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2014 - Where have all the "ole-timers" gone?

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Oh yeah I remember you clearly! It is nice to find out my bootcamp is still being used. I still do it sometimes. I did it a few months back and avoided sugar all together for 5 straight weeks. It was a very proud moment!

How have you been??


I just read another post where you are changing to LMD2. Good for you, and keep up the good work!

I changed my name once I hit onederland. Now, I have gained back and need to lose 10 lbs to get there. I joined the Valentine's challenge, my first one really in 2 years and 3 1/2 months. My stomach has bloated out and I am pissed. I get frustrated, get back on here then get on it for a few days, get hungry and it starts all over again. I have worked the 5:2 but, my hubby is living away from me (my bestest friend) due to a promotion, so when he comes home, he BBQ's. he is the main chef, and I want to eat with him and my son who will be leaving soon, to the Air Force. I try to eat small portions, generally skinless chicken breast or tri-tip. Never drink with my meals, BUT lately have been sneaking in, banana with Peanut Butter or Greek yogurt with granola and dried cranberries. Falling back into some crap eating, recognize it change for a while then here I go again. I swore I was not going to diet after the sleeve but, now I have no choice. I am now thinking liquid diet like before I was sleeved. When the boys eat, I will just go into my room.

That is my food issues, I have been hospitalized twice in the past 14 months, most recently with a grand mal seizure. I am taking a medication for my Low potassium, and for seizures for the rest of my life, my driver license was revoked, which has been hard. I am deep into menopause with hot flashes and heart palpating issues regularly, but all in...I am doing fine.

Our friend Cheri has had some tough times, and I would like to put energies into good vibes for her - I pray but, if that is not what other folks do, please think positive thoughts for her she has been supportive and given straight forward advise for a long while in this forum.

So, all in while I am not the popular kid on the block, I have found in this circle - strange as it may seem, sharing success, failure, encouragement and stories with complete strangers - helps. Maybe small steps but, we all have one common thread - we have lost portions of our stomachs, most likely have suffered co-morbidities and more than likely have in some fashion had to face our habits.

I wish you well LilMissDiva2. See you around the board.


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Sandy, I'm so glad to see you hanging around the boards, we need you as much as you need us girl! At three years out, I know how the old habits creep back in.(Im not sure my old habits ever really crept out in the first place!) I am hanging on by my toenails, but as "ungraceful" as that may be, at least I'm hanging on to my goal at this time. I too swore I would never "diet" again, way before WLS, but the jokes on me! Diet I must, and so I have bowed to the taskmaster, and weigh myself, log my food, keep track of my exercise every day, and do the 5:2 most weeks and a few 6:1s thrown in when I cant get it together. I eat lots of veggies most of the time, and way too much crap the rest of the time. I write it all down. This seems (so far) to keep my eyes open about the choices I make. Sometimes I have the "strength, fortitude, willpower" whatever you want to call it, to eat clean and follow all the good advice that is dished out here. Other times I really need that structure of the scale, calorie counting and such to just hang on with the sugar, fat and junk going down the pie hole. When I get a hold of that elusive will power, I throw out the junk, get back on the wagon, and go at it again. I do the best I can. Its not alway perfect. I know its harder than ever to lose those few pounds, so I REALLY try not to regain them now. This may all sound horrible to the Newbies that have no hunger now... but truly, maintenance is hard... but doable! That is the good news. You can do it.

Happy, your husband and son love you wether you eat their BBQ or not, but do stay in the room with them and eat there "company".... Maybe do the 5:2 on visit days, when you can save up and eat your 550 for dinner... even if Its just once a week, that may just get you over the top of this problem. Do use MFP if you don't... it helps me so much even if I never wanted to count calories again... I want to be a success with this weight loss too... yogurt and blueberries! that sounds like a lovely desert to me! Just write it down.

Edited by feedyoureye

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Um... Sandy? Where did you get the idea that you aren't liked around here? That's silly talk. I've never once heard anyone say a bad thing about you nor any one of us. Not that I'd care really. Usually when someone stands to point the finger at someone else, their thumb is pointing right back at themselves. People will only notice the bad in another that they see in the mirror... etc.

So forget them and work on YOU!

I'm terribly sorry to hear that you are going through those problems. I will pray for you my WLS sister. Keep taking your supplements and eat well balanced meals. I never would have considered yogurt and granola a bad food. Or bananas, for goodness sake they are chock full of potassium. I eat it and it makes me feel good. Idk... we all have our own thing though. If it works for you then so be it.

I'm not sure what's going on with Cheri but I will reach out. I hope she is ok and I'll also pray her well being.

For me I guess the name change is just my little way of re-defining myself. I don't want to be known as a "workout crazy woman" because I can't even workout half as much as I used to. I have to do it with two bum knees, so I'll just do the best I can. I just want to be seen as a successful woman who overcame the odds! Getting back to goal in a healthy moderate manner. That's all.

Good luck and God bless!! And you surely will see me around. I'm never too far away! :)

Oh yeah I remember you clearly! It is nice to find out my bootcamp is still being used. I still do it sometimes. I did it a few months back and avoided sugar all together for 5 straight weeks. It was a very proud moment!

How have you been??

I just read another post where you are changing to LMD2. Good for you, and keep up the good work!

I changed my name once I hit onederland. Now, I have gained back and need to lose 10 lbs to get there. I joined the Valentine's challenge, my first one really in 2 years and 3 1/2 months. My stomach has bloated out and I am pissed. I get frustrated, get back on here then get on it for a few days, get hungry and it starts all over again. I have worked the 5:2 but, my hubby is living away from me (my bestest friend) due to a promotion, so when he comes home, he BBQ's. he is the main chef, and I want to eat with him and my son who will be leaving soon, to the Air Force. I try to eat small portions, generally skinless chicken breast or tri-tip. Never drink with my meals, BUT lately have been sneaking in, banana with Peanut Butter or Greek yogurt with granola and dried cranberries. Falling back into some crap eating, recognize it change for a while then here I go again. I swore I was not going to diet after the sleeve but, now I have no choice. I am now thinking liquid diet like before I was sleeved. When the boys eat, I will just go into my room.

That is my food issues, I have been hospitalized twice in the past 14 months, most recently with a grand mal seizure. I am taking a medication for my Low potassium, and for seizures for the rest of my life, my driver license was revoked, which has been hard. I am deep into menopause with hot flashes and heart palpating issues regularly, but all in...I am doing fine.

Our friend Cheri has had some tough times, and I would like to put energies into good vibes for her - I pray but, if that is not what other folks do, please think positive thoughts for her she has been supportive and given straight forward advise for a long while in this forum.

So, all in while I am not the popular kid on the block, I have found in this circle - strange as it may seem, sharing success, failure, encouragement and stories with complete strangers - helps. Maybe small steps but, we all have one common thread - we have lost portions of our stomachs, most likely have suffered co-morbidities and more than likely have in some fashion had to face our habits.

I wish you well LilMissDiva2. See you around the board.


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Yay! I remember so many of you! I was sleeved 11/16/2010. I didn't post much but I sure did read everyone else's posts. If it wasn't for VST and all of you sharing your experiences and knowledge I wouldn't be down 118lbs... Still 10 away from my goal, but I'm in a size 6 so I'm not complaining at all. :-)

You are all awesome!

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Not sure if I qualify or not... knocking on 17 months out. I lurk time to time... I think I'd have been more memorable if I'd done less bitching/whining lol. I'm bouncing between 180-185... I had hoped to hit 175, but my surgeon says if I have the loose skin removed, I'll probably drop 6lbs.. That'd put me real close. It's just tough when you don't have that kind of cash. I do admit I don't eat as well as I should. I could blame it on others in the house keeping crappy food around, etc., but I'm ultimately responsible for myself and my own choices.

I've been meeting with the Air Force nurse recruiter the last couple of weeks. He's going to submit my paperwork over and he thinks he can get a waiver for the surgery since I have zero complications, zero food restrictions (types, not quantity obviously), and take zero vitamins/supplements. It may be a tough fight but he and another medical recruiter seem to think I have a shot, especially since I'm medical. I'm applying for their graduate school scholarship - I got accepted to Vanderbilt's Primary Pediatric Nurse Practitioner program. If they DO accept me I'll go inactive reserves for the year that I'm in school... they'll pay tution, fees, books, etc. and give me 2100 a month stipend... Once I graduate and pass boards I'll go in commissioned as a Captain and nurse practitioner :) I'm really looking forward to it and hope I make it in - send up good vibes for me.

That's pretty much the only excitement in my life lately. Trying not to get bummed that I didn't hit my goal weight. Trying to deal with body image issues - when I take my shirt off I still look like the same fat guy in my mind because of saggy skin... it's weird... I'm sure some one out there gets me on that though.

If anyone would like to keep in touch my Facebook is www.facebook.com/claytaylorphotography or hit me up on MFP www.myfitnesspal.com/actingnurse1

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Not sure if I qualify or not... knocking on 17 months out. I lurk time to time... I think I'd have been more memorable if I'd done less bitching/whining lol. I'm bouncing between 180-185... I had hoped to hit 175, but my surgeon says if I have the loose skin removed, I'll probably drop 6lbs.. That'd put me real close. It's just tough when you don't have that kind of cash. I do admit I don't eat as well as I should. I could blame it on others in the house keeping crappy food around, etc., but I'm ultimately responsible for myself and my own choices. I've been meeting with the Air Force nurse recruiter the last couple of weeks. He's going to submit my paperwork over and he thinks he can get a waiver for the surgery since I have zero complications, zero food restrictions (types, not quantity obviously), and take zero vitamins/supplements. It may be a tough fight but he and another medical recruiter seem to think I have a shot, especially since I'm medical. I'm applying for their graduate school scholarship - I got accepted to Vanderbilt's Primary Pediatric Nurse Practitioner program. If they DO accept me I'll go inactive reserves for the year that I'm in school... they'll pay tution, fees, books, etc. and give me 2100 a month stipend... Once I graduate and pass boards I'll go in commissioned as a Captain and nurse practitioner :) I'm really looking forward to it and hope I make it in - send up good vibes for me. That's pretty much the only excitement in my life lately. Trying not to get bummed that I didn't hit my goal weight. Trying to deal with body image issues - when I take my shirt off I still look like the same fat guy in my mind because of saggy skin... it's weird... I'm sure some one out there gets me on that though. If anyone would like to keep in touch my Facebook is www.facebook.com/claytaylorphotography or hit me up on MFP www.myfitnesspal.com/actingnurse1

Wow! How exciting for you. Sounds like a great deal. My daughter finishing up RN right now. Been tough and a 3.5 year battle since she is 37 a single Mom of two and had to split up after LPN and work a year but her plan is to go on to NP also. Good luck!! Keep us posted.

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Not sure if I qualify or not... knocking on 17 months out. I lurk time to time... I think I'd have been more memorable if I'd done less bitching/whining lol. I'm bouncing between 180-185... I had hoped to hit 175, but my surgeon says if I have the loose skin removed, I'll probably drop 6lbs.. That'd put me real close. It's just tough when you don't have that kind of cash. I do admit I don't eat as well as I should. I could blame it on others in the house keeping crappy food around, etc., but I'm ultimately responsible for myself and my own choices. I've been meeting with the Air Force nurse recruiter the last couple of weeks. He's going to submit my paperwork over and he thinks he can get a waiver for the surgery since I have zero complications, zero food restrictions (types, not quantity obviously), and take zero vitamins/supplements. It may be a tough fight but he and another medical recruiter seem to think I have a shot, especially since I'm medical. I'm applying for their graduate school scholarship - I got accepted to Vanderbilt's Primary Pediatric Nurse Practitioner program. If they DO accept me I'll go inactive reserves for the year that I'm in school... they'll pay tution, fees, books, etc. and give me 2100 a month stipend... Once I graduate and pass boards I'll go in commissioned as a Captain and nurse practitioner :) I'm really looking forward to it and hope I make it in - send up good vibes for me. That's pretty much the only excitement in my life lately. Trying not to get bummed that I didn't hit my goal weight. Trying to deal with body image issues - when I take my shirt off I still look like the same fat guy in my mind because of saggy skin... it's weird... I'm sure some one out there gets me on that though. If anyone would like to keep in touch my Facebook is www.facebook.com/claytaylorphotography or hit me up on MFP www.myfitnesspal.com/actingnurse1

I get you on the skin. I don't have enough to cause a rash or interfere with anything, but it's there. Most times it doesn't bother me, but went shopping for some intimate wear and it was popping out everywhere. Sheesh! It doesn't bother me enough to have surgery though. I'm older, averse to pain and surgery and overall very happy with my look. For me, the extra skin is like a scar from a past injury: a reminder of where I've been and a warning to be careful and not do that again.

And good luck on the Air Force!


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      I have no clue where to upload this, so I'll put it here. This is pre-op vs the morning of my 6 month appointment! In office I weight 232, that's 88 lbs down since my highest weight, 75 lbs since my surgery weight! I can't believe this jacket fit... I am smaller now than the last time I was this size which the surgeon found really amusing. He's happy with where I am in my weight loss and estimates I'll be around 200 lbs by my 1 year anniversary! My lowest weight as an adult is 195, so that's pretty damn exciting to think I'll be near that at a year. Everything from there will be unknown territory!!

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      1. AmberFL

        You look amazing!!! 😻 you have been killing it!

      2. NickelChip

        Congratulations! You're making excellent progress and looking amazing!

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        So proud of you Cat. Getting into those smaller size clothes is half the fun isn't it?. Keep up the good work!!!!

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