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Good morning. The scale finally moved for the first time in almost amonth. I lost a pound on the cruise but it kept coming and going, it finally left and took another one with it. I am at 125 lbs down now!! WOO HOO!! I'm at 180.2, my surgeons first goal for me is 'anything below 180', I wanted it to say 179 point something so bad, but after about 7 or 8 steps on the scale it just wouldn't budge and there was nothing else I could take off. BUMMER! My one year surgery date is on Friday, I want to hit the 179 mark by then so hopefully. My normal BMI goal is 169 so 11 more lbs!!

Had a stressful day yesterday, my son, age 26, called with horrific stomach pain. We went by his apartment to check on him and he was waiting for us in the parking lot and said he had to go to the dr. and couldn't drive the pain was so bad. So off we went, long story short, he is down one appendix today. He had surgery late yesterday afternoon and came home to our house to recover an hour or two after that. It was done laproscopically and it hadn't ruptured so no infection in his abdomen so he could come home, he was relieved. He's much better this morning. I get to feel needed as mom, LOL

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Long, how scary that was!! It's so good they were able to take care of the problem before it burst. I was 12 when my appendix was removed - and it did burst. My folks told me much later how sick I was. This was in the mid-50's and the antibiotics were not what they are now - I guess they were pretty worried. I'm glad I was oblivious!

I posted on the 50's thread about my weight loss yo-yo over the last month or so. It seems to have been pushed aside for now - lost 3 pounds over the weekend. I hope I can finally be a little more consistent in losses now, but the yo-yo pattern has been my pattern for a long time and that probably has not changed. I have been tracking food and Water intake (900-1100 cal/day), exercising as I have been able - following the rules... I know if I just keep on keepin' on I will finally lose, then start the cycle again. I'm going in for a fill on Wednesday and hope a tweak will help. My restriction has been inconsistent lately.

Enjoy playing "mommy" again. You have such a great, supportive son - I hope he heals quickly and begins to drive you up the wall by the end of the week. When they are driving us up the wall we know they are feeling better...

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Good morning. The scale finally moved for the first time in almost amonth. I lost a pound on the cruise but it kept coming and going, it finally left and took another one with it. I am at 125 lbs down now!! WOO HOO!! I'm at 180.2, my surgeons first goal for me is 'anything below 180', I wanted it to say 179 point something so bad, but after about 7 or 8 steps on the scale it just wouldn't budge and there was nothing else I could take off. BUMMER! My one year surgery date is on Friday, I want to hit the 179 mark by then so hopefully. My normal BMI goal is 169 so 11 more lbs!!

Had a stressful day yesterday, my son, age 26, called with horrific stomach pain. We went by his apartment to check on him and he was waiting for us in the parking lot and said he had to go to the dr. and couldn't drive the pain was so bad. So off we went, long story short, he is down one appendix today. He had surgery late yesterday afternoon and came home to our house to recover an hour or two after that. It was done laproscopically and it hadn't ruptured so no infection in his abdomen so he could come home, he was relieved. He's much better this morning. I get to feel needed as mom, LOL

Long - CONGRATS 125 LBS GONE !!!! WTG :party:

Cut the carbs to every other day and you will get the 126 by your 1 yr anniversary !!!! Even if you don't - You have done EXCELLENT !!!!

Glad to hear DS is ok ... Prayers & Hugs Janet

Long, how scary that was!! It's so good they were able to take care of the problem before it burst. I was 12 when my appendix was removed - and it did burst. My folks told me much later how sick I was. This was in the mid-50's and the antibiotics were not what they are now - I guess they were pretty worried. I'm glad I was oblivious!

I posted on the 50's thread about my weight loss yo-yo over the last month or so. It seems to have been pushed aside for now - lost 3 pounds over the weekend. I hope I can finally be a little more consistent in losses now, but the yo-yo pattern has been my pattern for a long time and that probably has not changed. I have been tracking food and Water intake (900-1100 cal/day), exercising as I have been able - following the rules... I know if I just keep on keepin' on I will finally lose, then start the cycle again. I'm going in for a fill on Wednesday and hope a tweak will help. My restriction has been inconsistent lately.

Enjoy playing "mommy" again. You have such a great, supportive son - I hope he heals quickly and begins to drive you up the wall by the end of the week. When they are driving us up the wall we know they are feeling better...


Phyl is one that won't lose for a few weeks then have a 3 or 4 lbs loss - some pple are that way - you are losing and that's what is important - you are following the rules - you may benefit from increasing your cals to 1200 one day a week. Let us know how the fill goes

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Joann, congrats on your loss too!!!

I seem to lose like PHyl, nothing for 3 or so weeks and then a good loss. However, this time it was closer to 5 weeks, but as long as it goes down eventually. I just get impatient and now that I am so close to goal I panic that I stopped losing and that this is going to be it. I may get a small fill on Wed. as well. Am waiting to talk to the fill nurse about it.

Thanks for the good wishes on my son. He wanted Chik Fil A today so we went and it wore him out. He's napping on the sofa and I just may go nap myself! LOL Got my workout in today so I'm entitled. LOL

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Long~ CONGRATS on the 125! That is so awesome!!! I was laughing when you said you had nothing else to take off..LOL. I think we have all done the same thing. Stand forwards... backwards, on one foot, then the other... Ready to shave all the body hair off of you and get back on..LOL. I needed that laugh.. thanks : )

Re: your son! WOW. That is so awesome that he KNEW his body and his pain tolerance. Men are particularly stubborn and are usually ruptured by the time we get them to the OR. They had one yesterday that had ruptured 3 days prior... and until he was septic didn't come in! So glad he is doing well!!!

Good luck with the last clingy pound. (take a good laxative the night before the anniversary...LOL.)

Thinking of you all. Scheduled for a "fill" or "unfill" tomorrow. Either way, I am going in to talk to my dr and the nurse. I am getting things mildly stuck... pain behind breast bone when I am eating hard Protein. I think it is making me stop with the Protein and eat other stuff. As much as I hate to, I think I need a slight unfill. They also want to hook me to some new machine that you breathe into for 10 min. yada yada. Measures your CO2 I guess and tell me how many calories I need? Not sure I think that is necessary. Calories in needs to be less than calories OUT! Simple. I am just TIRED of my clingy pounds. Today when they weighed me, I had only lost one pound since fill. It's just frustrating when you are doing EVERYTHING you are supposed to and it doesn't come off. As my DH cuts one meal (replaces it with a 220 cal protein bar) and drops 40 lbs in a BLINK of an eye! No exercising to speak of. (he walked twice with me in two months.. doesn't count).



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Hello everyone. I was so busy this weekend I didn't even get a chance to check in and read the posts at all. I just did now and it sounds like a few are having some troubles with various aspects in their lives. It is true about a window opening! Just when I think it cannot get any worse, suddenly something happens to make it all better. I hope that goes the same for you mrose.

Laura~ Keep us updated on the fill/unfill business! The scale is going down though!

Janet~ Thank you so much for reposting the break up letter. This is just what I needed to read before my surgery! 25 days!

I am getting nervous now. Not so nervous about what life will be like after the band because I have learned so much from all of you. But rather the surgery itself. What if something goes wrong? I just have to think positively and try not to be nervous.

Ok, have to do some homework. CBL.

It's beautiful here, I might do homework outside!


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Long congratulations on that 125 milestone! That is so inspiring to me, thanks for being here to share such great news with all of us. That's the one thing that my weight loss support group does not seem to have -- anyone coming to the meetings that has been a long-term band patient -- they seem to come the first month or two after surgery and then disappear. That's why I've made a committment to continue to go each month even though it is an hour and a half drive for me. So I really really appreciate all of you experienced bandsters who take the time to come here and keep us inspired. Your son is smart (must take after his mom) and called you right away to take him to the hospital before his appendix ruptured. JoAnn you're right, we just all need to keep on keepin' on -- that's a good way to think about it. Laura, good luck tomorrow with your appointment. I go Wednes. for a fill but I'm going to ask doctor to be very conservative -- maybe just 1cc or even a half a cc. I just never want to get too tight -- but I do want to feel a little restriction. And, Laura, I do know what you mean about your DH. Mine isn't even trying to lose any weight -- he eats candy bars and pizza, fat burgers and fries, biscuits and gravy, etc. etc. - and still he's lost about 10 lbs. since my surgery. He "rides" the lawn mower, but other than general yard work once a week or so, he gets no real exercise. Oh well, I guess we should be happy for them that they don't have to struggle as much as we do. Take care everyone and have a great week! Linda

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Long.....congrats on the weightloss milestone. Happy to hear your DS is doing better. Lucky it was caught in time. I remember driving myself to the hospital in 1994 when I bent under my desk and the pain hit. One good thing...those things are gone for good!

Meredith....I can hear the excitement in your posts. That little bit of fear just comes with every surgery. Try to think positively and imagine what you and your band can do together and the life you will have a year from now.

JoAnne....those lbs will come off. I am like Janet and also believe in upping the cals every once in awhile to fool the system.

Well, back to work. Knee deep in a little bit of everything today. If I wasn't knee deep, DH would get a swift kick in the butt. Enough said...he's being a real pill today...so unlike him. Everyone have a great day.

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Laura, I was so surprised my son was willing to go to the dr. so quick. He had prided himself on not having been to one in over 7 yrs (since sports physicals). But guess when in that much pain, nothing else matters. He used to suffer ingrown toe nails something awful and has had to have his big toe nail ripped off a few times, he said he'd do that in a heartbeat vs having this pain yesterday. As soon as he said right side, I thought we better get it checked out. The nurse kept peeking in and asking him if he was still in pain,then she said good. He looked as if he wanted to punch her one, she said no that's a good thing, when the pain goes away, we worry it has ruptured and he didn't want that. Of course, being a Sunday we had to wait for the surgeon and anthestesiologist to get there as they were on call. Heard one say he was at the pool with his kids, was sad to hear that but also worried about the wait. Sundays are a good day to have surgery, he had the whole PACU to himself and 2 nurses at his disposal.

Meredith, I think everyone gets nervous before their surgery. After all it is basically an elective procedure and we sometimes have lots of time to think about it before our dates. Unlike my son's surgery yesterday, he had no time to worry about all the 'what if's'. He was just in so much pain they could've done anything to him, he didn't care. Unlike us, other than hating the fat, we are generally healthy (well as healthy as one can be 100 lbs over weight). I about convinced myself 2 days before surgery to cancel the whole thing and go to Weight Watches one more time. Am I ever glad I didn't now one year later. My one year mark is on Friday. It has been the best thing I have ever done for myself and you will do fine too. One thing that gave me peace, is all those dang presurgical hoops and screenings I had to go through. I knew I had been checked out so thoroughly and was considered safe for surgery, they do all that testing for a reason.

Linda, I too keep going to my support group meeting, in fact may start leading it sometimes. It keeps me focused and accountable too. But I have noticed many of the faces that were there a year ago when I started have moved on and it's lots of new folks. But I love seeing their excitement and they inspire me to get that 'newbie' motivation back too.

Apples, back from the lake?? Miss you around here.

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Aww....nice to be missed, Long! Came home from lake this morning. Not sure if I will go back up on Wed or Thurs. Have a lot to do here at home this week and volunteer job all day tomorrow.

NSV!!!!!!!! You know those tracks on patio doors????? I am cleaning those today and don't need help to get up from the floor. I can sit crossed-legged on the floor now and get up without using my arms. Pretty good for an old lady!!!!!!!!!

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Well I am finally in onederland I am 197lbs and I have not been that weight in over 25 years. Its a nice feeling. I have to admit that I have been eating some comfort foods (like) Cookies and I have to stop it. I will get it together and start making better choices.

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Ok, Apples...... I'm envious..... It's still a major undertaking to get up off the floor, but I can, at least..

I was in for my re-fill today.... I was nervouse about how it would go, but it went well.... I had 8.6 in my 14 cc band before unfill... She said she likes to do about half... After pulling out whatever residual was in it, I ended up with 5.2...... I'll take that!!! On liquids for 24 hours and I didn't eat anything before I went, so I feel like I'm starving tonight.. I had Soup for lunch and supper.... Mostly head hunger I think... But I got a very good report from the doc.. I was down 8 pounds from when I had been in for my last fill and they were very happy... even after saying I had gained 5 pounds back from the low I was at when I was sick those days after the hospital stay... She said that was to be expected and getting my strength back was way more important... Made me feel better and not so guilty about having eaten the wrong things too much lately... Now I'm hoping to get back to losing.. I'm a little over 9 months out and would dearly love to be at least down 100 by my bandiversary... Shouldn't be a problem... Maybe I can make 110.. If I ever get strong enough to really exercise again it will go faster...

Congrats to all who have lost... It's such a good feeling.. Long, glad your son is okay... Sick kids are a worry no matter how old they are!! Linda, my husband is one of those who eats like there's no end and weighs in at a whopping 168..... He had a big t-bone steak, baked potate, and Tomato slices for supper... He hadn't even swallowed the last bite before he was grabbing for the peanuts by his chair.... He'll have pie or Cookies before bed, too.... If I ate like him I'd have been twice the size I was.... But, yes, I'm glad he doesn't have to struggle... I don't wish that on anyone.. He struggles with cigarettes... Has quit so many times.. Something always gets him going again.. this time it was my call from the ER saying I was going to surgery.. He got so nervous he had to smoke and now he's sneaking them again... Wish he wouldn't sneak, but he's mad at himself..... Poor guy!!

Laura, I don't understand what they are going to do to you.... Is it just to find out what amount of calories you should be eating??? what's that about..?? sounds odd to me....but what do I know!!!!

Well, time for bed.... I just got out of a nice bubble bath and feel relaxed and a bit sleepy... talk to you all later... Hope all are well.... Julie

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Long~ CONGRATS on the 125! That is so awesome!!! I was laughing when you said you had nothing else to take off..LOL. I think we have all done the same thing. Stand forwards... backwards, on one foot, then the other... Ready to shave all the body hair off of you and get back on..LOL. I needed that laugh.. thanks : )

Re: your son! WOW. That is so awesome that he KNEW his body and his pain tolerance. Men are particularly stubborn and are usually ruptured by the time we get them to the OR. They had one yesterday that had ruptured 3 days prior... and until he was septic didn't come in! So glad he is doing well!!!

Good luck with the last clingy pound. (take a good laxative the night before the anniversary...LOL.)

Thinking of you all. Scheduled for a "fill" or "unfill" tomorrow. Either way, I am going in to talk to my dr and the nurse. I am getting things mildly stuck... pain behind breast bone when I am eating hard Protein. I think it is making me stop with the Protein and eat other stuff. As much as I hate to, I think I need a slight unfill. They also want to hook me to some new machine that you breathe into for 10 min. yada yada. Measures your CO2 I guess and tell me how many calories I need? Not sure I think that is necessary. Calories in needs to be less than calories OUT! Simple. I am just TIRED of my clingy pounds. Today when they weighed me, I had only lost one pound since fill. It's just frustrating when you are doing EVERYTHING you are supposed to and it doesn't come off. As my DH cuts one meal (replaces it with a 220 cal protein bar) and drops 40 lbs in a BLINK of an eye! No exercising to speak of. (he walked twice with me in two months.. doesn't count).



Laura that machine is suppose to tell you about your metabolism... Do you log your food - I'm sorry I forget who does and doesn't - heck I'm old :0).. Again you may not be getting enough calories and your body holds on the the fat. I know that;s hard to wrap your mind around but it's true - eat more (healthy foods) and weigh less..

Men what can I say - it's their muscles that do it - they have more than us - that's why weight training is good the more muscles we have the more calories we burn by just breathing.. This is why I keep up with my weight training

I leg pressed 290 tonite - pretty damn good for an old chick don't you think... In fact an older lady next to us asked how much I was pressing trainer told her about 300 but the weights where 270 and the bar is about 20 - She was impressed. Then we did these streaches I call them I was holding a 40 lb bar bell (the long ones) and was to let it touch the floor (like touching your toes)- well I am quite limber (they joked about that) so it was easy - so he had me stand on a box and lower to below my toes then straighten up again -after 15 it was a work out - I am going to be sore come Wed/Thrus day...

Hello everyone. I was so busy this weekend I didn't even get a chance to check in and read the posts at all. I just did now and it sounds like a few are having some troubles with various aspects in their lives. It is true about a window opening! Just when I think it cannot get any worse, suddenly something happens to make it all better. I hope that goes the same for you mrose.

Laura~ Keep us updated on the fill/unfill business! The scale is going down though!

Janet~ Thank you so much for reposting the break up letter. This is just what I needed to read before my surgery! 25 days!

I am getting nervous now. Not so nervous about what life will be like after the band because I have learned so much from all of you. But rather the surgery itself. What if something goes wrong? I just have to think positively and try not to be nervous.

Ok, have to do some homework. CBL.

It's beautiful here, I might do homework outside!


Meredith - you are normal - and those 25 days are going to fly by - When do you start your pre op diet

Long congratulations on that 125 milestone! That is so inspiring to me, thanks for being here to share such great news with all of us. That's the one thing that my weight loss support group does not seem to have -- anyone coming to the meetings that has been a long-term band patient -- they seem to come the first month or two after surgery and then disappear. That's why I've made a committment to continue to go each month even though it is an hour and a half drive for me. So I really really appreciate all of you experienced bandsters who take the time to come here and keep us inspired. Your son is smart (must take after his mom) and called you right away to take him to the hospital before his appendix ruptured. JoAnn you're right, we just all need to keep on keepin' on -- that's a good way to think about it. Laura, good luck tomorrow with your appointment. I go Wednes. for a fill but I'm going to ask doctor to be very conservative -- maybe just 1cc or even a half a cc. I just never want to get too tight -- but I do want to feel a little restriction. And, Laura, I do know what you mean about your DH. Mine isn't even trying to lose any weight -- he eats candy bars and pizza, fat burgers and fries, biscuits and gravy, etc. etc. - and still he's lost about 10 lbs. since my surgery. He "rides" the lawn mower, but other than general yard work once a week or so, he gets no real exercise. Oh well, I guess we should be happy for them that they don't have to struggle as much as we do. Take care everyone and have a great week! Linda

Linda - you are dedicated I won't drive 30 minutes to mine - I get home to late and it interfears with my exercise... For me LBT has been my support - I should go but I'm lazy :0) they don't start till 6 - and not over til 8 ish and really didn't find it that helpful - and I gotta say I am a better mentor on line you can't see my face - cuz when I read that some one ate a slice of pizza 2 days out - I can type nice things to say - but my face and body language would be saying "STUPID"

Well as you all know I am pretty blunt - but do try to take into consideration that typing a response is diff than talking so I do my best to try and no offend pple.

Long.....congrats on the weightloss milestone. Happy to hear your DS is doing better. Lucky it was caught in time. I remember driving myself to the hospital in 1994 when I bent under my desk and the pain hit. One good thing...those things are gone for good!

Meredith....I can hear the excitement in your posts. That little bit of fear just comes with every surgery. Try to think positively and imagine what you and your band can do together and the life you will have a year from now.

JoAnne....those lbs will come off. I am like Janet and also believe in upping the cals every once in awhile to fool the system.

Well, back to work. Knee deep in a little bit of everything today. If I wasn't knee deep, DH would get a swift kick in the butt. Enough said...he's being a real pill today...so unlike him. Everyone have a great day.

Apples - glad to have you back are you going to get interent at the lake.. We do miss you.. and yes Men can be real pills sometime - but sounds like yours is a keeper so this too shall pass

Laura, I was so surprised my son was willing to go to the dr. so quick. He had prided himself on not having been to one in over 7 yrs (since sports physicals). But guess when in that much pain, nothing else matters. He used to suffer ingrown toe nails something awful and has had to have his big toe nail ripped off a few times, he said he'd do that in a heartbeat vs having this pain yesterday. As soon as he said right side, I thought we better get it checked out. The nurse kept peeking in and asking him if he was still in pain,then she said good. He looked as if he wanted to punch her one, she said no that's a good thing, when the pain goes away, we worry it has ruptured and he didn't want that. Of course, being a Sunday we had to wait for the surgeon and anthestesiologist to get there as they were on call. Heard one say he was at the pool with his kids, was sad to hear that but also worried about the wait. Sundays are a good day to have surgery, he had the whole PACU to himself and 2 nurses at his disposal.

Meredith, I think everyone gets nervous before their surgery. After all it is basically an elective procedure and we sometimes have lots of time to think about it before our dates. Unlike my son's surgery yesterday, he had no time to worry about all the 'what if's'. He was just in so much pain they could've done anything to him, he didn't care. Unlike us, other than hating the fat, we are generally healthy (well as healthy as one can be 100 lbs over weight). I about convinced myself 2 days before surgery to cancel the whole thing and go to Weight Watches one more time. Am I ever glad I didn't now one year later. My one year mark is on Friday. It has been the best thing I have ever done for myself and you will do fine too. One thing that gave me peace, is all those dang presurgical hoops and screenings I had to go through. I knew I had been checked out so thoroughly and was considered safe for surgery, they do all that testing for a reason.

Linda, I too keep going to my support group meeting, in fact may start leading it sometimes. It keeps me focused and accountable too. But I have noticed many of the faces that were there a year ago when I started have moved on and it's lots of new folks. But I love seeing their excitement and they inspire me to get that 'newbie' motivation back too.

Apples, back from the lake?? Miss you around here.

Long - I don't think support groups are any diff than LBT look at all the pple who have posted here then quit - I don't understand it myself - it helps me stay on track - but I guess to each their own - I would love to go to a meeting just to show them what is possible - but that would be too pridefull and as you all know I am pretty ridged and alot of pple don't like that - imho don't want to hear the truth and that WE ARE DOING THE WORK AND NOT THE BAND IT'S JUST A TOOL.

You DS must have been in alot of pain cuz most men don't just go to the hospital - heck I don't either - It has to be major - I am not a doc person even now..

Aww....nice to be missed, Long! Came home from lake this morning. Not sure if I will go back up on Wed or Thurs. Have a lot to do here at home this week and volunteer job all day tomorrow.

NSV!!!!!!!! You know those tracks on patio doors????? I am cleaning those today and don't need help to get up from the floor. I can sit crossed-legged on the floor now and get up without using my arms. Pretty good for an old lady!!!!!!!!!

Congrats Apples - isn't it funny what some think is no biggie is a biggie for us - WTG !!!!

Well I am finally in onederland I am 197lbs and I have not been that weight in over 25 years. Its a nice feeling. I have to admit that I have been eating some comfort foods (like) Cookies and I have to stop it. I will get it together and start making better choices.


Well - did my gym - took Angel to doc - we are just going to give her leg a bit as it is improving - I like that the doc just dosen't want to take my $$$ to have a surgery that she may or may not need...

Well it's 8:30 I'm going to go eat...


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Hi guys~

The machine they will use today is to test your resting metabolic rate.

MetaCheck Resting Metabolic Rate Analyzer


The MetaCheck from Korr Medical Technologies measures a person's resting metabolic rate with a simple 10 minute breath test. The technology once reserved for hospitals and universities is now available in a low cost, easy to use system! Testing metabolic rates will determine exactly how many calories a person may eat and still lose or maintain weight. No more charts, averages, or guessing. For the first time in years, there is something truly new for the thousands of people who are trying to lose weight."

Janet~ I am obssessive at this point about keeping track of what I put in my mouth. I am using the program that comes with my realize band. www.realizemysuccess.com

It is really a neat and easy program to use.. and any of my providers can sign on with their sign on to see what I am doing. That is a good thing. I think you may be right, maybe at 800-1000 most days I am running a little low. (especially with the exercising). I might get a TINY unfill today. I am still getting some pain with a first few bites of Protein. But not stuck. The dr's office is in the same building as my gym..LOL. So i just have to go up the elevator. Figured it can't hurt to go and just talk about this some more. I want my SWEET spot... and I want to keep losing. : )

i will let you guys know what happens!!!


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Laura...I have never had this happen but ppl have talked about a "first bite syndrome" where they get that stuck feeling with their first couple of bites, give it a rest and then they can continue eating. Just maybe something to discuss with your doc. I guess only you know how you are feeling but he might have some insight on this.

I would love to see what my resting metobolic rate is. Now sure if our medical facility has the machine but going to ask today when I go in to volunteer. Wondering how accurate it is? Probably one of the most difficult thing since banding is trying to find the amount of cals it takes for me to maintain. I am now leveled off and maintaining and find it difficult some days to get in the calories that are needed to maintain.

Janet.....we have someone looking into getting wireless up at the lake. We are high on a hill with lots of trees so we are unable to draw from the resort. Not worth spending a lot on it but have a couple of neighbors that want to go in on it with us. I miss not staying in contact on LBT daily and have a difficult time catching up with my threads when I get home cuz so busy trying to get things done around here.

OK....I'm off and running...lawn mowing day, laundry to do, floors to scrub, guys are hauling corn to town so will have extras at the table today and then volunteer from 1pm-6pm. Homemade beef pot pie, homemade sourdough bread and caramel cake is on the menu for noon.

Have a great day!

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    • Teriesa

      Hi everyone, I wrote back in May about having no strength. I still get totally exhausted just walking from room to room, it’s so bad I’m using a walker with wheels of all things. I had the gastric sleeve Jan. 24th. I’m doing exactly what the programs says, except protein shakes. I have different meats and protein bars daily, including vitamins daily. I do drink my fluids as well.  I go in for IV hydration 4 days a week and feel ok just til evening.  So far as of Jan 1st I’ve dropped 76 lbs. I just want to enjoy the weight lose. Any suggestions or has anyone else gone thru this??  Doctor says just increase calorie intake, still the same. 
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    • Stone Art By SKL

      Decorative Wall Cladding & Panels | Stone Art By SKL
      Elevate your space with Stone Art By SKL's decorative wall claddings & panels. Explore premium designs for timeless elegance.
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    • Clueless_girl

      Losing my hair in clumps and still dealing with "stomach" issues from gallbladder removal surgery. On the positive side I'm doing better about meeting protein and water goals and taking my vitamins, so yay? 🤷‍♀️
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    • BeanitoDiego

      I've hit a stall 9 months out. I'm not worried, though. My fitness levels continue to improve and I have nearly accomplished my pre-surgery goal of learning to scuba dive! One dive left to complete to get my PADI card 🐠
      I was able to go for a 10K/6mile hike in the mountains two days ago just for the fun of it. In the before days, I might have attempted this, but it would have taken me 7 or 8 hours to complete and I would have been exhausted and in pain for the next two days. Taking my time with breaks for snacks and water, I was finished with my wee jaunt in only 4 hours 😎 and really got to enjoy photographing some insects, fungi, and turtles.
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      1. BabySpoons

        Amazing! Congrats!!! Watch out for the sharks. 🦈

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