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Ok Ladies, got to share...... DD got offered the job. Yeah I'm moving her to NV. She has to respond to them then the ball gets rolling. Will move her home for about a month then they will move her out. I am going to ride out with her and fly back. I don't think either of our feet have touched the ground tonight.

Laura K

Gosh...it really does work to cross my fingers and toes!

Congrats to your daughter.:thumbup:

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I work in the Roseland community. It has one of the top three murder rates in the city of Chicago. Last fall a young man was killed with a two by four a few blocks from the school. The video made the news all over the world. A few years ago, a graduate of our school jumped in front of a girl about to be shot by her gangbanger boyfriend on a city bus. He was killed. Also made the news all over the world.

We are a private Christian school that struggles financially on a daily basis. But somehow God always pulls us through. Across the street from us there are six vacant lots(torn down homes), three boarded up houses, and 8 occupied residences. Over 60% of our students qualify for free or reduced lunch. Our school building is over 80 yrs old and is falling apart. We have no money to fix it.

Parents and guardians use their Childcare Initiative funding to help pay for tuition. There are some other programs that help them send their kids. Illinois has proposed a voucher system that would allow parents to take that money and pull their kids out of the failing public schools and send them to us. That would be a miracle if it passes. And the best hope for some of these children.

I see 58 children currently. I have about 75 contacts a day. I start seeing the kids at 7:30 am and go to 4:30 p.m. It's the only way I can fit them all in. I see half our student body from grades 1-8. They come in groups. Grades 1-4 I can see about 10X per week, 5 for reading, 5 for math. The older kids I can only squeeze in 4-5x per week. I'm the Title I NCLB instructor and I do supplemental math and reading instruction but many of my kids are actually special ed level. We can't afford special ed at the school but parents and guardians pull their kids from public school and send them to us because between me and their classroom teachers, they get a better education than they were getting in the public school special ed programs and a much better and safer atmosphere.

I have an assistant 2 days a week. Sometimes I think I'm out of my mind, but I really do love this school and these kids. Many of them I see for almost all their years at the school.

I know you're doing important work as well. God's work. "Let the children come unto me and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of heaven."

Sometime I'll have to compare notes with you on being raised Dutch Christian Reformed vs. your Judaic background. I really related to the books by Chaim Potek. Such closed religious communities with such an emphasis on tradition (and food). I enjoy reading about your various traditions and celebrations.


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Cheri - Fascinating to hear about your students and programs and about Chicago. Blessings will come to you for your generous heart.

LauraK - congrats to you and DD with her new position. Kansas City might be on your mapquest for a dropby lunch or dinner. I'll treat.

Julie - please don't overdo with the packing up for remodeling. May tonight bring restful sleep free from pain.

PT is aggravating my knees - after discussion, we have decided to cut my sessions from 3 to 2. I will keep a record of my home exercises & present for approval (my suggestion to keep me accountable). I'll also go back to my own gym for aqua aerobics and elliptical to build endurance (and help weight loss).

Ready to break free from PT and return to my real life.

Sleep well, ladies.


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Yup, you are all right that my insurance is nasty... this is what we get for my husband giving 38 years of his life to the military... It's free to us, but they are hard to deal with... I didn't have any trouble with all my other problems since my LB surgery... they approved that in 2 days...... But it's just this latest neck and shoulder pain problem that they have been so bad about... don't know if they had a staff change or rules change or what, but it's like pulling teeth... Why they only approved 1 shot is beyond me... anybody worth his salt should know that it can take more than one to do the trick.... So, if and when my doc says I need another we have to get approval first again..... I'm just going to keep praying that God knows what He is doing and that I just have to put in my time..... Trouble is you all have to listen to me complain..... I just had a hot shower and now my tingling cream and pain pills and the pain has receeded a bit... Hoping to go to sleep before long..... I have a busy day tomorrow with some bookkeeping responsiblilites to be done... I am in charge of a benefit for some needy young folks with financial problems after a major medical emergency.... A very locally famour Gospel Quartet just offered to do a benefit concert for us if we can do it May 2nd... How wonderful, but it doesn't give me much time to do the advertising and get things in order.... I've been working on that this evening... So between wedding, new in-laws, pain, remodeling, benefits, my 49th class reunion in June, our ice cream social in June and all the rest, I guess I'm pretty busy.... I can handle it if the pain lets up on me... I'm taking it as easy as I can... I didn't lift anything today, just packed the glass in paper and DH did all the lifting when he got home... Thanks for all your prayers and concerns... I love you all so much....

Laura K...........how wonderful for you and you DD..... It's so great when things start to work out... And a trip to NV will be fun and exciting.....

Janet, sorry you are so busy that you can't be with us like you used to... and what is it with the cancellantions... How dare he????? But you can do it on your own... We know how dedicated you are...

Cheri and Jodi, you have so much in common..... Glad you can do what you do... Cheri, how is your DH doing with his job now???

Yup, Lori, we just have to learn to live without Apples a few days a week... But we have to live without you while you do all this traveling, too..... Enjoy...... I'm sort of envious, but I know I'm not ready for that kind of vacationing yet... I need to shed some more pounds and get this body to cooperate without pain... We need to go see our kids in Ohio soon and I'm dreading it because of the pain aspect..... We'll see what happens....

Laura, you take it easy with all that PMSing... don't hurt anyone by accident...... You'll be fine again soon... Loved the picture of Nelson, but wondered if he was happy about you sharing it with us?????

Well, better get out the ice pack and head to my chair to try to sleep.... Sweet dreams to alll

Mimi was hear with us a couple hours this evening so I got to see my girl... I miss her....... good night....Julie

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Fast Fly By...Good Morning to All....Hope everyone has a good day.

Beautiful sunny day in MN. High of 73 today. Will spend the day running between farming and tiling projects and helping the guys get equipment to the fields.

Off and running. Later.

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Good Morning Gang

Laura congrats on DD job - where in NV - close to vegas :0) it's only a 4 hr drive for me ;0)

Well not much to report - watched tv and went to bed - up at 4:30 farming and posting here - haven't even turned on t.v.

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Hi everyone............guess we are all off and running today.... Apples, sounds like our day is to be just like yours.........makes me happy to have a little warmth and no wind for a change... Might even find a pair of capris to wear to Bismarck.....

Slept last night after a fashion... Was late before I fell asleep and DH gets up at 6:15 for work and I always here him..... So will hope for an afternoon nap.... I'm going to just do what I please today, except for a couple errand before leaving town... Gotta get some advertising for my Benefit going... deadline for our weekly newspaper is today!!! Have to drop off proof of insurance with the hall for the wedding dance.... that sort of thing..... So, I'd better get into the bathroom and do something with this hair.....

I'm including some pictures of Mimi after her surgery on her eye.... She looks like a little convict in the one, with the scowl and all.... the other she was peeling a hard boiled egg and was sure she could do it herself, but got a piece of shell under her nail and cried......

I wish you all a warm, happy day filled with sunshine and smiles....... Your friend......... Julie

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Quick post before I leave for work - I was in the showers - and thought oh someone asked about self-tanner

I have tons of diff brands - I get them from Marshall's and then I got one at the swap meet last week - but the one I use the most is Jergan - they have 2 one in a little bottle that is a tanner then the daily moisturizer one - I put the tanner one on then use the daily moisturizer every day...

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Good morning gang,

So far so good today. After class today I gotta hurry my son to a teeball game. I packed dinner for us so we don't stop at a fast food place. Usually his games are on sat but he has 2 this week after school. It is kinda hard to get there but it is so cute to watch. Thats all I really have going on today.

I will get the results for one of my finals today. I had to read some micro test and identify the microorganism. It is kinda an all or nothing thing. Even though I read 7 test if just one was wrong I fail.

Already got my workout in this morning. Eatting some tuna for lunch. Yesterday my hubby was looking for junk food to snack on. He made the comment that all he could find was popcorn. Which isn't too bad. It felt good to know I did the shopping for my family and made healthy choices. Even my husband is losing weight and he is thrilled that he isn't eatting over cooked, dried out or burnt food. I am being extremly careful not to overcook.

I am feeling like I have restriction. I am eatting just a little bit at each meal but I get really hungry before my next meal. Don't know if I should do a fill at my next check up or not. Don't want to over do it.

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Good morning, just got home from my appt with Dr Snyder (my lapband doc). He said I am doing great still, didn't even say anything about my 5 lb gain, he said he knew I knew what to do and just encouraged me to up my exercise. It's not what it used to be before knee surgery that's for sure. I told him about my move and he wants me to have an upper GI done before I go to be sure all is well with the band so I am having that tomorrow morning. And he ordered labs to be sure I am getting all my Vitamins etc. He gave me a name of a doc he knew in Salt Lake as well but said he hoped I continued to come back there for my post op care. That is my plan, but I thought it might be wise to have a doc there as well just in case I have a complication or something.

Tomorrow DH & I Celebrate 31 yrs of wedding bliss and it really has been bliss. I am so lucky to have him in my life. Though he's ditching me tomorrow. LOL HE has to go to Atlanta for work so we have a date tonight. Not sure what yet.

Janet, I am so proud of you for still working out last night even though your trainer canceled. I'm afraid I'd have looked at that as oh well out of my control, I can't exercise now!

Jewel, you are doing so good, keep up the good work on everything, you have lots to balance and you do it good.

Julie, you too have lots going on, don't over do it, that shoulder doesn't need that, though.

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Drive by gang..

We didn't go to the show - next one wasn't til like 3:30 and Deb came over at 1 - so we went to lunch (Chinese) for some reason I have been craving it lately - did that went by grocery store got some strawberries and juice and now home going to go watch some t.v.

No I didn't pb on shake - it had Peanut Butter and banana in it ;0)..

I'm not a big movie goer - I maybe go 3-4 times a year max.. Heck I did that at Xmas New Year - saw - Avatar - It's Complicated - Blind Side -so I guess my next one for the yr will be Sex in the City 2 starts 5/27 - I love BIG ;0) My kid of man...

I have a hard time sitting still for a long movie and have a tenancy to fall alseep (did in Avatar)

dinner will be leftovers shrimp and snow peas or carniasada

Well off to the couch - Eva you have too much energy for me - I can't believe with all the yard work you do the weight isn't falling off


Janet, I don't have that much energy and if I'd stop eating crap, then maybe the weight would come off. You, my friend, have the determination and stick-to-it-tiveness that I envy and have never been able to find. My "don't put that in your mouth" switch is broken and although the band has helped and I'm very grateful for it...it's still up to me and me don't do so well sometimes. I also only do the yard work when I get a bug up my backside...and it doesn't last for long either.

Ok Ladies, got to share...... DD got offered the job. Yeah I'm moving her to NV. She has to respond to them then the ball gets rolling. Will move her home for about a month then they will move her out. I am going to ride out with her and fly back. I don't think either of our feet have touched the ground tonight.

Laura K

Laura K, congratualtions....where in Nevada? Let me know when, might be able to swing a trip that way while you are up there....maybe a quickie trip. Maybe Great can meet us there too depending on where she is then....maybe even Janet? Do a little southwest gather?

Busy place tonight.

Laura, congrats to DD on the job. Hey when you are driving to or from NV, you gotta go through UT, maybe we could meet up as I could be living there by then!

Jodi, I have been thinking of pricing those pearls.

Apples, I don't do well with things in flux either. The realtor is optimistic we will sell quickly but then again aren't they always when they are getting your listing? But we are priced very good. I am hoping to go with DH for a day next week to SLC to see some homes there, but not sure as he has to do some interviews for some positions he has open and may not have time. I think I've mentioned before if he had it to do all over again, he'd be a farmer or rancher. He never has as big a smile as when we are back in SD every fall. But he's also very happy with the job he has now. He is more of a visionary type person and likes to solve problems and sees thing in the big picture more or less and this position gives him lots of opportunities for that. The deck sounds wonderful. Oh and I wouldn't foot the bill for everyone else's internet either. We'll just have to go through Apples withdrawal for a few days each week.

Wow Lori, if you do make it to Phoenix, once again, let me know. I might be able to swing up there. It's only 2 hours from here.

Julie, you talk about me being busy....your schedule sounds totally overwhelming. I'm so sorry your shoulder is still giving you grief...my sister gets several shots at a time...I can't believe the insurance only approved 1. It's really hard to concentrate of everything when you are in pain and not sleeping.< /p>

Apples, so you are not so pleasant when you don't sleep? I hate it when that happens. The whole world is better after a good sleep. I can even put up with the stuff from work then. You are lucky your DH loves his job...now that I know he & I share the same bd, I understand about his commitment to the land. Can you get a satellite internet connection like Hugesnet?

Joyce, good for you with going back to the gym. My fill doctor swears by the eliptical. I'm going to have to do something by summer...it will be too hot to walk so I think I'll check into a little women's workout center that's close to home. Accountability is important.

Hi Jessica!

I'll have to try and post again later. I took 1/2 day off to do another concrete pour but need to get some other stuff done before I go back to work.



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Hey girls, I'm baaaacccckkk!!!!! I got a wonderful treatment from this gal.... She does something with a little finger sized device and just pulls on the muscles until they let up and stretch... It's a small thing that looks about the size of a pen with a cap on it... But she digs until she gets it... It really hurt on the left side... She says I am a mess...... also told me I need to quit doing housework.... Now how the holy hell am I supposed to do that!!!!! What does that leave me to do.... Sit on the couch and eat bon bons??!!! Not this girl!!! I gotta do something... She told me that DH needs to hire me a housekeeper... He'll have an attack.... I think she really meant I really have to be careful..... I pray she didn't really mean it.....not entirely..... I already gave up taking care of Mimi.... now my house.... I'm not a spick and span housekeeper, but I like order.....and I like keeping my house looking presentable.... that shouldn't be so much if I don't do floors and windows and move furniture, right????!!!! I hate this pain so much I guess I'd better do what they say, but I feel like such a slug....... I guess my pain shows on my face alot as people are always asking me if I'm okay... A guy just came to the door and started to talk and then stopped to ask if I was alright.... I hate that.... Okay.......enough.......

I picked up my new laminate flooring today... Didn't lift a finger, just drove the pick-up..... A did get a few things from Wal-mart and went to Olive Garden for lunch with a friend... Just has some Soup and salad... It was okay.... nothing special..... Get this.........I didn't care for the bread sticks.... so only ate a couple bites.... go figure!!!!!

Well, leftover lasagna for supper, so no cooking. I did just do dishes, but I was careful..... God forbid if I can't do dishes.... No dishwasher and DH just can't do everything!!!

Eva, you and I must be on the same plan with eating... I'm not eating right, but was down a pound this morning... It's the band saving me from myself....because even though I'm eating wrong I'm not eating much so I'm still okay..... I have so much trouble getting protein.. Had pork steak last night and chicken in my soup for lunch..... so that wasn't too bad.... I guess we are all busy in our own ways.... Yours always sounds so strenuous to me.... things I could never do at all.....

Lori, Happy Anniversary tomorrow..... DH and I have our 15th in a few days.... Time flies......... and I'm very lucky to have found mine, too..... The good ones are out there, but you have to look in the right places and a little luck helps... You hear that, Judy!!!!!!

Jessica, I'm sure you did well on your test... You seem to be doing very well in your own place... Good for you.... Keep up the good work....

Karen, you must be running your fool head off today.... and loving every minute of it, I'll bet!!!! You go, girl...

Everyone else..... hope you are having a fun day... Talk to everyone later if I'm not sleeping in my chair.... Hugs and prayers to all......... Julie

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Hi gang!

Jessica........proud of you girl!

Julie...........take it easy!

Laura......congrats on DD job!

Joyce.......pt sux, but you gotta do it.

Lori........Happy Anniversary! tomorrow

Apples......Yay! for good weather! It is 80 and sunny here! We both can enjoy the day

Cheri.......you are and awesome teacher. God Bless You!

Eva......I know where you are coming from. Even though I am on this Protein Shake diet I really want to eat chocolate Cookies. So, I still have a lot of work to do. I am definitely a carb addict. I is a one minute at a time for me.

Janet, tomorrow is weigh in. If I develop your good habits from this plan I am on.... I will be blessed for life.

Sorry if I missed ya, but I only read this page. I hope all of you have a great evening!

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Hey Peeps!

Yes Julie...if I had a butt, I would have run it off today. What a day and it's not over yet. But, I do really enjoy what I do for the farm and the business. Official Gopher.

DS and DH are working in two different fields about 15 miles apart. DH is planting corn and DS is doing field tiling. My day started with getting them to and from their fields and while moving machinery. Ran for some parts for DS, just stepped in the door and DH called for me to run for parts for him. My thought was that new planters should not need parts but who am I to say? Had to travel 70 miles because our John Deere dealership did not have what I needed. Was back from my little trip for 20 minutes and got a call from DH to run back the 70 miles for different parts. Delivered parts to different fields. Had a message when I got home so ran 15 miles back to town to pick up my wedding ring that I knocked the diamond out of last Thurday night. (Got up at 4:45 to go to restroom, tripped over a basket that I had not yet emptied, hit a wall mirror with my hand and spent the next 4 hours searching for the diamond.

I decided I would take a break, eat something and post for a few minutes b/4 I run Water tanks down to DH. I often wonder how I did not go nuts a few years back. Worked more than full time, did kids, sports, volunteered, did my own housework, etc., plus, helped on the farm til dark when we were in the fields. I really, really love the days like this when we are busy but I also really, really love the days I am able to take and veg when I want to. All I have to do is say I am going. Very thankful we do not work 7 days a week anymore. We did for years. Now, when I start feeling guilty about the time I take to myself, I need to be reminded of those first 25 yrs of picking rock while all our neighbors were heading down the road with the camper behind their pickup.

Julie...hope those treatments do not flare up things. Just hand DH the cleaning bucket and the toilet brush and go out for a walk. And, doing dishes is good for a man. Gets the grime off their hands!

Edited by Apples2

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Melissa - WTG - but your calories were about 950 w/the fries & onion rings :0) - shakes for BF & lunch and lite dinner is the way to get back on track - I gotta say I have always eaten liter bf & lunch - My calories come from dinner and nightime Snacks - for me dinner is the most important meal ;0)

I knew the calorie queens would help be with my total LOL

Today has been rough I have been working so hard at work. Alot of demands with alot of VPs of the company coming this week. So today I had a steak salad for lunch and a chick fil-a grilled chicken salad for lunch and almost all my Water in. Not to bad but no shakes today. I am a work in progress with this plan

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