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Let's Check In November 2012 Sleevers!

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Drink plenty of fluids. Yes, I know. Easier said than done. Water has become a life saver to me.

Someone earlier posted about Smooth Move Tea. Alvailable at all heath food stores and here in SF it is sold in Safeway and many supermarkets. Not only helps you go but you get liquids in too and it is a natural supplement.

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FYI. Little known fact.

I had an interesting converstion at GNC jsut before my op.

I went in to buy some more Isopure. There was a guy there buying about $250.00 worth of stuff. ON sale from $500. I asked him if he had ever tired Ispure and he said yes, it's very good. If you have an intolerance to Protein that is the one to take. Oh Thanks, said I. When he left the store I asked the worker about that. He said the intolerance ususally takes form as gastrointentional issues.. The Isopure is the purest form of protein you can take.

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Greetings everyone. I am extremely stressed out these days. My stomach consistently feeling upset. I was forced to fly back to Atlanta b/c of some work related issues the problem is I had surgery in NYC which now means I can't see my doc. I really don't know what to do. Unlike most ppl whose doc notes allowed them to be out of work for 4-6weeks I don't have a traditional job so if I get fired there is no one I can complain to.

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Greetings everyone. I am extremely stressed out these days. My stomach consistently feeling upset. I was forced to fly back to Atlanta b/c of some work related issues the problem is I had surgery in NYC which now means I can't see my doc. I really don't know what to do. Unlike most ppl whose doc notes allowed them to be out of work for 4-6weeks I don't have a traditional job so if I get fired there is no one I can complain to.

Your life and health is more important than a job. You may be surprised by your employers reaction if you say you have to go to see your doctor.

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LONG. I guess I am ready to update. My surgery was Dec. 6. I was an active member of November sleevers because I was scheduled for the 27th. The doctor asked me to have it done on the 6th (because he knew in advance, that I had a hiatal hernia) so he could use it as a training/conference call, surgery, video.

Surgery was 7:30 AM. I don't have much recollection of that day. In fact the first 2 days were a blur. I was seeing double and hallucinationing and talking aloud, to noone. I was often confused and once in the night I woke up claustrophobic. I have 5 tiny incisions, that were glued shut. 2nd day around 3PM I have my barium leak test. I did OK with that until the nurse and the Doctor started talking about putting a cathetor in the nose (of another patient). I had to tell them to stop talking or I was going to throw up. They were very apologetic afterward.

Buy day 3 I was ready to go home, because I couldn't stand it anymore. I had a beautiful private room, with a view of the Bay and the Golden Gate Bridge. The nurses were nice but I also have very small and very deep viens. When the First IV puled out of the vein, my vessels started to fill and swell and it was very painful. So they had to do it in my other hand. 3 different people, 3 different tries and digging around. I had my first BM in the middle of the 2nd night and the nurse was all excited because 3 or her bariatric patients all pooped on the same night. Woohoo.

So anyway, i got to come home yesterday and slept a lot. I have barely been awake for 28 hours. I was confused by all the anti-nasaua/vomiting/gas pills I got and didn't know what to take, or when.

The nicest choices for me are tiny, frozen ispure (in different flavors) and tiny,

frozen chrystal light lemonade flavor. I can eat them all day. Also, I like chicken Unjury. I make it per the instructions and add a bit of hot Water when it gets cold. that is about it in the food dept. for now. I figure if I just do that for now, In a day, I will get in 61 Proteins, and at least, 40 oz of liquid.< /p>

If I write a bit oddly, I am doing my best. It takes a lot of effort on my part.

I wanted to write and tell of my expereince becasue I thought I was totally prepared and well read and informed about everything, But I wasn't.


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How long have all of you been taken out of work? I have my post op appointment tomorrow. My doc was very strict about being out for 6 weeks, but I guess it is due to the nature of my job. I am an ER nurse and do a lot of heavy lifting. I feel like I will be good to go at 4 weeks. Some people go back to work after two weeks!

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LONG. I guess I am ready to update. My surgery was Dec. 6. I was an active member of November sleevers because I was scheduled for the 27th. The doctor asked me to have it done on the 6th (because he knew in advance' date=' that I had a hiatal hernia) so he could use it as a training/conference call, surgery, video.

Surgery was 7:30 AM. I don't have much recollection of that day. In fact the first 2 days were a blur. I was seeing double and hallucinationing and talking aloud, to noone. I was often confused and once in the night I woke up claustrophobic. I have 5 tiny incisions, that were glued shut. 2nd day around 3PM I have my barium leak test. I did OK with that until the nurse and the Doctor started talking about putting a cathetor in the nose (of another patient). I had to tell them to stop talking or I was going to throw up. They were very apologetic afterward.

Buy day 3 I was ready to go home, because I couldn't stand it anymore. I had a beautiful private room, with a view of the Bay and the Golden Gate Bridge. The nurses were nice but I also have very small and very deep viens. When the First IV puled out of the vein, my vessels started to fill and swell and it was very painful. So they had to do it in my other hand. 3 different people, 3 different tries and digging around. I had my first BM in the middle of the 2nd night and the nurse was all excited because 3 or her bariatric patients all pooped on the same night. Woohoo.

So anyway, i got to come home yesterday and slept a lot. I have barely been awake for 28 hours. I was confused by all the anti-nasaua/vomiting/gas pills I got and didn't know what to take, or when.

The nicest choices for me are tiny, frozen ispure (in different flavors) and tiny,

frozen chrystal light lemonade flavor. I can eat them all day. Also, I like chicken Unjury. I make it per the instructions and add a bit of hot Water when it gets cold. that is about it in the food dept. for now. I figure if I just do that for now, In a day, I will get in 61 Proteins, and at least, 40 oz of liquid.

If I write a bit oddly, I am doing my best. It takes a lot of effort on my part.

I wanted to write and tell of my expereince becasue I thought I was totally prepared and well read and informed about everything, But I wasn't.


Ainslee, I totally hear you. I thought I was prepared also. Apparently I also had a hiatal hernia which the surgeon repaired while I was under. I had no idea I had it. The first 24 hours I could barely stay awake. I had to demand LESS pain medicine! They were totally snowing me. I have had a c section and a gall bladder removal in the past, so I figure this would be a pice of cake, boy was I wrong. It was painful, really painful. But after day 3 it got much better. Today I am 12 days post op and doing quite well. But it wasn't what I expected.

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I had my sleeve 11/7. I have lost 30# at my 4 week f/u visit this week. I am however completely frustrated with eating. I am completely milk intolerant - can't take Isopure, whey Protein, cheese, yogurt, lacto free milk, etc.

I am just started the soft phase of the diet. I am trying to get small amounts in over several meals but find that I have a 3 tbs limit which just makes it so hard to get the 60-70 grams of protein in each day.

Does anyone have suggestions? Protein Shakes are out of the question since I am completely whey intolerant.

I also had a hiatal hernia repair at the time of my surgery, the NP thought this might me making me have a harder time with eating right now. She said to keep trying to get as much protein as possible.

I would love any suggestions.....

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LONG. I guess I am ready to update. My surgery was Dec. 6. I was an active member of November sleevers because I was scheduled for the 27th. The doctor asked me to have it done on the 6th (because he knew in advance' date=' that I had a hiatal hernia) so he could use it as a training/conference call, surgery, video.

Surgery was 7:30 AM. I don't have much recollection of that day. In fact the first 2 days were a blur. I was seeing double and hallucinationing and talking aloud, to noone. I was often confused and once in the night I woke up claustrophobic. I have 5 tiny incisions, that were glued shut. 2nd day around 3PM I have my barium leak test. I did OK with that until the nurse and the Doctor started talking about putting a cathetor in the nose (of another patient). I had to tell them to stop talking or I was going to throw up. They were very apologetic afterward.

Buy day 3 I was ready to go home, because I couldn't stand it anymore. I had a beautiful private room, with a view of the Bay and the Golden Gate Bridge. The nurses were nice but I also have very small and very deep viens. When the First IV puled out of the vein, my vessels started to fill and swell and it was very painful. So they had to do it in my other hand. 3 different people, 3 different tries and digging around. I had my first BM in the middle of the 2nd night and the nurse was all excited because 3 or her bariatric patients all pooped on the same night. Woohoo.

So anyway, i got to come home yesterday and slept a lot. I have barely been awake for 28 hours. I was confused by all the anti-nasaua/vomiting/gas pills I got and didn't know what to take, or when.

The nicest choices for me are tiny, frozen ispure (in different flavors) and tiny,

frozen chrystal light lemonade flavor. I can eat them all day. Also, I like chicken Unjury. I make it per the instructions and add a bit of hot Water when it gets cold. that is about it in the food dept. for now. I figure if I just do that for now, In a day, I will get in 61 Proteins, and at least, 40 oz of liquid.

If I write a bit oddly, I am doing my best. It takes a lot of effort on my part.

I wanted to write and tell of my expereince becasue I thought I was totally prepared and well read and informed about everything, But I wasn't.


good luck..

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My health is way more important and I really thought about telling them to stick it. But me working employs a team of 10 that travel with me n then if I leave or get fired my bills are going to build up crazy

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I had my surgery on November 7 and went back to work on th 19th. I must admit, I was tired the first 2 days. I took it easy over Thanksgiving. I did get dehydrated but made it a point to drink a lot when I realized what was going on. Here's the thing. I'm almost 6 weeks post surgery and still on three Protein Drinks and a yogurt a day. I'm down 30 pounds. I am supposed to start puréed foods on the 15th but I have no desire to do that. I will do it but have no desire. I've got no complaints. My surgery went great, recovery was a breeze. I feel very fortunate. We all have to hang in there and follow the plan? We will all succeed!!

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Anytime George.... You deserve the same encouragement you give everyone else on here! BTW..... If you eat out somewhere that has some WLS friendly foods will you let me know where? I'm starting to feel like going out but don't know where! Ill do the same if you want the info too! There are so many restaurants in the greater boston area there has to be somewhere right?!?

Sorry for the delayed response..I appreciate your encouragement ;-) I actually went out to eat with friends last night. We went to a sushi / chinese restaurant in Stoneham..(Sato)..My friends got 3 pu pu platters, rice,lo mein, all the calorie / fat bombs. I got steamed shrimp with lemon-giner sauce on the side..

I dipped my fork in the sauce and lightly grazed the shrimp..It was delicious..I cut the shrimp into tiny pieces and it took 30-40 minutes to eat 3-4, but It was very good. After my friends guzzled beers and chinese food for 2 hours they were all complaining, "Im so full, my stomach hurts" I thought, for once, I don't feel like that..And it felt great! I also knew I was not going to be hung over today, while they were on their couch all day I was out excercising..Granted they are all thin, (for now). That was one of my only eating out experiences..Went pretty good. I didn't feel deprived, or unsatisfied..I didn't crave any of the fatty, fried food..I have to admit I did want a cold beer, but I know we can't have that so I of course passed..I also went out for breakfastlast week and I had 1 egg white, 1 regular egg scrambled..It was a little boring but it went down fine..

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Well November sleever... At 8:30 am tomorrow the long loooooooong loooooooooong fisttating journey for cheap jeans and being able to see my feet ...and everything as well....will come to an end. (Mr. Happy was informed the catherter will be inserted while I am under and removed before I wake up!) I was going to shave down under into the shape of Christmas tree in keeping with the season of surprises but decided not too risk ticking off the fates! So here we go.........

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That is so funny! Right about now you and Mr. Happy are in La La land! Good luck and remember to get up and walk as soon as you are able after surgery. You will feel so much better. Looking forward to hearinga ll about your journey!!

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Went by the doctor's office today and weighed -- lost another 7 lbs. for a total of 31lbs.! Whoo-Hoo, I am doing the happy dance of joy!

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