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I e-mailed Alma at Ready4Achange and she said the case was still under investigation. I was told by a recent patient of his that a competitive dr., who was jealous of Dr. Sanchez's lower pricing, had murdered him. If anyone else knows details, I wish they would let us know.


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I am a big ole eating machine. TOTAL stress eating. I ate 10 Scooby Snacks (graham crackers shaped like dog bones) and soy milk after dinner. I am friggin STUFFED. My boy is insane. New daycare sucks. He doesn't get naps, and when we get home he is irritable, cranky, throwing fits, hitting, biting... little fugger. I'm going to talk to the day care lady again tomorrow. If we can't get it together within another week, I'm going to have to find another solution, even if it's more expensive.

Tomorrow is all liquids. I hurt tonight, and I don't need to be stretching a damn thing.

StephC - yes, I will pray for your friend. Why didn't she follow doctor's orders? Poor thing. I have a "friend" (HAHAHA) who ... wait, let me cut/paste his email:


Sorry it's late, but I just got out of the hospital. Turns out I had a very bad case of pancreatitis and my gall blander had to be removed. Spent two weeks in the hospital including spending Thanksgiving in the hospital. I just got home on Saturday day. I hated being in the hospital being poked, stuck, cut, MRI'd, and CATSCANed non stop. Because they wanted the inflammation of my Pancreas to go down I was on IV fluild only for a whole week. They ended up also putting a PIC line in on the inside of my right bicep. The PIC line is like a LONG LONG IV catheter, but its 18 inches long. They use them to tap into deep veins so they dont have to keep changing the normal IV site every 4 days. They put it in when the performed a percutanious transhepatic study, which is basically them sticking a HUGE long needle through my ribs, through the Liver, and into the bile ducts to check for any stones or blockages. At least the put me under for this cause at first the doctor told me all they do is give you a topical local numbing medication. I was bugging out needless to say. But the doctor at the special procedures area did tell me they were going to knock me out. So I am home now, I have to schedule a follow up MRI exam to check my pancreas again.

He is so full of shit, first of all. I dated him. He had RNY, and I was literally disgusted at the amount of food he would eat. He didn't take his Vitamins, kept drinking beer and wine, would eat pizza and hot wings... He sickened me. We'd be out at dinner, and he would either get something stuck or eat too fast - excuse himself and go throw up - then come back and keep eating. I told him over and over to take care of himself, and he told me he knows what he's doing. Uh huh. Dumbass. They KNOW what the doctor tells them after surgery. That is a major, body altering surgery! Why don't they listen? DUH I know I'm ranting, but this guy is so great, but he is a hard core food addict, and I can't be around him. We'd be like 2 crack addicts feinding for our next rock.

But I digress....

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Hi Gang,

I have been so busy, I haven't posted for a long time. Went to see nutritionist today (4 weeks postop) So now I am on solids. She wants me to try things as says it is imperative that the stomach learn how to contract and expand as needed so I can eat "normal" Then in 2 more weeks I go for my first fill. They will not even talk about fill prior to 6 weeks post op. I went to our bariatric clinic support group last night and the first hour was about setting goals and the 2nd hour we broke up into lapband and gastric bypass groups. It was interesting as in the lapband group (about 15 people) was varied. Some were preop, some new postops and some were at goal. We just picked each others brains with the nurtitionist and nurse practitioner jumping in when necessary. I felt sorry for 2 people there as they have insurance that requires 24 months of doctor managed dieting prior to insurance determining if they will pay for surgery.

I hadn't been here for awhile and so I had several pages of posts to read. I have came to the conclusion that some of you are to hard on yourselves. Everyone stumbles and to my way of thinking eating the top off a pizza is one heck of alot better than eating the whole piece. Take the postives from these experiences. Heavens knows most of us have had that little negative chatterbox talking in our heads for a long time and we need to shut him up. (why do I imagine him as male) :)

I am working as hard on the emotional part of this as the eating part because I know if I don't change some of my thinking I'll never be successful at getting this weight off or keeping it off.

Thanks for the book suggestion I'll get it asap.

Well, good luck to all of you. I'll try to get here more often in the future.

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Nat - I know what you mean about people not taking care of themselves. I know so many people who have had gastric bypass and go back to eating these huge plates of food. One lady I know is bigger now then before she had the bypass. I've seen my friend Trish at dinners and she will eat a plate full of Desserts and pass up the healthy food - she's said many times she knows she doesn't eat right, besides not taking the extra nutrients she needs. She also works 2 jobs (ok this is where I get into the bitch mode) one is M-F days, 2nd one is Fri & Sat night shift - she doesn't sleep from Fri. morning until Sun. night. unless she cat naps in front of the tv. Her husband doesn't work - he studies - also does the mr. mom thing but when she gets home the kids swarm her and she gets no rest. She told me that when she makes supper and the house is crazy she can't eat, she has to put it up and take a bite here and there or she'll throw up. So I don't know what the ulcer is caused from but I know she has all the factors to make one. My ex-sister in law, whom I'm still close to, goes in Thurs. to get the gastric bypass - I don't get it - why opt for the more dangerous route, I talked with her today and she knows - she's also a nurse so she does know better - oh well.

Ddee - couldn't help but notice you don't have much weight to lose. Did you do this for health reasons? Oh this is your 2nd band ... sorry I forgot. So do you have a fill yet? I eat oatmeal or shredded wheat everyday to keep me regular. I poop every morning after my husband leaves for work and then I go back to bed. ok tmi - coffee doesnt taste as good anymore but if I drink a couple sips bam it hits me - tea works too. Tonight I ate a salad and after about 4 hours it hit me so I may not have to poop in the morning since I went tonight. I've had IBS for a long time so I think I must of been allergic to something that I ate for it to go through me that fast. And then while I was sitting on the pot I burped - the humungo stinky get it out of me burp - I was like omgoodnesss I wasn't expecting that. I'm thinking I may not be able to eat salad much anymore.

For the first time tonight I had port pain. I watched my friends baby tonight - she's a porker - 6 months old and I held her and picked her up and all that fun stuff so I think I must have strained alittle to make my port sore. Now I know what all of you mamas have been going through.

Good night.

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StephC - so she busts her hump working 2 jobs and hubbo stays home? Girlfriend, that would not be me. I hope she's doing okay. I thought about her last night.

Everyone must be caught up. I know how busy it is at my job right now. (BOOOO!) I'm actually playing hookey this morning. I'm a lil devil!


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SkinnyMom...glad to hear you're unstuck!! and Thanks for the helpful tips on what worked so we'll know what to do if we get in that situation!

Steph....glad to hear you passed on Pizza!! I've been craving McDs for days now....but have not yet given in although today may be the day I go for a cheesburger. But that's still better than the Big Mac or Qtr Pounder I used to get! I figure the cheesburger has Protein in it so it wouldn't be totally horrible right? ;-) LOL...plus this way I"d get the craving out of the way and be able to move on. Aren't I great at 'justifying'....geesh......

I hope your friend is doing ok!!

BK....Hope your Dad is doing ok too!!

DAWN...glad to hear the first fill wasn't traumatic or anything! :) I'm getting a little nervous about mine on Friday, but also anxious cause I'm definitely eating more than I should be!!

CAROL....CONGRATS on the Job!!! I start my new job on Monday!! And I'm getting my first fill on Friday so I'm right there w/you on the fills and the new employment! lol.....

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NAT....thanks for sharing that info about your friend! I had to laugh at your comment about being 2 crack fiends together!! I feel that way about several of my friends...that they eat so much and now they are hesitant to be around me b/c I may not eat as much as them. Its a really weird dynamic I have to say.....I also have a friend who is a food addict like me and was banded a month before me but his Dr.s 'rules' are much more strict than mine so we've gotten into some heated 'discussions' about what is right/wrong and I think we just have to agree to disagree at this point, but not being able to eat out together has definitely slowed down our socializing! I hope your friend is feeling better now that he's out of the hospital and hopefully you've given him a good dose of your 'reality' :) Cause we know he needs a good kick in the A** ;-)

Kari...You're right...we ARE too hard on ourselves....but I think we're all conditioned to be that way right?? I don't know...I think we all are trying to be perfect but you're right, we need to know that this whole thing is a process its not turning a switch from on to off, so we need to take the small victories as they come and learn from the mistakes we make along the way. Thanks for that reminder! :)

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I am reading the boards but wanted to post a quick hello-

I cannot believe all the fills we had over the past day or so. Congrats and I am glad to hear they were not too bad! I don't think I get one for a bit. I am having my first post op appt tomorrow.

after I finish reading, I will respond more!

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I wonder how many doctors read LBT? Makes me wonder if my Dr.Dreamy knows I think he's Dr.Dreamy :embarassed:

Nat - I know! When he said he was quitting his job (which provided insurance for his family) I said well how are you going to live? He said well Trish works, in fact she makes more then I did, well not per hour but after they take child support and stuff out she brings home more then I did. So do you get it? Deadbeat dad

Good luck with the new jobs!

VA - I'm the queen of rationalizers! But its not good, I really want this to work so we have to change our way of thinking. Just say no - I was really craving sweet yesterday and a cup of hot tea worked.

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Hi everyone. I haven't been posting because I haven't had much to say, but I enjoy reading the posts and seeing where everyone is. My scale has been stuck for about 1 1/2 weeks. I made the appointment to get my fill. I am going back to Mexico for it. My fill is Jan 22. I am really looking forward to it. The hardest part for me right now is learning to listen to my body. In the evenings I want to eat out of boredom not hunger, and it is difficult to fight that. So far I am winning the fight, so I am sure the worst will be over soon.

Glad to hear everyone is doing well.


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I FAILED :cry thankfully not with my band just my driving test :faint: i had test this morning and was a nervous wreck past few days:nervous ,but you know although i was disappointed i realised it not end of the world i will get another go and il be less nervous ,when i came home i weighed myself and discovered scales where moving downwards so i decided that obviously i cant be fabulous at everything so driving is taking back seat as i motor my way to skinnyness...:) .

also this evening im signing up for yoga classes 10 week course 2hour classes ,i cant wait they start next week ,i used to go and i loved it but classes where getting too popular and i felt crowded in the space we where doing it.this time im doing it in my sons secondary school so large PE hall.

i also started using my stepper although you would all pee yourselfs if you saw how quick my thighs go dead and i have to stop so im trying 50 steps twice a day and then tomorrow il do 60 each time and so on ....:tired well i have to start somewhere.


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Phew-I think I am caught up. I have a few minutes and then I HAVE to go to the gym. I am no way going to meet my goal if I don't get my butt out the door. I have been so busy with school and the kids that I have not had time to reply.

I am glad to see so many are doing well.

Bkwalling- am praying for your dad and hope he recovers quickly. Hip replacements today are much less scary then they were in the past and I am sure he will do great!

StephC-haha about the mom jeans. I love it! I swear I got so used to low rise, that I would feel weird having anything go up that high. That being said, I do remember when I first tried lower jeans and they freaked me out, so it is all what you get used to. Is your port are feeling better? Mine is hit or miss depending on how much I do in a given day. It sucks when it is hurting though!

Nat-I have talked to you enough. I am done.:) Just kidding girl!

Kari-thanks for pointing out that we are too hard on ourselves. I had this idea that when I had this surgery it would be an on/off switch. I now realize it is a learning experience and I too have to give myself a little slack (just no too much!).

shoot-I have to run, it is getting late. Hello to everyone-sorry if I did not respond directly. I will try to be back later.

Quick question, how quickly does that MOM work? I feel like I am FULL of IT! I had not had a problem until the past couple of days. I am bloated and gassy. Wondering how that stuff works. I don't want to have it explode when I am away from home so I am curious what the time span is on it. Your answer is appreciated.

My post op appt is tomorrow. Finally! I thought it would never get here. woohoo.

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