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Blog Comments posted by BayougirlMrsS

  1. you guys are soooo kind too me.... I love you all. Now i have to get up the balls to go do it.... I am so pleased with the way my surgery turned out. I was really worried that the "button" would look bad... but he did a great job.

    Terry... that is next, but i'm so indecisive on what to get... but i really do what one. I don't want it to be a cheese tat... i want it to be pretty of course but also have great meaning..... I was thinking about a Phoenix .... It's pretty and represents starting a new..... but i also love the tree of Life which would also represent starting a new, but also would pay homage to my Irish heritage.. (yes that explains my feistyness...) lol Got that Callahan blood running in my veins...

  2. omg..... i saw her... she had the flannel shirt on top..... she look terrible. I dvr it everyday so i can watch when i get home....

    Picture this..... female at least 350#..... purple top that stopped at the belly button.... black hooker shoes.... and the icing on the cake..... Purple and black zebra striped spandex leggings....

    Oh yes... it was brain scaring...

  3. drink a cup of coffee... that should help with the headache. Can you have smoothies? If so, go get you one...

    Do you have access to a freezer during the day? if so, go get you some fruit bars. I ate Jello, pudding, soup (broth, no chunks) and made smoothies to drink.

    smoothies: Go to Sams and get the precut frozen fruit in a bag... it's a big bag of mixed fruit. Keep them frozen. In a blinder (i bought the mini Hamilton Beach) take two-three cups of the frozen fruit, mix in one container of the fat/sugar free yogurt, and some protein power. Blend...

    I didn't add ice because the fruit is frozen.... and if it's too think, add a little Skim milk.

    I also really liked the boost pre made drinks.... the milk choc. and the banana was good. I had to drink cold and all at one time.

    and did i tell you i was on Vacation for the last week of my Liq. diet.... fun fun fun....lol

    Good luck

  4. yes yes yes........ i do when you are happy... it makes others happy too. when i answer people always till me... wow you are happy arnt you... i say yes... God has giving me another day. I feel great and i look fabulous..... i have a great husband, two wonderful boys and two beautiful grand kids.... I still have both parents and all my siblings..... i have a job and i am happy.

    and i'm a $1000 richer..... thanks to the Black out i won at bingo..... which i go to on Saturdays to enjoy the company of my 88 year old grandma.... whom i love more than anyone on earth...

  5. if you go to the top right corner, by your profile name, you will see a down arrow (drop down box), click on it, then click on settings, you will see on the left the word Photo, and accross is where you would down load a photo... I hope this helps

  6. I too was a slow loser. It took me one year to lose the first 60 and another year to lose 20. At first i felt the same way... Why am i not losing fast like everyone else... Then i got a message from a friend that explained that.... EVERY LB story is different and every one losses at a different pace. So i excepted that even though i was only losing 2-4lb per month... it was still a lose and i learned to embrace every pound. Remember.... Slow and steady still finishes the race.

    You friend is correct... water, protein and exercise. Keep positive....

  7. What a wonderful read.... I also agree with the above that you will do great. Going in with a great frame of mind and good expectation will be of great benefit. Sounds like you did your research and are ready for your life change. It is a LIFE change you will from now own have to watch how you eat everything... that is the most important thing. Everyone's LB experience is different, so don't compare your self to any other. If you have a low BMI you probably will be a slow loser like i was. But, slow or fast... it's the journey. If you don't already, you may want to start looking for a good all-a-round gym. I stayed away from the weight at first. It was just too intimidating for me. So i joined the YMCA and started with Zumba classes and walking.

    I would continue the support group... and I would get rid of all the summer clothes as you won't fit them by next summer anyway. I would keep one outfit that you can take progress pictures in and keep one pair of each size jeans so you can really see your changes. I know for me the mirror didn't change. I still saw and continue to see the fat person in the mirror.

    My BMI was 40.8 when i started and weight was 223lb at 5'2". I had my LB 11/09 and it took me two years to get to where i am now which is a healthy size 7. This past Feb i had a Tummy tuck and i have to say i am so pleased.... but i will also admit i have gotten lazy and gained 5lbs.... but i have made my mind up that i'm not going to let it get me down. I embrace all my good changes and except me for who i am.

    Good luck with everything and i wish you all the very best. happy Losing...!!

  8. Rahrah.... you just described over half the situation on this LB site. My husband was one of the ones that sabotaged my diet efforts in the past and still does to this day. He is 6'4" and has no weight problem. Will eat and i'm not kidding a half gallon in one sitting and not gain anything. Yesterday he polished off half bag of oatmeal cookies and 1/4 bag of Oreos.... then was still hungry and ate a plate of Pad-ti noodles.

    They want you to be thin, but are afraid of you finding some one else. He makes commits all the time about me wanting to find other men. I tell him, if i wanted another man i could have one and could have had one at 223lbs. A lot of relationships don't survive WLS. The "other" person usually can't handle the attention that they are getting now that the weight has come off.

    my average was 2lb a month..... but i don't care. i now weight 145 and i'm happy and i feel great.... And so will you....

  9. Patience.... you are so right.

    I was not always a fat girl.... up until my early twenties... i was a size 0..... 100lb is the most i ever weighted not being pregnant..... I use to not see the "fat" girl..... now i can't see the "thin" girl.... what the hell is up with that.....

    Thanks you guys for being there

  10. You guys are so wonderful. Knowing i'm not alone is comforting. But it has me worried too. My pych eval never mentioned the roller-coaster ride this journey would be. How i might still look at my self in the mirror and still see that Fat girl looking back at me. Every once and a while i do catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror and see a thin person... but she quickly disappears. How do i get her to stay? How do some people look in the mirror and see there true self? I really think that more study needs to be done on people with WLS and the mental effect it has. So i think i will get an appointment with a shrink and maybe i can get some help and start excepting who i really am.....

  11. Hey Jim,

    Call your insurance carrier and have them help you find a new doctor. That's what you pay them for after all.

    We had gotten a letter that our old insurance was going to stop covering our local hospital.... i was so scarred, but they worked something out and signed back on... but i lost my job and got different insur that doesn't cover WLS at all so now all my fills are out of pocket.

    Hope everything works out for you.

  12. a "fun program" for crack heads... what is this world coming too. And in the meantime kids are going hungry because their mom/dad is selling it to pay for drugs.... I thought Louisiana was crazy.

    My son is an RN and daughter in law is an LPN. We have a charity hospital here that if you have low or no income, your care is free.

    It's people like you described that would give me high blood pressure if i did your job.... bless you bless you bless you.

  13. Shues.... i bless you. My sister in law work doing the same thing and have to give you guys props. I could never do your job. I would get fired the first week. I can't keep my mouth shut, i think it and it comes right out. I just cant help myself... I have tried, but ... no can't.

    I agree with you about the kids. And i think anyone who is in the military and there family should also have free health care. Older people who have put in the years, disabled... etc. Yes defiantly..... But the ones that keep spitting out kid after kid and doesn't or never has had a job.... and are just down right lazy and has no desire to better them selves to get off the government programs.... infuriates me. These programs are to help when your down... not a way of life.

    We had a discussion last month, a friend and i about food stamps. I am all for them. I, myself had them for two months when my husband lost his job. They were a blessing. This was back when they were still paper and i still kept on my food budget and was able to stretch them to four months. This was our "beef"..... down south we eat Crawfish, i know you guys use them for bait, but here we eat them and they are very expensive. So, one day i really wanted some and they were having a special.... 10lb. $30. So i stopped. Low and behold the person right in front of me bought 60lbs with her FS card... i was pissed, why should you be able to buy this "luxury" item for free when i have to pay... But, fast food, that is ridiculous. Where do you live?

  14. Ok, so i was already in a pissie mood yesterday and then i had the bright idea to go to Walmart (aka hell on earth)..... So i go up and down the isles making my decisions and sticking to my budget.... no chris, put that back... to expensive.....

    But then i go and get in line behind this young woman... i'm guessing around 25ish.... two kids looks to be around 7 & 5. She has to be at least 250-300lbs. Both kids are over weight.... then i notice her groceries.... chips, cookies, pies, candy, sodas..... looks to be about every unhealthy snack in the store is represented in her buggy......Where was the good meat, chicken, fruits and veggies...... I want to reach out to her and say.... what are you doing to you and your beautiful kids. I wish some one would have done that to me.... then i would not have been a disgusting fat cow.... but never the less.

    $250 later.... she whips out her Food Stamp card... and i about came unglued..... is that what my heard earned tax dollars are paying for....? I have to budget to get food and she buys all the crap ...... for FREE...

    If we are going to be a government that says.... yes i will pay for you to have weight loss surgery, why can't we also put a stop to the total abuse of our Food Stamp program....? We pay for your WLS, but now we will monitor what you buy at the store and see if it was worth the money.....

  15. marci,

    I thought about that after i wrote what i did..... and to some point you are correct.

    Personally i think if you served your country, you and your children should get health care for life. I'm glad you get a pension you deserve it. Thank you and your family for your sacrifice.

    I guess my "beef" so to speak is with the scum-suckers of the USA that don't work, didn't serve there country and is just a complete drain on society....... These are the people that have no and will never have the ambition to get a job and pay their own way in life.... they are happy to be living off the government and sitting around all day doing NOTHING... Meanwhile, people like me that have two job (had three until 4 mths ago) get up everyday and got to work and pay the taxes for Lazy @$$ess to keep getting every thing for free and then have the nerve to complain.... OMG. These people have not earned the right to complain about FREE ANYTHING.... What next, complaining because your 400-500 dollars of Food Stamps isn't enough... Are your welfare check won't cover your weave and nail....

  16. Honestly.... no. most insurance won't cover the LB with that low of a BMI with out a co-morbid. I'm 5'2" and had no co-morbid. When i started the journey i weighted 213.. but i started doing research and found out that i would qualify if i weight 223.... so i gained 10lbs and then i started the "official" process. If you go now 99% sure you will get denied.

    Some people think.... i can't believe she did that... gained weight to get LB.... Well i tried everything else... every diet...etc and i know that i could make this work.

    So would i do it again....? HELL YES.... gain 10lb to lose 80lb...that's a no brainier.

    Now if you are self pay.... yes. You can get it done at your BMI.

  17. Shelley.... we have ALL been in that dressing room... crying, and looking at ourselves in the mirror thinking.... How did i get here? How did i let myself go like this....

    But, there is a silver lining.... you have made the choice to change your life... Forever!! You journey has just begin, and if you take everything serous and follow all the rules, you will be in a size 10 or smaller by this time next year or sooner.

    I cried out with joy the day i was able to fit in a size 10.... New York and Co. jeans. Then it was a size 8... now a size 6.. from a 20 to a 6. It took 2 1/2 years, but i did it and so can you.

    You can do it....

  18. Sexy.... So i'm just reading this blog and have to say that im mad for you. I only told two people at work about my Lb surg.... one of which is one of my closest friends and the other was my Mentor in the LB process. She had had it done the year before and was very instrumental in my getting the LB. With out her i know i would still be 223Lb or more by now.

    Any-who.... i was able to keep my secret from co-workers because the day i went back.... i got laid off from my job... So i started cleaning house with a friend... So when people asked, i said it was the constant moving that was helping me lose... Which was true. Now 2 1/2 years later, most everyone knows... I came to realize that, having the LB was not something i should be embarrassed about... it took me a while though.... I felt like people would think i was weak and could do it on my own.... which is partly true.. So now i have a prepared speech when i get asked... so i don't get caught off guard again.

    On the other hand, the Bi&*h in me would have to pull this person aside and say.... Well you really caught me off guard yesterday.... why did you say what you said? And how did you know when i have only told two people...?

    The hubby thing.... my hubby didn't want me to have the LB surg.... but, i did it anyway. He still has some issues with it and sometimes makes hurtful commits that i have a "surgical" body now.... In fact last night, i told him that my LB dr. wants me to be one of his "testimonials" and he said.... why, he didn't give you that body... the PS did.... I set up in the chair and told him.... well you d**k an't getting hard either with out Cialis. So i guess we can thank the doctor for that.... boy that really got to him.... hehehehehe.. He said, i don't what you taking pictures in a swim suit for everyone to see.... i said... no dumbass... reg. clothes... who said anything about swimsuits.... He then apologized. I know he's just scared that one day i will leave because of my "new Body", even though i tell him all the time... if i ever leave, it will be because of your attitude.. not my body. But for the most part he has been supportive and i agree that you should sit him down with all your info on the band and tell him... He will figure it out and then you will have to tell him you have not been 100% honest with him. It will make you feel better to get that load off your shoulders.

    I wish you continued success....

  19. I was banded in 11/09/09 and same thing... but i have the 14cc band. but at 7.5.. that's when i really started feeling the difference and things started to really not agree with me. And it's when the weight started coming off in June also.

    I'm back at 9cc in my band after a complete unfill for my Tummy Tuck. Got 5 put back at 8wk post op and another 4cc yesterday.

    Keep up the great work.

  20. it absolutely drives me crazy when people say that having surgery was the "easy way out".... ughhh i could just punch them in the face.

    You own no one any explanation as to why you chose to have the LB surgery. This was your choice and your health. I know in my experiences the people that said that too me... were one of a couple things.... Fat and didn't want me to lose weight, they wanted to keep their "fat" buddy..... or very thin and didn't want the competition....

    I did what made me happy.... even my husband didn't want me to have it done...but i did it anyway...

    You keep on doing what makes you happy and the next time someone tells you that. Say ohhh really.... when was the last time you at a hamburger on bun, pizza, hot dog.... drank while eating a meal... ...tell them to then go one week with out all the things i have to give up and see how "easy" it is.

    Ask them what they think of Weight watchers, jenny Craig, nutra-system.... then say, would you join any of them and not follow the program.... would you join WW and not count the points... or the other and not eat the meals...... LB is the same... it's a tool just as those other are... then if the keep on ... tell them to screw off...

    Keep up the great work....

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