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What a strange trip this is - surgery 5-29

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I have had similar reservations but it is wonderful reading your intermittent check-ins. The nitty-gritty of how you will feel post-surgery is something I have been curious about and think I needed to hear. Best of luck to you! And as you said---remember to Celebrate those losses and remember it's not how fast you lose--it's that you lose and keep it off!

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Oh, and sorry to ask you to maybe ask you to post TMI but I imagine with the post op diet diarrhea may be a problem.... I have been considering buying diaper rash cream, baby wipes, etc. to minimize discomfort. Have you found this necessary?

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Well, I was on mostly liquids prior to surgery and all liquids afterwards so bm's sort of became a thing of the past. I finally worried about what foods might be lurking around inside me so I took a stool softener on day 3 or 4 and chased it out. I haven't had any other activity down there at all. No diarrhea or anything. I'm sure when I start adding pureed and mushy foods I'll get too creative and cause myself some distress but so far so good.

Reminds me that in the hospital they were very interested in me passing gas and asked about it whenever they checked on me. I was so pleased when I could report a fart so they could check it off of their list!

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Today was one week and 180 degree difference in how I feel. The surgery knocked me back, for sure, weak, sick, sore... now, I'm just starting to get the hang of a liquid diet and I'm supposed to switch over to mushy and pureed foods. I bought more Protein shakes today so I can just add some yogurt and other pureed food just a bite at a time until I get the hang of eating food. I did order 3 containers of the powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury Protein powder to add to pudding, yogurt, Soups and other items. I thought I should stay focused on Protein no matter what so this investment should keep me on track.

If I do too much, my energy level just bottoms out. I'm not used to this and it catches me by surprise.

I already have a bet with myself that I will forget to not drink 30 mins before and after trying a small bite of food. I knew that would be a problem from the start. I thought of putting a post it note on top of my cup with the time written on it that I can drink again but not sure what will work right now.

I keep looking at my body and the changes I've started noticing. I think this all might get real once I put on a pair of pants and they are too big for me.

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You have no idea how much you've helped me tonight! I am 32 and have been having major reservations about this surgery. I know the pros outweigh the cons and I'm doing this for my health! So thank you so very much!!! My surgery is scheduled for June 18th...sleeve with hiatal hernia repair. I am a leader for a youth trip leaving June 23rd for 4 days. It's the beach...only a four hour drive. I'm not required to do anything with the group except make sure they are in the room at night. I don't have to be in the sun on beach nor go out to eat with them. I need opinions from those who have had surgery. Will I feel like recovering in a hotel room on the beach, 5 days after surgery? Or do I bow out? If recovering at home, I will have my 4 kids (ages 4-14) to take care of while my husband works. Thanks for any input!!

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I'm so glad if any of this has helped at all. Sharing my daily activities, my health info and, for crying out loud, my WEIGHT has been beyond bizarre! However, the one thing that helped me navigate the murkiness of a life-changing surgery were the personal stories, advice, good, bad, pain, eating, fears, eating experiences and more that everyone shared with me and other total strangers on this board. We're all united in this journey and should do what we can to help each other but keep in mind that our experiences may differ greatly. I don't know if it's due to our surgeons, anatomy, meds, life experiences or a combination of them but knowledge is power and the more you know, the more prepared you will be.

My pain was up and down after surgery and for me, the nausea was the far worse experience. I took the patch behind the ear, told the anesthesiologist to do what he could to minimize the nausea, took all nausea and pain medication they could give me and figured the rest of the post surgery steps would follow. Today I didn't take a pain pill at all but I will when I go to sleep. My stitches itch like mad now, all I do is scratch around them and I may need benedryl or something. However, I sneezed today and almost had no pain, a victory there since I was fearing coughs, sneezes or hiccips for the past week!

So, from those first days in the hospital, when they lined up plastic 2 oz cups filled with Water and encouraged me to work my way through them to less than a week later I'm drinking several ounces at a time, along with 3 Protein shakes and Vitamins, to today when I had my first pureed food and am learning all over again what to eat. Think of this journey as a sort of bunny hop through the steps, a couple of hops forward, a couple of hops back, and several more steps forward again. Just as I got the hang of drinking Protein Shakes, now I'm figuring out the mushy and pureed food process, hop, hop, hop...

Today I had a strawberry banana Protein shake with additional Protein Powder added to it for Breakfast. I had about 20 ounces flavored water and then set the kitchen timer for 30 minutes and planned lunch, which was 2 -3 Tbsp of high Protein yogurt. Even though I ate with a baby spoon, out of a pre-measured container, much stomach gurgling during this meal kept me eating slowly. I ate slow, listened to my stomach, and stopped before the container was empty. Once done, I set the timer, and then started drinking my Water again. Next meal, 2 Tbsp of a mix of mashed banana and ceeamy Peanut Butter. Same eating process and gurgling results. Again, I stopped before the container was empty. Kind of an interesting process but I got in my liquids and Vitamins. I guess I'm supposed to be tracking calories and protein and stuff but I'm just going to get the hang of the food eating first and then talk to my Nut next week and let her tell me what to track.

I'm feeling good and optimistic and even planning to walk with my daughter in Walk for Life tomorrow. Can't wait to swim and ride my bike again!

I think I'll stick with shakes for Breakfast for awhile, have a few small meals during the day, and keep each one at 2 Tbsp each and high protein. Oh yeah, and I'm down 10 pounds since surgery 8 days ago. 10 pounds, is that the size of a watermelon? 10 pounds is cool! I've lost a total of 30 since my high weight this past March. 30 pounds is like a whole toddler or something, right! Again, I say cool!

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You have no idea how much you've helped me tonight! I am 32 and have been having major reservations about this surgery. I know the pros outweigh the cons and I'm doing this for my health! So thank you so very much!!! My surgery is scheduled for June 18th...sleeve with hiatal hernia repair. I am a leader for a youth trip leaving June 23rd for 4 days. It's the beach...only a four hour drive. I'm not required to do anything with the group except make sure they are in the room at night. I don't have to be in the sun on beach nor go out to eat with them. I need opinions from those who have had surgery. Will I feel like recovering in a hotel room on the beach, 5 days after surgery? Or do I bow out? If recovering at home, I will have my 4 kids (ages 4-14) to take care of while my husband works. Thanks for any input!!

I wanted to answer your question about the beach trip separately. Only a few days after surgery, you will have pain, may have trouble sleeping and will be sorting out what Protein Drinks you'll like the best. However, if I could have recovered at the beach, I probably would have! Take extra pillows to help you get comfortable sleeping, make frequent stops to walk and stretch your legs, drink, drink, drink! take Water, flavored water, different Protein drinks and your pain pills. Nothing will make you feel sicker than getting dehydrated. Rest and takes naps. If you never have before, this is the time when we have to listen to our bodies, when to drink, when to rest, when to stop eating, and how to decipher what a gurgling stomach means!

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I think I'm messing up this phase of eating; mushy and pureed foods. I'm doing some things mushy and some things chunky that I'm chewing to pulp. I'm going to have to check with Nut at my appt this week. I'm doing well at spacing out eating and drinking and walking and liquids but have not been tracking my Protein...

I need to start metamucil but I'm not used to this since I've always been regular and now, not so much.

Walking a lot and feeling good. Restaurants not really a problem since I'm not hungry. My weight was due to eating much carbs and dairy in response to what seemed like over-whelming hunger pains coming from my stomach. Now, no hunger signals, no problem sitting with family as they eat and I pick through my minuscule Protein.< /p>

Got some direct criticism today. Apparently, I should have lost weight using the metabolic diet, also high protein and no invasive surgery. I'm losing too fast, not healthy... *sigh* I don't mind other opinions, and it doesn't offend me when someone prefers their weight loss process over mine. I assume they don't understand my situation or procedure, and many do confuse it with gastric bypass. Regardless, I just explain my long history with attempted weight loss, the need to remove the great white shark hunger that drove my over eating and my new stomach I can control. My health risk factors will decrease with this surgery and my awareness of my health and nutriton has greatly increased. We will all run up against people who will tell us we chose the wrong solution (oh, OK, let me go have my stomach reattached and try your diet...) but I try to be gracious and let them talk while I think happy thoughts mostly related to my morning appointment with my scale!

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Added mirilax to my morning Protein shake just to get things moving. Tried some refried Beans and cheese for lunch and it was good. Stitches still itchy and red so guess I'll call my doc in the morning.

Evergy level high and getting my liquids in. Signed back in to my fitness pal and set new goals. I began logging foods today and FP says I should be down to 219 in 5 weeks based on my intake. Can't wait to meet with my nutritionist this week.

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Thank you so much for this thread! I'm 3 weeks out today from my flight to TJ and 3 weeks tomorrow is my surgery. It's all getting real now and this day-by-day post is settling my sudden nerves.

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Oops, duplicate post!

Edited by hrhlaurie

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I hope your surgery goes really well. If you've spent any time at all on this site then you see some themes repeated over and over; drink liquids constantly, walk often, take your meds, follow your recovery directions and just keep trying every day.

I hope my mistakes can help others. I ate too much last night when my written instructions stated 2 Tbsp per meal only, drank my Protein shake too fast this morning when I knew I needed to sip it, didn't try to do anything about Constipation until yesterday when my instructions said I should have a bm every other day and I had only had one since surgery. I paid for my eating and drinking errors with pain and serious gurgling and am not pleased that my new task is to take mirilax and focus on my bum.

I'm stalled for the 3rd day at 238 and my incisions all have itchy and red skin which is a reaction to the prep solution or adhesive. I've been told it will pass and to use cream and take benadryl. I woke up in the night scratching and it is like poison ivy or something. The itching has taken my mind off of my stall!

food doesn't bother me, and I don't get hungry when I smell it and it's almost like a memory of something I used to like. Thank goodness they cut out most of my stomach, especially the bits with the "you're hungry, you must eat" hormone!

I feel smaller and feel like I can see the early results when I look at my legs or stomach or face but it's almost like an optical illusion where they may, or may not, be smaller. I took some pre-surgery photos but no measurements but I wish I had taken some to compare them now. I'm sure I have some pics from my highest weight last March but youd be surprised, or maybe not, at how well I could take a photo hiding behind a kid or something!

After all of this, is it worth it? Yep, I'm keeping my eye on the prize and my goals in front of me. Smaller, healthier me!

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You are doing amazing! We all make mistakes. One of mine landed me in the ER last week. Turns out I was so constipated that when I took stool softeners it caused major havoc and I will leave the details out but let's just say I they had to give me morphine and medically induce a BM. :( worst nightmare ever. I am really making sure to get all my fluids in now. Today is the first day I ate without it being uncomfortable. Still having a hard time getting all the Protein Shakes in but I'm trying. As long as we do our best we will all be ok. The first few weeks are a huge adjustment but before we know it we will look back and it will seem so long ago. And so worth it!!

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I am loving this thread! Thank you so much for sharing!!!

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I hope your surgery goes really well. If you've spent any time at all on this site then you see some themes repeated over and over; drink liquids constantly, walk often, take your meds, follow your recovery directions and just keep trying every day.<br><br> I hope my mistakes can help others. I ate too much last night when my written instructions stated 2 Tbsp per meal only, drank my Protein shake too fast this morning when I knew I needed to sip it, didn't try to do anything about Constipation until yesterday when my instructions said I should have a bm every other day and I had only had one since surgery. I paid for my eating and drinking errors with pain and serious gurgling and am not pleased that my new task is to take mirilax and focus on my bum.<br><br> I'm stalled for the 3rd day at 238 and my incisions all have itchy and red skin which is a reaction to the prep solution or adhesive. I've been told it will pass and to use cream and take benadryl. I woke up in the night scratching and it is like poison ivy or something. The itching has taken my mind off of my stall! <br><br> food doesn't bother me, and I don't get hungry when I smell it and it's almost like a memory of something I used to like. Thank goodness they cut out most of my stomach, especially the bits with the "you're hungry, you must eat" hormone!<br><br> I feel smaller and feel like I can see the early results when I look at my legs or stomach or face but it's almost like an optical illusion where they may, or may not, be smaller. I took some pre-surgery photos but no measurements but I wish I had taken some to compare them now. I'm sure I have some pics from my highest weight last March but youd be surprised, or maybe not, at how well I could take a photo hiding behind a kid or something!<br><br> After all of this, is it worth it? Yep, I'm keeping my eye on the prize and my goals in front of me. Smaller, healthier me!

We are about the same 19 days post op for me. Same problems especially with the fluids/food rule. Ugh

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