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Found 17,501 results

  1. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Please help - Gastric Bypass vs SADI

    Your surgeon is right it is your decision, but, your surgeon also knows based on past patients experience and your health background, stats etc., what she feels based on her experience what would be the best for you. The surgery itself, the aftercare and long term outcome. I've never had to throw up, get the runs or any issues with my bypass. I feel most ppl don't have issues, but you hear about these that do, because why post everything is great I have no issues or questions? I chose the bypass because I have the worst luck known to mankind and I just knew I'd start getting acid refux/GERD if I didn't and I'd be back for a revision later. I've had no issues - none! I'm not sure why you think getting a SADI wouldn't have a chance to effect you the same way a standard bypass would. There is still the possibility of nausea/vomiting etc. I think if you only have 100 lbs to lose ....I agree with your surgeon, it might be a bit much unless you have diabetes or a BMI of 50% or higher. Just my two cents..although with todays economy..maybe its only worth a half cent! Finally, you won't spend your entire life only eating a spoonful of food at each meal, just smaller portions.
  2. Hello All! I had Surgery on 10/18/23 😊 I am usually in Facebook support groups, but lately they are too busy being negative and quick to tear others down. So, I am here for new scenery. I also noted most the talk and experiences are VSG, and less RNY Gastric Bypass. They are always talking bad about Bypasses until they need a revision to Bypass from VSG. So far I am doing really great! there's some hard moments, such as post op pain, gas, and one episode of dumping. (I think i ate too fast. Eating and talking). I am down -22 lbs. I will be one month post op on November 18th!
  3. If you haven't had surgery yet, you may want to join the support group "Duodenal Switch SUPPORT Group" on FB for SADI/DS patients. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1799552573392212 There are a number of patients on there who have had the RNY and done revisions to SADI or DS. Honestly, the choice is up to you and how comfortable you are with your surgeon's opinion. There are plenty of lightweights who get SADI surgeries, especially those with pre-existing conditions. But some insurance companies still consider the SADI to be experimental, so be sure yours doesn't if you decide on it. You can get vomiting with any bariatric surgery. You can get diarrhea with any surgery. And while RNY can be good for GERD patients, there are plenty of people with GERD who still end up with a SADI or DS. I'm one of those patients, I have had GERD issues for years, but I wanted a more robust surgery than the RNY and two surgeons both agreed the DS would be the better option for me because I'm diabetic. The surgery normalized my blood sugar within 24 hours, as well as my blood pressure, and my cholesterol and triglycerides are normal now. It packs a huge metabolic punch. but I do have to watch carbs and sugars or I get diarrhea. My starting weight at surgery was 307, my goal is 180/170. But I regularly see lighter starting weights in my FB support group... Surgery type is a really individual decision!
  4. Lolo mccomb

    August 2023 Surgery Buddies!

    Hi! I just had a sleeve to bypass revision on the 21st!
  5. ShoppGirl

    Counting Carbs or Net Carbs

    The thing is that they assume that you can only eat so much so if you prioritize protein then veggies then you should only be able to eat a tiny bit of healthy starches, if any, and based on that theory everyone will be okay. When I had Sleeve three years ago I swear mine was left larger than most though because I could drink and eat more from day one than they said I should. I always said that I know I had surgery because I could no longer get my moneys worth at an All you can eat buffet but I could still eat quite a bit. When I was back to “regular” portions I hit all my protein goals then ate my veggies like suggested but still had room for more carbs than I should be eating. I did great in the beginning when I was told how many ounces I should be eating and I wasn’t hungry so I just stopped myself there but later on I think I needed more guidance than just calories and what to prioritize. I know I was an exception to the rule though. When I went back to discuss revision with another dr he said not that I’m suggesting it but if you were eating a sub how many inches could you eat and when I said 5 or 6 easily he said that I should not be able to eat that much. I believe that is why things went wrong for me. I reached my first easy goal I set to encourage myself but never made it to my ideal body weight. Then a few month later when actual hunger came back and I ate until I was full I started to gain even with the healthy options because of my portion sizes. Admittedly if I had not been frustrated and basically gave up at some point I probably would not have gained ALL my weight back and I would still be healthier now than when I started, but I know where things began to go wrong so this time I asked repeatedly until I got even more guidance from the dietician.
  6. ChunkCat

    Surgery Failure

    I agree with this. At your starting weight you should have been offered a Duodenal Switch or a SADI procedure. If you weren't, I'm assuming it is because your surgeon can't perform those surgeries, so just offered you the sleeve? If you were offered these options, why did you opt for just the sleeve? My highest weight was 320. Two surgeons agreed I should have a traditional duodenal switch. I did the research and agreed with them, though originally I just wanted the sleeve. I was terrified of the switch portion of the surgery, especially because I've had ulcerations of the small intestines due to my autoimmune disease. So my surgeon called and consulted with my GI doctor and together they decided the DS was the best option for me and worth the risk because of how many benefits it would offer me. So I decided to accept my fear and go with the DS anyway. I'm so thankful I did and that it was an option offered to me. It has changed my life in so many ways for the better... The sleeve is the first part of a duodenal switch, that's where the sleeve operation actually came from. The intestinal part can be added at any stage by a surgeon qualified to do it, but only a small percentage of surgeons can perform it, as it can be rather complex. We see revisions from sleeve to DS all the time in my support group.
  7. Well, this was me in August. I had to fight again. My revision is set on 09/25/23. Wow, I have undergone a heck of a fight. Can't wait to be free from pain [emoji18] Sent from my SM-G996U1 using BariatricPal mobile app
  8. I'm obviously not a professional and can only speak on my experience as a bypass patient - I have not experienced vomiting or dumping syndrome and I'm a little over 9 months post-op. Even when meeting with my surgeon and he asked me what I was considering and why - before providing his own assessment - I said bypass as sleeve wasn't enough and SADI is too much - and he agreed. I have only experienced occasional mild acid reflux previous to surgery and did not want to put myself in a place to make it worse. My food portions are obviously smaller than prior (that's why we have these procedures), but it is not just a spoon or two at this point. That was only closer out from surgery. I am at about a half cup to a cup depending on density of what I'm consuming and that will still evolve even more further down the line. In my opinion, SADI is better for those who need to lose a lot more and may be diabetic as it is quick to reverse that. It may not be everyone's assessment and you have to choose what is best for you with your doctor's suggestion. I've heard and read it is difficult to revise should the need arise and it's mainly too many fats and/or sugars is what causes the diarrhea. Both require to be on vitamins/supplements for life, but it's even more important with the SADI as there is far more malabsorption. You will know what's best for yourself and your body and I wish you much luck.
  9. I am 31 female weight 368 5’4 - I’m in the stages of deciding which surgery I’d like to do and I’m concerned about the sleeve being a newer option and not having long term studies as well as I worry about GERD with the sleeve, and the worry of having to get a revision eventually to the bypass if I went with the sleeve
  10. Chel1

    4 yrs post VSG to RNY

    @GreenTealael Thanks for your post. How was your weight loss after the revision? Many have said they didn't feel any restriction like with the sleeve which was my concern. I am currently on my pre-op diet for this week, my revision surgery is scheduled for Monday Aug. 28th.
  11. They don't actually remove any bowel - they just bypass part of it - but the two parts meet up again about a foot from the stomach. He may have just made the "Y" shorter than usual - as in had the two parts meet up sooner. I'm not a revision patient, so there are probably others on here who know more than I do, but you may not be feeling full because of nerves being cut during surgery. If so, they regenerate fairly quickly. Plus you're eating soft foods, also. I didn't really start feeling restriction until about a month out when I started eating solid food. lastly, only about 30% of bypass patients dump. I never have - and know lots of others who don't, either. If you turn out to be a dumper, though, you can prevent it by not eating a lot of sugar or fat at one sitting (which we shouldn't be doing anyway...). I never worried about dumping (although at times I wish I DID dump since I have no problem eating tons of sugar at one sitting, unfortunately...)
  12. I can’t believe it’s been over a year since I STILL HAVENT made a decision. I have the money to do the surgery, but now I have added 2 additional surgery options. Now, I can’t decide between 1. Bypass 2. ESG 3. GSRE - gastric sleeve revision surgery 4. SASI - single anstanomis ilietal surgery. I know I’m spelling it wrong. This one is supposed to make you lose 60+ lbs and is one stitch.
  13. SleeveToBypass2023

    Acid re-bound effect after stopping omperazole

    When I had my revision from sleeve to bypass, I was on Omeprazole and was slowly weaned off. Just stopping completely can cause that rebound issue, so he had me taking the full dose every day for the first 4 weeks. Then every other day for 2 weeks, then 3x a week for 2 weeks, then I went off them completely. And I had absolutely no issues at all. I had to have the revision because I originally had the sleeve and had MAJOR complications (incredible gerd that required 80mg of Nexium per day, still had break through reflux so Pepcid was added as needed, and then pre-cancerous polyps developed all through my stomach and duodenum, requiring 5 surgeries for remove everything). My surgeon wanted me on the PPI and to do a gradual step down to wean off to protect my stomach and allow it to heal so there wouldn't be any additional issues. I would say maybe try stepping down gradually off the PPI and see if that helps.
  14. I went in for the revision in December and he was unable to do it because I had a hernia and scar tissue. So I had the hernia repaired and waited for the revision until just 2 days ago. I went in again to have the revision and he didn't do it at all because of the scar tissue. I was thinking this is the end of the road for me but now I'm reading your posts. Do you think I should get a second opinion about it? I regained weight and I have bad GERD. I feel hopeless right now and now reading this I'm wondering why I didn't get to have the revision surgery at all LeighLon
  15. Milli Deb

    Bypass gone bad

    My maximum weight was 303 lbs. I am currently 133lbs. I got my gastric by pass on May 7th 2019 in Pennsylvania. Since then I have had so many issues and I do not know where to turn to anymore. I feel the dr and I have gone through every option there is to go through and it is still not enough. Immediately after surgery I was having issues with eating. I followed all the rules took all the vitamins and meds I was supposed to. Still could not keep food down. I ended up having to take my gallbladder out in Oct of 2019. I was with a horrible person and she left me because of my issues with my stomach. I moved back to my home town of Peoria Il. I had to go on a search to find a new Dr. that would take me as a patient. I found this to be a rather horrible task as some Drs do not like to do that because they don't know all that the previous Dr did with the surgery. I finally found one and he is a great Dr. He has kept me alive. After the gallbladder surg. I was still having issues with keeping food down. This started in February 2020. The only thing i could tolerate was broth. At this point I had to take all my meds in a liquid form. Finally The dr. sent me to a gastrologist for an endoscopy. It was shown that I had some scar tissue covering the entrance to my stomach so they did a dilation. There was also an ulcer found. I was put on 2 diff acid reducing meds to get rid of it along with nausea meds. To prevent a tear they had to do this several times. I had dropped down to 118lbs. very malnourished. My health was becoming a huge concern. One of the times that they went in to dilate the Dr ended up putting a hole in my intestine. I had to have an emergency surgery for repair. I spent 2 weeks in the hosp. When I woke up in recovery i had a wound vac, drains and a feeding tube. i went home with the feeding tube. This is now Sept 2020. My new Gastric bypass dr was trying to get me healthy enough to do a revision to help me tolerate food. I had a revision scheduled for Dec. 2020. Since this was during covid I had to be tested before surgery. Yes I tested positive. The surgery was postponed until Feb. Finally i had my surgery and was hoping that this was going to be the last and all would be good. The feeding tube was removed and I had to start over from scratch with eating. Clear liquid on up. At this point I am weak and thinking the worst that it is all over for me. I kept up the fight and it kept kicking me back. I was able to eat a little better for a few months after surgery. Then it all started over again. Every time I tried to eat i threw up. I called the dr. He said probably more scar tissue and that meant more dilation like before. So that was the plan more endoscopies. There was also another ulcer found. Upped the intake of the acid reducers and still not going away. I just kept dealing with this and eating what I could. I put up with this for a long time. Then in Oct. of 2022 it got really bad again. I was in and out of the ER for pain so many times I lost track. The dr. went in to check things out and the ulcer was back. There was no Rhyme or reason for this to keep coming back. I was referred to a Thoracic Surgeon in 2023. I finally was able to get in to see him. He scheduled me for a surgery to have my vagus nerve removed. (vagus nerves produce the acid in our stomach and mine was producing to much there fore causing the ulcer to never heal. When i came home I was still not able to eat food it made me sick. I wasn't in anymore pain but still could not tolerate food except for soft foods. Then it would be next to nothing. Somedays i could eat a bit more than others. I was released to go back to work on 4*12*24. I have been to the er once again for pain and not keeping food down. I was given a gi cocktail and felt better. I called the Dr and was told when it hurts drink Mylanta. I am now to the present day and have no answers. Please tell me there is solution for this. I cannot do this forever. I don't wish this on anyone but I hope someone else has been through this and can help.
  16. SleeveToBypass2023

    How long were you down and out?

    With my sleeve, I took 2 weeks off and needed every bit of it. With my revision to bypass, I was up and doing things after 4 days. Only took a week off, but honestly didn't need it. Still took it, though lol
  17. So I had to go to visit my surgeon the other day for my 2 year after revision check up. He was happy with my continued results. And then ... I had the urge for a Potbelly sub. I know, I know lol. I ordered a Bacon lettuce tomatoes avocado sandwich, and it is was so good. I rarely eat out these days. Once a month at best. I used to eat out every day but times have changed. I ate half for lunch and then ate the other half the next day. Total calories for half of an original is 335 calories as per their menu. I want to go back. Oh goodness....
  18. SleeveToBypass2023

    So so close!!!!

    YA'LL.... I am officially in a size XL (also known as a 1x). It's one thing to be pretty sure (when you don't actually have that size but the one above it is too big, so you assume) and it's another to put it on and it fits PERFECTLY. Tops AND bottoms. And the size 6 rings are starting to get a little loose. I have 18 pounds to go to hit my goal weight (I weigh 213 right now), and I wonder if I'll be in a 5 1/2 by then!!! The last 30 pounds have been a REAL fight to get off, but seeing the changes in my body and clothes has been amazing and fun. I feel so much better, I can do so many more things, I look so much better, and on a fun note, I went to a higher end thrift store to get some clothes and I was SOOOO overwhelmed by the choices in my new size!!! I started off as a size 28/30 (5x) and would literally just take whatever I could find in my size. Now, there's so many styles and designs and colors and brands lol It's been almost 30 years since I've been this size. I had literally no idea how fun it could be to go clothing shopping!!! And can I just say, my latest blood work shows my A1c is 5.5, fasting blood sugar is 98 and non fasting is 109, and all the rest of my numbers are literally perfect!!! This past weekend, my son and I went on a 8 mile hike, and other than being tired at the end, I didn't have any issues!!! This surgery is literally the best thing I've ever done for myself and my family. Even with all the complications, the revision, the hernia surgery and THOSE complications....I would do it all again to get where I am now. 18 more pounds to go and I'M THERE, ya'll!!!!! OMGGGG!!!!!!
  19. Mgoos1

    September 2023 Surgery buddies

    I'm having a revision from sleeve to bypass August 28th due to severe reflux.
  20. lol no. If you look at my signature, you can see my weight loss progression. And my username lets you know I had a sleeve and revised it to a bypass
  21. RTL1234

    Damn Tik-Tok

    Literally was going to say the exact same thing! I associate it just like with having a baby. When I was pregnant, I heard EVERY horror story about traumatic births and dying babies. Does it happen? Absolutely. Do people share the worst typically with the world? Absolutely. It is okay to worry, and wonder if you will have complications. I had several with pregnancy and birth, and then with my sleeve (waiting for my revision to RNY this month!!).... Nerves are totally normal. Its okay to have a freak out moment but just remember that sometimes you come across the exception to the "normal experience" rule though that doesn't mean it is likely you will fall into that category as well. Also, you are doing EVERYTHING that you can do to make sure those complications don't happen. YOU GOT THIS! I've never had a TikTok but I had to stop getting on IG, (its my only social) because it was making me feel bad in so many ways. Sometimes maybe you just need a little break OP!
  22. RickM

    Dr Roslin

    I have not (being over here on the "left coast" but he would be high on my list of docs to talk to if I were on the East Coast - his reputation extends this far. His name comes up positively on occasion in our support group of largely DS folks, as he has frequently given talks at the ASMBS conferences on related topics, and I've seen other positive responses online over the years. I like the way he thinks, from what I have seen that he has written. He is also one of the few capable of tackling the complex RNY to DS revision when that is necessary, so he knows his way around a sleeve.
  23. SleeveToBypass2023


    First, I'm wondering, why are you having the surgery? It doesn't sound like you're unhappy with how you look, you didn't mention if you have any comorbidities like joint pain, decreased mobility, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, etc, and you don't have stats (bmi) that would cause a lot of concern. Second, I've only seen 2 or 3 people on this entire site that have trouble with losing too much weight. Increase your calorie intake, maybe cut the workouts to half, and that shouldn't be an issue. But it's exceedingly rare. Third, you will likely have some regain. It's just par for the course. Not everyone does, but most people do to an extent. If you stick to the plan and move your body, it should be minimal, but it's unfortunately a reality. Lastly, you will shed hair. A lot of it. Most people do. There are a lucky few that don't, but it's a reality the majority of us can't escape. It happened with my first surgery and with my revision. I used volumizing and thickening shampoos and conditioners, cut my hair shorter (it was down to my butt when I had my surgery and I cut it to just touching my shoulders), and styled it a bit differently. And it was fine. Not one person could tell (except me) and once the shedding stopped, it started to regrow fairly quickly. It didn't come out in clumps, it was basically excessive shedding that I mostly saw when I was washing my hair in the shower. It's not like I was losing hair throughout the day and it was all over my clothes or anything.
  24. Hi All, First time posting but long time lurker:) I had my sleeve done 4 years ago. In the last year or so I have been ticking upwards in my weight but the reflux is terrible. My surgeon did not screen me for a hiatal hernia before my surgery and did a repair during my VSG. The hernia has increased in size when I had an endoscopy done last year but my insurance at the time wouldn’t cover a revision. Now I have insurance that will cover revision. I had a virtual consult with my original surgeon and he has reservations about doing a revision because of my low BMI and maybe just a repair. WHAT?! I have had a repair. He wants to do another endoscopy but him saying this is confusing to me. Has anyone had their surgeon suggest such a thing? I don’t want to continue to gain weight but I really do not want to continue to live with GERD. I’ve not been successful in managing the GERD or stopping the regain (even if slow).
  25. What surgery did you have? When I had my sleeve, I was so sensitive to temperature of liquids, amounts, had to sip very slowly. When I had my revision to bypass, I was able to drink an entire 20oz of water 3 hours after surgery and haven't had any issues at all. Some people on here had to take it slow when they got home, some were able to just jump in and drink however much they wanted. I was in both camps.

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