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Hello everyone' date=' my name is Tim and I am 41yrs young and I live in florida. I am a divorced father of a beautiful 9yr old daughter that is my life whom without I wouldn't have made it.I have always been a bigboy but have never had any issues with it due to my being so active with work and play but unfortunately for the last 7yrs I have been disabled with a job related injury. Since my injury and being inactive I have slowly put on weight and have accrued many co-morbidities along the way. I am 6'0 and weighed 250lb before my injury and at last weigh-in at my doctors yesterday I am 413.2 lbs. I have an appointment with a surgeon on the 14th along with a nutritionist. I have been trying to get this life saving procedure done since 2008 and have been unsuccessful due to insurance issues. I am praying this is the time its going to happen because I need my life back. My daughter was 2 1/2 yrs old when my injury happened and was 3 1/2 when I separated with her mom so I Havnt been able to do all the things that I promised her at birth.

I have missed out on so much already.With this weight loss I hope to lose my disability because with this weight I have an extremely hard time walking. I recently was discharged from hyperbaric medicine for my leg wound that I have had and am glad to say that my wound has been completely closed for the first time in almost 7yrs. I have to be careful keeping the swelling down so that it does not reopen. I am so ready to begin my journey and am so glad I have found this forum to be able to talk with such wonderful people. Much love, Tim[/quote']

Hi Tim, I am also a single parent in Fl, and I think most of us here totally understand your need and desire to lose weight and "get a life" so to speak. Praying this time is the charm, and your insurance approves it and everything goes well for you!!!!

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Hi I am a 59 year old woman, I just had my surgery for the sleeve on May 7th 2013. I was 312 Lbs. My surgery was with Dr. Thomas Umbach. Like the rest of you have struggled all my life since after having my first child with my weight. A big up down roller-coaster. Nothing I tried worked for very long and as usual came back to haunt me even more adding it plus. Yes very discouraging. So began my 6 year fight to get the surgery, when I say fight yes a fight for my life that the hospital here just didn't seem to get or care for that matter. So began my search and basically threat to my base Dr. to get off the pot and help or I would be going on my own to Mexico. Hubby was not about me going there right now anyway. I then found a wonderful Lady named Sharon whom is with belite. She got my insurance and surgery set up in a month. though it was in Las Vegas, NV.at least hubby was satisfied state side and was going with me. we flew out on the 4th and made it a vacation as well. To me was the best ever vacation and Hubby was and is my life long hero. for he has stood by and let me cry when I need to which is a lot for some reason lately, yet just emotional happy tears. And has fought with me every step so far of this journey I am going. He is my strength, when I feel I am weakening, he pulls me up by the boot straps and reminds me how far I have come already. If you have that someone in your court by all means hang on to them Support is what keeps you strong and believe me I have learned if nothing else strength determination and will power are hand in hand. God bless you all and many prayers to help you through. The picture is me before surgery and one with the wonderful staff and me at hospital on the day I was leaving to go home.Thanks for reading, Robin


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Hi I am a 59 year old woman' date=' I just had my surgery for the sleeve on May 7th 2013. I was 312 Lbs. My surgery was with Dr. Thomas Umbach. Like the rest of you have struggled all my life since after having my first child with my weight. A big up down roller-coaster. Nothing I tried worked for very long and as usual came back to haunt me even more adding it plus. Yes very discouraging. So began my 6 year fight to get the surgery, when I say fight yes a fight for my life that the hospital here just didn't seem to get or care for that matter. So began my search and basically threat to my base Dr. to get off the pot and help or I would be going on my own to Mexico. Hubby was not about me going there right now anyway. I then found a wonderful Lady named Sharon whom is with belite. She got my insurance and surgery set up in a month. though it was in Las Vegas, NV.at least hubby was satisfied state side and was going with me. we flew out on the 4th and made it a vacation as well. To me was the best ever vacation and Hubby was and is my life long hero. for he has stood by and let me cry when I need to which is a lot for some reason lately, yet just emotional happy tears. And has fought with me every step so far of this journey I am going. He is my strength, when I feel I am weakening, he pulls me up by the boot straps and reminds me how far I have come already. If you have that someone in your court by all means hang on to them Support is what keeps you strong and believe me I have learned if nothing else strength determination and will power are hand in hand. God bless you all and many prayers to help you through. The picture is me before surgery and one with the wonderful staff and me at hospital on the day I was leaving to go home.Thanks for reading, Robin [/quote']

I'm glad to hear your doing well ..congrats on getting the surgery..how much weight have u lost?

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I'm glad to hear your doing well ..congrats on getting the surgery..how much weight have u lost?

I have as of today lost 32Lbs

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I have as of today lost 32Lbs

Awesome !!!

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Hello All!

My name is Jennifer..Butterflyhigh...and I have been creeping on this forum for weeks. Only now am I ready to start posting questions and comments. I am a 35 yo mother to two daughters. I live in the Cincinnati area. I love to garden, play the guitar and piano, and cook. Actually, cooking is a big part of who I am. I LOVE to cook fine cuisine and pair dishes with the perfect wine, discover new recipes and put a new spin on old favorites, and make from-scratch breads, cheeses, and pastas. I am VERY worried about how a sleeve will change this aspect of who I am and if I will still be able to enjoy cooking.

I have been struggling with my weight since 8 years old. I remember very clearly at that age when my parents divorced and I went from an outgoing active child to one who found comfort and self-soothing by overeating. I felt good when I felt full. That feeling of comfort has persisted into my adulthood.

I have a current BMI of 31. Yes, I do realize how low that is, but I have fluctuated between a 30 and 40 BMI for years. I am so sick and tired of loosing and gaining the same 60 pounds over and over again. I am at a low BMI now because I spent one year on Phentermine, but now that I'm not taking that horrible mind altering drug anymore I've gained back 30lbs and am well on my way back UP the BMI chart.

It's been a constant roller coster of dieting, exercising, feeling good about myself, loosing the momentum, gaining the weight back, crash dieting again, never fitting in my clothes, refusing to buy larger sizes, sweat pants, sweaters to hide behind, hating the summertime, wanting SO BAD to just fit into a pair of shorts and a tank top....I think I am ready to step off of this emotional and physical circus ride and into a new lifestyle and way of being and living.

I have a lot of fears and concerns about something as drastic as removing part of a major organ, and that is why I am here at Vertical Sleeve Talk. I really need to know the good, bad, and ugly of making a decision of this magnitude. It's already been so helpful reading other people's stories. I look forward to learning more.

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ok I am going to post something for you hun the good bad and ugly as you put it.lol. beleive me i do understand. this post is from someone whom helped me decide. and though she had hers in Mexico I had mine in las vegas.the results where different for both of us but needless to say she had me prepaired for good and bad. and I owe her alot. so here is what she wrote me and I so hope it helps you or anyone whom has the same fears. and it is natural.

Hi Robin,

I'm actually located in TX, but I would be happy to answer any questions you have about belite, surgery, the hospital, the border, and anything else you have questions with. I'm an open book, so if I don't cover something feel free to ask....even things that sound/seem gross....I work in healthcare...nothing is gross to me.

I guess I'll just kinda start at the beginning of my journey and go from there. I really did my research about Belite and going across the border from the beginning. My psychologist is actually who brought it up to me (she had a patient do it), I had been denied three times by my insurance to have it in the states, and I was devastated. I was honestly to the point of feeling like I was dying one way or another (life in general or on the operating table). I too was scared to death....up until they were putting me on the operating table and sedating me.

I went through Belite and their financing program. I actually went by myself, because I have a child that I needed my parents to take care of. I flew to El Paso and there was a driver waiting for me at baggage, a very nice man. It took about an hour to get across the border, but it was around 3pm and school was getting out and lots of traffic. Once in Mexico we went straight to the hospital (Star Medica) (about 15 min or so). The hospital is secure and has a secure parking lot and guards at the entrance. The driver escorted me in and showed me where I needed to be...that parts a little confusing. When you walk in there are some glass doors towards the back wall on the left, if he had not taken me in I don't know if I would have known exactly where to go. So that was registration, the ladies there did not speak English very well so they called one of the doctors (the psychologist...I cannot remember his name at the moment...starts with a C...sorry). He spoke perfect English and got all the paperwork done with me, I paid the balance, he escorted me to have a chest Xray, then to my room, ordered me my last meal, and set up testing for the evening (EKG and blood work). I was very anxious so he ordered me a Xanax for bed to sleep. I was scheduled for the next morning for surgery. Of course all night they wake you up and take vitals...just like normal in any hospital. They did tell me that I could leave the hospital that night as long as I check in and out...there is a mall and movie theatre across the street, but there was no way I was leaving my secure surroundings to wonder around Mexico and I would not recommend it to anyone...even if you don't go alone.

The next morning a nurse came and brought me towels and soap and had me shower and changed my bedding. Then I waited....for what seemed like forever for surgery. Anesthesiologist came and visited with me....she even prayed with me since I was scared. Then about 30 min later they took me to the operating room, where support hose were put on me and a bonnet over my hair. Then the Anesthesiologist was there again making sure I was ok and reassuring me she was there and with me. Then off to sleep I went. I faintly remember being in recovery....I mostly remember then saying my name....then I was in my room again.

I slept on and off and tried to walk as much as possible like they recommend. There was some pain...I could tell when I was getting close to another dose of pain meds. I also had nausea (but I get nausea with anesthesia...I get nausea anyways). So they gave me meds for that to. So heres where it might get nasty, but with me you get the good, the bad, and the ugly. I did get sick at one point and threw up a huge blood clot...not gonna lie it hurt and looked nasty, but afterwards I actually felt better. So continued with the walking, sleeping, walking, sleeping....until they brought me ice chips...then sucked on them some (your mouth is so dry). Of course again you have constant attention with vitals and meds and IV fluids. The staff was awesome, I had a great nurse named Ruben that prayed with me and let me cry when I hurt (I jokingly called him my mom). I can honestly say I was treated better there than I have ever been treated in the states at a hospital (with the exception of when I gave birth). I can also honestly say the hospital was so much cleaner than hospitals in the states (I have worked in several here). Some of the nurses spoke broken English (they give you a sheet to translate and point, but I never had to use it). There was always a doctor and nurse that spoke perfect English though, so if I called for a nurse and they couldn't understand me someone was there with in minutes that could. Mostly its the housekeeping staff that didn't speak English (they would just say "trash" and take out the trash) and the nurses that take your vitals and help you bathe.

So night two was a little rough...I could only lay on one side because you have a drain in and the drain is uncomfortable. Once the drain was out the next day I was pretty much pain free except for when I tried to "eat" (broth, Jello, tea, ice). Again nurse helps you shower and bathe. So you also have the "leak" test on day three. NASTY! Doctor take you to a fluoroscopy machine and you drink contrast and they check for leaks...I gagged...no joke. Its not like barium if you have ever had that...its a thin liquid like Water...but tastes like crap! You only have to get a little down, then they let you rinse your mouth.

After that your done...you keep your walking up and then your ready to go home. I did have a different driver on the way back (he was waiting for me at registration, who was so sweet, he was like a tour guide on the way back pointing out historical sites and even offered to stop and let me shop if I wanted to. It did not take long at all to get back across the border. They did ask for my passport, why I was there, and I declared my medication and they opened my bag and looked at it and that was it.

I honestly feel that this has saved my life and I have no regrets. It is in no way easy or a magic solution. You will have pain, you will cry, you will have struggles, but I promise its all worth it. You will be so bored with Protein shakes and Soups at the beginning, just know it gets better and you will feel so much better!! I never went back to caffeine and that was my drug of choice and I feel so much better. I'm allergic to aspartame so I don't put that in my body and I feel great. I also don't have the health problems I did 100 pounds ago!! Its amazing!

My surgery date was October 4th, 2012. So my stats are: Started at 324 (I did prediet for 3 weeks), went into hospital at 302, and I'm at 222. So down 102 pounds total. I'm 5'10" and my personal goal is 180 at this point (which to some sounds high...but I'm a tall German gal). Was a size 26 and down to a 14.

Oh let me give you some advise while I'm writing this novel...ha! Take Gas-X strips with you....they really help...I used them while in the hospital and for about two months after. They also are great for after that nasty leak test cause they are minty. Take as little as possible. I took a nightgown, a change of clothes, several panties, and toiletries. I took my computer and a book and I didn't end up looking at either. I watched TV and slept...honestly I wasn't bored. They do have English stations. I made a friend there that was having surgery the same day and we still talk...so look for the others pushing their IV pole around and walking...helps time go by faster when you have someone to walk with and to lean on once your home.

Once your home....your not gonna poop like normal....you don't eat anymore...but it will eventually happen. Watch for signs of dehydration (at first you can only take tiny little sips and its very hard to get your Water in). I did end up having two IV's for Fluid in the first month. It gets to where you can take bigger sips. Chew, chew, chew...chew til its nasty almost. Follow the rules and you will do fine. You may find things that don't agree with you...like I have to eat moist meat...or have gravy on it. Your body lets you know pretty fast whats not gonna work...but it will eventually. My taste has totally changed, things I used to like do not taste good anymore and honestly its for the best....its things I shouldn't be eating. Its awkward for your friends and family....for you to sit there and not eat....just tell them its weird for them not you...they also tend to question if your "allowed" to eat things. Wow this has just been one big run on sentence/email.

I hope all this has been helpful. I wish someone had written me a novel with step by step instructions. Please do not hesitate to call me or email me with anything you need. Support is very important in this.



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Oh, thank you for posting this. That was very nice of her to do such a thorough walk-through of her surgery experience. I am actually pretty well read up on things to expect immediately post-op. What I am so worried about is how I will handle the long-term changes....like will I ever be able to drink a entire glass of Water again? Will I be able to enjoy the taste of steak, not a whole cut of steak, just 1/4 of it? Will I at some point be able to have one glass of wine with dinner?

I know I need a lifestyle change, and I am actually desperately craving a lifestyle change! I am just very afraid of loosing the ability to enjoy food in a healthy way. For instance, yesterday I worked outside in the flowerbeds and heat all day. All I could think about was how wonderful it would be to sit down for dinner on the patio and enjoy a cold ripe watermelon for dinner. After all of the post-op healing is done, like a year later, will I be able to munch on a cold watermelon or will that just get in the way of my Protein intake??

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Hello! I am a 33 year old single mom to a beautiful 9 year old little girl. I have struggled with my weight since I was in 6th grade. I work as an accountant in Dallas, TX, where I have lived for almost 3 years. I lost my dad unexpectedly in 2010 and have put on about 50lbs since. I chose the sleeve because I am tired of being tired, tired of the failed diets and tired of being the fat one in the family that ruins all the pictures. I have to be at the hospital at noon tomorrow and I am terrified!! My daughter has cried every night for the past week, afraid her.mommy is going to die in surgery. I cant wait for this to be over and start living my new, healthy life!! Good luck everyone!

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Mystigal, I can totally relate to the fearful kid issue. I have two daughters, 12 and 3. Obviously the 3 yo isn't aware of anything, but my 12 yo would be terrified too!

When I had a minor cosmetic surgery six years ago my Dr. had to give me valium the night before AND the day of surgery because I was such a scared mess. My thoughts will be with you and your little girl tomorrow around noon. I am sure you will wake up from surgery just fine and be hugging your daughter shortly thereafter.

Good Luck, mamma!!

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Yo said you love to cook right? well there are lots of experimenting to do just much smaller sizes for you to consume, but lots of healthy ideas to be created. I was experimenting with some ideas before I had to start my post op diet. and surprisingly they tasted great, and I was teaching myself moderation.

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Thank you so much, Butterflyhigh! You brought tears to my eyes... This is one of the reasons I love this website, the support is amazing! As excited as I am, this is a scary thing to go into! Any and all prayers are much appreciated!

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Yes children feed on our own fears. and its natural to be scared. I was and bet everyone here has been at one point of this step. and yes its a big one. But now that its done and I personally had no pain and am slowly getting a new drive about me. that well everyone that knows me says I am becoming the fun loving laughing and full of sprit I use to have. some thing that has been gone for a very long time. until today I didnt realize it till brought to my attention at my family dr's office. and they have known me a good 20 years.

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Hello! I just joined this site. My surgery is scheduled for May 30, 2013 and it has been a wild ride getting here. I say wild ride because I just made the decision to get surgery on the morning of April 29th. I researched getting surgery about 4 years ago, but I decided against it because I viewed it as a "failure". I am 42 with a BMI of 46. I have high blood pressure, arthritis in my knees, PCOS, and IBS. That morning I woke up and decided that I had done 42 years in a big body and I was going to do the next 42+ in a different body. I just got tired of carrying myself around.

When I got to work that morning I called my insurance company to find out the places that were in-network and then I went online to learn everything I could possibly need to know. When I thought about surgery 4 years ago I thoulght I wanted the Lap Band, but since then I have changed careers and I travel frequently. I just didn't like the idea of having that band inside me as I get on a pressurized airplane every week so I started researching the sleeve. By the end of the day I had contacted the surgeon's office, viewed the online seminar, filled out the initial paperwork, and scheduled an appointment for the next Monday.

The appointment went well and I needed to get nutrition counseling and a psych eval. I called the nutritionist from the car and scheduled an appointment for Thursday and I already had an appointment with my therapist for Friday. Completed both appointments and the letter was submitted to my insurance the next Tuesday. On Friday I was approved. Whew!! Even typing that made me tired. The next day I went for a pre-op group session where we toured the hospital and learned all of the details of the surgery day. And here I am today joining this site.

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congrates hun you wont regret it. I am still new but do not regret it or change my mind about it either. am so Happy for you.


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    • ChunkCat

      I have no clue where to upload this, so I'll put it here. This is pre-op vs the morning of my 6 month appointment! In office I weight 232, that's 88 lbs down since my highest weight, 75 lbs since my surgery weight! I can't believe this jacket fit... I am smaller now than the last time I was this size which the surgeon found really amusing. He's happy with where I am in my weight loss and estimates I'll be around 200 lbs by my 1 year anniversary! My lowest weight as an adult is 195, so that's pretty damn exciting to think I'll be near that at a year. Everything from there will be unknown territory!!

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      1. AmberFL

        You look amazing!!! 😻 you have been killing it!

      2. NickelChip

        Congratulations! You're making excellent progress and looking amazing!

      3. BabySpoons

        So proud of you Cat. Getting into those smaller size clothes is half the fun isn't it?. Keep up the good work!!!!

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