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Knowing What You Know Now, What Would You Do Differently?

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I would have had a real food funeral. I only had about 2 oz of chocolate weight watchers ice cream the night before my surgery and wish now that I opted for a juicy steak instead. *still thinking with my greedy brain*

I also was lost when it came to the mushy food stage. I suppose I wouldn't have known how to prepare for it anyway because I was so turned off by lots of foods anyway. It still would have helped me to research my options and different recipes that could have gotten me through (the world according to egg face blog/website is the bomb!). That mushy/soft stage was tough!

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If I could do something different - this is something born only of hindsight, but I would have read more books (although I read alot) and would have tried to work it out in my head if anything happened while I was recovering, such as bad news or emergencies - but I guess you cannot anticipate some of what can come your way (as some of you know, my Mother passed away on my 1 week post-op date. She was 58 and it was totally unexpected).

Some things I did do but did not need, BUT would do again (before you read it, let me explain I have always been what I call a pesimistic optimist - I plan and implement, then if nothing happens so be it):

-My medical records stored on an online email account, and a memory stick, as well as my life insurance policy, health insurance info, etc. A list of meds, too.

-a bug-out bag that I added some specifics to. I had baby wipes, hibiclens, and small "kits" of sterile gauze and tape,but added packets of protien powder and a small shake bottle (I always keep a bug-out bag, emergencies will not wait until you recover).

I also added an old-lady( lol sorry) push cart that you can fold and unfold to my useless gadgets in the trunk in case I had a bit more than I could carry somewhere for awhile.

-make sure you have the correct phone numbers for emergency services in your area on you phone and listed somewhere - 911 may not be able to find you if you use a cell phone.

-towing/roadside assistance - even if you do not normally use it, make sure your service includes full tow, full tire change and if possible the "ride home" feature. I usually change my tire but even two weeks out I would not want to risk it. Probably not for awhile.

- If I had not had a hubby that could stay with me while I was (am) healing, I would have probably signed up for the life alert home system for at least the first couple of months.

If it sounds over the top, everything I listed took me less than two hours to shop for, arrange, confirm, etc...

I know i would have sharpened up about info on the sleeve better. But i really didn't know how to go about doing this, where to find info. Dr.'s office wasn't any help. Seriously if i hadn't found this board, and other pertinent stuff on the computer, i would have had no idea what to expect. Luckily i found all this good stuff on the board and the computer in general. thank goodness for certain resources.


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If I knew then what I would now I would have pushed for surgery many years ago instead of listening to the doctors tell me "Oh you can do this yourself by dieting and exercising". Well I did that and wasted so many years of my life on yo=yo dieting and being miserable with myself and my life. Today I feel that I have been given a NEW LIFE and wish that I was younger but I intend to live the rest of my days with a new appreciate for things that some take for granted.

I went for years asking my PCPs for weight loss surgery. they told me things like: "I don't beleive in WLS" "It's taking the easy way out" "You have no willpower" "Your not a candidate because you have bad habits" "If you can't tackle a regular diet then you can't handle WLS" "You will fail" &c.

Those asshats (sorry, I have worse names for them) made me waste years and got to to the point of high blood pressure diabetes, sleep apnea and fatty liver disease.

On the other hand, the sleeve wasn't available for WLS back then. They were only using it for stomach cancer. Maybe it's better that I waited.

I'd like to go on a crusade to promote sleeve gastrectomy to the millions out there struggling.

Do you know that just one week after my surgery my blood pressure is normal and my ecezma is gone. I haven't been itching AT ALL. I got lab work done yesterday. I'll let you know about the other stuff.

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I wish I'd done it a year ago like I wanted (darned PCP and his drugs to try first) and I have way too many popsicles and don't like to give my son things with artificial sweeteners.

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I wish I'd done it a year ago like I wanted (darned PCP and his drugs to try first) and I have way too many popsicles and don't like to give my son things with artificial sweeteners.

Do you mean your PCP said try a prescription med first, or try a supplement that he was pushing, and then charged (and made a profit also)? If so to the latter - a non-FDS regulated or approved supplement the same as if it came of an OTC shelf, check with your state, you may have reason to file a complaint, and do so right away. There is an emergeing amount of PCP docs that are starting to push weight loss "solutions" onto their patients. It is wrong and unethical. If you were told to try to take an excessive amount of with an amphetamine, or a drug that you couldnot maintain over a long period of time, you may also have an issue.

I know that isnt the thread of the conversation but when I read your quote I thought about it and I have meant to post something on the subject anyway.

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Well besides the already stated "done it years ago" I think I would of charted and photographed my progress a little better. I was so afraid of failure that before I knew it I was 170 pounds down and prety much "there" with nary a pic to show the before - during - after. I had one pic someone posted on Facebook from Dec-Jan of 2010/2011 snf that's about it. If you didn't know me personally you would not of known the difference.

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I wouldn't have had this surgery. I am almost 2 months out and can barely eat, completely bored with what I been eating. I read and researched, but everyone said instead of a big mac and fries supersized they could eat a kids meal now. I was under the impression this would be me. Well I can't even eat more than 2 pieces of fish. I hate sitting down to dinner with my family while they are eating all yummy stuff, and instead of me being able to eat that too just smaller portions, I am eating boring bland food that more than likely will make me sick.

I can't take my kids out to dinner. I have given up diet coke, bread, coffee, everything and have only lost 23 lbs in 2 months. So I have been on the most strict diet of my life, and of course its working very slow for me. Great!!

To me is just another diet that had a huge upfront cost, no reversal, and its requires more diligence than the rest.

Everyone tells me once I reach goal or get to 6 months out, I will feel different. I hope they are right. But you asked and today that is my honest answer.

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sorry that you are having such a hard time with your eating. I know that before surgery my life revolved a lot around food and social activities. i know that I have cut back on going out to eat as much but I still go out with friends and they still eat some of my favorities that are not on my menu at the present time nor may some of them ever be again. I usually check out the menu at the restuarant before I go so that I have an idea of what I will be ordering. I enjoy what I have as much as possible and try to focus more on the people that I am with and enjoying their company.

I too hope that one day as I am only a little more than a month post op that I can enjoy some of the old food and enjoy my life as a person. Please do not give up on yourself as you are the most important. Hoping that things get better soon.

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I wouldn't have had this surgery. I am almost 2 months out and can barely eat, completely bored with what I been eating. I read and researched, but everyone said instead of a big mac and fries supersized they could eat a kids meal now. I was under the impression this would be me. Well I can't even eat more than 2 pieces of fish. I hate sitting down to dinner with my family while they are eating all yummy stuff, and instead of me being able to eat that too just smaller portions, I am eating boring bland food that more than likely will make me sick.

I can't take my kids out to dinner. I have given up diet coke, bread, coffee, everything and have only lost 23 lbs in 2 months. So I have been on the most strict diet of my life, and of course its working very slow for me. Great!!

To me is just another diet that had a huge upfront cost, no reversal, and its requires more diligence than the rest.

Everyone tells me once I reach goal or get to 6 months out, I will feel different. I hope they are right. But you asked and today that is my honest answer.

This is a completely valid answer, of course. I am in a similar situation being just one month out. I have gone out to eat and barely picked at a bowl of Soup or similar, but I did expect that and I did feel warned.

I can relate to andersonlj in that I also check out menus before going out and "pre-plan". So many fast food places simply don't have an option for us. Also, like andersonlj, too many of my activities revolved around food. That is how I socialized.

I do hope things get better for you in time, it is definitely a huge life changer!

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I wouldn't have had this surgery. I am almost 2 months out and can barely eat, completely bored with what I been eating. I read and researched, but everyone said instead of a big mac and fries supersized they could eat a kids meal now. I was under the impression this would be me. Well I can't even eat more than 2 pieces of fish. I hate sitting down to dinner with my family while they are eating all yummy stuff, and instead of me being able to eat that too just smaller portions, I am eating boring bland food that more than likely will make me sick.

I can't take my kids out to dinner. I have given up diet coke, bread, coffee, everything and have only lost 23 lbs in 2 months. So I have been on the most strict diet of my life, and of course its working very slow for me. Great!!

To me is just another diet that had a huge upfront cost, no reversal, and its requires more diligence than the rest.

Everyone tells me once I reach goal or get to 6 months out, I will feel different. I hope they are right. But you asked and today that is my honest answer.

Sorry that you're finding this so rough, however, it was the diet coke, bread, yummy food that led you to this. I don't think anyone has ever said it was going to be easy. Its not the easy way out. I don't know if you'll ever be happy with your sleeve as long as the food still controls you - this time from across the table. If you took the extra large step of getting a sleeve, then the extra dilligence was necessary.

I sincerely hope that things change for you - it stinks to feel like you can't enjoy life. But everything in your post was encumbered by your attachment to food. Maybe resolving this will bring around a better overall situation with the sleeve.

If bland foods are making you sick, have you consulted your doctor to find out why? There may be something as simple as an acid reducer or change in acid reducer that could change everything.

good luck with it!

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Sorry you're feeling that way. i kinda felt that way in the beginning stages too.

Buyer's remorse after getting the sleeve is more real than is talked about. I too was angry that I lost control - meaning I lost the option to just gorge on food aimlessly at any time of the day. Being sleeved is about restriction, and as you get accustomed to this new life and new eating habits, it WILL please you. You will come to grips with the fact that over eating is what got you here and you'll be grateful that you can't do that to yourself so easily anymore.

Try some not so bland foods, some Tums, and look for WLS friendly recipes on "the world according to egg face" blog.

Re-visit this post in another month or two, I'm sure you'll probably have a change of heart.

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Thank you guys. You are right food is around everything. THe mommy groups wants to check out the local restaurants and when its cold outside they want to go to the fast food places and let the kids play, the book club is always pot luck and liquor. Anytime I go on a date with my husband and we get a baby sitter he wants to go to a grown up restaurant without crayons. My friends are always inviting us to their houses for dinner. So yeah food is everywhere and it is controlling and a part of every aspect of my life wether I want to or not and I feel if I was seeing results faster, I would be able to deal with the restrictions better and I don't want food to make me happy anymore or hide my fears like it use to, I just want to eat and enjoy like a skinny person would. Does that make any sense??

Hopefully in a couple months things will get better and I won't feel like this anymore. Thank you guys for the support.

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Thank you guys. You are right food is around everything. THe mommy groups wants to check out the local restaurants and when its cold outside they want to go to the fast food places and let the kids play, the book club is always pot luck and liquor. Anytime I go on a date with my husband and we get a baby sitter he wants to go to a grown up restaurant without crayons. My friends are always inviting us to their houses for dinner. So yeah food is everywhere and it is controlling and a part of every aspect of my life wether I want to or not and I feel if I was seeing results faster, I would be able to deal with the restrictions better and I don't want food to make me happy anymore or hide my fears like it use to, I just want to eat and enjoy like a skinny person would. Does that make any sense??

Hopefully in a couple months things will get better and I won't feel like this anymore. Thank you guys for the support.

Your post makes complete sense.

My experience is a lot like yours. Everyone wants to get together and eat or drink. It takes a real change of mindset to stop concentrating on eating.

Maybe you could get the mommy's to go to chik-fil-a, where there are better options. If I had to eat fast food, that is where I would go. At least they have Soup and chicken salad.

I haven't been losing that fast either. I'm okay with it because I know it will happen. There is no way it can't.

Hang in there!

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I wouldn't have had this surgery. I am almost 2 months out and can barely eat, completely bored with what I been eating. I read and researched, but everyone said instead of a big mac and fries supersized they could eat a kids meal now. I was under the impression this would be me. Well I can't even eat more than 2 pieces of fish. I hate sitting down to dinner with my family while they are eating all yummy stuff, and instead of me being able to eat that too just smaller portions, I am eating boring bland food that more than likely will make me sick.

I can't take my kids out to dinner. I have given up diet coke, bread, coffee, everything and have only lost 23 lbs in 2 months. So I have been on the most strict diet of my life, and of course its working very slow for me. Great!!

To me is just another diet that had a huge upfront cost, no reversal, and its requires more diligence than the rest.

Everyone tells me once I reach goal or get to 6 months out, I will feel different. I hope they are right. But you asked and today that is my honest answer.

hi bellabarr

:welcome: Hope your in better spirits today. As everyone else, i also am sorry you're having a rough time at the beginning of your sleeve journey.

I'm also sorry that apparently you were misinformed about how the surgery works, and how things will go.

Most dr.'s will give information about the procedure and end results. I know i had several meeting with the nutritionalist at the bariatric center, and am having more discussions over the phone and in person when the need arrives. The nutrionist is the lifeline to me getting information and explaining things about food stages and different eating habits.

It's been said before, having the sleeve does not give magical overnight results. Dilgence is the correct word that goes along with the surgery. I don't know what people told you -. the sleeve is wonderful, i'm sure you've heard that said. But you have to work with the sleeve to get successful results.

You do have to change your attitude towards food, I know thats such an overused statement, but its true.

Due to the lack of comments saying otherwise, it sounds like you didn't have any problems concerning the surgery. This is terrific. I also think that losing 23 lbs. in 2 months is good. You continue what you are doing, and of course you will make it to goal. Everyone loses at their own rate. 85% of your stomach is now gone, eating what you should, in the proper quantities, you can't help but lose the weight.

I know you want to lose weight, thats the whole reason for this surgery, but for the sleeve to work, or any other diet, you must work with it. Smaller food portions is going to be a fact for the rest of your life. But things will get better too, you won't be eating bland foods - you can work with that.

Everybody on this board is at your disposal, answering all questions asked. If we don't know the answers, we will help direct you to someone that can assist you, frequently your dr.

I hope i've explained a few things. But i REALLY hope that others on line will jump in with more information.

Please be a little patient, don't give up - we' re all here for you. :grouphug:

Good Luck

Kathy :wof:

Edited by likasulema

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      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

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