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Expecting Lap Band removal

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I will be seeing a new surgeon soon about having my Lap Band removed! I am excited!

I've been in pain and/or discomfort for 3 years, since having the band implanted.

I've lost almost 80 pounds, which I am very proud and pleased about.

However, there has never been a time I have actually felt good since it's been in there.

Many symptoms and many tests during the last two years, after some sudden symptoms sent me to the ER to make sure I was not having a stroke. During these last two years Ive been to many kinds doctors and had many tests, to no avail. My Lap Band surgeon insists my symptoms are not related to the band and has been minimally involved since looking at a barium swallow report and washing his hands of me.

I truly believe the symptoms I'm having ARE related to the band.

I went to a new surgeon, in the big city (I am from a smaller town of about 16,000 people with exactly 1 very busy Lap Band surgeon).

My new surgeon ordered a barium swallow and it was discovered I have no liquid in my band (despite having fills) and that the valve between my esophagus and stomach is not closing. This is allowing stomach contents/acid to slosh in and out, impacting my esophagus and causing painful symptoms.

I will see this surgeon soon, but over the phone we have discussed this situation and it is very likely he will remove the band then go in later on to repair the valve.

Has anyone had this kind of journey with their band? I also have a hernia that is covered by the band at this point -- which I assume will need to be repaired.

Im exicted about the band removed and hoping hoping hoping to feel good once again!

Anyone who has had their band removed and can give me an idea of the recovery period and what's it like - I would love to hear from you!

Thank you very much. Im glad we can support each other here even though our journeys are often different and unique to each person. What is painful and unacceptable to one person, may not have the same kind of impact on another -- and so different decisions are made; each person doing their very best.


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Sorry to hear you had such difficulties :( I am sure the removal will offer you some relief but I think the valve fix will be far more beneficial & let's not forget the hernia!! Basically your digestive track needs a huge break!! I have had assorted family members with stomach issues and they can be very painful. While I have had no complications I know there are some who do. In a perfect world everyone's body would react perfectly to WLS but it is not a perfect world, the human body can be quite a mysterious thing!! I hope you are soon on the road to better health & good luck!!

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Sorry you are having issues. Whatever the outcome, I hope you find relief and feel better.

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I found the band removal fairly easy. Physically, other than mild pain and a miserably achy port-site, I felt really good within a week and was back at work 5 days post-op. my energy level was awesome because I could actually eat real food for the first time in forever :). Emotionally I was a mess though. I was supposed to be a revision to RNY BUT WOKE UP WITH ONLY A BAND REMOVAL. I HAD SO MUCH SCARRING AND INFLAMMATION FROM MY BAND THAT THE SURGEON WAS. ABLE TO DO THE REVISION AT THAT TIME...that was hard :). No clue why that's all caps but too last to retype it :D sorry!!! And good luck!!!!

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Thank you Carol! I agree, my system really needs a break. I hope just getting the band out will help a LOT -- but Im glad they know how to fix the valve and hernia if need be.

Right now Im just waiting to see the surgeon (was able to move my appt up to the 21st) then schedule the surgery. I feel worse than ever.

Thank you for your encouragement!


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Sorry you are having issues. Whatever the outcome, I hope you find relief and feel better.

Thank you Go Walking! Sooner or later I will find relief and feel better! I have a lot of confidence in my new surgeon. Thank you for responding to my post!


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I found the band removal fairly easy. Physically, other than mild pain and a miserably achy port-site, I felt really good within a week and was back at work 5 days post-op. my energy level was awesome because I could actually eat real food for the first time in forever :). Emotionally I was a mess though. I was supposed to be a revision to RNY BUT WOKE UP WITH ONLY A BAND REMOVAL. I HAD SO MUCH SCARRING AND INFLAMMATION FROM MY BAND THAT THE SURGEON WAS. ABLE TO DO THE REVISION AT THAT TIME...that was hard :). No clue why that's all caps but too last to retype it :D sorry!!! And good luck!!!!

Thank you Christie! It's good to hear your experience in terms of minimal pain and when you could go back to work. I was figuring taking a week off. Hopefully that is enough.

Im so sorry to hear you were not able to revise at the same time. Have you healed enough to do that,now?

I will not revise to anything else. I want my old clunker back! I have learned so much thru this whole process and ordeal.

I learned to not be afraid to be hungry!

I've learned a lot about nutrition and about how my own body responds.

I've also learned I am fully capable of independence and I don't have to swallow whatever a doctor says hook, line, an sinker. I've had to fight to be heard about these symptoms and persevere no matter what.

So, that feels good too.

Im sorry you woke up from your surgery with such disappointment. Can you feel your body healing itself? I am worried that my stomach will never be the same and I want to be very gentle with it so that it will heal.

Thank you for sharing your personal experience with me. I am very grateful.

Take good care!


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I can relate to what you're saying. I've been having a difficult time as well. Pain around the port area and it feels inflamed. It's been 4 years for me and I'm tired of not being able to work out b/c when I do, I have very bad pain in that area one to two days later that lasts

for up to 3 weeks. I lost nearly 50 lbs and have gained 8 back. I'm thankful for that but My body need a break and so do I. Trying to have it removed ASAP. It is very painful to even take a deep breath, so I try not to.

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I can relate to what you're saying. I've been having a difficult time as well. Pain around the port area and it feels inflamed. It's been 4 years for me and I'm tired of not being able to work out b/c when I do, I have very bad pain in that area one to two days later that lasts

for up to 3 weeks. I lost nearly 50 lbs and have gained 8 back. I'm thankful for that but My body need a break and so do I. Trying to have it removed ASAP. It is very painful to even take a deep breath, so I try not to.


Thanks for answering and sharing!

I wonder why the port gives so many people problems? I have been lucky to not have sensitivity there. I feel the band all around my abdomen at the point that's just under my ribs in front -- and then all the way around. Feels like a big tight rubber band. Sometimes it feels like something inside kind of sloshes when I move and gets "caught" on something in there.

I think the lap band can do a lot of good, but for me it has served it's purpose and it's time to go. I can only hope it has not done damage to my insides that cannot heal.

Have you talked to a surgeon about having yours out, yet?

I have read that some surgeons will remove it for no charge, if they put it in.

I will not return to the surgeon who put mine in; he actually told me to not bother to come back....and to stop crying whenever I come to his office! He just wanted me to lose weight, period. Never mind all the signals that something is wrong!

I now have a failed band. And I suppose his stats get impacted with that.

I hope you can arrange to have yours out soon, too, if it needs to come out.

Thank you again for answering!

Quality of life is precious.


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I'm so sorry you are having issues with your band. I've had two strokes back in the 80's and I was curious about how you thought you were having a stroke. I have residual paralysis from my massive stroke in 1980 and my symptom from that one was having the worst headache in my life. I don't wish that on anyone so I can imagine how scared you were. I'm a big believer in the man upstairs and that's why I'm no longer wheelchair bound.

I'm praying for you that all goes well and you get the relief you need from the band removal. I personally have had no issues with my band as of yet except for my port flipping but that was a quick day surgery fix.

Best of luck to you!

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I'm so sorry you are having issues with your band. I've had two strokes back in the 80's and I was curious about how you thought you were having a stroke. I have residual paralysis from my massive stroke in 1980 and my symptom from that one was having the worst headache in my life. I don't wish that on anyone so I can imagine how scared you were. I'm a big believer in the man upstairs and that's why I'm no longer wheelchair bound.

I'm praying for you that all goes well and you get the relief you need from the band removal. I personally have had no issues with my band as of yet except for my port flipping but that was a quick day surgery fix.

Best of luck to you!


I had some sudden symptoms when I was getting ready to go to a memorial service. My vision changed for about 15 seconds. It was as though my eyes were crossed, but looking in the mirror I could see they were NOT crossed. I have tingling from my neck up into my face. I had the sensation of a golf ball in my throat.

I researched the symptoms and saw that some people had experienced the golf ball sensation when their Lap Band had slipped, so I called my surgeon.

He said to go to the ER to rule out stroke. He did not think that was what was happening, but wanted to be sure.

The ER docs could not find evidence of stroke or small transient strokes and assumed dehydration. (I had been sick a few days earlier).

I still do not know what caused those sudden symptoms. It has now been over two years and I still have the throat sensation, though it has morphed into a slight burning instead of golf or tennis ball. I sometimes get the tingling into my face.

My chiropractor says the hernia is causing that.

Did you have a band in when you had a stroke? When the body goes haywire it is a scary thing. There is no controlling it alone. That is when I truly appreciate doctors and other medical personnel.

Otherwise, I have lost trust in western medical doctors. I was treated badly by my surgeon who eventually washed his hands of the whole thing, claiming the Lap Band was not the cause of my symptoms.

I would like to pack my Lap Band up and mail it back to him once I get it out!

Im somewhat scared about having surgery, but also can hardly wait to have it. Im pretty miserable.

How are you doing? It sounds like you have experienced a miracle or two in your life. It is also a beautiful thing to experience your own strength and perseverance. Love and prayer are powerful forces in our world. I heard some very good advice several years ago: Pray and get out of the way!

I hope all is well with you, now. Thank you for your prayers. I see my new surgeon the 21st and hopefully can get scheduled for surgery within a few weeks.


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Hi, Yes I've seen my surgeon and he wants me to go to my PCP due to my high B/P. My PCP said he didn't want to alter my meds for that b/c my B/P is not that High whenever they check it. So what do I do? I really don't want the band out, but I can't continue in distress. Whenever I think that I could just eat right and start over,I start having pain and flare ups again. I've gotten tired of the yoyo-ing. Something just have to give. I could change surgeons but I cant afford the expensive fees at this time. I'll have to sacrifice something and soon. I'm in my late fifties.

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Hi, Yes I've seen my surgeon and he wants me to go to my PCP due to my high B/P. My PCP said he didn't want to alter my meds for that b/c my B/P is not that High whenever they check it. So what do I do? I really don't want the band out, but I can't continue in distress. Whenever I think that I could just eat right and start over,I start having pain and flare ups again. I've gotten tired of the yoyo-ing. Something just have to give. I could change surgeons but I cant afford the expensive fees at this time. I'll have to sacrifice something and soon. I'm in my late fifties.


I don't know what is going on, either, but am wondering if anyone has ordered a current barium swallow to see if there is a leak or infection? I had no idea how many different views a skilled radiologist can obtain thru a barium swallow until my recent experience.

My Ex-surgeon would only look at the test results to see if my band was correctly placed, but my new surgeon uses this particular radiologist who is very familiar with lap bands and what exactly to look for.

He had me in all kinds of positions and was able to get a lot of information from that one test.

Don't give up.

A blood test might be able to tell you if there is a low-level, constant infection in there (which might be contributing to the port area discomfort and general malaise).

I, too, came to the conclusion that I could not live like this. I am in my late 50s and am looking forward to feeling good again. I've had a taste of what it's like to be at a more socially acceptable weight (not to mention having very healthy labs and avoiding diabetes); I will use those as motivation to continue this journey without the band!

It's the same journey :)

Hang in there and take care of YOU.


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Hello Hiddn, I was just reading your story. How are things going for you now?

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Hello Hiddn, I was just reading your story. How are things going for you now?

HI! Thank you for asking!

My new surgeon has scheduled surgery to take out my lap band on Sept 16th. I'll spend the night and go home the next morning. He suggested looking into a modified Meditteranean Diet in conjunction with Ketogenics. He said it would help to have a really good nutritionist. My new surgeon is in a town over an hour away, so he is not familiar with the professionals in my town.

Right now, my symptoms are not too bad. Enough that I still need to lay down quite a bit and my stamina is not good. But I still work full time. I'll take 2 weeks off after surgery.

I bought a crock pot, yesterday, and plan to make nurtritious low carb meals; I've already started! I have also discovered I can eat salad! So Im doing that and enjoying it.

After surgery I plan to remain gluten free and go back to being sugar free, as well.

My surgeon said he cannot promise that removing the band will fix the symptoms I have, but we'll never know if the band caused them unless we take it out. It also has no Fluid in in. There is a leak somewhere.

So Im just preparing physically and psychologically for surgery as well as for life after the help of the lap band.

I've lost quite a bit of weight, so exercising and being active has been easier.....and if I can get my stamina back and not have to lay down so much, I think things will be ok!

I do need to be prepared for the possibility of scar tissue creating unpleasant symptoms, too. There is no way to know ahead of time.

I plan to continue with my weight loss goals. Having the lap band out is part of the larger process for me. It helped me to a point and I'll continue on without it. Still going all the way!


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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

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