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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sandradee0124

  1. sandradee0124

    what do I do with this?

    http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f17/ticker-tutorial-pictures-41782/ This is the link to the forum post (with pictures!) on how to build and maintain your ticker. Hope this helps BKLYN! :-)
  2. sandradee0124

    Exercise Goals #2

    I met my goals for the week, if you count going to Zumba and just moving my feet "attending a Zumba class". I have no coordination, but I kept moving. I actually did two Water aerobics classes this week. I enjoy them and its a change of pace from the elliptical. Meet with a trainer tomorrow to start lower body (first time since surgery 5/26) and get measured. I've been at the gym four weeks today!!!
  3. sandradee0124

    *under* 200!

    Fantastic results! Reading this helped me get up and say "I'm gonna get there"! Have a great weekend :-)
  4. sandradee0124

    what do I do with this?

    When you build your ticker, at the bottom of the page there is a box containing a link that is below "Cut and Paste for Most Web Pages" Copy the link under "bb code", and paste it in your signature. Somewhere on the forum someone wrote all the steps; I'll try to find it. Let me know if this helps :-). By the way, you are doing fantastic!!! Thanks for being my friend :-)
  5. sandradee0124

    "Slept In"

    I usually get up at 3 am during the week to drive 50 miles to a gym close to work. Being Saturday I can work out at a home gym! I got out of bed at 6:30am! I know to some of you that will be a laugh, but it felt so good to be able to roll over and snuggle in for awhile -- kind of like a special treat. I set up some training appointments this week both here and at the work gym so that I can have some motivation if and when my buddy flakes again. As one of my fellow bandster friends said "I can do it myself". And I can! The amount of support I get from reading posts and blogs and forums is fantastic. I sincerely appreciate all the help, information and just downright kindness. Have a wonderful Saturday everyone. :smile2:
  6. sandradee0124

    Anyone interested in a Christmas challenge?

    Count me in for 50! I'll get my tickers working today :-)
  7. sandradee0124


    Wonderful job, congratulations on your success!
  8. sandradee0124

    I can do this

    Thank you for your post -- it hit home given yesterday. I'm going to water aerobics this morning and meet with my trainer tomorrow morning. Have a great weekend!
  9. sandradee0124

    My first blog ever

    Congrats on your first blog! I agree that it will be kind of eye-opening to go back in a few months and read some of those blogs. I started just before my procedure in mid-May and went back and re-read some of my blogs this morning. Interesting! Best of luck to you; keep in touch!
  10. sandradee0124

    10 Rules for Lap Band

    My doctor made us write them down in one of the pre-surgery sessions -- I have them on the refrigerator. You have a good doctor -- and great enthusiasm -- best wishes!!!
  11. sandradee0124

    Golf Anyone?

    My vote: if your doctor says its ok and you like doing it I say go for it! Just stay hydrated! I would probably have 15 shots on the first hole, get frustrated and throw a club in the water. Not for me :-(
  12. sandradee0124

    Going it Alone

    109 pounds! Fantastic, congratulations! I'll name my band and meditate with it, seriously! It won't talk back (much!!!). LOL. Thanks for the encouragement.
  13. sandradee0124

    Going it Alone

    I went back to work 2 weeks after my surgery. It was a great week that week -- everyone oohed and aahed over my baggy clothes and my skinny face, and my workout routine was formed with a friend from work who was my primary source of motivation and my "workout buddy". We would work out together every day during the week. I drove up from my house, leaving at 4 am to get up to the gym by work by 5, work out and get ready and get to work by 7:30 or 8. She even brought me breakfast sandwiches (she would go home to get ready for work). Then came a three day weekend. I did a lot of working out at my gym near my home, but she didn't, and she fell out of the routine. Since then she flaked on me every day this week. She won't talk about it and finds excuses and I can't say anything to motivate her. I'm sad. It was more fun, less of a task, more challenging to work with her and I realize I have to do this on my own. I'm going to talk to her one more time today when she gets to work and if it seems like its not going to work out I'm going to "re-route" my thinking and my workouts to do them from the home gym instead. Its early in the stages of my band, and I don't want to get off track so soon. I was already in a funk yesterday because I can't get a second fill until 8/6 (first one was 6/28), and I'm gonna need another one before then! :confused:Thanks for letting me vent!
  14. sandradee0124

    Any CA Bandsters out there?

    Congrats on your successes everybody! We should have a reunion somewhere fun next spring! LOL.
  15. sandradee0124

    Feeling Really Good

    I live for sushi. I grew up in the midwest and never even knew what it was until I moved to Cali in 1999. Now it is my favorite always! And my issue (chewing food) is not so much an issue with rolls or sashimi. You are doing fantastic! I'm glad you feel good and I look forward to future posts :-). Have a great weekend!!!
  16. sandradee0124

    Makeover For Me!

    Congratulations on your success, and your makeover! I'm glad you are feeling so well, and want to thank you for all your great recipes and inspiring posts! Have a wonderful (cooler?) weekend!
  17. sandradee0124

    So wonderful

    What a wonderful post! And I agree with you, whole-heartedly! Congratulations on your success! :-)
  18. sandradee0124

    My thoughts......

    Congratulations and best of luck. I haven't had soda since 5/1 and any alcohol since 5/3. Somedays that is a shock to me, most of the time I forget :-).
  19. sandradee0124

    25% of target weight loss achieved!

    Fantastic job, congratulations! And thanks for the motivating words -- its good to have "buddies" with so much support!
  20. sandradee0124

    Dietician Meeting

    what about Bariatric Advantage? I got some vitamins from their website and they were reasonable. I think their protein powders are as well?
  21. sandradee0124

    Wanted: Stamina and Coordination :-)

    LOL at the Zumba master. But thanks for the encouragement! I'm going to keep at it!
  22. sandradee0124

    Wanted: Stamina and Coordination :-)

    Yesterday we did 45 minutes on the elliptical in the morning. All good. Last night I stayed at a local hotel to go to a Zumba class with my workout buddy, do some swimming afterwards, and enjoy our night without having to drive 90 minutes each way to get there. I'm in the hotel, unpacking my suitcase and I realize my tennis shoes are in my trunk. I go downstairs with my workout clothes on and no shoes and we have a little earthquake, rendering the elevators inoperable. I walk up four flights of stairs (should be no problem after 4 weeks of ellipcial right?). NO. Winded and tired big time. OK, learned I might not be working as hard as I could be on the elliptical, or maybe need to do some stairmaster here and there? We go to the Zumba class last night. Somewhere over the last 20 years I lost any ability to follow an instructor's moves, and any hope of coordination I had. I stood in the back and moved my feet and arms a lot and hoped no one on the street was watching. I worked up a big sweat and we left 5 minutes before the class was over as my friend was really warm. But I'm going again next week, or even some time at my home gym this weekend. I'll never learn it if I don't keep trying! I feel great this morning. Slept in instead of working out, and will go to water aerobics at the home gym at 6pm tonight instead. I'd love to be able to follow the instructor, but I'm happy just with hanging around and getting exercise to music, so its all good. Happy Thursday everybody!
  23. sandradee0124

    Wow - What A Difference 50 Pounds Makes

    Great way to put it in perspective, and congratulations on your fanstic success!
  24. sandradee0124

    The problem with fat people is....

    Amen to all of it. I agree. I'm very disappointed in myself for allowing this to happen, not once but TWICE. I'm 51. I HAVE to get healthy or I won't live to see 60. Seriously. I only hope the 20 years of obesity has not significantly destroyed the years I have left, and I will work as long and as hard as I can to make sure I'm as healthy as I can possibly be. But I can't hate fat people. I am already tempted to show them that they too can lose weight, eat healthier and feel better inside and out. I'm trying to set an example for friends and family. My friend told me the other day "you used to live to eat. Now you eat to live". There it is, in a nutshell. Great post. Have an awesome day!
  25. sandradee0124

    The demons inside of me

    I agree with Ima (lol), sometimes I'm reading blogs and somebody that had surgery the day I did or the week after has lost twice the weight and I want to cry. But there are so many people on this site that are tremendously helpful, and caring and sharing. All hours. Post something and get some feedback. Don't set your expectations too high. This is not drastic, potentially dangerous gastric bypass. Our weight will come off slower, but it is safer and more permanent. We are changing LIFE habits and that doesn't happen overnight. Try to give yourself kudos for going through with this and doing as well as you have, which is fantastic!!! But I'm me, and I am older, in menopause and don't have the metabolism I did at 22. Or 42 for that matter. I try to tell myself down .5 is better than up .5 and keep a really loose pair of pajama bottoms around for the nights when I'm feeling low. Putting them on helps. The other thing is I try to remind myself how lucky I am to have gotten the surgery and recovered from it so well. I have insurance, a great surgeon and support staff, and this wonderful site to help me any time. Email at me if you need to talk: sandy.devine@cox.net Hugs!!!

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