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Blog Comments posted by asksdf

  1. This reminds me of my coworker. I hear it at least three times a week, "I'm going to start eating healthier and workout every day, starting next week." It's always next week. And when I ask if he worked out last night, there's always an excuse. We both get home from work at 5:30pm, and he is usually up until 1:00am, yet somehow there's never enough time to work out. Of course he had time to watch this program and that program.

    I wouldn't care if I didn't have to honestly hear this multiple times a week. Get serious about it, stop blaming everything but yourself, and just do it.

  2. I didn't have to do the six month pre-op diet, but I did try losing the weight on my own after going to all the required meetings. I just had one last thought of "Do I really need to go this far?" I lost about 40 pounds as well, but then in a few months put it back on, and then some more.

    With the band, I can still eat anything I want. I have to take bread and chicken slower, but I can have as much as I want. My main problem was fast food. I ate it everyday, sometimes twice a day. And it was definitely go big, or go home. I hated healthy foods, and when you're hungry, you want to eat something that you'll enjoy. And you want to eat plenty of it.

    The band makes it so I can just a little healthy food, and then I'm full and it's on to whatever else I have to do. It is destroying the hold that food had over me. Eating isn't a big deal anymore.

    Of course, I still spend 1.5 - 2 hours a day working out. So what I'm saying is, you can probably do it on your own, but the band helps a lot of people in a lot of different ways.

  3. Just yesterday I cleaned out my closet too. I bought some storage bins and filled them up pretty quickly with my bigger clothes. I'm not getting rid of anything just yet, they're already stacked in my garage. When I lose more weight, possibly pass the 100lb milestone, that's when I'll get rid of them. But for some reason, can't right now.

  4. Milk + very little dextrose (corn sugar) + whey protein (chocolate, vanilla, etc) = almost a milkshake.

    And it's actually pretty filling. I take the scoop for the whey and use it to scoop out the dextrose. I barely cover the bottom of the scoop and it's plenty, it actually sometimes tastes too sweet. Tastes a million times better than just water and whey.

  5. The only thing that keeps me motivated is actually seeing results. Scale numbers aside, I wouldn't enjoy the weight training as much if I didn't actually see muscle definition starting to form. It's not a ton mind you, but it's enough for me to know it's working. That being said, I hate doing ab exercises because I can't see any definition there and won't be able to for a very long time.

    I think for you, the increase every week will help. It'll be your way of seeing progress.

  6. I think that's pretty normal for all of us. Any kind of restriction I had before losing the weight, there's always something in the back of my mind asking "Is it enough?" I went on a trip recently to Disney World, and while I didn't worry about the seatbelts on the plane, I did worry about a certain ride if I would fit or not.

    I've heard about some people who used to have to almost walk sideways through doorways still do it once they've lost even 100lbs. I think it's a lot hard to change your mentality than it is to change your body.

  7. Same type of thing happened with me. It took a few months for me to really kick myself into gear. It's weird when you think about it, we go through all this trouble of getting surgery and we still screw around. Old habits are hard to kill.

    I've found that having some kind of workout partner helps out a ton. I don't have somebody I work out with, I just exercise at home. My coworker who maybe can lose about 30 pounds does a little bit or working out. But it helps to talk about what we did the previous day, what we ate, compare notes, etc.

    Hopefully you'll become addicted to exercise, good luck

  8. Are you exercising and working out? It's the surefire way to get past any plateaus. If you don't want to go to a gym, there's plenty of exercises you can do in the privacy of your own home. Do it for a few days and watch the pounds come off. Motivation will come from that.

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