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55 minutes ago, hazel_ize said:

What is considered a slow loser?

There is no definition of "slow loser". If you're satisfied with your weight everything's fine.

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On 1/11/2020 at 1:17 PM, Miss Liss said:

What's the longest stall you all have experienced? I am 9 months out and am currently in month 3 of a stall. I'm getting so frustrated ☹️. In another thread someone suggested intermittent fasting. I may try that

Intermittent fasting has helped me for sure. you can still eat your same amount of calories but in a smaller window. Its definitely worth trying. And upping your Water to 80-120 Oz if possible if you don't happen to drink a lot of water. The water part can be hard though... Hang in there bec three months stall is tough mentally. IF is excellent and Fluffy chic had a great thread on that....

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On 1/11/2020 at 1:17 PM, Miss Liss said:

What's the longest stall you all have experienced? I am 9 months out and am currently in month 3 of a stall. I'm getting so frustrated ☹️. In another thread someone suggested intermittent fasting. I may try that

Oh also the other way to shake up a stall is to have a day or three of really low calories- like go back to the stage 1 diet and or if your cals have consistently been low you can shake it up with a single day of higher calories but dont do too many high calorie days- One day is normally enough. Those are both other ways I have broken a stall. And exercise if you dont do that consistently will definitely help. Good luck and hang in there.

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On 1/12/2020 at 7:11 AM, Fatboyslim1 said:

Sadly the average person responding to pleas for help about "stalls" do not offer advise or tips. Instead they say things like "I understand you weight the same as you did a month ago, it happened to me too". Or, "a lot of people report that they go up and down for periods of time, etc...."

Heres the problem with that: it's basically contrary to what people are asking for, which is: how can I get back on track?

People do not need excuses to do the same wrong things over and over again. People need encouragement that says things like, "we are human, we slip up and eat too much of the wrong things, and this is what I did to get back on track."

I would bet that every single long term person on this thread who ever encountered a stall for over a week, realizes in retrospect that their "stall" was directly related to their caloric consumption. If that's so, then say it, dont encourage the same behavior in people when they are reaching out for answers.

I hear you. I think the best advice - knowing everyones body is very different of course - I have seen /used to break a stall is Intermittent Fasting, Upping my Water and Protein, lowering carbs below 30 (sometimes even Keto so more healthy fats) and if say you have been really low on calories I just upped mine and the scale moved again. Which really messes with your head. Or at least it did mine. I have PCOS, I am insulin resistant, I have endometriosis AND I am hypothyroid all four which just make me a slower loser. Its hard to wrap your head around the fact that sometimes you need more CARBS or Calories to get the scale to move... I just keep ploughing forward and then if I stall- which is ALOT- i try to mix it up. And I am here for encouragement and i hope others are too vs casting blame or suspicions on others. Life is too short for the BS and negativity. Some people get dealt a crappier hand and its okay to get bummed out by that because you are human and have good days and bad days and thats OK. I tend to be very glass half full but every once in a blue moon I get frustrated and its okay to feel that way because thats how you move through the emotion to a better place. At the end of the day i am still going to wake up and try. I ran into my old trainer the other day at the gym (she left to go to law school) and she was blown away with how much I have lost and how I look and she texted me after and said I am so proud of you for never giving up because i know all of your health issues and how hard you work but you never ever give up and you should be proud of yourself. I say this because its a good reminder that waking up every day and trying sometimes is the biggest win of all. And there is no crime in encouraging people... That said i know for a fact I have stalled more than a week and it had nothing to do with calories. My surgeon and my Drs all attribute that to the above mentioned medical issues I have. But I can only speak to my body as you can only speak to yours. And to other we should speak with the kindness we wish to get in return. Life is too short for anything else.

Edited by Serengirl

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On 1/10/2020 at 7:08 AM, Lynda486 said:

Starting Tuesday this week I upped my calories to almost 900. The whole time freaking out that I was sabotaging my goals. I had 896 calories on Tuesday, 858 on Wednesday and 916 yesterday for an average of 890 a day. This morning I stepped on the scale with a 2 pound loss! That is more than I have had at one time for a long time!

The same happened for me too. It can freak you out for sure to add calories and lose because it is counter to everything we have been taught to believe. I also decided to not weigh myself as often bec i can't let a number on a scale define my day... it was making me frustrated and it is counter productive... I am still trying to work through the idea that its okay to have more calories because my instinct is to cut them. So far too low carbs or too low calories over time seem to slow things down for me but I tend to mix things up so well see but congrats on the loss! I did do IF with the higher calories though so i dont know if that helped too. So i kept my eating window smaller.

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On 1/8/2020 at 12:53 PM, Fatboyslim1 said:

I agree completely that you can burn 2100 calories per day on top of your standard 1900+/- daily burn.

in fact there are a few Olympic trained athletes that can actually do that, but not every day. So what you must be doing is marathon running at least 20 miles every day, and on the "off days" mountain biking for 6 plus hours! Then in your spare time do just regular stuff to burn the daily 1900+/- metabolic norm.

clearly I can now see that you don't intend to post false information, you are just really really confused about CICO. I don't mean to be disrespectful when I say that, I think you need to look at the reality of what you said, and how that horribly wrong statement and associated concept may be affecting your progress.


I am not misunderstanding. at my weight i can burn 600-800 for an hour of high intensity working out. I also work in a profession on set where I am up and moving around for easily 14- 16 hours a day, sometimes 20 hours. if your resting metabolic burn- as in sitting on a couch all day is say 2400 and then ontop of that you Burn another 2000 between workouts and moving around all day your full calories burned over the course of a 24 hr period is 4400. It is absolutely possible. and then subtract what you eat and thats your deficit. But here's a story for you. i worked several season on the B1ggest Loser show. They often worked out 8 hours a day. Everything they ate was controlled down the the precise calories macros you name it. On average they would hit a Minimum 5000 calorie deficit burn from exercise a day many would burn way more 6000-7000 A DAY- and they would get on the scale (especially the women) and lose 0 lbs or 2 lbs or 3 lbs... all of the time. their calories in and out in no way on earth reflected 3500= 1 lbs. And the women (and men) who had always been overweight lost much slower than the ones who had once been thin but then gained weight. The fact is Drs are learning moe and more all of the time about the microbiome and how a 100 of spinach isn't the same was as 100 cals of a candy bar and the way you body processes it is different. It is why people who eat all raw or Keto can eat a TON of calories and still lose. They dont even count calories and they lose weight hand over fist. So Dont tell me what You know when most drs are only still figuring it out and there is tons of research talking about the microbiome now. Ion fact studies were done on people who were on the Biggest loser and how afterwards their metabolisms change so significantly that even eating 1200 cals a day they gained weight.... because their bodies were fighting like hell to go back to their set point of weight. because your body has a set point. Any other person would lose on that amount but they gained... and they couldn't work out enough to maintain because they were having to do 2 or more hours every days and eat 1200 cals or less just to maintain their weight. Never underestimate the power of the human body to do what ever the heck it wants...

Edited by Serengirl

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On 1/9/2020 at 10:38 AM, FluffyChix said:

Yes I think it's people with hormone imbalances especially: PCOS, peri meno and post meno who seem the most effected. Also people with underlying kidney/liver issues as well.

This I found for me is true. I have tried to cut down to 1 shake a day even though it has meant having more dairy... I do wonder if the unsweetened and unflavored powder Protein has this same effect as say a Premiere shake?

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On 1/8/2020 at 3:03 PM, CapyCapybara said:

Anyone notice if you eat too late in the day - like get most of your calories 2-3hrs before bed- are slower losing?

I know there’s two camps: calories are calories no matter what time of the day vs . Calories before bed cause weight gain

Just want to add even though I’m not losing weight as fast as I wish (driving me bat **** crazy) I am definitely losing inches .

I calculated my burn rate and it’s roughly 2500- 2600 cals so after food like 2300-2400 cals burn in 24hrs (includes workout) so should be around a lb every other dayish if my body would cooperate haha hopefully I’m just retaining Water and will have the “whoosh” hahaha

I think this is why IF works for many and why they say you should stop eating by 7 if possible so that your body has several hours to digest the food in your stomach before you go to bed... everyone's body is different so this might be a factor for you.

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3 minutes ago, Serengirl said:

The microbiome and that change in it is the very reason they have found bariatric surgery more effective than say the Band- because it changes most peoples microbiome... its isn't about calories restricted as much as it is about the fact that you are changing your microbiome radically or circumventing it all together depending on your surgery type.


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5 hours ago, Serengirl said:

This I found for me is true. I have tried to cut down to 1 shake a day even though it has meant having more dairy... I do wonder if the unsweetened and unflavored powder Protein has this same effect as say a Premiere shake?

They each affect us differently. For me, I found that pure whey isolate causes more of an insulin swing than does the Premier Protein. That's because the isolate is a "fast protein" and the whey concentrate is a slower Protein. :) You just have to experiment with it.

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7 hours ago, Serengirl said:

waking up every day and trying sometimes is the biggest win of all.


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7 hours ago, Serengirl said:

I just keep ploughing forward and then if I stall- which is ALOT- i try to mix it up.

WTG Girl! *This is KEY IMHO. I had to do this. Every time my body would stop, I'd mix things up. It also helped keep the "losing game" fresh and innovative. I didn't have time to get bored...well I did, actually, but then I'd change the rules and boom baby! Excitement and focus and hope/positive outlook was back! That's what I did in the last 30-40lbs to lose to Goal #3. And it did include IF and EFs as well as heavy calorie/macro counting (which I love to nerd-out on).

You got this girl!

4 minutes ago, ms.sss said:

waking up every day and trying sometimes is the biggest win of all.

^^^^ Loved what you said here, @Serengirl!

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I am 8 weeks out and my plan says I am on phase 5. But I am sticking with some soft foods and moving slowing to other foods. I did have a half of grapefruit because I am craving it. I never ate grapefruit pre-op lol. I'm also into grilled mushrooms, again didnt really eat that before surgery.

The weight is moving a lil faster because I started working out. I also have increased my Protein. I am using the Isopure banana cream. you can have two scoops and its 50 grams of protein.

Hope everyone is staying focus and giving the scale a big FU

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On 1/12/2020 at 7:11 AM, Fatboyslim1 said:

Sadly the average person responding to pleas for help about "stalls" do not offer advise or tips. Instead they say things like "I understand you weight the same as you did a month ago, it happened to me too". Or, "a lot of people report that they go up and down for periods of time, etc...."

Heres the problem with that: it's basically contrary to what people are asking for, which is: how can I get back on track?

People do not need excuses to do the same wrong things over and over again. People need encouragement that says things like, "we are human, we slip up and eat too much of the wrong things, and this is what I did to get back on track."

I would bet that every single long term person on this thread who ever encountered a stall for over a week, realizes in retrospect that their "stall" was directly related to their caloric consumption. If that's so, then say it, dont encourage the same behavior in people when they are reaching out for answers.

I get what you are saying, and that you want to be of help. A seemingly inexplicable stall is something that you may not have experienced yet, and hopefully won’t (you are so very recently out of surgery). But they DO happen. Bodies are so so strange.

At my first post-surgery check in with my surgeon, she said that I’d probably be having my first stall soon. I had already had it. She explained that the weight loss after bariatric surgery TENDS to be more like stair steps, not a linear decline. It’s normal. And while, yes, behavior can be a factor in SOME cases, stalls are absolutely a normal part of the process for many if not most people, even when they are doing everything “right”.

You can try to make minor changes, and it may help you feel in control again, which can’t be undestated. Stay confident and faithful to your plan, and it will start up again. I know it’s frustrating. And the temptation to go off plan when in a stall is HUGE (“well, if I’m not losing anyway...”), it’s stressful and easy to lean back into old habits.

Edited by AngieBear

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