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A Sleeve4me

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    A Sleeve4me reacted to Georgia in The 5:2 Diet   
    AMAZEBALLS! Bloody wicked. Crikeys! That's all the slang I've got! Proud of you!!
  2. Like
    A Sleeve4me reacted to coops in The 5:2 Diet   
    Gotta add my experience... I was in a stall for nearly two years; no matter what I ate, how I moved or any diet I could not shift a pound. Disheartened and fed up didn't come close to how I felt. I wasn't at goal and I really felt that my eight loss journey had ended.
    The Georgia told us about the 5:2 and how it was working for her. I decided to try it, well, I hay tried everything else!
    That was June... I have broken that stall and lost 10lb. Now, that might seem slow to some reading this, but for me it was amazing. I am now 3lb away from my surgeon's goal and when that day comes I will think about going for my personal goal, which will be an extra 14lb or so extra.
    This, albeit slow, has worked for me... And even though I don't lose on a weekly basis, I am seeing results in measurements.
    Sorry for the long post
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    A Sleeve4me reacted to Georgia in The 5:2 Diet   
    This is/was my answer to finally getting a maintenance program that WORKS for me but more importantly, I lost the approximately 27 pounds I had regained over a year and a half period.
    For me, it builds discipline and structure into my lifestyle. And once established, the routine, I feel, aids my sleeve in working much more efficiently.
    I started June and dropped the added pounds by October and have continued to lose another 7 or so taking me below my original goal of 150 to about 143. I am reaching for 140 as a target (maybe 139 looks prettier. Ha!) but I am SOOO pleased with this plan of eating and the lifestyle it gives me.
    I plan to continue it as a way of life. Hope that helps someone if you are needing an approach to get to goal (vets) or maintain.
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    A Sleeve4me reacted to JustJaime5 in Ugh when am I gonna learn to eat slow   
    I don't have issues w gulping liquids but to answer your question .... When I've eaten too much/too fast/too big bites it feels a little uncomfortable right between my chest bone and just under that. I usually rub that area and like the person said before. Take long slow breaths and walk around.
    Last night, for the first time it was a whole new level. I Basically had to burp and then threw up a little.. Gross I know but we are all about honesty here...., that felt better so when it happened the second time a few min later I didn't fight it. I just let it come back up. I don't plan on letting any of that happen again any time soon!!!! It was so uncomfortable, thankfully I was home!
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    A Sleeve4me reacted to Jen35 in weight gain   
    I'll be 2 years out in May and I'm finding that I'm having a bit of trouble maintaining because I'm not watching what I'm eating (too much junk) and I'm not exercising. I'm still at my goal weight of 150, but I had been down to 145. And I'm afraid I'll keep inching up if I'm not careful.
    These are the things that are working for me:
    I found some really tasty deli meat at (maple honey glazed turkey) that is yummy. That is a really easy lunch option. I just roll up some meat with cheese. Pair that with some fruit/veggies and I'm happy. I keep healthy, quick Snacks on hand so I don't get too hungry and reach for other things. Mixed nuts, Protein bars, individual cottage cheese, string cheese or baby bell, individual guacamole (100 calorie packs) to go with pretzels. Wild caught Alaskian salmon at Sam's (already marinaded in individual packs) are really good with lots of great Protein. I defrost quickly in a bowl of cool Water and cook for 15 minutes (or cook from frozen - takes about 15 more minutes). Tuna pouches - I eat the flavored ones with just crackers. or mix with some mayo.< /li> I love watching TV, so I try to go to the gym in the evening when a show is on that I want to watch. 30 minutes goes fast for me when I'm engrossed in a show I like. I also bought a country line dance exercise DVD that I plan to do with my kids. When watching TV, at commercial breaks, do planks, push ups, sit ups, wall sits, jumping jacks. Hope this was helpful:)
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    A Sleeve4me reacted to feedyoureye in The 5:2 Diet   
    See my signature line for my 5:2 loss..... I eat around 12-1500 on feast days (depending on exercise) and 550 or so on the two fast days (mon and ths for me) I had a 22 pound regain, lost 5 of that, started the 5:2 protocal and lost the rest, plus got to goal. I am now maintaining still using the 5:2.... or occasionally 6:1. Its pretty easy to do, theres always tomorrow to eat what you want. It worked for me when it seemed nothing else would.
    ...start the 5:2 plan (6-11-2013)- 190.9
    almost 3 years after surgery First Goal, get to the 160's (11-7-13) 168.7 still on the 5:2!
    There is a private 5:2 group. We might entertain a new member or two, but new members must show a commitment to the lifestyle, and show they can get along in a positive way... we are a very close and supportive group.
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    A Sleeve4me reacted to M2G in The 5:2 Diet   
    No even though it "suggests" a quarter of your "regular" calories we do NOT go less than 500.
    Most of the sleevers who follow this are eating approximately 1,000-1,500 (maybe some do more but most of us are in the 1,200-1,400 range) on a FEED day (i.e. regular day) and then 2 days a week we cut it down to 500 for a FAST day (and a lot of us end up between 500-600 range --sometimes a tad more-- and call it good.)
    It's definitely worth trying.
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    A Sleeve4me reacted to Globetrotter in The 5:2 Diet   
    Yes, it is amazing how intermitent fasting brings back the "tightness" of post-op, love it!
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    A Sleeve4me reacted to feedyoureye in The 5:2 Diet   
    The 5:2 diet, as it is described in the documentary and book allows eating or drinking anything on feast days.... what you usually eat. around 2200 cals!
    Then on fast days eat mostly veggies, try to get in around 50 gms Protein , no booze, keep the sugar down, and carbs are ok, but not dominant.... mostly low glycemic index carbs. Rest your liver and other innards.
    Us gals here that have been doing the 5:2 eat reduced cals on fast days (500-550), low carb if you do low carb, (I do lower/medium carbs... not really LOW and have found success with that) and eat around 1100-1400 on feast days depending on what you usually eat. I think you can eat some sugar and junk, but then the carb monster rises up, and its just not that good for you, so eating good nutritious food is where its at in my book. I have gone through the holidays eating too many treats, and am still in my goal bounce range. I attribute this to the fasting days of the 5;2. BUT I am fighting the carb monster, and am working to get back to my cleaner routine as we speak!
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    A Sleeve4me reacted to CowgirlJane in weight gain   
    Go back to 4-5 mini meals a day all starting with Protein, small amount of veggies and that is pretty much it. The idea is eat often enough to prevent that getting too hungry/making bad decisons. I am a big advocate of low carbing and 5:2 also helped me. There are a few of us working on these little regains....
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    A Sleeve4me reacted to UK Cathy in weight gain   
    Go back to your basics, chicken, fish cottage cheese. Remove any 'naughty' Snacks and replace them with good ones. Make sure you are having your Water and try to find an exercise you like. I too am struggling with some regain
    Some people here who are far out of surgery and struggling are using the 5:2, with this you fast (500 calories) on 2 days and for the other 5 days you eat a normal diet ( but keep it clean ie plenty Protein and veg). There are some links on the veterans forum.
    Like any program maintaining is the hard part. You have done good to come on and ask for help. Good Luck. You did it once and you can do it again.
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    A Sleeve4me reacted to navyjd7 in stall : sleeved 09/24/2012   
    Ive been on a stall on and off for the past 6 months. Does this mean I wont loose anymore weight? Ive been at189 for 2 months . What elae can i do. Please help..any advice will be appreciated. Thank you in advance.
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    A Sleeve4me reacted to ellefell in Protein two years out   
    Thanks:) I cannot look at yogurt after pre- and post surgery.
    I guess I'll have to take one of my days off and prepare ahead. Load back up on Quest as my supply is now stale.
    Today, I was bad again. European bakery, had 2 macaroons. I was out of almond milk, had to make do with a Skinny Latte... Hit bakery out of impulsive and again my illogical thinking that sugar is energy! It's self-sabotage! I know better, but still do it! I don't know why I'm being so stupid! I went from a 4 to a 6, I feel gross. I have an RX for Phentermine. Pathetic! I know I've stretched my stomach!
    Someone slap me lol! Ugh! My husband is no help. He's been so jealous since my weight loss, I know he's hoping I gain!
    Thanks for the ear! Hoping for intelligent choices tomorrow!
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    A Sleeve4me reacted to lsereno in Help me please! I continue to gain weight!   
    Hi Lisa,
    I'm 3.5 years out. I've got a little off track over the summer and holidays and gained 10 lbs.
    The key for me is healthy foods and limiting Snacks and treats. I have substitutes for high calorie favorites. For example:
    PB2 mixed with Water and apple slices as dippers
    Fat free, plain greek yogurt mixed with splenda and topped with frozen blueberries
    sugar free hot cider mix with a splash of sugar free caramel Syrup
    Hot Gingerbread Tea with Splenda
    For Breakfast, I eat one small serving of whole grain, such as a 100% whole wheat muffin or 1/4 cup of oats cooked with 3/4 cup Water, and some Protein. Either greek yogurt or low fat turkey sausage.
    For lunch, I often eat Soup. I am lazy and eat the canned Soups. I drain off some of the liquid and add extra veggies and meat.
    For an afternoon snack, I have a little Protein such as a slice of ham rolled around a piece of string cheese.
    For dinner, it's more whole grain, veggies, and protein.
    After dinner snack is fruit or fruit and yogurt. Sometimes the PB2 and apples.
    I'm thinking of you. If you're interested in trying the 5:2 plan, I'm checking in on that thread every Monday to report my weight and provide details of the previous week's eating.
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    A Sleeve4me reacted to gogogirl in Sleeve doubles in size after 1 year?   
    Absolutely not!! It does not double and the portion of the stomach that is left cannot stretch UNLESS your surgeon messes up on the top cut which is a precarious cut and cuts too wide. If you have an experienced surgeon this will not be an issue. After a while the hunger hormone can start working again as your body adapts. If you use that as an excuse to stuff yourself you will gain weight. You be in charge. Take especially the first year to get tough and change your habits so that when this happens you are in charge and not your hunger!!
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    A Sleeve4me reacted to Jeannette Anndaisia in Sleeve doubles in size after 1 year?   
    I did a sleeve from a lap band. Yes you will grieve the loss of food at first. I did. When I told my cousin I needed a support group to help me grieve, she laughed. She did not understand. food was by best friend and I did not even know it. Now I have to find a new friend. However, it has helped me understand a friend of mine who uses the gym as her best friend. I have decided to trade my hoagie for the Elliptical. You will get used to it and actually learn to like the new measure of control, even though achieved secondary to your loss of stomach volume. BTW, your life won't end (I know where you're coming from). You will just develop a different relationship with food, and learn how to use and enjoy it without it becoming a detriment to your health. It's already happening for me and I'm only 4 weeks in.
    Blessings and Success on your Journey!
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    A Sleeve4me got a reaction from Miss Mac in 4 Wks Post Op Miserable   
    If the shoe fits wear it..Stay positive and have a nice Day:)
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    A Sleeve4me reacted to Angel720 in What causes weight gain after sleeve surgery?   
    The day before surgery I spoke with one of the doctors at my surgeon's office, he is a nutritionists and has a sleeve too so he spoke form the medical standpoint and from a patients perspective too. What hee said really has struck with me, he said, that the most important part of weight loss surgery was my "mind" , I needed to change mentally to be successful. I get it, I need to change, having a smaller stomach helps me, makes is easier and more realistic but I have to do the work.
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    A Sleeve4me got a reaction from vwilson in 4 Wks Post Op Miserable   
    Iggy Chic..looks like to me all you have done on this forum lately is try to discourage others from having this surgery and it's simply not right. Nothing you say can justify that and I WONT stand for that! If anything you owe presleevers an apology for your negativity and disgusting display of character."It wasn't worth the risks and pain","You would never do this surgery again", "You will always feel guilt about having it done"? Really? Stop it!!Stop scaring other presleevers!!!!!It gets better and you know it!!!If that's all you want to do here, find another forum! This IS NOT THE PLACE DEAR!!!!!.......................PEACE AND LOVE!!!
  20. Like
    A Sleeve4me got a reaction from sharonlaff in regret   
    It will get better..take it slow..give yourself time to heal and take this time to think about the huge accomplishment you made to be healthier..You will be fine, we all had the same thing happen to us..don't push yourself too hard, take your Vitamins, drink as much as you can, the Gatorade is awesome, lick a little salt for nausea and hang in there..you are gonna be so glad you did this..do your sugar free Jello, popsicles, refried Beans and salsa was good, devil egg salad made with yolk only..try to eat something so you'll have strength and in between just sip ur Water or gatorade..rest, rest and rest..For the pain call your doctor and see if they can give you some liquid pain meds.... Love ya!
  21. Like
    A Sleeve4me got a reaction from sharonlaff in regret   
    It will get better..take it slow..give yourself time to heal and take this time to think about the huge accomplishment you made to be healthier..You will be fine, we all had the same thing happen to us..don't push yourself too hard, take your Vitamins, drink as much as you can, the Gatorade is awesome, lick a little salt for nausea and hang in there..you are gonna be so glad you did this..do your sugar free Jello, popsicles, refried Beans and salsa was good, devil egg salad made with yolk only..try to eat something so you'll have strength and in between just sip ur Water or gatorade..rest, rest and rest..For the pain call your doctor and see if they can give you some liquid pain meds.... Love ya!
  22. Like
    A Sleeve4me reacted to lakobe00 in What did you eat today :) ?   
    No..I'm married to a Jamaican, I love the Jamaican cuisine.
  23. Like
    A Sleeve4me got a reaction from vwilson in 4 Wks Post Op Miserable   
    Iggy Chic..looks like to me all you have done on this forum lately is try to discourage others from having this surgery and it's simply not right. Nothing you say can justify that and I WONT stand for that! If anything you owe presleevers an apology for your negativity and disgusting display of character."It wasn't worth the risks and pain","You would never do this surgery again", "You will always feel guilt about having it done"? Really? Stop it!!Stop scaring other presleevers!!!!!It gets better and you know it!!!If that's all you want to do here, find another forum! This IS NOT THE PLACE DEAR!!!!!.......................PEACE AND LOVE!!!
  24. Like
    A Sleeve4me got a reaction from vwilson in 4 Wks Post Op Miserable   
    I didn't mean to be offensive as I am greatly concerned, But being in the medical field as am I, I didn't expect to hear that a medical professional would seek advice here on such an urgent matter and then respond in a unurgent manner ..that's all. There are so many that come here before surgery to see if this is the right choice to make.Complications do happen..I'm not ignoring that..some just look for a cyber fight wherever they can find it..sad
  25. Like
    A Sleeve4me got a reaction from hepktty in postponing happiness. ..   
    me too!..

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