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New Future Begins Tomorrow

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Well, the long awaited day is tomorrow! I am having gastric bypass and hernia repair on 3/29.

Thanks to this forum and all the wonderful people here, I feel mostly ready and know what to expect. Still scared of course, but ready. I will be back with an update...and probably lots of questions! Lol Take care, all!

Edited by Blessd1
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Today is tomorrow. Hope you are doing well! Check in when you can.

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Keep us posted on your post op?

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Yay! Welcome to the other side 😊 Let us know how it went when you get a chance.

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Hi all, I'm back home and beginning the recovery process. Surgery went well and they were able to fix the hiatal hernia as well. There are 5-6 incisions with the left being the worst since they had a tougher time getting things through there. Overall, my care team was excellent.

Right now, I'm trying to get fluids in. Lol. Using those little medicine cups. There is a lot of grumbling in there...😅 But, so far the gas pains aren't as bad as I feared. I'm also walking as much as I can. I'm sure I'll be back with questions for y'all later! Thanks for the kind words. 😊

Edited by Blessd1

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Glad you're home and well. Good to hear positive before my GB on April 4th. Nervous but ready. :)

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26 minutes ago, BabySpoons said:

Glad you're home and well. Good to hear positive before my GB on April 4th. Nervous but ready. :)

You will do great! Best advice is follow your team's instructions. Let us know how things go. You got this!

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Hi All! I have been mostly quiet the past two weeks, but I wanted to give a quick update since a few of you asked. [emoji846]

So far, I'm healing well (18 days post op). There is still a fair amount of pain on the left side and where the nerves were cut. It has been a rougher recovery than I expected. I've had two c-sections, and I have to say this recovery ranks up there, possibly harder. Lol. I tire pretty easily, but I'm getting around better. Still can't lay on my side to sleep for very long, but it will get there.

I'm doing well with getting at least 60 grams of Protein. Still struggling with fluids, getting about 48 oz. I'm trying to push that, but it seems I'm always behind. Lol. I start back to work tomorrow, and I'm worried about the fatigue and not being mentally sharp. I guess all I can do is let my manager and co-workers know upfront. I'm very fortunate to be working from home, so at least I can rest if needed.

I'm down 20 lbs (10 lbs lost in pre-op, 10 lbs since surgery date). I'm very happy with that progress. Already back to onederland!! I'm a lower BMI patient and understand my results may take time. I'm still shocked by how quickly my body is changing! I feel or notice something different almost every day.

I hope all of you are doing well and hanging in there! [emoji3590]

Sent from my SM-F926U using BariatricPal mobile app

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On 4/16/2023 at 5:21 PM, Blessd1 said:

Hi All! I have been mostly quiet the past two weeks, but I wanted to give a quick update since a few of you asked.

So far, I'm healing well (18 days post op). There is still a fair amount of pain on the left side and where the nerves were cut. It has been a rougher recovery than I expected. I've had two c-sections, and I have to say this recovery ranks up there, possibly harder. Lol. I tire pretty easily, but I'm getting around better. Still can't lay on my side to sleep for very long, but it will get there.

I'm doing well with getting at least 60 grams of Protein. Still struggling with fluids, getting about 48 oz. I'm trying to push that, but it seems I'm always behind. Lol. I start back to work tomorrow, and I'm worried about the fatigue and not being mentally sharp. I guess all I can do is let my manager and co-workers know upfront. I'm very fortunate to be working from home, so at least I can rest if needed.

I'm down 20 lbs (10 lbs lost in pre-op, 10 lbs since surgery date). I'm very happy with that progress. Already back to onederland!! I'm a lower BMI patient and understand my results may take time. I'm still shocked by how quickly my body is changing! I feel or notice something different almost every day.

I hope all of you are doing well and hanging in there!

Sent from my SM-F926U using BariatricPal mobile app

Hi Blessed,

My RNY was also on 3/29. I've definitely had my struggles and still do! I started on pureed foods a few days ago. The first few days were rough! I think I was so excited to start on them that I overdid it a couple times. Pretty sick after that. Felt faint-ish, weak, racing heart, VERY nauseous. Luckily both times were around bed time, so I laid down and after a while subsided and I finally slept.

I have given up the Protein Shakes as even to LOOK at them makes me feel like vomiting. VERY strong aversion to them now. I bought the Vital Proteins collagen Peptide powder someone on here (sorry I can't remember who!) that has 18 grams of Protein in 2 tbsp and luckily blends really well, especially in hot things like my coffee, so I start with that every morning. I have no appetite and have to go by when I start feeling weak to make myself eat. I'm sensitive to almost all artificial sweeteners so haven't been able to tolerate sugar free things. How about you?

Went shopping with the hubby yesterday and bought most of the things recommended by the fabulous people on here to puree. Great ideas. I'll try the white fish (we bought cod) tonight with thinned mashed potatoes. I was feeling nauseated yesterday after eating egg salad, so a couple hours later I was naughty and ate 3 saltine crackers very slowly which really seemed to help. I don't know about anyone else, but after I eat something, the thought of eating it again makes me ill. Did anyone else have trouble with that?

Going back to work has been tough. 10-11 hour days. I work in a very busy vet clinic, so trying to get in "snacks" has been difficult and I end up feeling crappy, weak, brain fog until I get to lunch. The last couple days getting in my Water while I'm there has been tough too. Everyone I work with is awesome and would allow me the chance to get a snack, but it takes so long to eat it that I feel guilty for having to step away for a bit to do that, especially since we've been short-handed. I just need to do it, though.

Next thing here is totally TMI, so skip if you don't wanna know. ;) I've had a b/m almost daily, but never a complete one. They are very pasty and don't seem to want to evacuate my body well (LOL). I did start eating Activia with Protein Powder in it to see if that will help. Miralax and Dulcolax does NADA for me. Any other recommendations? My left side still has some pain- almost gas-like. I've taken the chewable Gas-x which doesn't do much either. I definitely don't like my bra sitting on top of where my stomach is, so off it goes at all times when I'm at home! :) Weird thing is that my hot flashes have seemed to return with a vengeance which a year before surgery had finally stopped. Bummer. Anyone else struggling with this?

I've been working with my shrink regarding my meds. We've had to adjust things a couple times already. I can't take Gabapentin at bed time anymore- makes me so dizzy. Also switching from Zoloft to Lamotrigine. I used to take all my meds at once in one big swallow. Can't do THAT anymore, so slowly it goes, which frustrates me a bit.

The good thing is that overall I'm doing pretty good. I'm only weighing myself once a week, so Wed. I'll reweigh myself. My body is totally changing tho! I still don't have a lot of energy, but hopefully that will improve over time. Some days are better than others. I did take some "before" pictures (but can't figure out how to edit out my boobs so will be for my eyes only!), just to help me see my progress if the scales don't show a loss. ;) Clothes are much looser already tho!

Ok, sorry to ramble so long. I threw a lot out there, but that's kinda how I am. It soooo helps to know if others are going or have gone thru these same things! I look forward to and love the feedback. :) I hope you and everyone else are doing well!

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1 hour ago, MelbaT said:

Hi Blessed,

My RNY was also on 3/29. I've definitely had my struggles and still do! I started on pureed foods a few days ago. The first few days were rough! I think I was so excited to start on them that I overdid it a couple times. Pretty sick after that. Felt faint-ish, weak, racing heart, VERY nauseous. Luckily both times were around bed time, so I laid down and after a while subsided and I finally slept.

I have given up the Protein Shakes as even to LOOK at them makes me feel like vomiting. VERY strong aversion to them now. I bought the Vital Proteins collagen Peptide powder someone on here (sorry I can't remember who!) that has 18 grams of Protein in 2 tbsp and luckily blends really well, especially in hot things like my coffee, so I start with that every morning. I have no appetite and have to go by when I start feeling weak to make myself eat. I'm sensitive to almost all artificial sweeteners so haven't been able to tolerate sugar free things. How about you?

Went shopping with the hubby yesterday and bought most of the things recommended by the fabulous people on here to puree. Great ideas. I'll try the white fish (we bought cod) tonight with thinned mashed potatoes. I was feeling nauseated yesterday after eating egg salad, so a couple hours later I was naughty and ate 3 saltine crackers very slowly which really seemed to help. I don't know about anyone else, but after I eat something, the thought of eating it again makes me ill. Did anyone else have trouble with that?

Going back to work has been tough. 10-11 hour days. I work in a very busy vet clinic, so trying to get in "snacks" has been difficult and I end up feeling crappy, weak, brain fog until I get to lunch. The last couple days getting in my Water while I'm there has been tough too. Everyone I work with is awesome and would allow me the chance to get a snack, but it takes so long to eat it that I feel guilty for having to step away for a bit to do that, especially since we've been short-handed. I just need to do it, though.

Next thing here is totally TMI, so skip if you don't wanna know. ;) I've had a b/m almost daily, but never a complete one. They are very pasty and don't seem to want to evacuate my body well (LOL). I did start eating Activia with Protein Powder in it to see if that will help. Miralax and Dulcolax does NADA for me. Any other recommendations? My left side still has some pain- almost gas-like. I've taken the chewable Gas-x which doesn't do much either. I definitely don't like my bra sitting on top of where my stomach is, so off it goes at all times when I'm at home! :) Weird thing is that my hot flashes have seemed to return with a vengeance which a year before surgery had finally stopped. Bummer. Anyone else struggling with this?

I've been working with my shrink regarding my meds. We've had to adjust things a couple times already. I can't take Gabapentin at bed time anymore- makes me so dizzy. Also switching from Zoloft to Lamotrigine. I used to take all my meds at once in one big swallow. Can't do THAT anymore, so slowly it goes, which frustrates me a bit.

The good thing is that overall I'm doing pretty good. I'm only weighing myself once a week, so Wed. I'll reweigh myself. My body is totally changing tho! I still don't have a lot of energy, but hopefully that will improve over time. Some days are better than others. I did take some "before" pictures (but can't figure out how to edit out my boobs so will be for my eyes only!), just to help me see my progress if the scales don't show a loss. ;) Clothes are much looser already tho!

Ok, sorry to ramble so long. I threw a lot out there, but that's kinda how I am. It soooo helps to know if others are going or have gone thru these same things! I look forward to and love the feedback. :) I hope you and everyone else are doing well!

Hi @MelbaT. thanks for your response! I can relate to everything you said...which is sad and comforting all at once. Haha

A few responses to your questions:

- I was the one who recommended the Vital Proteins...so glad it worked out!

- Regarding shakes, I feel the exact same way. I just choked down one more this morning, the rest are getting thrown out. Everything is sickly sweet and texture too thick. I'm finding herbal tea and broth easier. Definitely prefer savory or salt right now. All of this is normal! The only shake I tolerate is Fairlife chocolate with 30 g of Protein. Unfortunately, it's out of stock everywhere around here. I do have an Amazon shipment arriving Friday thank goodness.

Regarding the Constipation, it's also very common. My RD said I would probably only go every 3 or 4 days now, and she has been right. I take Colace and Benefiber every day and that seems to work. If not, my doctor recommends adding milk of magnesia. That should help!

My RD definitely recommends eating a mini meal every 2.5 - 3 hours (5-6 meals per day). This prevents hunger and keeps us from making less than healthy choices later in the day (a problem I had pre-surgery). They don't want us skipping meals. So, RD said eat/drink every few hours, even if it's a 1/4 cup of shake.

I too have noticed what I think are hot flashes, along with lots of cold shivers. Again. all normal considering how little calories we are taking in. I laughed about the bra situation 🤣. I feel the same issue and have been wearing a soft cotton athletic tank top type bra. Cheap for a 3 or 4 pack from Amazon.

I also have a lot of left sided pain, again to be expected. However, it is finally starting to improve. I'm better able to walk upright without holding my sore stomach half the day. Lol

I'm so excited for you that you're paying attention to the body changes. That's great progress, no matter what the scale says. I'm noticing something new everyday. It's mind blowing! I finally have boney elbows again!🤣

You're doing great, just keep going hour by hour if you need to. Stay in close touch with your team also - they have the suggestions that will help you most. Hang in there!

Edited by Blessd1

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    • Theweightisover2024🙌💪

      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

    • BeanitoDiego

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      Just for fun last week, I ran two 5Ks in two days, something I would have never done in the past! Next goal is a 10K before the end of this month.
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    • Teriesa

      Hi everyone, I wrote back in May about having no strength. I still get totally exhausted just walking from room to room, it’s so bad I’m using a walker with wheels of all things. I had the gastric sleeve Jan. 24th. I’m doing exactly what the programs says, except protein shakes. I have different meats and protein bars daily, including vitamins daily. I do drink my fluids as well.  I go in for IV hydration 4 days a week and feel ok just til evening.  So far as of Jan 1st I’ve dropped 76 lbs. I just want to enjoy the weight lose. Any suggestions or has anyone else gone thru this??  Doctor says just increase calorie intake, still the same. 
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