down.

Yes, Janet does have great advice and is one of the reasons I started following this thread. One my favorite things about Janet is when she told us she threw Cookies away in her break room. Now that takes guts! Everyone needs a smack once in awhile and that's what we need when things get out of hand.

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This banding is such a learning challenge.

Laura - so interesting that we will continue to eat when we "know" we should stop. Thank you for sharing that as an issue for you too.

Tomorrow I'm scheduled for my third fill. I know I need it as I'm able to eat 4-5 oz Protein and I'm not losing, BUT I'm still afraid to move forward. I'll go and follow doctors advice in spite of my fears. This journey is about losing weight, NOT maintaining 20 lb loss.

Will continue exercise and continue this journey.


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Hi all,

well I weighed in yesturday and ive lost another 5 pds down 35 pds. yea! I really didnt think that I lost more then a pound or two this past week but I guess I was wrong.

Jessica...wow, wow and wow...you go girl!! Great Job on making the grade.

Apples....im so sorry about the vertigo....Ive had that occassionally and uh how nauseating. I hope you begin to feel better as the weekend is close by.

Janet...... thanks for the info about foods. So far I dont seem to have a problem...yet. Havent tried bread and steak meat or veggies that arent over well done. Salsa and Bruscetta was okay as well.....that is why I asked.

Yes, I ate the tortillas with the salsa and ragatta cheese. Yummy. that was a meal. 6 crackers and a little of the extras. I figured this was a healthy snack meal.

Im glad that you mentioned the hot and spicy yes.... yummy. Chumus is good and 2 tblsp is a snack., I can eat it plain. I did get the single packs at trader Joes. Ive been pretty good about the servings so far Of course cant eat alot yet!! LOl

Laura...how do you do it with Nels and Snacks? ?

yes. I guess a planned snack is the best ones. I bought Healthy choice fudgcycles. No sugar and 100 cal.

They are yummy and satisfying...for now. lol Hope it lasts.

Well must get going..break is over!

Have a great afternoon!


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Hi everyone! Sorry I've been gone, but I was crazy busy for a few days. Enjoyed our overnight Friday and sat in the jacuzzi and indoor pool at the resort and didn't come home until Saturday evening. Sunday I was like Apples -- up and running early -- went to gym -- spent 3 hours there and then grocery shopping and then home and cooked all afternoon -- made food for me and the boys for the week. I like doing that since I don't get home until 6:15 or later - if I cook that late I feel like I don't have an evening to relax.

I had a bad day yesterday -- took a stupid Vitamin pill too soon after lunch and it got stuck - I've only been stuck a few times and usually I take my papaya enzyme and it passes quickly -- well, yesterday was horrible -- I had to come back to work and it was busy (we were short handed) and honestly (stop reading now if you don't want graphic visual), I was gurgling -- it was bad -- went on for hours -- every once in awhile the slime would just come up (lucky for me I never missed the trash can and no one sits where they can see me thank goodness). Anyway it went on for 3 hours until I finally had a minute and went to the restroom and I actually vomitted a bit which finally ended the problem once and for all. But boy oh boy was it awful. I've never experienced that before -- like I said, that's only the second time I've ever had any slime and hardly ever PB. I won't be getting any more fills as obviously I am at my sweet spot -- last fill was in January and I have good restriction and sometimes a little too much. I never have a problem taking pills - heck I take 3 huge fish oil pills every morning (one at a time). I need to go back to chewable vitamins though cause if I take them on an empty stomach, they make me sick. So, I learned a good lesson (passing it on to you newbies).

By the way, I made something super delish the other night. I mentioned a week or so ago that I got the new Hungry Girl cookbook -well, I love canollis and there was a neat recipe in there for those. If you go to Hungrygirl.com and type in HolyMOlycannolis the recipe will pop up -- I don't want to retype it here because it could be a copyright infringement. But let me tell you, they are delish and taste like the real thing and takes about 10 mins. to make and makes tons. My new favorite "treat" an only has 1.5 grams of fat and about 100 calories. Did I mention it has real choc. chips in it? The mini ones. I believe in not depriving ourselves -- I have had limited "treats" ever since the beginning and I can honestly say I've never had an "unplanned" treat. I just make sure it's low calorie, low in sugar (if not sugarfree) and low in calories. Heck I even had a big bowl of fat free, sugar free frozen yogurt at the buffet the other night. I do think with the new health consciousness in our country that we will find new freedom in eating out.

Jodi, I hear you on the food label reading -- about 14 years ago one of my step kids developed juvenile diabetes and that's when we started to read and understand food labels. Let me tell you, it's gotten much better over the years -- labels are so much easier to read now. Likewise with low sugar, low fat foods -- 20 years ago I had to make my own fat free cream cheese by hangingn yogurt in cheesecloth -- so it's come a long way!

I also make a zucchini dish that I thought I'd share -- it's something my mom made and I've discovered it's a great band friendly dish that tastes especially wonderful - especially if you miss Italian food as I do: Here's the recipe. which I call Zucchini Skillet

One onion, diced

Green, yellow and red pepper diced (about 1 cup diced)

3 large zucchini, cut small

1 can Tomato paste

spray butter

garlic powder, basil, oregono (or Italian seasoning) parsley flakes

fat free mozerella cheese

Spray skillet with butter flavored Pam -- saute onions and peppers -- after an initial browning I put the lid on and cook until soft -- I add a little low fat chicken broth and then add the zucchini and cook until that's soft - generously season with salt, pepper and garlic powder while cooking. When veggies are cooked spray with a little spray butter for flavor (or add a teaspoon of low fat margarine) add the whole can of tomato paste and a little Water to make it saucy. Add other spices and simmer for about 20 minutes to flavor sauce. Add generous handful of cheese -- probaby about 1/2 cup and stir and eat. This makes enough for about 8 large servings - I eat it all week. If you try it, hope you enjoy it. If you must saute in olive oil, you can, but it adds quite a bit of calories/fat to it and truly, it's just as good made without the oil. I've made it both ways. My mom used to make this and then top it with homemade bread croutons -- seasoned with butter and garlic. I've also added mushrooms to it which is also good -- tastes almost like pizza to me and you're getting your veggies in.

Apples, hope your vertigo gets better -- I get it too but mine lasts a long time. Meds for it make me sleepy and so I don't take them either -- the exercises do help me - so I do think mine is inner ear. It's gotten better since leaving LA (I think the smog made it worse), but still bothers me quite a bit. We're all so much alike it's very weird how we have so many of the same issues. Sounds like you had a great weekend -- except for the weather -- but sounds like you still had a relaxing time.

Jodi, happy belated birthday to you!! Sorry I missed it. Good for you on going to the bris and your daughter is one smart little girl!! Of course you should have a relationship with your step mother. As a step mother myself, I can't imagine my step kids just disappearing from my life if my marriage were to end. Your Dad was being very selfish when he made that demand and I applaud you for ignoring it - no need to rub it in his face, but good for you for being your own woman!

Jessica. congrats on the great grades -- those are not easy subjects, you're very smart and work very hard -- very happy you are doing so well. How much more school do you have to do until you're done? Good going on the new undies. I think you'll enjoy the support group -- I can't go to mine cause it starts at 5 and I work until 6 and it's an hour away and I have no vacation time to use to cover it. But I used to get good information from it cause the surgeon's nurse always had interesting topics/speakers, etc. I miss it a lot.

Julie, you should have said to your friend, "that's fine I'll make sure you're put in charge of the next fund raiser." And then make sure you do it - tell the minister or whoever that she volunteered!! Let her do all the work -- that was just uncalled for, mean and mean spirited, especially under the circumstances you've been living the past year -- you said she was one of your best friends so obviouslly she knows how tough your life has been. You don't deserve that, you are like a living, breathing angel and you just don't deserve anyone treating you that way.

Slimnole you are doing great!! Not sure what you expected, but things are going according to what we all experienced -- if your surgeon and/or his office didn't prepare you properly by telling you what to expect, I'm truly sorry. As others have said, it's not a miracle cure -- having a band is simply a "tool" but it's a very good one that will truly help you if you'll approach it in a positive way and commit yourself to working hard. Remember that old saying, "it's not worth anything if you didn't have to work hard to get it" -- it's true of the band and what it does for us -- if it was 'easy" we wouldn't learn the lessons we need to learn to continue to live our lives -- most of us hope to be around at least another 20 to 30 more years and we want to do it working WITH our bands and enjoying new healthy way of living.

Joyce wtg on the gym -- proud of you. Yes, it's hard to work off those calories. I do about 2 hours -- 45 on bike, 45 on elliptical and then 30 on weight machines -- burn about 900 calories -- but I've been doing exericise for a long time -- you have to really work hard to build up to a longer workout. I just read somewhere that harder is not necessarily better - it said you burn more fat if you exercise "longer" rather than "harder" - and when you first start out you really are burning a lot more calories -- as you lose weight you have to exercise longer to burn the same no. of calories. Don't worry about your fills -- no need to worry -- you're learning more every time you get one so when you do get restriction, you're going to understand it -- i hope I'm not scaring you by what I wrote above -- don't mean to scare anyone -- like I said my restriction is usually perfect -- I'm never hungry between meals and I'm satisfied after small amount of Protein and a few veggies. It's all a learning experience, but your surgeon will know what's best for you. Trust him.

Phyl good for you on meeting with the trainer -- hope he shows you something next time - what did he talk about for 30 mins? LOL. That gym sounds great -- good deal too. I like my new gym -- it's always open - it's small and never too crowded -- oh I was so embarassed - I was working out Sunday and suddenly realized I had my shirt on inside out. LOL. That's an old lady sign if I've ever heard of one. I just about died of embarassment.

Arlene, how's your mom doing? I hope better. You are doing such a great job with you new plan - I'm so happy that you found something that is working for you. You are sounding more upbeat every day.

Eva, hope you're doing okay too -- glad you had a nice weekend - you deserved a restful one!!!

Janet wtg on the new clothes and hugs on the dog and GS issues -- I understand EXACTLY what you mean about your house -- it doesn't even have to be major -- it's just "senseless shit" that drives us insane with our young adult kids -- it can be something as simple as muddy shoes that can set me off. So I sympathize.

Well, I've been writing this for hours and hours in between work - better get back to some real work.

Laura, great pics of Nelson and his friends - love to see them -- they always look like they are having a great time.

LauraK, congrats on getting through the graduation. How'd it go with DD's father and his family? When will you be driving to Nevada? Remember I'm in Iowa and would love to meet you if it's possible.

Missing Lori, but sure hope she's having a great time.

Love to you al, I'll cbl.


Edited by ljv52

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Joyce...you are so right...this lapband life really is a challenge (especially the first 6 months or so). You just really have to find what works for you as far as menu items and exercise and go with the plan. We all have different tastes and style of getting our exercise. As I have said b/4, there will come a time where it just becomes your life. You will know it when you get there.

And, that's what is so great about this site, you get the opportunity to ask questions of ppl that have been where you are. As Janet stated, she is almost 3 yrs out and still slips (I call it treating yourself and getting back on the horse). It happens. I think if you keep in mind how hard you have worked at this you just automatically have it in you to make better choices. Kind of like not wanting to give up those 153 cals burned after working it off. One snack and they're gone.

Hey Jodi...congrats on the 5lbs gone. Good feeling, huh?

You had mentioned your supermarket shopping taking so much longer than b/4 banding. I used to do "mindless shopping" prior to heading out on this LB journey. Never paid a lot of attention to nutritional values. Just loaded up the cart and unloaded into pantry and frig. Now, I take a good long time when making food selections. There's still things I buy that I consider "treats" but very few. I cleaned up my menus and have my family on the straight and narrow when it comes to their diet also. I have revised every recipe and they don't even know that they are eating healthy sometimes.

My DH and DS that I cook for have always been a "normal" weight but some of the things they would snack on were just crap. Now I just make sure the pantry and frig are stocked with fruit, veggies and low cal/low fat Snacks. First time DH had a bag of 94% FF popcorn, he gave it to the dog. Now, he looks forward to it in the evenings that he is sitting around. It all just becomes a way of life and will be especially beneficial for Dassi in her life if she can adopt a healthy way of eating right along with you.

Self-deprivation screws with the head. Moderation is the key along with good/healthy choices. As Janet said...go for the crackers, salsa/chips, etc. But, include those cals. in your daily intake total.

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Linda...you are so funny. The inside out shirt has probably happened to all of us. I have a shoe thing that has happened too many times to remember. I LOVE shoes and if I find a pair I really like, I sometimes buy every color. I have looked down and had a black and navy...brown and black and the worst was a forest green color and a brown one....working in a bank and could not take the time to drive home 15 miles. Went to the mall next door and just bought another pair. You know why? Cuz God knew I needed to add to my collection!

Hey Eva...forgot to ask. We have friends that love using Benson, AZ as a stop for 2 weeks on their way to their winter resort and another 2 weeks on their way back home. They love it there. I have never really asked them why they like it so much but you talking about it made me think about asking them the next time I see them.

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    • ChunkCat

      I have no clue where to upload this, so I'll put it here. This is pre-op vs the morning of my 6 month appointment! In office I weight 232, that's 88 lbs down since my highest weight, 75 lbs since my surgery weight! I can't believe this jacket fit... I am smaller now than the last time I was this size which the surgeon found really amusing. He's happy with where I am in my weight loss and estimates I'll be around 200 lbs by my 1 year anniversary! My lowest weight as an adult is 195, so that's pretty damn exciting to think I'll be near that at a year. Everything from there will be unknown territory!!

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      1. AmberFL

        You look amazing!!! 😻 you have been killing it!

      2. NickelChip

        Congratulations! You're making excellent progress and looking amazing!

      3. BabySpoons

        So proud of you Cat. Getting into those smaller size clothes is half the fun isn't it?. Keep up the good work!!!!

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