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:) So today my sister came in from Kansas City so she could teach me some things about cooking. We took my daughter to the park with our puppy and tried to do some walking. I didnt get very far because the puppy pooped out before I did.

:rolleyes: I realized quickly that all the mothers up at the park gave me really bad looks. I was trying to walk fast and I ended up getting all red faced and sweaty...HOW EMBARRASSING.....I would walk in circles around the playground keeping my eye on my daughter......and i literally saw a mom whisper to one of her friends and her friend looked up right at me.....WTF!!!! Im walking aren't I!!?!?!?!

So after the Park we came back to the house and dug ourselves into a massive collection of cookbooks my sister brought along.

:( O-M-G IM SUCH A PICKY EATER!!!!! So my sister and I came up with some dinner ideas and good Snacks that I could eat to keep on PLAN!

She wrote me a list of items to get from the grocery store and sent me by myself to the store. I went in....looking stupid as can be (b/c this time i was not going straight to the freezer section) and started looking for the random items.....chicken (boneless & skinless) who knew? Also....some tuna and make sure its IN WATER......i grabbed some in oil on accident.....didnt think there was much difference...OOPS....

Items on my list included:

Bread (i did white...i cant stand wheat)

Cereal (high fiber) I ended up with Total and Special K




FAT FREE Sour Cream (yuck.....but we all have to make sacrifices)

Skim Milk (for my Cereal & Protein shake)

Salad (not for me!!! I HATE SALAD.....it was for my hubby)

Boneless/Skinless chicken (I got breasts and thighs)

Green Beans

Beef Broth

Pork Shoulder Roast (pulled pork)

Veg oil

Lemon Pepper


OK GET THIS.......they have a I CANT BELIEVE ITS NOT BUTTER.......drumroll please......FAT FREE

Turkey (lunch meat)


Shake N Bake (these are amazingly ok to eat...not bad on cals or carbs)

So i had a pretty big list. I was pretty frustruated.....picking which kind out and what to get is so hard. They don't teach that in school.

We are having shake n bake chicken breast and thighs....and scalloped potatoes for dinner....NO bread ROLLS.....I think I will have milk tonight......i need something other than WATER

So hopefully I get back on my walking on the treadmill tomorrow...


When I got up this morning and put on my pair of capris the were LOOSE!!!! These are button up and have been tight for the past year. They are the kind that have to stretch a bit because they are so tight and they actually hurt my waste because they are so tight....




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"embarrassed.gif I realized quickly that all the mothers up at the park gave me really bad looks. I was trying to walk fast and I ended up getting all red faced and sweaty...HOW EMBARRASSING.....I would walk in circles around the playground keeping my eye on my daughter......and i literally saw a mom whisper to one of her friends and her friend looked up right at me.....WTF!!!! Im walking aren't I!!?!?!?!

So after the Park we came back to the house and dug ourselves into a massive collection of cookbooks my sister brought along."

THOSE STUPID IGNORANT MOTHERFUCKINGBITCHES. Don't you DARE let them get you down. What is WRONG with our society??? I too have experienced meanies like this. I bet you can't wait for the day when you get to 'priss' by those saggy assed freaks. I am so sorry. try to turn your embarrasment in to something positive... kind of like a vacuum. suck in the bad.. recycle it and blow out the positive. Next time maybe you can wave at them and be all sweet.

sorry to rant.



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Guest Band4EJ

Good one Synical Chick. I was thinking the same thing.

Krystal, you are definitely not alone and I too thank you for your honesty. The past week or so I've done some "band manipulation" too and it scared the heck out of me. I thought I must be the biggest freak in the world to spend so much money and have this tool to help me lose weight YET still want to eat the bad stuff. I think the only thing that saves me is the food journaling. At first I thought it was stupid, but it really seems to help.

Wishing you strength, courage and weight loss!

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It seems like you get those looks no matter WHAT you do... If you go to the gym, you get the look. If you go out to eat, you get the look...

Some people are just ASSHOLES and need to be bitch slapped a couple of times a day. If they look - LOOK BACK. And then give them the most evil grin you can muster. They will stop looking, eventually. Plus, you will feel much better.

You have inspired me to haul my fat ass to the gym tonight.

Thanks, Krystal.

Stay Tough!


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As I read your story, I began to think to myself.....oh my god somebody is writing the story of my lap-band life. I too have cheated myself completely since I got the band in May 2003. As I am coming up on my 4 year anniversary, it is sad and sickening to think that I am in the same position now as I was then. I really want to get back on track, I really do. I feel like I need a swift kick in the ass on an almost daily basis. Like others have said, I feel like if I had to be held accountable, then I would stick to the right behaviors to make this band work. I have got to come to terms that the past is the past and I just need to move on from here and start my new band life. My major problem is mental because I know I can cheat the band. I have to get over that and its not going to be easy because I have been doing it for almost 4 years now. I am 100% committed to utilizing this band in the way it was intended . I try not to let too many others in on my band because I don't want them asking questions. Well all that boils down to is the fact that I am ashamed that I have completely sabotaged my success with this wonderful tool. I really need help with foods to eat that are going to be the best for success with the band. I really don't like to cook all that often, so any shortcut recipes or prepared options are usually best for me. Any advice/comments/motivations are greatly welcomed!!

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:clap2: :rolleyes: OMG


I just had chicken with extra crispy shake n bake for dinner..........do i need to repeat again.... OMG

I was so missing out....i could eat this stuff all the time....HELLLLLLOOOOO where was i when this stuff hit the market.....

Im soooooooo on target now! It has low cals....low fat, low carbs.....OMG:clap2: :hungry: :clap2: :hungry: :clap2: :hungry: :clap2:

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Krystal, I have been away for some time. Just read your entire post. WOW! I love your honesty. Please keep up the fabulous work and keep posting. You are inspiring me!! You are helping so many of us. Thank you!!

I myself had to stop weighing. Yesterday for the first time in 4 years I purchased an 18/20 top from Lane Bryant. The day of surgery I was wearing 26/28. YEY!!!!!!!!!

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Congrats on your new commitment to your life! I love my band - after having for 4 months and having lost 33 lbs. but sometimes it really sucks. Seeing other people eat wings or a burger - knowing that would kill me if I tried to eat those things - but that is old habits talking. If your band is tight enough you should not feel hungry and crave foods like you used to. Plus, it's so nice to be wearing a 14 again and people are starting to notice and calling me "skinny." Yeah right not quite but I will be soon! Hang in there and keep working hard - you'll do it and you'll look and feel fabulous! thanks for sharing!

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Today I got up and decided I was going to have some eggs.....with my FAT FREE butter and a little shredded cheese. Was feeling great......then my sister wooped my butt into shape.

She introduced me to some "circuit training" as she called it. 10 minutes of walking.....followed by some weight exercises....followed by 10 minutes of walking......more weight exercises....and then finally 10 more minutes of walking.....(and then cool down exercises)

I never realized how much this breaks up the work out. It really make all of it go faster(in a weird way)....instead doing 3 different sets of reps all together you can take breaks by walking....and getting the heart rate up and down like that is good....(or so i been told)

So we made PULLED PORK today.....did it in a slow cooker...mmmmmm....NOT....

Didnt care for it much....for some reason i felt guilty eating it....it wasnt BAD for me.....but it just seemed not right....besides....I like chicken and beef better.

My theme for todays journal is GETS HARDER BY THE MINUTE.....why?

Every freaking minute i do on that treadmill is sooooo hard for me. I didnt realize how bad I really am until i started trying to do a steady 30 minutes on the treadmill each day.....it's like my body says i need it but my legs cant keep up. It is what has in the past made me quit......but not anymore...

Im pushing myself as much as i can. Im trying to at least do 30minutes a day......


Today I parked in the back of the parking lot on purpose.....that was a change...

I bought new shoes today as well.....new balance......my $20 Walmart shoes were not cutting it on the treadmill. (soon i shouldnt need wide width anymore)

My journals are very random....not always grammatically correct or spell checked....but i try to mention important ports of my day.

OK...Next subject.......


I went to Target today as well as walmart. I know these places are not the best sources for cookbooks but i am sooooooo frustruated with the selections i find anywhere.

I am a really picky eater. I like really simple meals. I dont like all the BS on my food and basically if there was a good way to describe my pickyness it would be like a 5yr old with a dab of adult every once in awhile. Please tell me Im not the only one here...

I try and force myself to eat better foods and different foods...but i was raised on junk...

Example of whats in my kitchen (BEFORE BAND)

Ravioli (toasted and baked)


chicken Nuggets (these will never make it out of my fridge)



Mac & cheese

Ramen Noodles

Burgers (pre-cooked for microwave)

Cheese (just about every kind)

mayo (miricle whip light)

Hot Dogs

This is just a sample.....and now ive replaced alot with the following:



Fat Free Butter

Skim Milk




Chicken breasts

pork chops


grean Beans



Heres my point.....i need more ideas geared toward the picky eater. I will try things that are not so complex.....really simple meals...like easy quick to make things.....that shake N BAKE I made the other night is a good exaple....very simple and 20 min to make. Easy. Simple. Tastes good. Doesnt have a lot of junk on it.

Every cookbook I open up has some weird dish made with all kinds of what i call "nasty" food.< /span>


Ok im going to bed :notagree ...enough of my rants and raves...thanks to anyone who had enough patiance to read my post.

Im pushing forward........keep it up guys!!!

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OK WHAT HAPPENED TO THE JOURNALS ON LBT? WTH? So i got no warning of this and I would have liked to get all my journals and copy them to a different site.......they are gone....are they comming back...anyone know why they got rid of them?

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OK WHAT HAPPENED TO THE JOURNALS ON LBT? WTH? So i got no warning of this and I would have liked to get all my journals and copy them to a different site.......they are gone....are they comming back...anyone know why they got rid of them?

I believe they are working on it. I too copy from here and post on my caloriesperhour forum.. now i"m doing the opposite,, except, there's no where to post 'em. Oh well. ANYwho.. just wanted to let you know that because of YOU I'm forcing myself to walk AT LEAST 1.6 miles per day. the war in my head is silly.. I really have to MAKE myself. I"m like a petulant 2 yr old.

hang in there!


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Here's a wonderful chicken recipe that everyone asks me to make constantly:

Garlic Lime Chicken

Serves 6

  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon pepper
  • 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
  • 1/4 teaspoon paprika
  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon onion powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon thyme
  • 6 boneless skinless chicken breast halves
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1/2 cup chicken broth
  • 4 tablespoons lime juice

In a bowl, mix together first 7 ingredients. (hint: I triple or quadruple the spices, and put them in a shaker with large holes so I don't have to get them all out every time I make this recipe, and then just sprinkle it on the chicken to taste. It's pretty spicy, so that way I can adjust it to the taste of the people I'm making it for.) Sprinkle mixture on both sides of chicken breasts.

In a skillet heat butter and olive oil together over medium high heat. Saute chicken until golden brown, about 5 minutes on each side. Turn down the heat, remove the chicken (keeping warm) and add the lime juice and chicken broth to the pan, whisking up the browned bits off the bottom of the skillet. Keep cooking until sauce has reduced slightly. Add chicken back to the pan to thoroughly coat and serve. (I let it cook until dry, it adds tons more flavor to the chicken, and it browns up very nicely.)

Per Serving: 343 Calories; 11g Fat (31.1% calories from fat); 55g Protein; 2g Carbohydrate; trace Dietary Fiber; 147mg Cholesterol; 612mg Sodium. Exchanges: 0 Grain(Starch); 7 1/2 Lean Meat; 0 Fruit; 1 1/2 Fat.

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Do you like chili? That's one of my favorite meals. It does take a little more effort and time, but it makes enough to freeze away some to pull out for quickie meals later. Here's my recipe:

3 lb. lean ground beef, well-browned and drained (or you can use half ground beef and half ground turkey)

3 onions, chopped (You can buy frozen chopped onions & peppers if you want to make it a little easier!)

3 bell peppers, chopped

4 cloves garlic, minced

2 cans Rotel

4 cans diced tomatoes<O:p</O:p

1 T salt<O:p</O:p

5 T. chili powder<O:p</O:p

3 cans kidney Beans, drained



Brown beef well and drain. Remove to paper toweling to drain further. In same pan, sauté onions, peppers, and garlic. Put beef and sautéed vegetables in stock pot with Rotel, canned tomatoes, salt, chili powder, and sugar. Simmer 1-2 hrs., remove lid, add drained Beans and simmer 5”.<O:p</O:p

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