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My surgery date is fast approaching. January 14th, 2014. It has been a long road to this moment in my life. I have been heavy since I was about 3 years old.......probably like most of you....I've been on to many diets to list. I have enjoyed some success on these diets as well however it was ALWAYS short lived. Typically I would gain back all that was lost plus more! SO......I need a tool!

Six days away from surgery and I have so many emotions swirling around inside of me.....almost like I am mourning the only me I have ever known.

That being said I am comfortable with my decision....I know it is the right thing for me. I am looking forward to being more active and energetic. I hope to be a better role model for my daughter.

I am here for support, advice and friendship.

Excited & scared,


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Dear Christy,

I can relate completely. I have two little girls who are the main reason why I decided that I needed to make this change. My surgery was Dec 16th. The week before I was feeling just like you: excited but so scared. Surgery was very smooth and I had no complications. I am now a few weeks out and tonight for the first time after the surgery I went out to a restaurant for dinner. I have lost a total of 27lbs so far and I am so happy with my decision to have the sleeve.

To ease the fear, prepare prepare and prepare. Learn from the experienced members of this site: start walking as soon as you can after the surgery (I walked the hospital hallways day and night) . Practice breathing with the spirometer, do it at least 10 per hour. Follow your doctor's directions pre and post op, and you will be just fine. We are actually at greater risk being overweight than having surgery complications.

Stay strong, good luck and keep us posted!

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Hi, I am 2 weeks post-op tomorrow (surgery date 12/26).

Reading your words was taking a page from my thoughts and emotions a few week pre-op. I have a 4 year old daughter and 19 month old son. VSG surgery was a huge decision for me in every way! I have been over weight from about the age of 8 years. Life long heart ache and I was so done. Done with weight holding me back, stealing joy from my life and determined to live a enjoyable life with my husband and children!

I was so nervous a month out and oddly about a week or so before surgery I got very calm. I felt secure in my choice for the future, my health and happiness. I felt this has been a blessing in my life and the calmness was just a continuation of that blessing. The night before my surgery, Christmas night as I tucked my kids into bed I lost it. Lots of tears. I hid it from my babies but my husband found me upset .Did not help his nerves at all :mellow: ... I would be gone and my surgery done before they even woke. So emotional for me. These life changing choices are never easy.

This choice has such a positive ending to it, that is what I had to stay focused on through my emotional roller coaster.

Very happy to tell you I did so very well. So little pain, nausea or inability to consume liquids. My post-op diet has gone more quickly then I have expected. I can not wait to be able to lift my son up again, but very soon.

Hang in there, surgery is a nerve racking thing but just stay focused on why you have made your choice.

I wish you all the best! Feel free to contact me for any support or questions. Always looking for great support friends myself ;)

You will rock it out lil Momma

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Well said!!! My thoughts exactly!!! I too was very nervous until about the weekend before the surgery, then a strange calmness.

You are not alone. (hugs).

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I too am surgery date 1/14 let's keep each other posted! However Having 2nd thoughts

Not telling anyone and fear of surgery itself the head hunger and recovery are enough to keep me In tears daily I'm just looking at these to keep me from canceling please keep the positive thoughts coming I know it best!

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I too am surgery date 1/14 let's keep each other posted! However Having 2nd thoughts

Not telling anyone and fear of surgery itself the head hunger and recovery are enough to keep me In tears daily I'm just looking at these to keep me from canceling please keep the positive thoughts coming I know it best!

Awww mamato2 I feel for you.

It is a big decision. I kept telling myself a couple ruff weeks were worth it for the rest of my life feeling good. Having this heavy life long monkey off my back was absolutely necessity for me. If you see my previous post above....

I have done SO GREAT! Way better then I ever expected or mentally prepared for. Not very sore at all, no nauseous feelings, able to hold down everything. I did not puree anything. Was taught to chew chew chew. I am 2 weeks 1 day post op and am out and about. Enjoy life feeling great! I am so happy the surgery is behind me & very excited for the future. That fact alone feels amazing. We are all different. A positive mind set is helpful going into this. You will still enjoy the things you do now, just in a new healthier way & smaller proportions.

We are just a few weeks apart in this journey. Keep in touch. Support and not feeling alone in all of this helps so very much!

Hang in there;o)

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I was nervous 1 week b4 my surgery too (surgery December 18, 2013) the day of surgery I was so calm, I prayed to God and that's all I needed ... My surgery went well and had no pain medicine @ all in the hospital or @ home . Had a little soreness , but nothing I couldn't handle ... Now I'm on puree foods and doing great ... I walk about 2 to 3 miles a day .... I'm so happy with myself ....

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I too am surgery date 1/14 let's keep each other posted! However Having 2nd thoughts

Not telling anyone and fear of surgery itself the head hunger and recovery are enough to keep me In tears daily I'm just looking at these to keep me from canceling please keep the positive thoughts coming I know it best!

Awww mamato2 I feel for you.

It is a big decision. I kept telling myself a couple ruff weeks were worth it for the rest of my life feeling good. Having this heavy life long monkey off my back was absolutely necessity for me. If you see my previous post above....

I have done SO GREAT! Way better then I ever expected or mentally prepared for. Not very sore at all, no nauseous feelings, able to hold down everything. I did not puree anything. Was taught to chew chew chew. I am 2 weeks 1 day post op and am out and about. Enjoy life feeling great! I am so happy the surgery is behind me & very excited for the future. That fact alone feels amazing. We are all different. A positive mind set is helpful going into this. You will still enjoy the things you do now, just in a new healthier way & smaller proportions.

We are just a few weeks apart in this journey. Keep in touch. Support and not feeling alone in all of this helps so very much!

Hang in there;o)

Thanks so much I'm so excited to watch updates and the encouragement has helped my Dr says he thinks my recovery should be great doing pre op excercising and start weight of 225 he says helps let's hope so! I'm so glad your recovery was amazing and hope my journey is as successful! Keep me updated!! Great job!

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I was nervous 1 week b4 my surgery too (surgery December 18, 2013) the day of surgery I was so calm, I prayed to God and that's all I needed ... My surgery went well and had no pain medicine @ all in the hospital or @ home . Had a little soreness , but nothing I couldn't handle ... Now I'm on puree foods and doing great ... I walk about 2 to 3 miles a day .... I'm so happy with myself ....

Thanks for the helpful words I'm praying my recovery is as awesome as yours! Great job!!!

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Every emotion you mentioned is normal...It is better to feel like you do then run head long into this without much thought of why or what you are doing.....Most patients are like you measuring the pros and cons of all of this and nervous about the unknowns...your right on cue...

Your going forward with the hope of good things to come from this amazing tool..I hope all the best for you..Keep us posted ..K


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Even when you know you have made a good decision, the "unknown" is always scary! I think you are going to do great! At 3 1/2 years out, I am STILL sold on my decision and VSG! It opened up new worlds of healthy living and accomplishments for me. At your age, you have a great life ahead! Keep us posted on how things go!

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<p>Even when you know you have made a good decision, the "unknown" is always scary! I think you are going to do great! At 3 1/2 years out, I am STILL sold on my decision and VSG! It opened up new worlds of healthy living and accomplishments for me. At your age, you have a great life ahead! Keep us posted on how things go! </p>

Thanks Georgia I sure will 3 days away! Eeek!

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<p>Hi, I am 2 weeks post-op tomorrow (surgery date 12/26).</p> <p>Reading your words was taking a page from my thoughts and emotions a few week pre-op. I have a 4 year old daughter and 19 month old son. VSG surgery was a huge decision for me in every way! I have been over weight from about the age of 8 years. Life long heart ache and I was so done. Done with weight holding me back, stealing joy from my life and determined to live a enjoyable life with my husband and children!</p> <p>I was so nervous a month out and oddly about a week or so before surgery I got very calm. I felt secure in my choice for the future, my health and happiness. I felt this has been a blessing in my life and the calmness was just a continuation of that blessing. The night before my surgery, Christmas night as I tucked my kids into bed I lost it. Lots of tears. I hid it from my babies but my husband found me upset .Did not help his nerves at all :mellow: ... I would be gone and my surgery done before they even woke. So emotional for me. These life changing choices are never easy.</p> <p>This choice has such a positive ending to it, that is what I had to stay focused on through my emotional roller coaster. </p> <p> </p> <p>Very happy to tell you I did so very well. So little pain, nausea or inability to consume liquids. My post-op diet has gone more quickly then I have expected. I can not wait to be able to lift my son up again, but very soon.</p> <p style="text-align:center;">Hang in there, surgery is a nerve racking thing but just stay focused on why you have made your choice.</p> <p>I wish you all the best! Feel free to contact me for any support or questions. Always looking for great support friends myself ;)</p> <p> </p> <p>You will rock it out lil Momma</p>

How are you feeling I just got home from hospital tonight I'm in more pain than I was at hospital and can't sleep so now of course the emotions set in did I do the right thing etc just seeing how you feel???

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Hi mamato2,

First congrats the surgery is behind you!!!!! I only stayed one night, walked like a mad woman so they would let me leave. I wanted to get home to my kids and recover at home.

I to had more pain once I was at home. I thought that I may of rushed it, got a bit scared but by the next day and the next it got much better. The IV meds at the hospital work great. They sent me home with some liquid pain meds. The key for me was staying on top of it, not letting them run out time wise. By 2 days home my discomfort was from stomach acid and the remaining gas in my chest. Began Pepcid and gasX and that helped a TON. I was able to stop liquid pain meds by 3rd day home and just do some Tylenol as needed. I have to think my surgeon was a big part of it, gentle as possible. I was much less sore then I expected from the laparoscopy itself..

Hang in there, get as much rest as you can. Lots of movies and cuddle time with your kids. Keep a pillow on your belly for extra comfort and protection. Warm showers helped as well.


Try your best to keep moving to help get some of the sore out.

I am going to private message you my email

So glad you are doing ok and excited for you to feel better and enjoy the bright side of this process.

Talk to you soon :)

<p>Hi, I am 2 weeks post-op tomorrow (surgery date 12/26).</p> <p>Reading your words was taking a page from my thoughts and emotions a few week pre-op. I have a 4 year old daughter and 19 month old son. VSG surgery was a huge decision for me in every way! I have been over weight from about the age of 8 years. Life long heart ache and I was so done. Done with weight holding me back, stealing joy from my life and determined to live a enjoyable life with my husband and children!</p> <p>I was so nervous a month out and oddly about a week or so before surgery I got very calm. I felt secure in my choice for the future, my health and happiness. I felt this has been a blessing in my life and the calmness was just a continuation of that blessing. The night before my surgery, Christmas night as I tucked my kids into bed I lost it. Lots of tears. I hid it from my babies but my husband found me upset .Did not help his nerves at all :mellow: ... I would be gone and my surgery done before they even woke. So emotional for me. These life changing choices are never easy.</p> <p>This choice has such a positive ending to it, that is what I had to stay focused on through my emotional roller coaster. </p> <p> </p> <p>Very happy to tell you I did so very well. So little pain, nausea or inability to consume liquids. My post-op diet has gone more quickly then I have expected. I can not wait to be able to lift my son up again, but very soon.</p> <p style="text-align:center;">Hang in there, surgery is a nerve racking thing but just stay focused on why you have made your choice.</p> <p>I wish you all the best! Feel free to contact me for any support or questions. Always looking for great support friends myself ;)</p> <p> </p> <p>You will rock it out lil Momma</p>

How are you feeling I just got home from hospital tonight I'm in more pain than I was at hospital and can't sleep so now of course the emotions set in did I do the right thing etc just seeing how you feel???

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How are you feeling I just got home from hospital tonight I'm in more pain than I was at hospital and can't sleep so now of course the emotions set in did I do the right thing etc just seeing how you feel???

It def gets better quickly! Hang in and fight the emotions :)

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    • ChunkCat

      I have no clue where to upload this, so I'll put it here. This is pre-op vs the morning of my 6 month appointment! In office I weight 232, that's 88 lbs down since my highest weight, 75 lbs since my surgery weight! I can't believe this jacket fit... I am smaller now than the last time I was this size which the surgeon found really amusing. He's happy with where I am in my weight loss and estimates I'll be around 200 lbs by my 1 year anniversary! My lowest weight as an adult is 195, so that's pretty damn exciting to think I'll be near that at a year. Everything from there will be unknown territory!!

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      1. AmberFL

        You look amazing!!! 😻 you have been killing it!

      2. NickelChip

        Congratulations! You're making excellent progress and looking amazing!

      3. BabySpoons

        So proud of you Cat. Getting into those smaller size clothes is half the fun isn't it?. Keep up the good work!!!!

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