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Gonna Get To Goal. Wanna Join Me?

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Yikes, GT, hang in there. Sounds like a lot of room for positive things to come in--I'm sending best thoughts and wishes to you!!

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Oh and as a foot note.... I have book a family holiday to the Greek island of Crete - this is a special place as it is where I met my husband 19yrs ago; a holiday romance that has changed my life. This year I will be going back the same size clothing as the day I met him! WOW! Can't believe I am actually writing that, it has just hit me how far I have come...

Just gotta sort out some swimwear.... eeeek! x

I want to go!

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Thanks, ladies! Nice to have a little crew here that "gets" it! GT, I'm also thinking about the Paleo thing. My husband and I have transitioned into a pretty veggie-heavy diet (I even introduced him to kale chips the other day, and he ATE them and LIKED them), mostly just for fun and experimentation. My sleeve is still really tight--I can't eat a lot of food at one time, even now, like really only between 1/2 and 2/3 c. unless it's Soup, so I've been trying my best to make the food count nutrition-wise. Anyway, we were looking at some TED videos on youtube (those free educational ones) and found this one by Dr. Terry Wahls (you can google her name)--she's amazing, a physician who was diagnosed with MS and has basically helped herself manage it through the paleo diet. It's incredible. Anyway, we don't have any sort of illness, happily (knocking wood now!), but we would like to stave off anything that we can, and we're looking at paleo. I can't eat much meat, which is really my stopping block. I know dairy isn't the best thing out there, but I count on that Protein source a lot--don't know if I could get enough volume in with an entirely vegan diet.

Feed Your Eye, are you still vegan? And are there others who eat a more or less paleo or a vegan diet (NOT the same thing, not remotely, just asking about two different programs here!) who could provide me your insights/advice/pros and cons?

Edited to add that I've been vegan for years at a time before, and I prefer vegetarianism; I can tolerate shellfish and dairy.... the thought of "giving up" food isn't an issue, and in fact it's not about that for me, it's about getting optimum nutrition that will work with my sleeve. :-) Thanks in advance for advice/tips/discussion!

Im not a vegan, just a vegetarian.... I guess that mens a vegan at some meals... I eat eggs and dairy. They REALLY help me get in the Protein. You can get in quite a bit with soy and gluten... which is where I get most of my pro in... then there is whey next on the list...followed by milk, nuts ,seeds ,Beans...

I did read about one guy that is a vegatarian paleo... bless his heart! It must be so hard! greens and beans! Sounds like NO COMFORT.


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FYE, THANKS! I LOVE that website! I've been doing quite a bit of online research in the last couple of weeks to find guidelines, nutrition charts, etc. for a vegetable-based diet, and I hadn't seen this one before. It's really useful and has tons of info on other sites/products/books that might be worth a read.

I was talking with my husband about the pros and cons of dairy--I think we're going to switch to just organic cheese without rennet and to exclusively non-dairy milks (we already use the coconut and almond milk much more than the lonely quart of dairy milk)--yogurt is going to be interesting. I tried some soy yogurt a few years ago and didn't care for it, but I'm up for giving it another try. The other option, should I be unable to find anything appropriate, is to use organic raw milk (we have a lot of local farms around here) and try my hand at making my own yogurt. I don't know--we'll see. I'm a little reluctant to jump into that, but maybe next summer I'll experiment a bit.

We don't eat eggs, either, just because we don't think about it, I guess. I can eat egg whites but I don't really... if I get a Protein craving these days, I typically go for a decidedly NON-organic Quest Protein Bar (gosh, I love those), and I get a great dose of Fiber along with my Protein and it tastes like a decadent treat. So you can see my diet is pretty far from "clean" at this point. It is a lot healthier than it was, that's for sure, but I still feel like there's so much further to go, and I'd like to see how great we could feel by fueling our engines the right way.

And I'm laughing "greens and Beans... sounds like no comfort"--that's exactly what I make for comfort food!! Sauteed spinach and a big pot of peas!! No kidding! How far is it from a pre-sleeve comfort meal of fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, biscuits, and sweet tea.... good grief. I so do NOT miss those days. :-)

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ACK! I updated my ticker to reflect my new goal weight.... I just think I can hit 175 comfortably and sanely (it may take me a few more months, because I'm dropping a pound every couple of weeks), and it just seems smarter to officially commit to that goal. Y'all are the first place to see my "new and improved" goal....

I don't guess it's that big a deal, really. Why do I feel so flipped out?? LOL

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FYE, THANKS! I LOVE that website! I've been doing quite a bit of online research in the last couple of weeks to find guidelines, nutrition charts, etc. for a vegetable-based diet, and I hadn't seen this one before. It's really useful and has tons of info on other sites/products/books that might be worth a read.

I was talking with my husband about the pros and cons of dairy--I think we're going to switch to just organic cheese without rennet and to exclusively non-dairy milks (we already use the coconut and almond milk much more than the lonely quart of dairy milk)--yogurt is going to be interesting. I tried some soy yogurt a few years ago and didn't care for it, but I'm up for giving it another try. The other option, should I be unable to find anything appropriate, is to use organic raw milk (we have a lot of local farms around here) and try my hand at making my own yogurt. I don't know--we'll see. I'm a little reluctant to jump into that, but maybe next summer I'll experiment a bit.

We don't eat eggs, either, just because we don't think about it, I guess. I can eat egg whites but I don't really... if I get a Protein craving these days, I typically go for a decidedly NON-organic Quest Protein Bar (gosh, I love those), and I get a great dose of Fiber along with my Protein and it tastes like a decadent treat. So you can see my diet is pretty far from "clean" at this point. It is a lot healthier than it was, that's for sure, but I still feel like there's so much further to go, and I'd like to see how great we could feel by fueling our engines the right way.

And I'm laughing "greens and Beans... sounds like no comfort"--that's exactly what I make for comfort food!! Sauteed spinach and a big pot of peas!! No kidding! How far is it from a pre-sleeve comfort meal of fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, biscuits, and sweet tea.... good grief. I so do NOT miss those days. :-)

heres another I found today that throws a monkey wrench in the works!

'Paleolithic Diets' Wrong About Ancient Eating Patterns, Critic Says

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Yeah, I'm not so interested in the paleo diet any more--it really is too meat-centric to be something I physically COULD do, even were I of a mind to do so, which I am not. :-) So looks like I'm back to being a "nutritarian," which is a term I just love--eating for maximum nutrition, no matter the source. Flexible enough to go with the seasonal changes in produce, and able to get Protein from various sources (preferably vegetarian but with occasional dairy)... sort of like what I'm doing now but substituting vegetable Proteins when I can. Obviously volume is an issue; it's harder to get a lot of vegetable protein in when you can't physically eat a large volume of food, but there are strategies for that, too (blenders are wonderful things--I can hide a lot of stuff in a smoothe!).

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Yeah, I'm not so interested in the paleo diet any more--it really is too meat-centric to be something I physically COULD do, even were I of a mind to do so, which I am not. :-) So looks like I'm back to being a "nutritarian," which is a term I just love--eating for maximum nutrition, no matter the source. Flexible enough to go with the seasonal changes in produce, and able to get Protein from various sources (preferably vegetarian but with occasional dairy)... sort of like what I'm doing now but substituting vegetable Proteins when I can. Obviously volume is an issue; it's harder to get a lot of vegetable protein in when you can't physically eat a large volume of food, but there are strategies for that, too (blenders are wonderful things--I can hide a lot of stuff in a smoothe!).

I'm working on max nutrition too. I can eat more volume than you it sounds like, I can eat quite a bit of salads(2+cups) and veg soups(two cups) which I love. I have to make myself eat protein first, to reduce the volume... I do love my veggies. I haven't gotten into smoothies too much yet, but am revisiting Protein Drinks and really enjoying them.....greens and Beans as comfort food! Of course... kale salad is one of my favs, and refried beans I love too... If I had more red beans like I got in NOLA I would feel a lot of comfort there! Now I have to make some!

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GT... I know there is nothing I can do to help, but I really feel for you! You're right the situations is really stressful and I am not surprised that you are angry about it! I would be too!

Meg - there is nothing wrong with lowering your goal! Good one you I say, I honestly think that a goal weight is a very subjective thing and you have to be comfortable in your own skin (something that I have not achieved yet, I feel better but not 'done') - and of course, your body will tell you when it is ready to stop.

Meg & FYE... you both put me to shame with you organic food choices... it is really expensive to by organic stuff here, even in the markets! I do however, get a load of good veggies from my dad's garden when they are in season. He is a really good gardener and we get cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes, carrots, peas, grapes and onions!

I've been looking into the paleo diet - Blackberryjuice started a thread on it a while ago and it sorta suits me. I have to admit, I enjoy eating meat (sorry!), so that train of thought might work for me. In saying all that, I do stay away from processed foods now... don't like things that are ready made of go ping in the micro! I still don't eat much rice or Pasta perhaps once every mth or two and then it is literally a tablespoon. I do eat potatoes now and again, but not even weekly.

At the moment I am really enjoying nuts and some seeds... they seem to be a great source of fiber if you get my drift...lol

On the scale front I seem to be stable at the lower end of my bounce range... I am patiently waiting to see a downward movement...hopefully soon, as I am doing really well with my food intake and Water intake!

On the holiday front, we are just over two weeks away...I am excited and nervous about going all at the same time. It is the first time I've been away since my sleeve and it will be the first time that I won't have a scale near me. As we are going all inclusive, I am going to have to be really mindful of what I eat! On the plus side, the hotel has a lot of activities so, with my physio's permission, I am hoping to get involved... perhaps try tennis (first time for a very long time - I used to love to play) and also the aerobics and Water aerobics!

And, I bought a swimming costume...drum roll please! UK size 14 - and it fits! It is a one piece and looks ok! Slight tummy control area, but it doesn't look 'old fashioned' I also bought a UK16 one that has a low back, but I'm now so sure about that... I will have to see if I am brave enough to wear it in public!

Well that is all from me for now... keep fighting the good fight ladies... and keep the updates going =]

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Coops, it seems to me you've worked out a great way of eating that works for you and keeps you healthy! That's the point, isn't it? And it's cool that different people, different bodies work more or less well on any given combination of foods--we're really fortunate that we have the option for eating in a variety of ways. It's like they would never be having this conversation in 75% of the rest of the world--they'd just be grateful to get food, period. We are so very blessed.

Your dad's garden sounds amazing! How lovely to have home-grown vegetables! I shop at a couple of farmers' markets around here and a couple of the local groceries that source from local farmers, and I really like eating as locally as possible--BUT I watch out for commercial farm/pesticide use. This area of Louisiana is well known for foods like strawberries, rice, tomatoes (NOTHING better than a home-grown Creole tomato!!), etc., and there's a lot of home-style farming going on. It's really nice. I don't know how it's going to be in the winter time--our winters are quite mild, and I'm hoping the co-op where I go for produce once a week continues through the winter; this will be their first winter in operation, so I don't know yet.

I'm doing the same drop one pound, hang out there for a couple of weeks thing--I've been at 181 for the last week or so (still can't believe it when I see that number on the scale, honestly--who'da thunk it?) and am not doing anything different to try to drop any more. I still weigh every day and I completely understand how being without a scale for a week is strange--we went on a cruise earlier this summer and I didn't have one, and I was SCARED to get back up there after the cruise because I had been "naughty." Evidently I had also been a lot more active and/or my naughty choices weren't so horrid, because I hadn't gained, but it was scary to be without that daily affirmation. Coops, I think you'll have a lovely time, and as long as you're enjoying yourself and relaxing, it's a successful holiday. Congrats on the bathing costumes!! I actually bought mine in a "regular" store for the first time in years this summer. I actually cried in the dressing room--not unusual for me when bathing suit shopping, but this time, it was in grateful happiness that things FIT and I actually had choices. The saleslady was very kind--I had told her that I was completely unsure of my size, didn't have a clue, and why, and she was SUPER supportive and friendly--brought me a tissue--gave me a hug.

:-) Selling a bunch of "fat clothes" on Ebay. Feels GREAT!!!!

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Coop: Isn't the UK 16 too big for you. I went up to the mountains this past week and forgot to bring my tops. So I had to buy one, I hated all of them and ended up buying a medium. I got it to our cabin and it was too big. Yayyyyyyy for the too big, but I will be donating it to the Goodwill when I wash it. You are going to have a great time and it sounds as if you have a back up plan.

Meg: I love you lost a lb! yayyyyyyy! I like that you haven't given up. I on the other hand, am so bored with my Protein diet and am looking towards sweets again. Darn that sugar addiction. Will get back on track tomorrow. Tomorrow will be a tough day though. I have my MIL ashes to be buried with her mom's ashes at a cemetary and have to deal with a dysfunctional family with a lot of emotional issues. I will have to control my emotional eating and head hunger then. Blahhhh! So tired of this.

Anyways, we are gonna get to goal, sooner or later, so CHEERS to everyone! :)

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Nah, the 16 one fits ok, it is just the open back I worry about - you know, fat back syndrome! If I got the 14, although it would of been a better fit around the front, I think it would of been to tight around the opening at the back and I can't stand the thought of showing 'roles' of flesh!! I'll see how I feel when I get there!

Sounds like you have a tough day ahead of you... perhaps you could give yourself 'permission' to focus on dealing with the situation and family not the food... that way you have one thing less to worry about? Taking care of yourself emotionally is just as important as what you eat.

And besides, with a BMI of 23 you aren't gonna do any damage! You are already at goal in my eyes x

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Well I spent the weekend cleaning and moving out of my house, tonight is my last night in the house. Yesterday I ate a bacon/egg/cheese sandwich my boyfriend made us for brunch, I ate half of the sandwich and then a few hours later ate the other half. After a lot of cleaning I ate a wedge of laughing cow and an inch of saucisson (french sausage). For dinner I ate 3 Korean dumplings and some green salad.

Seeing this written down I understand that I am not a pig, I understand that in my TimeBefore I would have eaten all of that and a lot more at a single sitting. But, I haven't been to the gym lately what with all the other business going on (and in some wierd way punishing myself) and I feel like I ate terribly yesterday. Oh, there were some coconut M&M's too ... :(

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GT, I don't think that sounds horrible at all--that seems really reasonable and pretty protein-dense. Are you upset about the bread or the M&Ms? Girl, if I was moving out of my house and had that stress, I'm thinking a few M&Ms would probably be a GOOD thing--there's essential ingredients in that chocolate for the female psyche, and you were just taking some medicine. It's not an everyday thing, and I think you should let that go. Don't beat yourself up over that! :-) You know you'll get back on track soon. Take CARE of yourself--it's so hard to be gentle with ourselves and not expect everything to be perfect. Give yourself permission to live, to enjoy the moment, to be -- lands, I was about to launch into a rather Zen-mode speech there, but seriously--you're young, you're gorgeous, you're smart. Give yourself permission to enjoy that and to stop being so hard on yourself for what you perceive as shortcomings! It's hard to do at first--it's easier if we just do it than wait for others to do it (from a lifetime of being overweight--you know what I mean). We slam ourselves first and hardest. Stop that! HUGS

EDITED to add: I speak first hand. My husband has been making me realize that I have an almost impossible time accepting compliments. He's started this funny thing with me. He says, "You're hot," and my reply is supposed to be, "Yes, I know." I absolutely do NOT know that, but my standard response of, "Thank you, I'm really glad you think so" isn't cutting it for him (and is IS a cop-out, isn't it?). It's been really funny just to get used to saying, "Yes, I know," but he thinks it's the first step in changing my thinking, and I'm not sure he's wrong about that. I still don't think I'm hot, but it's less surprising to me to think about it now than it was a few days ago. Change your thinking, change your life....?!

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Wow Meg, that was so inspiring! Bring on the zen speech, this is so what I needed to hear! And boy do I KNOW what you mean about getting there first, us being the hardest on ourselves, isn't that the damn truth!

I smiled when I read about your husband thought-change experiment, I sort of have been doing something similar with myself, and referencing my own attractiveness. I recently mentioned in a little speech to my bf how hot I am and he just looked at me and said, yes - you are, in such a way as to imply "you mean you were unaware of this fact?"

I'm afraid of returning to the hard core gym, afraid of not being strong enough anymore to keep up, afraid of being laughed at and belittled, afraid of not being ... enough.

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      I was able to go for a 10K/6mile hike in the mountains two days ago just for the fun of it. In the before days, I might have attempted this, but it would have taken me 7 or 8 hours to complete and I would have been exhausted and in pain for the next two days. Taking my time with breaks for snacks and water, I was finished with my wee jaunt in only 4 hours 😎 and really got to enjoy photographing some insects, fungi, and turtles.
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        Amazing! Congrats!!! Watch out for the sharks. 🦈

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