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LAP-BAND Patients
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About Cosmogirl

  • Rank
  • Birthday 06/04/1977

About Me

  • Biography
    Im 31 years old I live in KS but am originally from NH. I have my first appointment April 30th with mt surgeon. I cant wait to start my new life.
  • Interests
    Anything that has to do with the beauty industry...I also love movies, music and the beach..when I live near it lol.
  • Occupation
  • City
    Junction city
  • State
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7,341 profile views
Age: 47
Height: 0 feet
Starting Weight:
Weight on Day of Surgery:
Current Weight:
Goal Weight:
Weight Lost:
Surgery: LAP-BAND
Surgery Status: Undecided
First Dr. Visit:
Surgery Date:
Hospital Stay: n/a
Surgery Funding: n/a
Insurance Outcome: n/a

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
