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Everything posted by Dadkins8

  1. Dadkins8


    Good luck to both of you as you begin your journey. I also was very lucky and did not experience too much pain. I do suggest taking off a week if you can afford to do that. I found that I tired out very easily that first week.
  2. Dadkins8

    I've Changed for the better

    You go girl! Take care of yourself and love yourself. You have been through so much. Yet, you are coming out on the other end of a painful journey ready to go. My mother told me when I was younger to always save a little bit of myself for me. I was clueless and didn't understand. (We loss my dad when I was 10 and my mom with 5 children felt like her world was lost.) Now, as a wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, and teacher, I know what she meant. This lapband journey is all about me. From.....the foods that I eat to taking time out of my day to exercise. Even if this means that I must tell someone else no for something. Take time for yourself. I wish you nothing but the absolute best in life. I know you will do it! Please keep up posted. We will all be cheering for you.
  3. Dadkins8

    Eyes bigger than stomach....

    I experience the same issue with hunger before my first fill. However, I followed my own diet of high lean proteins and vegetables. I was making sure not to go over 1100 or 1200 calories a day. I had my first fill in September. My next one is in November. I know I need more restriction. However, I know if I really want this to work that I must stay focused. This website really helps me stay focused. Keep coming back for support and know that you are not alone! Good luck....your first fill is around the corner.
  4. Dadkins8

    plastic surgery

    Good question! I hope to ask that sometime in the future. I don't have an answer. However, I did see another blog from someone. Maybe they will share. Good luck!
  5. Dadkins8

    Day 4

    That is wonderful that you are feeling pretty good. Truthfully, I felt like crap on day 4. I think part of it was my attitude on the liquids.LOL I did have a hard time as well getting everything that was requied down. However, once I started my journal, it was a lot easier. Good luck!
  6. Dadkins8

    When will the liquids end??????

    I remember those first few days felt like the longest days of my life. It also seemed that everything on TV was geared toward food. It does get over quickly and you will be able to eat "real" food again. Take care and good luck!
  7. Dadkins8


    With everything that you are going through...I can tell that you still keep looking at your glass half full. That is wonderful. It will go a long way in your lapband journey. Keep working at it and keep us posted.
  8. Dadkins8

    Everyone should attend a support group before getting WLS

    I found our area support group geared more to the Gastric patients. So...I come to all of you for support. However, I think it is wonderful that you found a group in your area. It really does help keep us all focused!
  9. Dadkins8

    Recovering after my tummy tuck

    Best wishes to you for a speedy recovery! Wow, a week in the hospital can feel like a month. Take care of yourself!
  10. Dadkins8

    Life is Changing

    On Thursday, I must drive an hour and a half one way to go into my office. I leave my house at 5:30 in the morning and return around 12 hours later. It makes for a long day. Prior to my lapband I would always stop and eat on the way home. I think some of it was stress release. However, I would also pick some kind of junk up for my kids. As I was driving today, I realized that since I have had my lapband, I have not stopped. Not only does this benefit me, but it benefits my children. All of my boys take after my husband's side of the family. They are tall and very fit. However, my daughter of course has inherited my side of the families traits. This change is a huge benefit to her as well as me. I am also blessed to have a very supportive and health conscious husband who encouraged our children to be healthy from the beginning. Now that I have my lapband, I have found that it is so much easier for me to be a wonderful role model for good health as well. This is truly a blessing that I am so thankful for everyday! :smile2:
  11. Dadkins8

    pre surgery weight loss

    Atkins could possibly work. I would also try to add a little exercise like walking. Good luck with your weight loss!
  12. Dadkins8

    Looking forward to a fill

    I was exactly like you. It is wonderful to get the first fill and have some restriction. I am going back for my second one in a few weeks. It is definately time for another one for me as well. My doctor said I should only be able to eat 1/2 cup. However, I can eat more. I have just been really limiting it myself and exercising. Good luck on your first fill. I was so nervous, but it was not bad at all.
  13. Dadkins8

    i am struggling :( and at a loss :(

    Remember that tomorrow is a new day. I think that most of this is getting over our emotional state and all of the stress. Try to find a few minutes each morning or evening to just focus on what you are going to do for that day. Plan...Plan....Plan....I know that I do so much better when I am prepared. Don't beat yourself up over the setback. Remember this is a journey. There will be bumps in the road. It is a matter of refocusing and getting back on track again. You can do it!
  14. Dadkins8

    Help! I can't stop eating!

    It is going to take a lot of willpower. Remember to HALT. Ask yourself.. Am I Hungry? Am I Angry? Am I lonely or bored? Am I tired? I do know that this is normal to feel this way before your first fill. However, you want to remember to not cause your band to slip. It needs time to heal. When you eat it causes your stomach to spasm to help digest the food. Please take time to put yourself first and don't eat the things that you should not eat. Dig deep and find the willpower!
  15. Dadkins8

    Cravings B Gone!

    Just remember that this is a journey. There will be good and bad along the way with the lapband. Don't beat yourself up! Keep your chin up and keep on keepin on!
  16. First, wishing your husband a speedy recovery. Sometimes, it is so hard with stress and when you must put someone else first. I am glad that you were able to take a little time to get your food. It will go a long way with getting you back on track. Just remember that this is a journey. When we hit bumps in the road, we must keep on going. You are doing just that! Keep working hard toward your goals!
  17. Dadkins8

    Thanks to my bro!

    Great job on going to the gym! I know there are times that I don't feel like doing my walk. However, I push myself to go. The feeling I have after my accomplishment makes it worth it!
  18. Dadkins8

    Almost cancelled...

    I had my surgery on July 28th. Honestly, I hated the liquid phase and questioned myself a lot. However, once I was able to eat the soft food and the weight really started to come off. I am now down 37 lbs. and I am absolutely loving the journey. It is just that a journey. There have been a time or two when I ate something that didn't go down right. It was a learning experience. Not something I hope to repeat. I am still learning and tweaking things as I go along. I hit a plateau one week and when I looked at my journal I was able to see that my eating was fine. So, I changed up my exercise and the weight started to come off. Sorry for rambling...I just want you know that it is normal to feel nervous. However, the results are so worth it! Good luck with your surgery!
  19. Dadkins8

    Last Time

    I am just like you! I started this journey a "TIGHT" size 24. However, I refused to buy anymore clothes when I knew that I was having this surgery. I am at almost 3 month and have loss 37 pounds. Yeah! I know exactly how you feel about the sizes. I went for the first time yesterday to buy me some new "transition" clothes. It was so nice to buy a 22 and have it fit comfortable. I know I really was a 26/28 before (just refused to admit it). I love seeing your progress in your pictures. If I knew how to add pictures currently, I would add mine. Keep up the great effort! You are doing so great!
  20. Dadkins8

    This Is It!!!!!!!!!!!

    Good luck and enjoy the journey!
  21. Dadkins8

    Hunger has returned.

    Yes, it happened to me. I would even wake up in the night before my first fill with my stomach grumbling from hunger. I would try to focus on eating healthy proteins to stay full longer. Keep coming to this site for support. I know I am going back for my second fill on November 2nd and I need it. I would throw away the cookies so that they are not a temptation. Try to find the willpower to stay away from those things that you shouldn't have. It won't always be easy. I am now just about 3 months out. I have not found my sweet spot but I journal everything so that I can analyze and evaluate when I am beginning to get a little off track. Also, make sure that you have food that is good for you to eat. I even keep some weight watcher meals around for those times that I do not have time to cook. Though....they are not good if you have to watch your sodium intake. Good luck on your first fill at your next visit! Keep on working hard!
  22. Dadkins8

    Special weekend edition...

    Boy...have I been there with you on someone chopping way too much off. Then...looking at it and deciding that it is not so bad. I am looking forward to seeing your picture.
  23. Dadkins8

    5K Race for the Cure!

    Way to go! That is so wonderful. It is a great accomplishment. Keep up the great effort.
  24. Dadkins8

    Yeah Onederland!!!

    We had our surgery on the exact same day! I absolutely love my lapband. Keep up the excellent job! I have a ways to go before I join you. But.....I will get there. I am just enjoying this journey and making the most of it.
  25. Dadkins8

    It's My Last Fat Friday!

    I am not yet 3 months out. I have loss 37 lbs. I was nervous and worried that I could not do it. However, I have quit soda and almost all carb. I did not think that would have been possible. Honestly, the first 2 weeks of the liquid diet were so hard for me. I did it...but thought ..what did I do. Now, I could not say it enough that I am so glad that I did it. It was the best decision of my life!

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