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No, Queen isn't Kris.

Denise, have fun on your date tonight! I can't wait to hear all about it.

I have been quiet lately just because I've been down. Trying to figure things out, trying to grow. I appreciate all who posted how they deal with life and it's troubles. I have been trying some of the advice. I had a really good day yesterday and my thinking was clear...I was actually able to list the things that are bothering me and list what I can do about them, if anything. It's a step...

Not sure where Laura is. Laura, where are you and what is going on?

Florinda, hopefully you will have answers soon. Let us know as soon as you know what's going on if you can so we aren't worried about you if you are MIA for awhile.

Did my 2 fasting days this week and it was fine.

My oldest son turns 14 tomorrow. It's hard to believe how time goes so fast. Next year he starts high school and those 4 years go so quick.

Random thoughts from Sarah today!

Happy Friday Ladies

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Fasting today, and since we are mood evaluating, I'm just feeling melancholy... Not sure why. Probably because I picked up my fur-baby's ashes today, brought them home and put them up. Went out shopping ...I usually *love* January clearance and just NOTHING was right. So I spent $1.08 on a McDonald's hot coffee with cream and splenda and I'm back home ready to start dinner and pick up the girls from school. We have a busy night of volleyball practice for both girls tonight, so I have to plan our dinner as we'll rush out the door by 4:30 and won't return home until probably closer to 9pm. Just feeling blah... I'm fine with is it Kris (Queen of Crop?) joining? However, a while back weren't we discussing her plastics scars and hoping they would get better with time? How do we feel about her reading those posts? I saw Susan pop in here about 20 pages ago, but Susan are you still with us? No Laura and No Cheri (I PM'd Cheri to say she was missed... but haven't heard anything back.) Missing a couple our sweet girls...calling all 5:2ers...c'mon back we miss you!

Is Susan's last name Lackey? I'm connected on Instagram with her and looks like she is doing WW.

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Love and hugs to all today. It's been raining all day here. Cold rain. I love rain but got an issue going on with daughter right now that has upset us so we all are feeling somewhat down today I think! This too shall pass! As Annie says, "The Sun will come out tomorrow..."

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I have said it before, I am okay with someone that is known and trusted (I am neutral on Queen - she seems fine to me but i don't really know her - I would support inviting her to join) but i would prefer that people who haven't participated in ages be removed. I do not include Laura or Cheri in that since they participated until quite recently - a few weeks off is no biggie, right - i am talking about people who really never engage in our discussion and support.

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I have said it before, I am okay with someone that is known and trusted (I am neutral on Queen - she seems fine to me but i don't really know her - I would support inviting her to join) but i would prefer that people who haven't participated in ages be removed. I do not include Laura or Cheri in that since they participated until quite recently - a few weeks off is no biggie, right - i am talking about people who really never engage in our discussion and support.

^^^what she said plus are we sure she is really doing 5:2 faithfully?

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No, Queen isn't Kris.

Denise, have fun on your date tonight! I can't wait to hear all about it.

I have been quiet lately just because I've been down. Trying to figure things out, trying to grow. I appreciate all who posted how they deal with life and it's troubles. I have been trying some of the advice. I had a really good day yesterday and my thinking was clear...I was actually able to list the things that are bothering me and list what I can do about them, if anything. It's a step...

Not sure where Laura is. Laura, where are you and what is going on?

Florinda, hopefully you will have answers soon. Let us know as soon as you know what's going on if you can so we aren't worried about you if you are MIA for awhile.

Did my 2 fasting days this week and it was fine.

My oldest son turns 14 tomorrow. It's hard to believe how time goes so fast. Next year he starts high school and those 4 years go so quick.

Random thoughts from Sarah today!

Happy Friday Ladies

Well, it is such an interesting thing... when I feel down I tend to reach out and want to talk to everybody about it. Makes me feel better maybe.

I have a friend who disappears whenever things go south in life, such an oppposite... it was hard for me to relate to that and still is at times.

Anyway Sarah, we all go through funks.... and sometimes it hardly seems for good reason does it but it is how we humans are.

I KNOW that I went through funks when I was obese, probably much much worse actually but i was so emotionally shut down, I don't remember them hurting so bad, do you?

Anyway, I have had a great day, yesterday was a good day... and compared to feeling like a crazy person that I was earlier this week - I am feeling consideably better. I am still not sleeping, but, well, one victory at a time... I will just continue to plod along and hopefully get this stabilized.

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second fast day completed, well sorta - over the 500 more like 700 but I'll claim it as good. Been eating pretty clean this week and the scale has bounced right up! Gutted... but I'm sure it isn't 'fat' as my rings are really big on me still - they normally get tighter. And if I didn't know better, I would say that Aunt Flo was on her way?! All the symproms are with me and have been for over a week.

Oh and Florinda, how do you do Insanity - bloody hell! I can hardly walk today. I have never used my muscles like that, even at the boxing gym... the front of my legs actually hurt and my tummy is really swollen...*sighs* ... what we do to shed a pound eh? Oh and I still haven't had a proper poo - so I've just taken two lil magic tablets to get things moving.

Hugs to all x

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Hi ladies, Sarsar, sorry things are rough right now... I'm sure things will look up soon for you. I took my little doggie out today for a bird watching trip... a lot of it was car bird watching... which is really good, it doesn't scare the birds off as much a walking around. (we did walk around too, but not so much for birdwatching) I got lots of pics. Ill post a couple. It just makes me feel so good and relaxed when I go out birdwatching... its so beautiful in nature, and there are so many birds out there right now.. I saw flocks and flocks of swans today... really cool. I also think I might have had a break in my "art block" I have had a really hard time feeling up to making art lately... really for around 6 months or so... just not me... but a couple of things just set a spark in me today... I hope I can get the mojo back! Great NSV today too, I went to dance class and there are two tiny, sporty girls there that have been coming to class for maybe 3-4 months now, really nice and committed to the class....much younger than me... anyway today they were saying how the class is kicking their butts, and it is so hard, even their hands hurt! And they are trying to get one of the trainers to come and try the class and how it will kick his butt too.... I told them I had lost 91 pounds while taking the class, and they about fell on the floor. The class really works you, but it does not kick my a$$ any more... I just do it....(with a little grace I might add) and to think that these two sporty, hiking, rock climbing, bike riding girls are getting beat up by the same workout I do.... it just blows my mind! I know the stuff they do would kill me too... different set of muscles... but It makes me really proud, because I have never thought of myself as "sporty" and here I am... in the big leagues!

I always liked QOC, she seems like a great adventuresome lady... I say yes if the rest of you agree.

Laura!!!!! Come look at my bird photos! Then post a <3 because I know you'll love them!

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What kind of dancing is it that you do again, Kim? I wish I could find something I love here...

QoC has been doing 5:2 for a few weeks now I think, but I have the feeling she will stick to it like the rock stars of 5:2 in this group. She anyhow eats like a very disciplined sleever and 5:2 is right up her street.

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I take a Belly Dance class. It is a mix of Egyptian Cabaret style and Tribal fusion (modern American style) It is a blast! I take it two days a week (for over 5 years now) I am a sloooo learner, but I am definitely better than when I started!.

http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/285663-movin-and-groovin/page-4#entry3318719 here are the birds I promised...

Edited by feedyoureye

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Ok. I can't do it now cause it's almost 2 am but I will pm people who are listed as being part of the group. I will tell them we agreed long ago to hold it to 20 but if they are not going to participate, we want to fill their spot with someone who is doing 5:2 and will particiapate.


My date sucked. I was not attracted to him in the least and I drove an hour there and an hour back. It would have been worth it if he looked like his picture and actually was 5' 7" like  his profile said. He was shorter than me, and I am 5'2".


Some day I will find someone.

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Hi ladies had two good fast days this week. Pounds are down then back up. I think I wiill try to weigh once a week instead of daily. Loving the new pic Georgia two beauties. Sar high school age children oh how I remember those days. Hope the mood turns soon. Globe so awesome u have found someone to get that hug I want to send u. Cool u get even more. CGJ I so hope I didn't offend u on the kissing on the first date. I know. This is an old subject. But wanted to say it wasn't my intention to judge. I am a big believer in to each hiss own. U guys may not hear this much but "do u boo boo". My point was to be safe. I was scared for u when u said he stopped after u protested. I have zero Sex drive. I only get pleasure in my dreams. Hubby and I don't talk about it. We just don't. Our marriage is great in all the other areas. Not sure when it happened but our bedroom is for sleeping. Anyway, I digress , CGJ again I sincerely apologise if I offended u. U, Daisy and anyone else dating goood luck. Its tough finding the right person to share your life with. UK u remind me of me, listening, thinking , but low key. Hmmmmm.... M2 when my last baby Jade past a few years back we spread her Doggie ashes in a large flower pot and along with seeds from a plant. We take care of the plant and see our Jade grow. I feel bad for our new dog Issis cause we always compare and Issis doesn't measure up. We tell stories about Jade and u would think she was Lassie saving children from burning buildings. I think she even helped hubby with his taxes once. Issis is scared of her shadow. Gotta get up shortly and go to work. Cyber hugs to everyone!

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I'm down for QoC to come in, she "works the program" of being a sleever and has a good attitude.

I gave up Insanity after 6 weeks because it just wasn't doing what I needed/wanted for my body. I switched over to Xfit compound lift training with my new Buddy and I love it! As you can see I changed my profile pic, I just took that today, the old pic was a year and a half old. The side view is the only one where you can see a definite difference since I begain working out rigorously 7 weeks ago, and even then you can only see a real difference in the profile of my butt.

Does anyone know how to figure out if a digital scale is on the fritz? Either mine is a lying bastard or I really have dropped 4 lbs in 6 days from the new workout. I fear it is the former :/

Kim - I love belly dancing!! It is a serious workout, even when I was very obese but was regularly belly dancing, I could do isoloations steadily while some skinny newbies were flattened, I always enjoy watching Fat Chance Belly Dance, the ATS troupe out of SF. Oh and, was that a sleeping with the Enemy shout out, or a Dr Zhivago one? :)

Edit: Just went to check out my BMI, excited cuz of the exercise, talk about disappointment - it says I have to be at LEAST 135 lbs before I can even enter the average BMI zone :(

Edited by Globetrotter

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no prob with Queen of the Crop here

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Denise, I woke up this morning all excited to read about your date...sorry it sucked. Why did he lie about his height??? Ummm, hello, it's not as if you weren't going to find out once you met him. I just don't get that. Anyway, on to the next one.

Florinda, your pics look great. I went and looked at your before and after...wow! You look amazing! Exciting about the scale. I'm sure it's a loss, not a messed up scale. You must have found something that worked for your body.

Brown, thanks for checking in. I love your words of wisdom on this board! Always makes me smile.

Kim, you are in the big leagues now!!! What a great NSV! Love it. Also love the bird pics.

Sheryl, I agree the emotions hurt more now than they did when I was obese. I there are a couple reasons for it. When I was heavy I would eat and eat to cover them and kept it up so I wouldn't really feel them. Now, I try not to do that. Also, for me, I am trying to better myself now so I need to actually feel these things and learn to get past them. I don't know if that makes sense or not.

I'm fine with Queen coming in. She's probably going to be laughing to herself when she reads all of our comments about her before she was even here. lol

Denise, I agree, with deleting the ones who have not posted here and are no longer doing 5:2.

Saturday, big birthday day over here for my 14 year old! I love this boy so much. He is my strong willed child. When I first had him, I didn't know what to expect with a boy. Never had brothers and his sister was born first so I didn't know what to do with a boy. A strong willed boy on top of it. I remember the days when he was little and I would go to bed in tears sometimes because it seemed like a constant struggle with him. He was on the go from the time he got up till the time he went to bed. Always something with him.

Now, he has learned to use a lot of that strong will for good. I knew that would happen one day, and over the years it has. He still thinks he's right about every single thing and he still drives me crazy. But, oh, how I love this boy! He is growing into such a fine young man before my eyes. He is so very smart, always has been. He is kind, caring, and loving. It's been interesting this last year, a lot of changes since he has become a teenager. I am proud of him! Let me just share one story with you and I will stop.

In the beginning of December when the hubs and I went to Arizona, my mom watched the boys for us. One night I got a phone call from my mom. She said, "Guess what Tyler did tonight?". She told me that she dropped him off for a band concert that night. She came back a little while later to watch the concert and when she got there all of the seating was taken. It was standing room only, it was packed. She found a place to stand where she could see him. A few minutes later Tyler's band teacher came up to her with a chair. She said, "Your grandson asked me to give you this chair. He said he was concerned about you having to stand through the whole concert.". My mom was so proud, she had to call and let us know. That story right there pretty much sums up Tyler!

I hear him walking around now so I am going to go give my birthday boy a hug!

Happy Saturday Ladies!

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