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I hate it when people post just to post.....

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Got a notice this morning that I'm scheduled for another HR meeting tomorrow - actually, they wanted to do it today, but my union rep couldn't make it. I was a basket case this morning, this afternoon I'm just...resigned...they are bound and determined to get rid of me, so I'm gonna stop stressing myself out and just give in.

It's a blue Tuesday in Ebony's world...:sad:

I'm so sorry Ebony. When things have gone this far, you are highly unlikely to get 'straight' answers - everyone is too busy making sure to cover their butts in case of litigation. So, the fewer the words spoken or written the better.

I am so very angry and sad about your situation.....:mad::hurray::blush2:

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Once again I am a few pages behind.....

My nieces (5 and 7) would love this!! They only eat bread to get the butter!!

My only question is how do you deep fry butter without it all disappearing -- I guess it is frozen?

it's wrapped in dough - then fried:ohmy:

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:sad::w00t:Standing alone, that sentence made me do a doubletake...oh no, Is Plain rubbing off on me....ACK!! that's worse. Is Plain having an effect, nope. That's no better. Um...oh, forget it....:mad:

*snorkle* :blush2::lol::hurray:

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Ebony-I am so sorry you are continuing to go through so much with those people. I am with Beth, I hate them. I will continue to pray for you. Just know we continue to have your back.

It was NOT funny when it happened, but I think we were laughing out of hysteria...never touched one again, or even thought about touching one since...:blush2::eek::hurray:

My mom had the opposite thing happen to her. When she was younger, her and her sister would dress alike. Her sister was a tattler that got some older girls in trouble. They grabbed my mom (thinking it was my aunt) and poured an entire bottle of hot sauce down her throat. Instead of staying away from it, she now loves hot stuff. Go figure.:mad:

That's bullsh*t!!! Can't opt out, but they do nothing??? If this isn't yet more proof that lack of competition (or choice) creates apathy, I don't know what does.

They collect their pay and don't have to do a damn thing for it. Nice. :sad:

Our union is the opposite, you don't have to be in it, but they have to represent a non-member if they request it during a meeting. Non-members also get the same benefits without paying union dues.

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fried butter, covered in powdered sugar & honey.

There was a guest on "Paula's Party" once that did fried butter. They took frozen balls (opening self to inappropriate comment from plain) of butter and breaded them. They then deep fried them. Needless to say, Paula was in heaven. It sounded gross to me then and now.

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Our union is the opposite, you don't have to be in it, but they have to represent a non-member if they request it during a meeting. Non-members also get the same benefits without paying union dues.

Wow, then what's the incentive to join and pay dues?

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Wow, then what's the incentive to join and pay dues?

I will admit that they work harder for the members than they do the non-members. I joined because I was around (via my mom who also worked for the same company) when being a part of the union meant something. I will admit that there are way more members than there are non-members. It is the unity that gets us good benefits.

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It is the unity that gets us good benefits.

But isn't one of those benefits effective representation when meeting management? At least, it should be!

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PJTP...Hi y'all!!

There is something magical about the swaying of a train...helps you get your mind off of crap that's happening in your life.

I feel much calmer right now - no guarantee that it will last, but it's okay for now. I'm going into the meeting tomorrow with a calm spirit and determined not to show any weakness in front of the HR chick and Big Boss. Mgr will be out of town on business. Don't know if the union rep will make it or not, don't really care.

Now that I'm fairly sure I can get unemployment if the worst happens, my goal is to prepare for the 2 week suspension that I'm fairly certain they are going to give me. I'll spend the next two weeks exponentially increasing my job search activity and renewing contacts in and around the community. I'm also going to pursue a part-time gig as a columnist for a regional online publication - they are looking for people with my past experience and my subject matter.

I've got a plan, now it's time to put it into motion...I'm not gonna let this crew of idiots shut me down, steal my joy or anything even CLOSE to that...

Thanks for the love and support, my peeps - I really would not be in as good mental shape without all y'all to help me...:mad::wub::sad:

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But isn't one of those benefits effective representation when meeting management? At least, it should be!

At my company at least, it is. Our reps are actually sent to a school to learn about what it takes to provide good representation. Every opportunity that I have had to deal with our reps, they have gathered their information similar to lawyers preparing for a trial. That's not to say that there aren't bad reps out there (like the one that Ebony has been dealing with), just none of the ones that I have dealt with here.

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But isn't one of those benefits effective representation when meeting management? At least, it should be!

That was my thought. Then again, I don't swear to know anything about unions other than my grandfather was a union man.

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PJTP...Hi y'all!!

There is something magical about the swaying of a train...helps you get your mind off of crap that's happening in your life.

I feel much calmer right now - no guarantee that it will last, but it's okay for now. I'm going into the meeting tomorrow with a calm spirit and determined not to show any weakness in front of the HR chick and Big Boss. Mgr will be out of town on business. Don't know if the union rep will make it or not, don't really care.

Now that I'm fairly sure I can get unemployment if the worst happens, my goal is to prepare for the 2 week suspension that I'm fairly certain they are going to give me. I'll spend the next two weeks exponentially increasing my job search activity and renewing contacts in and around the community. I'm also going to pursue a part-time gig as a columnist for a regional online publication - they are looking for people with my past experience and my subject matter.

I've got a plan, now it's time to put it into motion...I'm not gonna let this crew of idiots shut me down, steal my joy or anything even CLOSE to that...

Thanks for the love and support, my peeps - I really would not be in as good mental shape without all y'all to help me...:):wub::sneaky:

Wear your white power suit. :thumbup:

Seriously, here's to more good vibes tomorrow, even if the result is negative. They can't take your spirit or who you are. And though they seem like they have all the power, it's all an illusion. They really only have whatever you choose to give them. Never forget that.

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PJTP- Jeez you girls talk alot! 15 pages behind since i was having LBT loading issues. Seems better now. I think I will just start over from here rofl.

I haven't been able to eat bread since banding period. I craved a blt so bad today... Made a lettuce wrap with mayo, slice of tomatoe and 2 strips of bacon. I am in heaven.. yep I ate bacon when it was a non running day shame on me :thumbup:

CC.... were both avengers and you're whoopin my ass on the scales lady. Throw some love my way.

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Ok, so I took a day off work, and , coupled with the long weekend, resulted in roughly 8000 pages of PJTP.....so this will be a looooong response. It'll make HF's and tap's look really brief (kidding!).

Though I'd love to debate YOU about it, it would undoubtedly be invaded by someone who I am working hard to avoid in the debating areas since this person doesn't know how to debate.

Quit talking about me.

If there was a way for it to just be us, sure. I'd love to hear some sane, reasonable thoughts from somebody who actually LIVES with it, not just has an opinion. But we all know that that can't happen. Unless... how much clout do the mods have to make Fanny and I our own boxing ring where all the others could only be spectators? :crying:

I don't know if that even is technically possible with this setup.

No kidding...I'm here 9 hours a day and the vending machine is VISIBLE to me. I sit in my cubby and I can see the neon glow and sometimes I hear the Twix saying, "you know you want me...come get me baby."

But then it gets weird and creepy...I won't share that part.

But that's the good part!

What a great idea!! I doubt if it can happen but it would be cool. Maybe someone should suggest "Boxing Rings" to Alex, as a new LBT feature? That way, when two people start going at it head to head, the mods can tell them to "take it to the ring!!" (not that I think it would be like that with you, Beth, but I know you have strong opinions, as do I, so it could be a cool match! :seeya:)

Yeah.....maybe Alex could make such a "room". I ain't a-moderating it, though!!!

Uh, is there a polite, totally PC, mod-friendly way to tell someone to kindly eff off? Um, I'm just curious 'cause no one on LBT would piss me off or anything...:thumbup:

click "ignore". Person vanished!! (kinda)

After all the problems, bad feelings and strife this site has taken this week, you'd think someone could exercise a little self-control and keep her mouth shut. I wish that someone had not felt it necessary to read and comment

I make those kinds of wishes daily.

i think taunting - stalking -R- ISSUES, garners my well equipped vocab if "it" wants to still play

Her account is de-activated, so now maybe everything can get back to normal.

Is plain involved somehow? I saw "weird and creepy."

Glouc admitted to me (secretly, in a PM) that when she saw that vending machine, it had my "shimmering face....thus the "temptation. Of course, she'll probably deny saying this, since she's so shy & stuff :ohmy:

Watch this: boobage!

My siren just went off. Oh.....false alarm AGAIN.

And why not share? Plain does all the time! We're all still here... barely!

Wait 'till I post the mid-80's "shorty shorts" pics of my youth. Then I will truly be sharing "all".

Oh Lu wish I was there to help. I have made zucc pickles in the past - not a crisp pickle but more like a chow. (We need something to distract Plain because otherwise this topic is going to become peverted. Quick, someone take your clothes off!)

I'm looking squarely at you here, tap.

My DS had his first football game last night and they got stomped on! 35-0, ouch!! He said he had a good game

Sounds like they have a young team. Think "rebuilding year".

my brother/fiance' & dogs are coming out to BBQ tom & smoke some meat :blush:

tee'd that one up for plain as well.

Thanks. I'll use that if I need some....erm....."motivation".

SNT is a genius! And has magical powers. She fixed my computer from mid air...Oooooo. Is she a witch perhaps? I'm gonna toss a bucket of Water her way and steal her pointy shoes!!

I think the term you're looking for is "devil's magic"

haha I have different ones on my 2 lap tops and my desktop I dunno why. It's just this site.

LBT loads veeeeeery slowly for me @ home too (the internet is slower in the middle of nowhere? Really?)

it's 4:20 somewhere?

Hmmmmm....around my place it happens twice a day.:blush:

what gets planted 18" deep, seriously? (shut up pervy Lulu and Plain!!!)

Pre-empted again! Dammit!!

It's a sorry state that our school systems are in right now. No child left behind.:sneaky: Yeah right. I read about some students that weren't quite "making the grade" at a local school here. The principle actually encouraged the kid to drop out of school and get a GED!:eek: What kind of crap is that? They said that the students were brining down their test scores! WTF? What about if you teach the children and make it engaging, they will want to learn it!?!?!?!?

"No Child Left Behind" is directly responsible for that kind of stuff. When you tie in federal money with standardized tests, bad things happen.....not the least of which is the schools teaching the "test", instead of how to think critically.

I received the following as an mp3 in email but found the transcript online. Hopefully you all will find it amusing as well.

My wife laughed & laughed when I told her this. So, so true (uh...she's a teacher, BTW).

I think Brandy had the best suggestion. Meet with the teacher and soon, don't let this drag on.

Yup! When my wife taught K, she said the #1 problem is kids learning how to act in school (ie, following directions, socialization protocols, etc). I'm not saying this is your son's prob, Shonda, because any number of things could potentially be the problem. That's why the conference sounds like a good idea. Remember, at this point it's not you vs. the teacher....it's you and the teacher trying to figure out how to imptove Buddy's education.

But if I had a nickel every time my wife came home and said basically teachers can't also parent all the kids, I'd retire.

I know some schools are trying to meet the numbers and they do just get rid of kids that can't meet the expectations. On the other hand in the classroom I think a lot of districts are dumbing down the curriculum just so kids can pass. It is a slippery slope we are sliding down. We need to push and engage the upper end students, yet make sure that the lower end students are getting an education. This is supposed to happen all in one classroom with all level students and at the high school level we may have 35 plus students needing our attention during a class period. My DH has 45 students scheduled for an Algebra class in a very small room. He is frustrated because he knows that students will get lost in the shuffle and those are the very kids that need more individual attention and will not get it.

It is also important that the kids have some responsibility in this too. The student is the one with the grade next to their name on the report card - the grade that they earned, not the grade they were given. We have teachers that don't give Ds and Fs, just to keep parents off their backs - how sad is that? So if the kid does not learn anything they still get a C and they are passed on - Parents happy, administrator happy, student happy. Hmmm.

Taps is right, we have created a generation of students "who want everything spoonfed to them, no critical thinking, whining, ignorant adults...(I work with some of them!!)". They are used to their parents fighting their battles and nobody has ever told them no! Sad! The kids would be better served to realize that not everyone gets an A, not everyone makes the team, etc.

Bumped because it needed to be said again.

they might be doing all this so you quit - not to pay unemployment benefits. make them do the ugly deed, is my only suggestion.

I agree. Don't spare them any ugly details. Make them terminate you. Don't let them off easy.

I'm just planning to move on - and I definately WILL be filing for unemployment when the ax finally falls...let THEM fight it out with the state of CT!

Yup. Let them deal with the headache.

oh no, Is Plain rubbing off on me....ACK!! that's worse. Is Plain having an effect, nope. That's no better. Um...oh, forget it....:)

Don't fight it. It makes assimilation easier.

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        Amazing! Congrats!!! Watch out for the sharks. 🦈

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