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I hate it when people post just to post.....

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My DH had to travel quite a bit when he first started his current job. We all (me, DS, and DH) enjoyed DH being gone during the week. My grocery bill went down. Utility bills went down. Then the travel just stopped. It was awful getting used to him being underfoot again. :blush:

My dad always traveled a lot before he retired. My mother always kiddingly said that's how they've stayed together all these years. He went from super platinum flyer to nothing. He had mom definitely had an adjustment period! (I thought she was going to kill him, lol.)

re: kc's I AM PISSED!

As I said on FB, I am so sorry about this. So far, I've been lucky with identity theft. People like that suck.

Glo- you're crazy .. I suck a the 5 day test so props to you. By the end of day one I am hiding in the closet with a bag of chips rofl.

Kc- that sucks. My CC was stolen online and someone bought a bunch of UGG boots. Mind you I love them so when DH got the bill he asked how many feet I had. I said 2 .... He said take the other 14 pairs back then haha.

:blush::lol: x2

tap - called t-mobile and they could have cared less - were like "our security is fine but we'll make a note on your account"

Again making my case that telecom companies suck!!!

so as i turn on the news - i hear that a plane has been hijacked in MX City......DH had a 11am flight there. just off the phone w/him, his plane had to circle around the city for an hr till they were cleared to land ......whew:mellow:

OMG so scary!!! I panicked over the weekend hearing that a European cruise had contracted some stomach flu. (Parents are on a European cruise.) Glad we both had good news!!!

i drink large quantities of wine.....:blush:

nah - i don't get myself worked up too much about what i don't have control over.

that's so great that you can remain calm b/c I would hate having to make that many decisions and having "strangers" in my house!

gasp - you drink wine?!? i had no idea! :blushing:

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i drink large quantities of wine.....:blushing:

nah - i don't get myself worked up too much about what i don't have control over. i know the end is near, love the results of upstairs (had a kitchen built up there - so not freaked too much) .... just exercise patience - oh and the wine:)

SEE!! I am telling.......... It's her large consumption of wine that's gonna land me in the pokey!

But we won't take my consumption into question. Just smile and wave boys...Smile and wave :blush:

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~Ebony, I'm sorry that the job stuff is dragging on. I'm sure you just want it over already! I know I would. Lots of prayers and hugs.

~KC, that stinks re: the cc. Sure hope it all gets worked out soon. It's going to take time, just know that. Best wishes on the 24 tonight! You should sleep good in the AM! Get home safely after your shift is over.

~Pooly, my excuse is I forget to defrost the stuff I bought at the store! I'm getting better tho. Sometimes that's unfortunate! Oh my other thing to do is skim a new recipe, get all excited about it, get the ingredients and go to start cooking dinner only to find I needed to prep something the night before or several hours earlier or it takes several hours for the process and I'm starting it an hour before dinner! Yikes! Gotta READ the recipe beforehand, not just skim it for the ingredients. :blushing:

~RE: Spouses/parents - work traveling. DH is gone half the week. Nice to have him home when he's on vaca but then he goes back! His plans are to retire in 10-12 yrs. Think I'll be going back to work for more hours about that time! LOL!

~Lu, hadn't heard about the hijacking. SOOOOOOO glad DH wasn't involved! How scary! Kinda like when DH is out on a fire and I hear of a serious injury, or God-forbid, a death! Yikes! Pins and needles til I find out if he's okay. So I know where you're at with that one. Not a nice place to be!

~Slim, don't you need to do mushies after an adjustment with the braces? I don't think that'd interfere at all and be okay for you. Are you worried more about between adjustments? I'm not sure exactly what you're worried about. I'm sorry you're struggling.

~Tap, have you thought about calling her and asking her what her thoughts were when sending those things? Maybe she just THINKS they're sentimental to you and wouldn't have a problem with you finding good, NEW homes for them. Just a thought.

~Kristen, so excited about seeing you this weekend but it may have a kink in it. Step-sister is preggers and was due a few days ago (4th, I think). Anyway, step-dad wants to be there, well my mom does too but doesn't want to post-pone leaving for the trip so we may be driving up Sun/Mon instead of Sat/Sun. We'll see what happens. I know one day my aunt talked about going in to Bend for the day during the week to explore so maybe we could hook up after school? I'll let you know better what's going on when I know. Mom just called tonight so we'll see what happens.

PJTP: nothing to say! For once!! LOL!

Going to bed! 'Night!

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I feel your pain with the CC KC. I had my debit card compromised a year ago, they began charging small amounts---$3-4 bucks. And within 2 days they were hitting it for hundreds at a time. It FINALLY flagged on day 2----because I was using it Here at home, and they were using it in New Delhi India!! Was a company called Indian Railway Catering Company. They claimed to have a signature sale---but there was no contact info on the company---no address or #. I had to file a police report for it to credit back into my account, and it had to be "reviewed". Was a royal PITA!

I was told it was likely stolen at a restaurant----and they are usually ones who provide crayons for the kids to color with. If you notice when they bring your CC/debit receipts back there are multiple copies, they grab an extra, and quickly run a crayon over the card on to the paper---and write down the 3 digit security code on the back----and they can sell them for $50-$100.00 bucks apiece!

Mastercard said Chili's restaurant alone had over 10,000 complaints about this in the last couple of years!!!

My debit or CC NEVER leaves my table without me anymore! EVER!

We had our first softball game tonight----chalk one up in the win column for us!! YAY--much better start than last year!

Well I am taking my sore and stiff body off to bed---I

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Morning everyone.

Heartfire-I am more concerned about between adjustments. It seems to take me about 3 or 4 weeks to get to the point where I can chew properly (without pain or discomfort). I get the braces adjusted every 6 weeks. I can't do liquids until I get the braces off, but if I get a band adjustment, I will be risking getting stuck a lot. I went through that when I first got the things. I got stuck several times a day. Not a good feeling.

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It is obvious to me that I need a fill in the worse way. I have been starving the last few days! Although I haven't gone over calorie wise today, I have eaten like a porker!

When I was going through the 'blahs' I had a slight de-fill. Now that I am over it (for the most part), I can (and have been) eating a la porker! But I won't get a re-fill for about a month...how much weight do you suppose I will gain???

so as i turn on the news - i hear that a plane has been hijacked in MX City......DH had a 11am flight there.

just off the phone w/him, his plane had to circle around the city for an hr till they were cleared to land ......whew:mellow:

WHEW is right! Glad to hear he was safe; glad to know all passengers/crew involved are safe. And wondering about enhanced 'security' effectiveness if it is only in certain countries...

I am having a difficult time finding an exercise that I like enough to keep doing it. So far, I just want the magic bullet that takes the weight off, keeps it off, and makes me tone all at the same time. Of course, I do live in "fantasy land" most days...:w00t:

So, what's the rent in 'fantasy land'?

I had my psych eval yesterday. Should hear by the end of the week whether or not I'm truly nuts. I'm voting for "total whack-job" but maybe I fooled the guy...


i drink large quantities of wine.....:blushing:

nah - i don't get myself worked up too much about what i don't have control over. .. just exercise patience - oh and the wine:)


But we won't take my consumption into question. Just smile and wave boys...Smile and wave :)


Tap, have you thought about calling her and asking her what her thoughts were when sending those things? Maybe she just THINKS they're sentimental to you and wouldn't have a problem with you finding good, NEW homes for them. Just a thought.

Any other relative perhaps, but not this aunt. She would immediately sulk, make life miserable for my mother with her comments on ungrateful children, etc. These things are memory 'catchers' for me, and she knows that I am the family member who would be most likely to appreciate the history. And in that respect she is correct. If I had a big house with lots of space etc I would incorporate these things somewhere, but I am in a TEENY TINY bungalow - no room for pink plaster fish! (PS - Lu - I'll try for a pic tonight)

I was told it was likely stolen at a restaurant----and they are usually ones who provide crayons for the kids to color with. If you notice when they bring your CC/debit receipts back there are multiple copies, they grab an extra, and quickly run a crayon over the card on to the paper---and write down the 3 digit security code on the back----and they can sell them for $50-$100.00 bucks apiece!

Mastercard said Chili's restaurant alone had over 10,000 complaints about this in the last couple of years!!!

My debit or CC NEVER leaves my table without me anymore! EVER!

WOW - I would never thnk of these things! Of course, DH and I never eat out, I hate shopping so am rarely in a store, that leaves just internet shopping.

Morning everyone! A gorgeous sunny warm-ish day! Wish I was outside playing in the dirt!

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Morning everybody. Will go back and read but just did a skim.

Slim - didn't know you had/got braces. OUCH! I got mine in my 20's and had them for three looooong years. VERY painful, and what didn't help was that my bone was spongy (back off, Plain! lol). The dentist would pull on one side to get stuff aligned, and the reaction would occur on the other side of my mouth.

PJTP: Hubby is alarming me.

Long story short (I hope), his contract ends on the 25th. He's been home since August 25 due to his surgery. So, he technically has no job after the 25th of this month. He thinks the bosses can get him some part-time work, but even at that, we lose our insurance.

Past history - in 2001 he was laid off from a job he had had for 11 years. He sat around for TWO YEARS without a permanent job, though he got a couple short-term temp jobs. He sat around and moped for FOUR MONTHS before he ever even opened the computer to LOOK.

He got a severance when he was let go that was over $10,000 that would have been GREAT to put away, but we went through all of that and then a chunk of our retirement/savings.

The way he handled himself was atrocious -- he'd wail and cry that "I" needed to find him a job, but when I would try to do my part and get him numbers and business cards for potential jobs, he'd do NOTHING with them. They'd sit there, not called, not checked on, nothing. When I would ask about them, he'd fuss at me and get ugly.

I'd also suggest that he look and see what the majority of the companies were looking for in computer knowledge and then go out and get the certificate(s) for those programs. Again, he'd let his anger flare and the conversation would shut down.

In the end, it resulted in him taking a job in Kuwait right before the war started. He was gone for a year while I raised the kid and kept the house running. He was home for three months and then got the job here in Virginia, which had us separated/apart for another 15 months.

Okay, so Friday of last week I'm told that there was an e-mail for him that wanted him to interview the day before (it was sent earlier in the week but he hadn't checked his e-mail). So I asked a couple times over the weekend if he wrote back, and he hadn't (and this was one he's interested in because it's a LOT closer than these others). Tuesday he doesn't get up until nearly 2:00PM, but before he woke up the motorcycle shop called about working on his bike. He calls THEM right away when he woke up but hours after waking up he STILL had not written back about the interview.

I finally swallowed my anger and said to him that I'm worried about this job situation (he said he is too... sure...), and I said I'm most alarmed because he is already acting like he did in 2001-2003 and not doing anything. I got a business card over the weekend from the neighbor's father who works for a contracting company that does stuff that DH does, and IT sat there all through the weekend too! As it is, I have no idea if he's done ANYthing with that card.

He started getting all fussy with me, raising his voice, and I told him don't DARE do that -- I'm talking reasonably and respectfully, and I have the right to express my concerns, especially after what he put me through years ago. I told him I'm not going to be his mama here, but I reminded him that his JOB right now is to FIND A JOB. Waking up at 1:00 or 2:00 and sitting around watching TV is not cutting it -- he's been "recovering" for two weeks now. It's not so hard to get on the computer and look for work.

Y'all, I just can't tell you how my stomach is knotting up over this. As I type this, he is sitting here watching TV. Again. I don't think he did a damn thing yesterday at all. I'm just getting so pissed about this. I told him that if he does this to us again, I'm done. I told him that it took me a really, really, REALLY long time to not hate him anymore for the way he handled himself last time.

But the more I watch him sitting here watching TV, the more I want to punch him in the face. :w00t:

Okay, sorry this is so long... but honestly, this IS the Reader's Digest version.

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Okay, so I just ask him if he's done anything with the card I got him, and he said yeah, he kinda checked over the site but wasn't sure how big the company was. Uh, CALL THE GUY, you idiot!!

So then I ask him if he's got a plan, and he says yes. I ask him what the plan is, and he says, "To go on unemployment and collect benefits." Okay, SO not funny.

I just told him if he does this to me again, I'm outta here. Asshole.

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I just told him if he does this to me again, I'm outta here.

So Beth, what was his response?

I feel sorry for what you are going through, and an incredible amount of rage directed at this man I don't even know!

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I just told him if he does this to me again, I'm outta here.

So Beth, what was his response?

I feel sorry for what you are going through, and an incredible amount of rage directed at this man I don't even know!

He didn't say anything, but I know he knows I'd do it. He's got a good idea how mad I was last time.

And my rage is building. If he messes this up... And the economy is so much worse right now!

Unfortunately I already see him as a p*ssy for the first time he did this. To me, to act like he did, whining and wailing for people to do things FOR him rather than doing WHATEVER IT TOOK -- I can't even tell you how much my respect for him dissipated back then. I feel that's his one job -- to take care of his family with a job.

And to make matters worse, his mom wussifies him. Last time, she asked why I couldn't get another job (I was already working one) while she stroked and "poor babied" him. I think because his folks have money, he thinks they will come to our rescue AGAIN... and I'm just not all about that. BE A MAN AND TAKE CARE OF YOUR BUSINESS!

Omg, as I write this, he's turning his computer on. Wow...

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Omg, as I write this, he's turning his computer on. Wow...

could it be from the daggers you are shooting him, and the sparks flying of the keyboard???:w00t:

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I feel sorry for what you are going through, and an incredible amount of rage directed at this man I don't even know!

Beth-I agree with Tap. I am feeling so much anger about this entire situation. It isn't like he doesn't know what is going on. For him to sit back like a job is going to come knocking on the front door is awful. I hope things turn around. I hope the thought of losing you is enough to light a fire under his behind.

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Beth-I agree with Tap. I am feeling so much anger about this entire situation. It isn't like he doesn't know what is going on. For him to sit back like a job is going to come knocking on the front door is awful. I hope things turn around. I hope the thought of losing you is enough to light a fire under his behind.

LOL, the threat could backfire. I might be considered dead weight.

I swear, when we went through this the first time and he wasn't doing anything, and WAILING for me to find him a job (and then wouldn't do anything with the info I found him), I asked him one time, "WTH?? Do you expect people to just come knocking on our door for you?" His reply? YES! :w00t:

His mom has enabled him so much it's just not funny (note to slim... :blushing:). He said IF he ends up without a job, he's sure his folks would help. WTF?? I'm sorry, but if you're a MAN, you just don't look at things that way. Am I wrong??

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