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Hi guys~

Janet, I was rereading the posts from the other day. Why did you have to have an open incision vs lap? Just curious. Was it planned that way or they found out after they got going it was tough?

My sister is staying an extra night in the hospital. She is still having issues peeing after getting out the cath on wed a.m. (it was in 24 hours). She was also running a lowgrade temp 100.4 which they think is lung related b/c she has asthma and is congested. They are doing albuterol nebulizers and really making her do the spirometers. Her CBC was negative for blood infection. She is off the pain pump and switched to oral pain meds. She is allowed 90cc of full liquids an hour and has not been able to get it all in without feeling nauseous. She said she has NO hunger.. but still can't watch food commercials on tv, b/c her head hunger kicks in. She said it feels like you have a bad stomach flu but still crave pizza. I think she will be ok. She will go home Friday and then I will get there Sat night. I think my parents kinda pushed the idea of her staying in. Dad has a bum shoulder (had rotator cuff surgery last summer), and mom had a fall and hurt her knee (on the boat a few weeks ago)... so they are afraid that if she needs help getting up and such, that they won't be able to do it. It is understandable.

DH on call tonight and DS had last day of school with noon pick up today! FUN FUN!!! I still have to clean house and pack!

I am doing so much better since the unfill. Perfect sensation really. Full after 1/2 to 3/4 cup of food. If I eat any more then I feel pain. But none while eating. No slime, no PB. I'd say I am close to that SS!!! : )

Hope everyone is well! Way to go Janet!!! GYM at 5 am! That rocks! Even I can't do that! ; ) I had hair done today (colored and highlights) and skipped the gym. First day in a LONG time.

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Hi guys~

Janet, I was rereading the posts from the other day. Why did you have to have an open incision vs lap? Just curious. Was it planned that way or they found out after they got going it was tough?

My sister is staying an extra night in the hospital. She is still having issues peeing after getting out the cath on wed a.m. (it was in 24 hours). She was also running a lowgrade temp 100.4 which they think is lung related b/c she has asthma and is congested. They are doing albuterol nebulizers and really making her do the spirometers. Her CBC was negative for blood infection. She is off the pain pump and switched to oral pain meds. She is allowed 90cc of full liquids an hour and has not been able to get it all in without feeling nauseous. She said she has NO hunger.. but still can't watch food commercials on tv, b/c her head hunger kicks in. She said it feels like you have a bad stomach flu but still crave pizza. I think she will be ok. She will go home Friday and then I will get there Sat night. I think my parents kinda pushed the idea of her staying in. Dad has a bum shoulder (had rotator cuff surgery last summer), and mom had a fall and hurt her knee (on the boat a few weeks ago)... so they are afraid that if she needs help getting up and such, that they won't be able to do it. It is understandable.

DH on call tonight and DS had last day of school with noon pick up today! FUN FUN!!! I still have to clean house and pack!

I am doing so much better since the unfill. Perfect sensation really. Full after 1/2 to 3/4 cup of food. If I eat any more then I feel pain. But none while eating. No slime, no PB. I'd say I am close to that SS!!! : )

Hope everyone is well! Way to go Janet!!! GYM at 5 am! That rocks! Even I can't do that! ; ) I had hair done today (colored and highlights) and skipped the gym. First day in a LONG time.

1985 was when I had my gall bladder out - they still cut you open then - my lap band was laporsocbic (sp)..

Sounds like you are at your sweet spot !!!!

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Hey all just a quick hello

My computer got some kind of virus on it so it is being worked on. SO this is a quick hello.

I am doing well. unfornately we had some bad news on Memorial day a dear long time friend was killed in an auto accident so my hubby went to Texas to pay his respects. It sucks that such wonderful people are taken all too soon.

Things have slowed down now that he has been back so I can concentrate back on me and my progress.

i have not read the recent posts but I hope everyone and there families are doing well. And those of you that are new welcome to our friend circle :(

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Hi All,

It seems like a nice, peaceful group around here today. We are enjoying some cooler weather in KC the last few days - 70's w/o high humidity feels really good. They are forecasting hotter weather over the weekend, getting summer started up again. I hope everyone is enjoying their summer - I have to tell you I don't miss that first week of summer vacation for the kids! All that pecking order stuff used to drive me nuts. After the first week they seemed to settle down and get into a routine, got along much better. But...that first week. Whew!

I visited my doctor's office yesterday and saw the PA. He's a good guy! He was very encouraging, very helpful, asked good questions and answered mine. He gave me a .5cc fill, said it was just a matter of fine-tuning from here on out. I agree, as I did have some restriction, but was hungry between meals and eating (or tempted to eat) more than I should eat at meals. I don't feel a whole lot different, but I am filling up quickly, and happy with the amount that satisfies me (very small).

Apparently the great minds at Medicare sent out a new ruling that fills would only be paid for once every 3 months. The bariatric surgeons just about had a cow! I got this news last week when I scheduled my appointment. Yesterday the office staff told me they had rescinded that ridiculous idea - apparently just about every surgeon in the country was screaming. Can you imagine starting this process with that kind of rule? I felt almost no restriction with my first fill, and the second was only a little better (4 weeks later). Only after the 3rd fill did I begin to have the kind of restriction that was helpful. Under that rule I would have been 9-12 months into the process by the time I felt restriction. That is just inviting failure.

I hope everyone is looking forward to a good weekend.

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Peas, thanks for the kind words about my weight graph. Friday marks my one year bandiversary. I can not believe it, one year ago I was on the liquid diet right now and very nervous and so sure that I would fail at this too and now one year later I am down 125 lbs!!! Who knew??? I love my band and am so grateful for it, and for everyone here that has been such a great support.

Arlene, you and hubby are going to do so great together.

Apples, your DH sounds like mine. IN fact he came home from work a few hours ago, and is going back in a bit. But he'd much rather be farming, I think it's a regret of his. There's some land in the family in SD and if circumstances ever warranted it, he'd be there in a heartbeat. In the meantime, my backyard is the envy of the neighborhood if I do say so myself. He's out there 'putzing' as he calls it, all the time.

Bubba, I can't do lettuce. It balls up and gets stuck on me just like bread, so it might have been just the lettuce. Kindda keep track of when it happens and what you ate, and you'll know for sure soon.

Well I am having some exercise issues. I had it going so good for awhile. But I went with a few friends daily at 230pm and we did that Power 90 DVD. It's great to have workout partners, WHEN they are motivated too. However, when they peter out, it's tough. I didn't own the Power 90 and one of the other gals that has become very spoaradic did, however, I did get to burn a copy so have my own now. But when they don't go it's so easy not to. I've been doing my Wii Active at home and think DH is going to soon be my new partner, but I gotta stay consistent and am struggling.

Boy, was I ever happy that you posted this! I am feeling the EXACT way now, before my surgery as you were before yours! What if I fail like I have done so many times before? I just have put my mind to it that I am going to follow all of the rules to the "T" and do exactly what the dietitian and dr tell me to do. Especially for the first year. Thank you for this, and happy bandiversay! I hope that a year from now I can look back upon my year and see the same success as you have.

Now, time for my "last straw" story. A lot of people on here seem to have them. A moment frozen in their minds about how someone else made them feel terrible about themselves and their weight especially. Well, an older woman that comes into the salon, but to another hairdresser has been making small talk with me lately. Nothing big, just "hi", "bye", " you look like a real Irish girl", " I think that your name should be Bridgette because you look so Irish" etc. You get the idea. Well, today that was it! She came up to me and said, "You are just so beautiful! BUT....YOU REALLY NEED TO LOSE WEIGHT"!!!!!! Well thanks lady! Like I didn't already know this! I absolutely cannot stand when people tell others about their obvious flaws in their appearance. I just about died! And worse, she did it in front of one of my co-workers! Mortified.

I guess that if I ever questioned myself about getting this surgery, this was my confirmation from God that I have made the right decision! That was my "last straw".


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Good morning everyone!

Meredith~ OMG, I cannot believe some people! I am sure you handled the situation with grace and elegance. I don't know why some people (and I have had young people do it too) think it is ok to be so offensive to someone. Had you not been at work it would have been so nice to say... "and you obviously have a personality disorder which allows you to be so rude. Have you scheduled your lobotomy?" That is great though that you can take away the positive and see it as an affirmation that you are doing the right thing by getting banded! way to go.

Joann~ It sounds like you and I are near the same sweet spot. It's such a nice feeling. I feel more confident in eating now. Getting back to the reimbursement issue with Medicare. Holy cannoli! I get so tired of the health care system having to change the correct way of practicing medicine because of what the insurance company says! My DH has been on the same cholesterol medicine for 5 years and suddenly his insurance decided they won't cover it. (after trying 5 others that either didn't work or he had side effects) It took 10 phone calls and 5 letters to get it approved. But it shouldn't be this way! And I doubt the average jane or joe would know the hoops to jump through to get something like that done!

1 day~ Sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. So sad. {{hug}} And hope the computer problems are fixed! Hello back at ya.

Rainy day here in southern Florida. DH is post call and sleeping (worked all night). DS is out of school for the summer but woke up at 6:30am per usual! I want to go to the gym but he wants to stay home and play. I feel bad b/c it is the first day of summer vacation... but I also want to get a good workout in before we go to NC tomorrow, as we'll be in the car all day! If it was any normal day I'd say, get in the car.. we are going to the gym NOW! (they have a playroom/babysitting there). But I am trying to be a little more kind/diplomatic today and might resort to some sort of bribe to the dollar store for a toy..LOL! I am usually in a rush as I have an appointment with my trainer, but she went to Puerto Rico for the week. Funny as we both had our vacation planned at the same time months before we ever met!

ok.. this morning finally back down to 257! : ) I had been riding at that 259 point all week and REFUSED to adjust my ticker. At least I can leave on vacation back at ground zero. I am a little anxious, as this is my first time away from my "safe house" where food is safe and I have everything I need. (food scale, measuring cups, healthy food) I hear all of you experienced bansters going on cruises and doing fine. I just don't feel I have that much of a grasp on finding good choices out in the real world! The good news is the first 3 days of the trip will be in NC at my moms. And for the day in the car I will bring along stuff in my cooler as the boys eat fastfood. It's next week I am worried about... during the day in Charleston with my son. I guess it's always good to keep a Muscle Milk Light or Protein Bar in your bag for emergencies? I know I will do it, just stressing me out a bit. : ) Any suggestions for vacation eating will be much appreciated.

ok friends, TGIF!

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Morning all, I slept in today because I could... No baby and my leg is finally not hurting so bad so after DH left for work I crawled into bed and fell asleep for over two hours.. I must have needed that sleep as I usually can't sleep past 7:00...... Anyway, it felt good... I'm planning a trip to the garage after this note to soak in my hot-tub for a little while... then I must tackle at least one item on my "Spring cleaning list"!! It's my last day home alone for awhile... Gotta be productive and also want to do my walking tape... Skipped Water aerobics because of this leg... Could barely get out the last time, so will wait a bit to start that again...

1 Day, sorry about the loss of your friend.. It just sucks the air out of a person to hear news like that...

Merideth... aren't people just crazy sometimes.. Like you said... you just didn't know until she told you that you needed to lose weight!!! Dud!!! I used to own a restaurant years ago...a little cafe in our small town.. I would travel to Bismarck, 40 miles away, to get supplies that I didn't get off the big truck... One day in the grocery store, I had a cart all laden down with baking supplies and such for a big catering job I had to do... Some lady had to tell me that it was no wonder I was fat!!! I informed her that I was buying supplies for my cafe and then said that, yes, I was overweight.. and I knew it, but she was rude and had no manners and I wouldn't change places with her for anything... Shut her up pretty fast!!!! The words spoken to me never bothered me as much as the stares and the words said to others like I was deaf and couldn't hear what they were saying... I'm finally done with that... I'm down far enough that Idon't seem so atrocious to people anymore......just another big person... after being over 400 at one point, 294 is a big relief..... Just keep the faith girl.. you know who and what you are and you don't owe anyone any explanations or apologies.....

Laura, don't worry about being away from home too much.. You'll be fine... Mainly because you're going to see your sister and you'll want to show her how well you are doing and that you are making good choices.. She'll be very proud of you and you will be a great role model... Have fun!!

Well, off to get wet and soak up some heat... Supposed to only be in the 50's here for the next few days... Brrrrrrr.............. I much prefer 70's...... See ya... Julie

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Hey all just a quick hello

My computer got some kind of virus on it so it is being worked on. SO this is a quick hello.

I am doing well. unfornately we had some bad news on Memorial day a dear long time friend was killed in an auto accident so my hubby went to Texas to pay his respects. It sucks that such wonderful people are taken all too soon.

Things have slowed down now that he has been back so I can concentrate back on me and my progress.

i have not read the recent posts but I hope everyone and there families are doing well. And those of you that are new welcome to our friend circle :biggrin:

1Day - Hugs on the loss of your friend...

Hi All,

It seems like a nice, peaceful group around here today. We are enjoying some cooler weather in KC the last few days - 70's w/o high humidity feels really good. They are forecasting hotter weather over the weekend, getting summer started up again. I hope everyone is enjoying their summer - I have to tell you I don't miss that first week of summer vacation for the kids! All that pecking order stuff used to drive me nuts. After the first week they seemed to settle down and get into a routine, got along much better. But...that first week. Whew!

I visited my doctor's office yesterday and saw the PA. He's a good guy! He was very encouraging, very helpful, asked good questions and answered mine. He gave me a .5cc fill, said it was just a matter of fine-tuning from here on out. I agree, as I did have some restriction, but was hungry between meals and eating (or tempted to eat) more than I should eat at meals. I don't feel a whole lot different, but I am filling up quickly, and happy with the amount that satisfies me (very small).

Apparently the great minds at Medicare sent out a new ruling that fills would only be paid for once every 3 months. The bariatric surgeons just about had a cow! I got this news last week when I scheduled my appointment. Yesterday the office staff told me they had rescinded that ridiculous idea - apparently just about every surgeon in the country was screaming. Can you imagine starting this process with that kind of rule? I felt almost no restriction with my first fill, and the second was only a little better (4 weeks later). Only after the 3rd fill did I begin to have the kind of restriction that was helpful. Under that rule I would have been 9-12 months into the process by the time I felt restriction. That is just inviting failure.

I hope everyone is looking forward to a good weekend.

Joann - Sounds like you are doing great and that this tweek may have you at your sweet spot (fingers crossed)

I do what you all to know that it is normal to feel hungry between meal. I usually get hungry within 3-4 hrs after a hard Protein meal - Now if my meal has been more of a slider/softer food - then I can be hungry within and hour of eating..

Also - being busy really really is key for me if I am doing something - I don't think about food - but if I am watching tv - bored - I want to eat ...

Boy, was I ever happy that you posted this! I am feeling the EXACT way now, before my surgery as you were before yours! What if I fail like I have done so many times before? I just have put my mind to it that I am going to follow all of the rules to the "T" and do exactly what the dietitian and dr tell me to do. Especially for the first year. Thank you for this, and happy bandiversay! I hope that a year from now I can look back upon my year and see the same success as you have.

Now, time for my "last straw" story. A lot of people on here seem to have them. A moment frozen in their minds about how someone else made them feel terrible about themselves and their weight especially. Well, an older woman that comes into the salon, but to another hairdresser has been making small talk with me lately. Nothing big, just "hi", "bye", " you look like a real Irish girl", " I think that your name should be Bridgette because you look so Irish" etc. You get the idea. Well, today that was it! She came up to me and said, "You are just so beautiful! BUT....YOU REALLY NEED TO LOSE WEIGHT"!!!!!! Well thanks lady! Like I didn't already know this! I absolutely cannot stand when people tell others about their obvious flaws in their appearance. I just about died! And worse, she did it in front of one of my co-workers! Mortified.

I guess that if I ever questioned myself about getting this surgery, this was my confirmation from God that I have made the right decision! That was my "last straw".


Meredith - I don't know why someone would say such a thing to someone else... I understanding thinking it - but actually saying it - Hugs - My Mom use to say when I was a little girl "can you beleive she weighed 3 lbs at birth - she sure has made up for it and the You are so pretty - too bad you are over weight)

Good morning everyone!

Meredith~ OMG, I cannot believe some people! I am sure you handled the situation with grace and elegance. I don't know why some people (and I have had young people do it too) think it is ok to be so offensive to someone. Had you not been at work it would have been so nice to say... "and you obviously have a personality disorder which allows you to be so rude. Have you scheduled your lobotomy?" That is great though that you can take away the positive and see it as an affirmation that you are doing the right thing by getting banded! way to go.

Joann~ It sounds like you and I are near the same sweet spot. It's such a nice feeling. I feel more confident in eating now. Getting back to the reimbursement issue with Medicare. Holy cannoli! I get so tired of the health care system having to change the correct way of practicing medicine because of what the insurance company says! My DH has been on the same cholesterol medicine for 5 years and suddenly his insurance decided they won't cover it. (after trying 5 others that either didn't work or he had side effects) It took 10 phone calls and 5 letters to get it approved. But it shouldn't be this way! And I doubt the average jane or joe would know the hoops to jump through to get something like that done!

1 day~ Sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. So sad. {{hug}} And hope the computer problems are fixed! Hello back at ya.

Rainy day here in southern Florida. DH is post call and sleeping (worked all night). DS is out of school for the summer but woke up at 6:30am per usual! I want to go to the gym but he wants to stay home and play. I feel bad b/c it is the first day of summer vacation... but I also want to get a good workout in before we go to NC tomorrow, as we'll be in the car all day! If it was any normal day I'd say, get in the car.. we are going to the gym NOW! (they have a playroom/babysitting there). But I am trying to be a little more kind/diplomatic today and might resort to some sort of bribe to the dollar store for a toy..LOL! I am usually in a rush as I have an appointment with my trainer, but she went to Puerto Rico for the week. Funny as we both had our vacation planned at the same time months before we ever met!

ok.. this morning finally back down to 257! : ) I had been riding at that 259 point all week and REFUSED to adjust my ticker. At least I can leave on vacation back at ground zero. I am a little anxious, as this is my first time away from my "safe house" where food is safe and I have everything I need. (food scale, measuring cups, healthy food) I hear all of you experienced bansters going on cruises and doing fine. I just don't feel I have that much of a grasp on finding good choices out in the real world! The good news is the first 3 days of the trip will be in NC at my moms. And for the day in the car I will bring along stuff in my cooler as the boys eat fastfood. It's next week I am worried about... during the day in Charleston with my son. I guess it's always good to keep a Muscle Milk Light or Protein Bar in your bag for emergencies? I know I will do it, just stressing me out a bit. : ) Any suggestions for vacation eating will be much appreciated.

ok friends, TGIF!

Laura - I didn't travel til 6/08 almost 1 yr out - and that was to a band conference - so I get you on your leaving your safety net - but you eat out sometime if I remember correctly - the only thing is FF restrauants aren't a banders friend.. You can get a hamburger and just eat the patty (I have done that) or a chick sandwich and just eat the chick - cup of refried Beans - hold the cheese - egg burritto just eat the guts and now a days most ff rest have salads - make up little snack bags of nuts - Jerky - I know Apples will have some great traveling snack ideas for you..

Well last night I got a Wii - my age was 49 - not bad for a 54 yr old - by I am very uncorrdinated - they call it balance - it's not so much that my balance is bad - it that you can't tell me to move my feet one way then my arms another - my brain gets confussed easily so this will be a good extra workout for the body and the brain,...

Well gotta get to work - TGIF - CBL :biggrin:

Edited by IndioGirl55

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Last year at this exact time, i was waking up in the recovery room from receiving my band. Hard to believe. Never in a million years did I think I'd be sitting here saying I was down 125 lbs! I am just thrilled, I can't imagine how I will feel when I can type that I am at goal! I think i am going to make DH take me out to dinner tonight to Celebrate my second 'birthday'. Also, I bought myself a present today, a new computer!! This one has been so slow and frustrating. I am going from 512mb memory to 4gb and from 200gb hard drive to 800gb so it better be faster. They had such a good deal on a package at Bestbuy that I got the all in one printer and a HD widescreen monitor too. So now I need to figure out what to save to transfer to the new one. My son is going to help set it up.

Meredith, you will do just fine, you have the right mental attitude going into this. I did follow the 'rules' pretty exact and have done great. As long as you understand this is a tool and not the miracle cure you will do great. A tool only works as good as you use it.

Laura, you will do great travelling. I have found when travelling something to eat just about anywhere (well maybe not Barcelona, I got Burger King there as it was the best option). Even in fastfood, I do burgers w/o Buns or chicken nuggets, granted the nuggets are breaded but it hasn't hurt me too much as it's not a daily thing. I find it hardest to get veggies when travelling for some reason.

Joann & Laura, I hear you on insurance companies. Today I went for my mammogram and a bone density test. I get checked in and go the the radiology dept and they said I was early. I'm like, huh?, my appt was 9am and it's about 9:03. Well seems last year I got my mammo in July due to a scheduling conflict, normally I do June. So because of my insurance I had to reschedule, they won't pay unless it's a year and a day since the last one. GRRRRR I did get the bone density done but now have to go back.

Well I better get off the internet and get busy backing up the stuff I want to keep.

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I remembered earlier - but never got back on to send you my Congrats.

You have been my Longest poster here and you have done FANTASTIC...

You have so much to be proud of - You have done the work and you have reapped the benefits..

Love that you got a new computer - now we need pic's one from last year and one from today !!!!

Well, I see it's been quite today - I'm going to go do some Wii Fit and EA - CBL

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Meredith - a big hug for you. That woman was terrible to say such a thing to you. I have to tell you - you are a beautiful girl right now. You do not have to change a thing. You are also smart, articulate, kind, friendly, sassy (I'm guessing here, cause you LOOK sassy!), and gorgeous. Your confidence level is going to soar with every pound you lose. You are going to do just great! But you are beautiful now.

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Lori - happy band anniversary! Just one year and look what you have accomplished! You have been so inspiring for me. I am so excited for you and so proud you are my cyber friend! I hope you are having a great evening with DH - he must be pretty excited, too...

Great job!

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Thanks guys for all the advise and words of encouragement. I am sure I will be ok. Just want to be good. : ) I am bringing my exercise gear and plan on walking at least every day. Mom and Dad have some free weights and an indoor pool and can do some Water aerobics. Yeah, my sis is excited to have me come up. I have tons of samples from my dr's office. Mainly stuff that is geared toward roux en y patients. puddings /shakes that you can mix with as little as 2 oz of water. Protein Drinks (ice tea, lemonade, etc.) we will only be home for 2-3 days and then off to the beach... and then to Charleston for the last weekend.

I will have my computer, so will touch in from time to time.

Have a good weekend everyone!


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Thanks everyone. Would you believe in the busyness of the day I forgot to take a photo? I take one the 5th of every month. I will pretend it's the 5th tomorrow. I will post the before and current as soon as I find my before, hopefully I backed it up on a disk before I set up the new computer.

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Thank you to everyone for all of your kind words of support. I just was so shocked at my experience that I had to vent and share it with people that I knew would understand how it feels. I sometime feel bad for my boyfriend too. I know that he loves me no matter what I look like, but I also know that people are looking at us together and wondering "why is that thin good looking guy with a fat chick?" and probably "he could do so much better". He doesn't seem to think that any of this is true, but I know better. People can be cruel.

Long- Congrats again! Can't wait for those pics!

Laura- I know that you will be just fine on your trip. Don't worry, just have a wonderful time enjoying your family!

JoAnne- You hit the nail right on the head!!! Sassy! Hehe. I just like to have a good time and have a good laugh.

Phyl- I am just repulsed by some people sometimes. These are times when I firmly believe in Karma!

1Day- I am so sorry for your loss. That is the worst feeling in the world. I will pray for your friend.

Well all, I am just gearing up for the weekend. I have to work in the morning and then I am going to clean and prepare for the hectic week ahead of me next week.

Take care, Meredith

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      Welcome to Frugal Testing, where we are committed to revolutionizing the software testing landscape with our efficient and affordable solutions. As a pioneering company in this field, we understand the challenges faced by startups, small to medium-sized businesses and any organization working without budget constraints. Our mission is to deliver top-notch testing services that ensure the highest quality of software, all while keeping your costs in check.
      Frugal Testing offers a comprehensive suite of testing services tailored to meet diverse needs. Specializing in different types of testing including functional testing, automation testing, metaverse testing and D365 testing, we cover all bases to guarantee thorough software quality assurance. Our approach is not just about identifying bugs; it's about ensuring a seamless and superior user experience.
      Innovation is at the heart of what we do. By integrating the latest tools and technologies, many of which are cutting-edge open source solutions, we stay ahead in delivering efficient and effective testing services. This approach allows us to provide exceptional quality testing without the high costs typically associated with advanced testing methodologies.
      Understanding each client's unique needs is fundamental to our service delivery. At Frugal Testing, the focus is on creating customized testing strategies that align with specific business goals and budget requirements. This client-centric approach ensures that every testing solution is not only effective but also fully aligned with the client's objectives.
      Our team is our greatest asset. Composed of skilled professionals who are experts in the latest testing techniques and technologies, they bring dedication, expertise and a commitment to excellence in every project. This expertise ensures that our client’s software not only meets but often exceeds the highest standards of quality and performance.
      Frugal Testing is more than just a service provider; we are a partner in your success. With a blend of quality, innovation and cost-effectiveness, we are here to help you navigate the complexities of software testing, ensuring your product stands out in today's competitive market. 
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