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Good Morning Y'all!


Well the weather man this morning said Dallas didn't hit the 100 degree mark, but our bank said 103! Either way it is hot! I don't always agree with the temps taken at the airport, all the temps around will say one thing but it is always cooler at the main point.

Well, I am going to go get in the shower and get dressed for work. Everyone have a great day!

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Morning all. I went to the doctor yesterday and he gave me the all clear to take a bath (limited to 10 mins) and I can start doing LIGHT house work. I am allowed to mop a single room a day. I can do laundry as long as I don't carry it to and from the laundry room. I see him again in 5 weeks, one day before we leave for Disney. I am starting to get stuff together for the trip. I ordered sunscreen from avon today, and I picked up some koolaid packets for our Water bottles. I'm also going to the dollar store for a pitcher (we make instant tea in the room) and some cups. I buy several pairs of dollar store sunglasses, as I tend to break and lose them in the parks. I am bad about taking them off when we sit down to eat, and then walking off and leaving them on the table.

Oh and I am having a huge NSV, I need new undies. Mine are all falling off...WooHoo! ~Mandy

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Hey Everyone,

I am home! What a Looooong drive -- I hate LA traffic. We left Santa Barbara at 11:30 and arrived home 2:45. Lewis said his back was hurting and traffic jams wouldn't allow me to race any faster. My Ex arrives at 5:30 and then I will be ALONE :):):).

Kat: Excellant explaination on the confetti eggs. My tip: don't wash your hair before getting smacked with a confetti egg and then wash like crazy!

Sherry: Loved your post and want to see your tattoo when it's done.

Dianne: Missed ya and need update on your surgery.

Mandy: Got a bit of cabin fever?? Be a good girl and count the days until your vacation.

Cindy: OMG you are SO thin! Thanks for the cute pic of you and Haven.

Darcy: Really Really glad to see your post. :D Welcome home.

Betty: Please keep COOL. Turn up the AC.

Eileene: :wacko::cake::):cake: I would bake you a cake but I'm too far-away.... OK how about my made from scratch hot from the kitchen FUNNEL CAKE :) I made a huge batch 2 nights ago and the kids gobbled them up. I promise one day I will do this for you, any way, happy belated birthday girl friend. :happybday:

Have a great weekend everyone -- ttyl.

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Can't stay but, HAPPY BIRTHDAY EILEEN!!!!! Sorry I'm late me bad :wacko: But I lub ya and hope it was a great one!

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Good Morning Goils,

Thank you all for the Happy Birthday Wishes :wacko: yes, I'm finally 30 years old... We celebrated at work for 3 days in a row...not good considering it was cake and ice cream brought in by different people LOL

Tonight is a friends 40th birthday party carribean style. I made 4 batches of spinach dip for this party and just the thought of eating it (although its so yummy) gives me gas LOLO pffffffffft. Dat's alotta scallions.

CINDY: You look fantastic in your picture and your looking like your daughters sister instead of mother...GOOD JOB :clap2: I'm glad you enjoyed the concert.

Darcy, man is it good to see you....full of crap or not :) lol. Watcha been doing this summer other than painting, moving and packing...prob not much more than that huh.

Patty glad your home safe and sound...ohh funnel cake *DROOOOL* I could prob eat an entire one myself b/c they go down so nicely with all that grease LOL. Watcha up to this weekend? :cry

Betty, yesterday it rained so much the weather dropped to 70 degrees, it was dang cold LOL, but today its back up to almost 90 and sunny. I can't believe summer is almost gone.... I wouldn't mind the season changes if it just stayed lighter out. I just hate in the winter when its dark at 5 pm :)

Sherry.......... how did your week go? Mine was okay, my boss was so cranky and made the tension at work kinda thick, but hopefully he'll get laid and that'll be the end of his crappy attitude :heh:

Kat.....you and I share CRAFT disease :faint:

... Can't Remember A F***** Thing ROFLMFAO..... Good to see things are quiet by you.

I miss Anne and Beanie and Pat and a few others that use to visit us, Hopefully they'll pop in and say hi. Wonder how Donna is doing

:kiss2: Have a wonderful fun filled weekend and behave now..... see you tomorrow :kiss2:


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Happy Belated Birthday Eileen! Glad it was a good one! :)

I've been around, just busy. What's new, huh? lol. Things with the man are going pretty well. I'm finding myself a little nervous about falling for someone and getting hurt, so I'm slowing it down just a bit. I'm still dealing with some emotional stuff from my friend passing too, so sometimes it's a bit overwhelming. But overall it's good, and I can't complain!

Mandy I am soooo looking forward to Disney and we definitely still want to meet up! We've been so bad with our planning and don't have much scheduled yet. I still have the schedule you sent me though, so I'll take a peak at it this week and talk to Sherry and we'll pick a day to meet you guys for lunch. :P

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hellllllloooooooo out there :wave: Hope everyone is doing well today and was able to rest a bit. Went to one of DH's coworkers cookouts today at their summer home. Man...small but very nice cottage by the Water and his friend did it all over inside. Very very nice...beautiful peaceful place. I can see why they love going there on weekends. DH did some fishing :P off the dock and I relaxed with a nice frozen Margarita :shade:. I haven't had alcohol in so long that after two I was feeling prrreeetty rrrrrelaxed :):guess:wacko:. The only problem was it took people so long to get there that they held off grilling anything so my freakin hands were in the chips, dips, cheese, crackers ya know all the stuff you try to stay away from. :(:hurt Oh well. Before we went, I had to bring something so baked a batch of brownies and put toffee chips and chocolate chips on top of them. Good thing they stayed there and we left right after we each had a burger cause I would of eaten those too haha.

Got home took a 2 hour swim in the pool. Burrrrr the Water was soooo cold but, I did it anyway. Had to burn off those margaritas ya know lol So I won't feel so guilty if we go for ice cream later hahaha. After the pool I decided to try a recipe I found called chicken and Veggie Couscous. It allowed me to use the fresh basil I've been growing not knowing what to do with it hee hee. Well, it tastes ok but it's missing something to me. I can't put my finger on it either. But ya know it's good and different. It called for 1 cup couscous and 1 cup chicken broth but honestly I had to use 2 cups broth so I wonder if it was a typo. I found the recipe on SparkPeople which has mostly healthy recipes so probably why I feel somethings missing...like BUTTER lol. I can bet it would be good cold too. If you want the recipe you can find it on SparkPeople.com under Chicken and Veggie Couscous.

Now DH is sound asleep on the couch with the Harry Potter book on his lap haha. The pups are sleeping, son is working during this Sales Tax Free weekend here in Massachusetts and I'm bored out of my mind. I should be studying my reiki stuff and will probably do that after I finish this post. My tattoo is finally done. Looking kinda funky because it's healing. So I'm kinda scaley haha. Lets say the planets Saturn and Earth are looking rough along with the shooting stars. I'll post a picture as soon as it starts to look like it's suppose to.

Sounds like everyone has been keeping busy :)

Eileen - Work week was HELL this week to say the least. I really am looking forward to the day I'm doing ONE job only. Personality clashes are making things tense and moral seems to be down...hopefully it will turn around soon. My boss was in a bit of a funk this week too but, she's been under alot of pressure home and work so I can understand why. She's cool to work for so at least I have that part going for me :) Sorry to hear your boss was being a turkey this week. Like you said...maybe he needs a bit of fun then he'll be better on Monday :) Did you go in your pool today? Man ours was so cold today, took a while to get used to it.

Cindy - You really look great in your picture with your daughter. They've been working on alot of roads here too. One of which I use to get to work and found myself going around town to get passed it. You really do feel like your car is getting ripped apart going over it.

Speaking of Cars...UGH....my stupid engine light came on so I had to bring it in. *GASP* $600 later and I'm back on the road grrrrrr. Stupid air sensor, a small part about 3'' long cost $250 for the part alone. Geeeepers!

Patty - Funnel Cakes huh? Do you make flavored ones or plain with powdered sugar? Do you use cinnamon and sugar? Been Years since I had one of those or Fried Dough. My mom used to make us donuts by using the pilsbury biscuits and deep frying them. They puff up and she'd take them out and roll them in cinnamon and sugar. OH BOY they were yummy! Easy to make too but, I don't make them now cause I'd eat em lol. How are you feeling with your band?

Chrispy - Did you go to that family cookout thing today? How was that Friday date? I miss ya :) We gotta get together again soon! Ya know before Disney cause I need to do some shoppin! and you are the gal to shop with cause you help me pick out nice things...cause you know me. I HATE everything I try on lol. I need someone to nominate me to be on that TLC show "What NOT to wear" I think it's called? MAN I'd love help picking out outfits to compliment my body......I have no confidence in that.

Mandy - Ya know I won't even pack until the night before we leave lol. I just never do for any trip because I use all the stuff I take with me. I will have to pick up some sun block too I guess. Hey...question for ya....did you say you have Staples deliver water to your room? I'd heard someone doing that to save money on the water since it's so expensive in the park. Just curious.

Betty - WOWZA you've had some high temperatures there. Ya sure you don't want to come to New England for a visit to cool off? You're more than welcome to stay here if you'd like :) I think the hottest we've reached so far here is maybe 90....not sure on that as my weather man is sleepin on the couch right now lol. He's the weather guy...Hun whats the temp today is what I usually ask him before I dress for work lol. He's got an entire weather station set up here at the house and his webpage has our local weather and results from his stations so friends can see it. Hmmmm I don't even go to the site...my bad huh?

Kat - Are ya saying we're old if we have to scroll back to remember what people said here. RUT RO...I'm in troubl then cause I have to do it all the time hahaha. I think that's a great idea on the concert tickets for birthday gifts. Pretty cool! You're right...I can't even remember what my mom used to give me for my birthday....now she gives money for everything. She doesn't really shop at all. She said this way she knows everyone likes it. EH I'm fine with it but, I find if I get money....it ends up going toward house stuff versus if she gives a gift certificate to a restaurant it gets put to the use she intended ya know? But of course I'm thankful for anything I get :) Sounds like things have toned down a bit for ya...shhhh that's great :)

Darcy Darcy Darcy - I've missed ya girl! I'd love to see pics of your new place. I can bet it's looking so nice :) I hope you're enjoying it and the peacefulness around it. Sounds so nice. Thinking of ya!

Well I think I got everyone...well at least as far as the scrolling will allow me hahaha. Hope everyone is doing well and shrinking cause my freaking scale needs to hit the road. Hmmm if I give it a swift kick do ya think it will move? probably only from kicking it huh? hahaha

Oh if anyone is thinking about seeing Bourne Ultimatum...do it...it's awesome!

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Sherry, yep, staples delivers Water to the resort. If you sign up for the frequent buyer club they usually have free shipping. You just call about 10 days or so before you arrive and place the order. They will need the address to the resort (it's on the back of your paper work from Disney) and the ressie number along with the name on the ressie. I always have the Water delivered the day before I arrive so it's there waiting for me at check in, if not it's late afternoon or early evening before the water is there, so you don't have it for the first day. If it is delivered a day early bell services will hold it for you. Then just pick it up at check in, I would have one person in line to check in adn one person picking up water. I plan on 4 bottles per person per day. We have never had a problem with staples.

I over did today and I am HURTING tonight. I took some pain meds and now I am sitting on the couch trying to figure out what I did to hurt so much. The only thing I did today was go to a resale shop that had all the clerance stuff for $1 and then it was bogo. I spent $13 and got Abi a ton of capris and a few pair of shorts for back to school. She has pretty much destroyed her stuff from summer. She is an artist and tomboy and her clothes show it. I have enough stuff for a few days without doing laundry, but 11 days in Orlando won't work with what I have for her. I also figure that the stuff from today will most likely fit next summer, I bought 8's and 10's. I also got her a new swimsuit and a really cool sweatshirt. For .50 a piece I bought a few things that will be vacation only stuff but oh well. I am going to let the dishes pile up tonight, I will load the dishwasher tomorrow, maybe. Night all! ~Mandy

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Ok girlies, this is soooooo hard! I hate my own pictures!! But at the same time I am really proud of the change---so here goes. I don't know how to do more than one picture collage thing per post so will do the faces in another.

Thanks for being here for me through all this change!!!!



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OMG Kat you HOT thing you!!!! You look PHEONMENAL! I have to tell you how pretty you are too! You must be so happy! ;) Heck, I'm so happy for you! lol. You really do look great, and what an amazing transformation.

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Kat, you look at least 10 years younger now. You are so pretty, great job keep it up. ~Mandy

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Good Morning Y'all!

Well, the weatherman said it hit 104 yesterday, and it's supposed to be 105 today. Guess it's a good day to just stay inside, so I guess I don't mind going to work today. He-He!

Sherry - Wow, your weather sounds great right now! I can't believe my guy Jeff Gordon spun out yesterday! He had it won too! Glad your tatoo is done and I am looking forward to seeing it!

Chrispy - Sounds like you and the new guy are doing great. You have lots of time, so take it slow and easy, time usually tells everything.

Eileen - I'm like you, I hate going to work in the dark and coming home in the dark! I like it to stay light outside till at least 9 so I don't feel like going to bed at 6! Hope your B-day was a great one.

Mandy - Take it easy, don't over do it. You want to be all healed up and feeling good for the trip.

Kat - I have to scroll back all the time too. I just can't remember everything anymore. Wow Lady, I love your new avatar. You look beautiful! I do love the smile too!

Patty - Your funnel cakes sounds so yummy!

Cindy - Are you staying cool?

Darcy - Hurry up and get moved, I miss your posts on here.

Well, got to run and get my shower. I have to leave a little early today as they have all the roads tore up near work and Friday it took me an extra 30 minutes of sitting and waiting and I was almost late.

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Hi all, how is everyone? I was starting to think the email reminders were down again. But I log in today and find no new posts. Summer is keeping everyone busy I'm sure. I'm going to do final regstration at school today. We go back the 29th. I have all my final plans made for Disney, and have even purchased most of the things from my list to pack. I am going to need some new shorts, my belly is very swollen and anything snug hurts, so I've been living in pajama pants, not exactly theme park attire LOL. I have lost all the sugery weight (mostly from iv fluids) I weighed in at 158 today. So I'm back to where I started, not bad considering my band has been totally empty for 2 weeks. If I can maintain this until the trip I think I am going to keep it empty until I get back. I will walk off any extra calories that I consume. And I plan on sharing meals with Abi so that will save me too. My band has taught me soooo much, I am actually able to control portions and I am still making healthy choices. As much as I love my band I am less worried about losing it now, then I was 2 weeks ago. I have used my band as a learning tool, and it has taught me well. Don't get me wrong, I want my band to last forever, but at least I know I CAN do this without it. Overall it's been a good two weeks and I'm proud of myself. ~Mandy

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    • BeanitoDiego

      I've hit a stall 9 months out. I'm not worried, though. My fitness levels continue to improve and I have nearly accomplished my pre-surgery goal of learning to scuba dive! One dive left to complete to get my PADI card 🐠
      I was able to go for a 10K/6mile hike in the mountains two days ago just for the fun of it. In the before days, I might have attempted this, but it would have taken me 7 or 8 hours to complete and I would have been exhausted and in pain for the next two days. Taking my time with breaks for snacks and water, I was finished with my wee jaunt in only 4 hours 😎 and really got to enjoy photographing some insects, fungi, and turtles.
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      1. BabySpoons

        Amazing! Congrats!!! Watch out for the sharks. 🦈

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