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I would really appreciate any advice or insight anyone may have on this.

I had very good restriction from 10/18 until two weeks ago. I was noticing a little bit of a difference like I could eat a bowl of chilli instead of a cup and I was hungry more often so I thought I would get a little fill. I went in on Saturday 1/26 and they put in .5cc For that week I was too tight and could hardly eat, I lost 4lbs! So I went in the following Saturday 2/2 and had .3 taken out. Now I have NO RESTRICTION! I can eat anything and as much as I would like. How is this possible? I'm having a very hard time becuase I was so restricted for so long I'm binging all day and I have gained back the 4lbs from last week. I'm very scared of what I could be doing to my band though honestly I'm probably not eating as much as I feel like. For example I did go to McDonalds yesterday and I ate 1/2 a big mac and about 1/2 my fries but for someone who has been so restriced it feels like binging. I go back tomorrow for a fill but I'm just so confused about losing the restirction completely and feel very depressed about the 4lb gain! Does anyone have any words of wisdom?

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UGH! You ate half a big mac and half a thing of fries????? Do you know how many calories you ate? 400 calories, if it was a small order of fries AND 40 gms of carbs!!!! The calories aren't terrible but the carbs are and don't even get me started with the amount of sodium (which makes you retain water)!!!!

The band will not work if you do not make good food choices. People say that you can eat anything you want just less of it after getting the band, and for the most part that is true. But, if you continue to eat a ton of carbs and high fatty foods, you will not lose weight and may even gain.

The only way you will lose is if you eat the bandster way. Protein first, veggies second and then carbs if you have the room. Eat only until you begin to feel full then STOP. Don't drink with meals. Eat small bites and chew chew chew!

You can do this, but it's entirely within your control.

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If you can eat half a burger (with bread) and fries - then you need a fill. Ask if you can get a fill under the fluroscope - they can see how fast it can move through your band! That should help keep you from getting too tight again.

You would be able to eat less if you were eating solid Protein (all that sauce on a big mac helps it slide through) and focusing on that and then veggies/fruit.

I know I know - I still love carbs too; I eat mashed potatoes every now and then. I can't do bread - not worth the pain anymore.

You can do this!!


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I would really appreciate any advice or insight anyone may have on this.

I had very good restriction from 10/18 until two weeks ago. I was noticing a little bit of a difference like I could eat a bowl of chilli instead of a cup and I was hungry more often so I thought I would get a little fill. I went in on Saturday 1/26 and they put in .5cc For that week I was too tight and could hardly eat, I lost 4lbs! So I went in the following Saturday 2/2 and had .3 taken out. Now I have NO RESTRICTION! I can eat anything and as much as I would like. How is this possible? I'm having a very hard time becuase I was so restricted for so long I'm binging all day and I have gained back the 4lbs from last week. I'm very scared of what I could be doing to my band though honestly I'm probably not eating as much as I feel like. For example I did go to McDonalds yesterday and I ate 1/2 a big mac and about 1/2 my fries but for someone who has been so restriced it feels like binging. I go back tomorrow for a fill but I'm just so confused about losing the restirction completely and feel very depressed about the 4lb gain! Does anyone have any words of wisdom?


OK GF - stay the heck away from McDonalds.:biggrin: .. I was too tight for 1 week too - I had all of the fill except .02 taken out - I stil have restriction - but I do know what it feels like to not eat for a week. This is one of the reasons i say most of our hunger is head hunger and not true phyical hunger

You are trying to make up for not eating - you can't do this - You can't just rely on your band - YOU have to make good healthy food choices and Big Mac & Fries aren't healthy foods - Go back in and have a couple .02 put back in - but in the mean time you gotta make healthy food choices - Protein - veggies and then starches. the band only does 25% of the work the other 75% is up to you... When you want to eat - find low calorie low fat foods to eat that will fill you up - If I am extra hungry I make a snack size popcorn and then eat one piece at a time - 100 calore - If I am hunger after dinner I eat more veggies - you can get full on healthy stuff you just gotta retrain your brain...

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It often takes a couple of weeks for a fill to 'kick in'.....so don't panic yet. Give it time.....but in the meantime - I agree with the others.....McDonald's is full of evil things that we shouldn't even be exposed to much less put in our pouch! The white carbs just make us crave more and make it harder to be a good partner with our band.

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Thank you for the replies. I should have known I would get slammed for admitting to the Big Mac Attack!

Jax - I must have not been clear with my post, I do not eat this way often and I know how the band works, I have lost 52lbs since August. My issue is with the fact that I had okay restriction, then I was too tight, and now I have NO restriction and I have no idea how that can be with only .3ccs removed. I have a fear that I may have has a slip or something during the week that i was too tight. While I appreciate your response I'm not sure you realized that I was admitting to a moment of weakness after having been all but unable to eat anything for a whole week and not describing my normal routine.

Again thank you to everyone, I guess like I said I was more concerned with the possibility that something may be wrong like a slip to go from one extreme to the next (too tight to no restriction) as I did over the weekend.

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Wow! Wanabthin, you are doing awesome!

You are right, the momentary slip isn't as big a deal as the amount you were able to eat. Hope you find the happy medium and that your band is in its proper place.

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If what you ate was half a burger and some fries, I'd say that now ALL of your restriction is gone, you know? I mean how much could you REALLY eat without restriction??

But talk to your doctor about it when you go back. Chances are it's not a big deal and a little fill will help, but be sure to bring it up.

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Sorry Wanabthin

I guess I just read so many people here who do make poor food choices and then are amazed that they are gaining weight that I thought your situation was the same. That you had no restriction, hence you were eating the way you wanted to. I still don't think McDonald's was the best choice! :smile:

My understanding is that you will know if you have a slip. You may have just had too much taken out. Maybe a small adjustment will do the trick. In the meantime, watch the carbs and sodium! :biggrin:

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How long have you been banded? That's awesome that you have so much self control! How do you do it?

If I could've made good food choices all the time I wouldn't have gained weight in the first place. My band didn't educate me about about proper eating, I have to admit, I knew it way before I was ever banded. The difference is that I used to eat the healthy stuff and the bad too, now I eat less of both, and WAY less of the bad because there's just not enough room or time. But I just haven't been able to give up the "bad" totally. I'm sure I could be losing faster if I could learn your secrets.

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How long have you been banded? That's awesome that you have so much self control! How do you do it?

If I could've made good food choices all the time I wouldn't have gained weight in the first place. My band didn't educate me about about proper eating, I have to admit, I knew it way before I was ever banded. The difference is that I used to eat the healthy stuff and the bad too, now I eat less of both, and WAY less of the bad because there's just not enough room or time. But I just haven't been able to give up the "bad" totally. I'm sure I could be losing faster if I could learn your secrets.


Oh believe me, I'm an expert at losing weight! I know exactly how to lose it and have lost many times. Unfortunately, I always ended up going back to my old ways and ended back in the same place. Fat. It doesn't appear I have the willpower to sustain the lifestyle that I know I need to in order to maintain a healthy weight. I'm an addict. (sounding like 12 steps here) I don't know how to not eat to excess, especially carbs. That is where I am hoping the band will help me. With the band, if I over eat like I did before, it will slap me back down. I will still need to make good food choices. Going to McDonald's, they have salads with balsamic dressing. Can't eat lettuce? Get grilled chicken. I'm not going to sit here and think that I am going to make perfect decisions all the time. That would be unrealistic. As my nutritionist says, I will take detours in my journey, but I need to make sure if I do, that I get right back on track. For me, I'm either going to do this or I'm not. If I'm not, I might as well save the $14,000 I'm paying for this and take a trip around the world or something. I don't plan on wasting my investment in myself. Therefore, it's all about good choices and mindset. Carbs are bad bad bad. Avoid them as much as possible. Protein first, veggies second, carbs last if you have room. Three meals a day, no snacking. It's really simple.

I will be getting my band tomorrow. I have spent the past month reading and researching every single day, literally. I have seen what works and what doesn't. The people who are successful all say the same thing. The people who aren't 9 times out of 10 are not eating the way they should be. They are trying to eat the way they were before but less of it. From what I have read, that won't work. Protein, veggies, carbs. In that order, is the recipe to success.

I am determined to be successful at this. If I'm not, I'm doing something wrong and I will find out what it is and change it.

Sorry to be so wordy but I'm on day two of Clear liquids and I think I am giddy :biggrin:

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Ellisa,<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>


Oh believe me, I'm an expert at losing weight! I know exactly how to lose it and have lost many times. Unfortunately, I always ended up going back to my old ways and ended back in the same place. Fat. It doesn't appear I have the willpower to sustain the lifestyle that I know I need to in order to maintain a healthy weight. I'm an addict. (sounding like 12 steps here) I don't know how to not eat to excess, especially carbs. That is where I am hoping the band will help me. With the band, if I over eat like I did before, it will slap me back down. I will still need to make good food choices. Going to McDonald's, they have salads with balsamic dressing. Can't eat lettuce? Get grilled chicken. I'm not going to sit here and think that I am going to make perfect decisions all the time. That would be unrealistic. As my nutritionist says, I will take detours in my journey, but I need to make sure if I do, that I get right back on track. For me, I'm either going to do this or I'm not. If I'm not, I might as well save the $14,000 I'm paying for this and take a trip around the world or something. I don't plan on wasting my investment in myself. Therefore, it's all about good choices and mindset. Carbs are bad bad bad. Avoid them as much as possible. Protein first, veggies second, carbs last if you have room. Three meals a day, no snacking. It's really simple.<o:p></o:p>


I will be getting my band tomorrow. I have spent the past month reading and researching every single day, literally. I have seen what works and what doesn't. The people who are successful all say the same thing. The people who aren't 9 times out of 10 are not eating the way they should be. They are trying to eat the way they were before but less of it. From what I have read, that won't work. Protein, veggies, carbs. In that order, is the recipe to success.<o:p></o:p>


I am determined to be successful at this. If I'm not, I'm doing something wrong and I will find out what it is and change it. <o:p></o:p>


Sorry to be so wordy but I'm on day two of Clear Liquids and I think I am giddy <?xml:namespace prefix = v ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" /><v:shapetype id=_x0000_t75 stroked="f" filled="f" path="m@4@5l@4@11@9@11@9@5xe" o:preferrelative="t" o:spt="75" coordsize="21600,21600"><v:stroke joinstyle="miter"></v:stroke><v:formulas><v:f eqn="if lineDrawn pixelLineWidth 0"></v:f><v:f eqn="sum @0 1 0"></v:f><v:f eqn="sum 0 0 @1"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @2 1 2"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @3 21600 pixelWidth"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @3 21600 pixelHeight"></v:f><v:f eqn="sum @0 0 1"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @6 1 2"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @7 21600 pixelWidth"></v:f><v:f eqn="sum @8 21600 0"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @7 21600 pixelHeight"></v:f><v:f eqn="sum @10 21600 0"></v:f></v:formulas><v:path o:connecttype="rect" gradientshapeok="t" o:extrusionok="f"></v:path><o:lock aspectratio="t" v:ext="edit"></o:lock></v:shapetype><v:shape id=_x0000_i1025 style="WIDTH: 11.25pt; HEIGHT: 11.25pt" alt="" type="#_x0000_t75"><v:imagedata o:href="http://www.lapbandtalk.com/images/smilies/colorful/crazy.gif" src="file:///C:DOCUME~1JPIMEN~1.DESLOCALS~1Tempmsohtml101clip_image001.gif"></v:imagedata></v:shape>



Karen - You have the correct mindset and you have done your research and I feel that you will do very well as a bander . <o:p></o:p>


This band is not a diet - it's not a game (having Major Surgery) it is a lifetime lifestyle change and as long as you do your part the band will do it's (once you get proper restriction)<o:p></o:p>


That being said even when you don't the best restriction you gotta make healthy food choices because this a lifestyle change as you can eat around the band<o:p></o:p>


I eat healthy 98% of the time - I do still eat out - have a taco & bean - a couple of bite of a bloomin onion - but that's 2% of the time and I now exercise 4-5 days a week. I follow a weight watcher eating plans as for me I need a well balanced eating plan - I will never be an Atkins girl - - Also I do have Snacks - but they are heathly - 3 meals - 2 snacks..


I feel that people are doing a disservice to themselves thinking that this band is going to do all the work that they can still eat like they did before the band but just less - heck most of us were eating high fat - sugar loaded foods and not exercising - What we (fat people) consider normal is not - it's not healthy.<o:p></o:p>


The secret is that you have to truly give up your old habits - addictions<o:p></o:p>

IMHO I think the road to success is more mental than physical and it can be done as long as you put the work in<o:p></o:p>


I will say a little prayer for you and your surgery tomorrow..........<o:p></o:p>

<o:p> </o:p>

<o:p> </o:p>


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Thanks Janet!!!

It sure looks like your are doing great!!!!!! I hope I'm as successful as you! Thanks for the reaffirmation of my mindset. I will come back and read it in my moments of weakness which I sure will happen every now and then.

Back to my jello!!!!

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Thanks Janet!!!

It sure looks like your are doing great!!!!!! I hope I'm as successful as you! Thanks for the reaffirmation of my mindset. I will come back and read it in my moments of weakness which I sure will happen every now and then.

Back to my jello!!!!

Thanks Karen - I have done it with the same mindset as you... I didn't gain one pound over the holidays - I had a few Cookies but nothing like before and it wasn't cuz the band stopped me - It was cuz I stopped me and exercised.

Wishing you a speeding recovery..


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I should have read your signature. I thought you were already banded. I'll be thinking of you tomorrow. You'll be off to a fabulous start! Congratulations.

Your story sounds like mine. I was the Atkins queen, along with my husband. He lost 100, I lost 50... but you know the story. We actually were on the WOE for 2 years, mostly maintaining. But that was several years ago. Oh and actually I was the Weight Watcher queen, the Shangr- La queen, the Redux queen, the Meridia queen, the Adepax queen, and a whole host of other methods. Always losing well, but regaining better.

Hubby was banded 2 years ago, has lost 140+ and still losing. He's 6'3" and people are thinking he's getting too thin. Mind you, he's at the same weight he was 20 years ago when his doctor told him he needed to lose weight if he wanted to see our kids graduate high school (230ish)!

Being a man, of course he has more leeway with any weight loss program. He eats right most of the time, but if he wants a big mac (or whatever), he'll eat it...well part of it. I doubt I'll be able to do that so much.


I should have read your post more carefully too... I had in my head the band allowed you to eat a big mac and fries... not realizing you only ate part.. So you do have decent restriction. Pre-band I could have ate the whole thing with large drink, biggie sized; and not felt stuffed!

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