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Eating at disney while banded

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Hey all,

Sorry if this is in the wrong place, just basically had a question concerning vacations such as Disney world and eating on those vacations.

Right now, I'm still in the fight to be banded. Just trying to find a doctor to do it, because this is a new benefit being added to my insurance as of March. Anyhow, I have a trip set up (and deposit put down for, YEA!) for Disney in October. I'm thinking that the surgery will happen in May at the latest, but here's my question. What can a person eat a Disney through the day that won't kill the work just done, and if you've already been through this, how much would you say that you spent on food for yourself during your trip? I'm going only from the 10th to the 13th. Me and my two sons. Can't wait, but I'm really big on planning and especially budgeting these things.

Any suggestions, links, advice...much appreciated.

Best of luck to everyone and God bless!


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When we went to Disney, and other theme parks, I had grilled chicken/pork, Beans, vegetables, chicken fajitas, pickles, grilled fish, lots and lots of Water, etc. If you've not been to Disney before, they have regular restaurants, not just food carts.

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I went to Disney a few months ago..I had surgery Oct 07'.. I took the card they gave me after surgery and was able to buy things at the childs price. If we did the buffet style meals I ate the smoked salmon, eggs and cottage cheese.. It worked out great!!! I took a few bites of DH and kids yummy snacks..it was more like 1 bite..I was worried about it also (eating there) but I did great and even lost a few pounds with all the walking!!! Good luck on your surgery and have a great trip!!

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Thank you so much for the advice. It helps to hear that I wont' be stuck with ice cream and bread products the whole time. Lol. I didn't know about any card that they gave you after surgery though. That could be a great way to go really! Once I get a doctor (whenever that happens, heh) I'll definitely ask about that one. I'm just having a very hard time envisioning paying 35.00 for a sit down meal, and only eating 5 bites of all of that food! I can't stand to waste things. Lol. Perhaps that's one of the many things that helped me get into this size jeans? Hahaha.

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Split a full meal with your kids?

There's a card some surgeons give their patients. It states you've had AGB surgery and the portion size you can eat. (the "official" one anyway - some variants also request the holder be allowed to eat off the children's menu).

However, it's not a discount card, it's just an information thing. It's each restaurant's discretion whether or not they look twice at it.

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I'm definitely going to have to ask about that card, it just seems like a really good thing to have on hand for emergency...or for a possible cheapskate like me on vacation. :frown: But I've thought of the whole 'split a full meal with the kids' thing, and when I started researching into that, I've heard more times than not, they won't let you do that at Disney. I don't know, has anyone else had that problem? What kinds of problems have been encountered eating wise at the mouse kingdom?

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The card is an informational thingy..it says how much the card holders stomach can hold..I called Disney before as on their website it said that they accommodate any dietary needs ..that was how I new to take my card.. Makes sense to me!! I was able to eat a fair share of healthy options down there!!! I was given the card in the hospital..it is also for medical persons in case of emergency..even has an xray picture of a band on stomach!!! Disney is great!! Good luck!

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I have ordered children's meals at Disneyland (not Disney World) and they have never questioned me. No card needed; I have one, but I have never used it.

When I go out I often order appetizers or a cup of chili. The hardest part is teaching your head that no, you aren't going to be able to eat all that. My stomach already knows it, but the head has a hard time catching up.

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I was at Disney last week with work. Luckily most of our food was provided and was very healthy, but for lunch we were on our own. I actually brought my own. The parks are ok with that and you save a TON of money. I used the money they gave us for lunch to buy souveniers.

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Haha, I can understand, and really it's something that I'm kind of fearing/dreading. Not really knowing 'right now' when to stop, how much pain will I be in at that time after the surgery when I'm able to eat normal again. Scary thoughts. But hey, if they let me order from the kids menu, I'll be just fine off then! Ooh, this is giving me so much hope. Thank you so much!

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I had read where others had ended up bringing some snack bars and such with them for the day...but doesn't the airlines frown on that? Or is it just taking it onboard from the outside? I know that I've seen them make people toss food and drink before they got to the gate areas before. Hrm, that's thought provoking really. Could hide some goodies in the luggage that goes under the plane. -beams with hope!-

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Airlines are fine if you pack food, even liquids. It's carry-on (or rather, carry thru security) that's the only challenge. And even then it's fine, if you're at an airport that vends within the gate areas and you have a vended product. What they don't want you doing is buying a bottle of Water at the gas station, then trying to get it through security. E.g. I last flew in Feb. I couldn't bring a bottle of water through security (I knew this), but I could buy a bottle inside the gate and take it on the plane with me. I could put a 36-pack in my checked luggage, it doesn't matter.

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My family will be at WDW in November during T-giving week. Already been planning. Anyway we generally get a meal plan when we go. This year we still got one, but I plan to share a lot of my meals with others and let the credits get spread out. If we go to a buffet it has already been paid for, so I will just eat what I can and not worry about it. You can find pretty healthy stuff now. Not just burgers, fries, and junk.

Have fun! I love WDW. I just keep thinking how much easier it will be not lugging around all my old weight.

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I have found that you can find good food or options anywhere as long as you are careful. Theme parks are always big enough to have a couple of healthy choices available.

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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

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