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Found 8,837 results

  1. 10 days to go!

  2. Just had the gastric sleeve procedure done, and am 10 days post op.

    1. Shell88


      Congrats! Also 10 days out! Hope recovery is going well for you.

    2. bubbles2015


      congrats, 3 wk post op here :)


    3. TammyDTM
  3. 10 Lbs down! This time next week I will be sleeved!

  4. Why is the last 10 pounds so hard to shake off?

    1. Stephanie Salsera Perrott

      Stephanie Salsera Perrott

      God willing I'll have the same problem soon :)

  5. 10 Days until surgery!

  6. 10 days and wake up and its surgery time!! Today I learned when I made a post.....try not to include the word "YOU"......as some people think that the individual posting a comment is directly attacking them.

    1. DeLiGhTfUlLy DeTeRmInEd

      DeLiGhTfUlLy DeTeRmInEd

      Hope all goes well! Let us know how it went.

  7. Less than 10 hours before I report to hospital for my surgery. Feeling excited.

    1. Packerfan61964



  8. #Фондовый рынок РФ открылся падением на 10%, что думаете?

  9. Gastric bypass 10/19/2020

  10. Loving life. Feeling great. My birthday in 10 days. 158lbs gone. 

    1. futurefinemama


      Congrats! Happy early Bday!

    2. New&Improved
  11. 😱

    I'm 4"11

    first saw the Bariatric surgeon June 2019 an weighed 198. My goal weight has been set at 182 an Monday 7/6/2020 I finally reached goal an a negative nicotine test, just waiting on a date an approval 😭🙌🏼😁

  12. My last appointment in 2019 the dietitian basically told me if she had been the one to talk to me and give a yes or no as a candidate she would of said no to me. Why? Because I am fussy and I don't like fish. My blood work was good. I was around 170 pounds to which I was told I am losing too much and I should of tapered off by then and been in maintenance. When I left there I felt very frustrated as I was a slow loser and maybe that was the goal they had set for me, but mine was lower. Anyway, she put me on an emergency list to go back in January to talk to her again so they could check on me. It's an hour drive and $20 to park. When I left there I tried more suggestions of what else to add to my diet and found that I was eating when I wasn't hungry, I was pushing myself to eat more than I wanted and more often than not I suffered for hours after eating. I did this for about 2 weeks and then went back to how I was doing it before.

    Now they've been calling since January trying to book an appointment and I keep giving excuses as to why I can't go. They called each month and now because of covid-19 they are willing to do phone appointments so I agreed. I told the dietitian about my previous experience and how it wasn't helpful. When I told her I was down to 145 on my scale she told me that once again I would be put on the emergency list as it more than a year later and I shouldn't be losing anymore weight and if I continued to do so I would likely be a failure and gain it all back. Hopefully the next one is over the phone also and I will just tell them what they want to hear. I will tell them I gained 10 pounds and I eat fish every other day and all the other stuff they say I need to eat.

    And like the last time for a couple weeks I tried to incorporate more food and more calories, and once again I suffer, I am so full I feel sick. I need to spend sometimes hours after laying down. Sometimes I pace in the bathroom because I am so close to throwing up. I haven't had to take gravol much over the course of my journey but after those two appointments they were becoming vital in my survival. Plus I was gaining weight, quickly. So here I am again, back to the way I was doing that feels right for me.

    I just don't understand why they are pushing for me to eat when I am not hungry... that's what got me to the weight I was once was, that's a bad habit. If I feel hungry I eat. I eat 3 meals a day and 2 to 3 snacks. I hit my protein goals. I drink more than enough water. I take my vitamins and supplements. My weight goes up and and down within 5 pounds. I don't understand their concern to keep me as an emergency patient that needs to be so closely monitored. I am not underweight, I am not malnourished, in fact I am still overweight. 

    Am wondering if anyone else has had this issue with the dietitians afterward? It's very frustrating and I am close to saying good bye to them because they make me doubt myself and I think I am doing well. I want to go as low as I can go, not unhealthy low, but low enough that when I hit the stage where I ultimately gain some back, the lower I am the lower I will after that happens. If I end up at 140-150 I would be content with that. I will not be content with with 180.

    1. TisTrue


      Hi @BlueIGT,

      Your journey sounds a bit similar to my own. I feel that I am fine and as one member somewhat unkindly pointed out I am still in the overweight category. But I have been told more than once that if my WLS has not slowed down by June 2020 I will most likely have to have a revision surgery or whatever it is called. I am not doing another surgery and honestly after reading so many different stories and doing more research I feel that unless a person is unhealthy meaning malnourished and their blood-work comes back bad, it is all a matter of opinion on the timing of WL. I mean if I get underweight that is one thing, so for you I'd say the same thing, if you are healthy, drinking water, blood-work looks good-decent amount of vitamins, eating veggies, getting an appropriate amount of low-fat protein, not underweight, keep up the good work of eating what/when/amount that YOUR PERSONAL body needs.

      Thank you for sharing your experience and I am glad to know that I am not alone, not that I want you to be annoyed by DR.s but, yea. I spoke about my journey a week or so ago and although some comments made me do research and it did help a bit, I really don't think anyone quite got it. Thanks! Keep us posted.

    2. BlueIGT


      It is good to know that you're not alone, that said you don't want others to experience it as well. I feel the same way, if I am not underweight, all my tests are good, I am taking all the vitamins I am supposed to, getting all the protein they tell me to, and drinking more than enough water I am not sure why I am being kept on this emergency list.

      I've just read your post, I hope it slows down and stops where you want it to and you won't require another surgery. It's frustrating when it feels like the team is against you, I mean I am glad that they are looking out for me but it seems extreme and puts me in panic mode. My team has always said that I wouldn't probably get below 175, but I had gotten below 175 on my own (then gained it all back and then some, rinse repeat), so I always knew I should be able to get down to where I wanted. I just never knew they'd have an issue with me exceeding their expectations.

      Thanks for responding, it is good to know that I am not alone. Keep on keeping healthy and all the best in the future.

  13. Anyone post opt at least 10 years? Well i am and I have gained more weight than  when i started 10 years ago.. slowly been gaining weight so i had my band tightened in 2018. started throwing up so bad i had to have it emptied in 2019. i have gained 30 pds! i have an appt to have it filled again but this pandemic has had them reschedule.. i am miserable.. i am 300pds ..5"9! Any suggestions? i started at 275 when i was banded.. lost 75 pds the first year!! now look@!! please no trolls

  14. I had my gastric sleeve done September 10, 2020... I started out 330# before surgery.... I'm down to 260# now... I've been stalled out for over two months now.... I exercise when I can (Bad back/knees)... I follow my diet , get my protein and drink my water... But still not losing any weight... I've done everything I can think of to break the stall.... Even went back to liquid diet....  Sometimes I think this was a mistake having the surgery...

    1. maddmar


      sorry to hear that don't feel down. Maybe a reset meaning something new. I am in the process of having the surgery a second time. I had Lapland in 2012 removed in 2018 and I have gained everything back and some. When I stalled on lapband I had to do something new for me I joined a free boot camp and Zumba and then boom dropped 38 pounds in 2 months. I know you said bad back and knees so find something with your limits. But I think try something new I stalled for 8 months

  15. I had surgery on February 10.

    1. november11


      hey ! how are you doing ? You okay?

    2. 1JoAnne


      Wow thank you so much for asking! I am doing alright... 🙂 I didn’t tell anybody that I was having surgery- I took a week vacation from work and I didn’t tell my parents or siblings (or any extended family) ... so other than hospital staff you are the very first person to ask me how I’m doing... and I might be a little emotional because it made me tear up

    3. november11


      I am glad to hear back from you . I know it could be rough at first but the day will come when you look back at this day and be so grateful for the new life that is odviously ahead of you. sorry it took me so long to notice your reply.. you know you can message me anytime with any questions or concerns I have been on this forum for three months before I even had surgery and on it at least 6 hours everyday at work . so im here for you....just keep drinking water,water,and more water it is soooo important......

    1. Orchids&Dragons


      It will be interesting to watch as this theory develops. Thanks for posting!

  16. The count down is on! 10/1/19 here I come.....

    1. The 56 Bypass

      The 56 Bypass

      Congrats WHat surgery are you having done?

    2. ypease
    3. The 56 Bypass

      The 56 Bypass

      I had originally wanted VSG but my endoscopy revealed a hiatal hernia which disqualified me. SO I switched to RNY. 🙂

  17. Day 8: still plenty of time to join

    ❤ January 2019 Challenge ❤


  18. I had my VSG on 11/19/18. All went very smoothly at the hospital, I was able to get up and walk a bunch, and was discharged at 11 am the next morning. Unfortunately, at about day 6 I noticed that I had thrush and am still taking meds to get rid of it. The first was Nystatin and now on Diclofenac. I also got VERY constipated from the iron supplements, but luckily some Miralax unclogged me. My highest ever weight was 319lbs, I was 282lbs at my first visit with my surgeon and 270lbs on my surgery date. As of this morning, December 9th I am 245lbs.

    1. Orchids&Dragons


      Welcome to the site and congrats on your success so far. Sounds like you're doing great! Hope to see you in the forums.

    2. RayLandry


      you are doing great Mark! Keep on keeping on (off)!

  19. http://imgur.com/1RPxKPb Updated progress picture! 10 months, 163 pounds between these photos. :)
    1. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      You are the sun and the moon. You are ab fab.

    2. heidikat72


      wow...just wow!

    3. ssflbelle


      You look fantastic! What a wonderful change. Keep going strong.


    4. Show next comments  18 more

  21. 19 lbs to go to hit the 100 lbs loss mark! Can't believe I am one of those people I hear about on TV :D

    1. Candygyrl


      Congrats. That's amazing!! I can't wait to get there either!!!

    2. Sai



  22. Blaah....day 10 and I'm feeling sad. The monotomy of this pre op diet is wearing on me. However I've perservered. Very anxious about things, surgery coming up this Wednesday. My weight loss has slowed down significantly since last week. Only lost 2 more pounds which bums me out when I have not so much as licked a spoon that I shouldn't have. On a brighter note, I feel good as far as my aches and pains go, in spite of the fact that I've had no ibuprophen since the 12th.

    1. Cari Dickenson

      Cari Dickenson

      The pre op sucked... I found I added flavor seasonings to make things taste different better etc... it's long and hard I had to o a month liquid diet through thanksgiving... and my birthday i will admit it sucked bad you can do this!! and it is worth it


    2. Stephanie


      It will be so worth it when you look back a year from now. You will be so glad you did everything they said to do, all the bad parts of this process will be behind you and you will be looking so good!


    3. Browneyedgirl41


      Oh yeah. Pre op sucks but it must be done. Directly Post op isn't much fun either.

    4. Show next comments  18 more
  23. Woot woot!!! I got a date - surgery 10/18/16 - loser's bench here I come (in 32 days)! :-)

    1. Babbs


      Holy cow FINALLY!!

    2. KristenLe


      Thank you all again! "@High functioning fat man" - that's a little odd but I hope at least it was in a good way! :-)


    3. highfunctioningfatman


      I recall a couple of days ago that you said that you had your appointment and that you were hoping to get scheduled. If I hadn't seen something it was on my mind to send you a message asking how it went. Your posts are obvious that you are prepared for this.

    4. Show next comments  18 more
  24. What's with all the bitching about not losing 10 lbs. a day? At least three new whines are posted daily. I have come to the conclusion that the psychologists who do evaluations are asking the wrong questions and not paying attention.

    1. Valentina


      It certainly does and is.

    2. heidikat72


      @WLSResources - mine used the word "only" as well. She had asked what my final goal weight was and asked how I would feel if I only got down xxx instead of my goal. I think she specifically chose the word "only" to see what sort of reaction it would trigger in me. I was pretty impressed with her - there were definitely times where she used likely trigger words to gauge my reactions, not because she was being insensitive.

    3. KristenLe


      @heidikat72 I believe that's what mine was doing as well. I don't remember the exact wording she used but it didn't bother me.

    4. Show next comments  18 more

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