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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by janetsjourneytoslim

  1. janetsjourneytoslim


    I started at 267 lbs, 5'5" tall and that was one year and three months ago. You all will be fine, just do as told and stick to the plan. I started in size 24's and I am now in 14's regulars, not womens!!!! Love it, changed my life for the better, God Bless You!
  2. janetsjourneytoslim

    Hello.... My psychological fight with food, I mostly won.

    My weight will fluctuate about three lbs and I am l yr and 3 mos out from the band. Don't get discouraged with the scales, water can cause fluctuation. Sounds like you are making "smart choices with what is in front of you". God Bless you on your journey.
  3. janetsjourneytoslim

    9 Weeks and 4 Days

    I have been on here almost daily since July 2009 and I love it for support and the most reliable information, cause you can really find out a lot from those who have HAD this surgery here. The Doctor I used, could put them in very well, but had not experienced having a band, the feelings, the emotions, nothing like what good folks on here will share with you, here you don't get it always sugar-coated, but you get the real information you want, true and honest! That is the only way to understand how to live with the wonderful band. Praying for you and your journey to happiness with the band.
  4. I've been accused of that, being positive! LOL and of course you can! Anytime I am here, I check the site daily but only post every few days.

  5. janetsjourneytoslim

    Yay for fills!

    Yes you are getting there, it has just taken time, right, and as I say we have plenty of that!!! You look so good, and by the way, Love the New Profile Pic! LOL
  6. janetsjourneytoslim

    Space & pics

    Again Great Post, True! I got to the point that I am the one jumping up and sitting on the tables, etc. That fear will also leave you soon, you will transition in your mind, I did but made up my mind never to get complacent with it!!! I forgot the other day about the routine in the mornings I USE to have with meds, that I don't have to take any~~~anymore. You will change and life will change only for the BETTER!!! Love and Hugs!
  7. janetsjourneytoslim

    I don't want to look like the Chick-fil-A cow riding a motorcycle

    I DO UNDERSTAND how you feel, cause with one of my first really big Real Estate Commissions, I bought my husband a Harley for Christmas!!!!! I wanted him to use it and have a good time, but he never really enjoyed it like I wanted him to because I was not riding with him! I could always vision my but hanging over on both sides of the seat!!!!!LOL It was really a challenge for me and I NEVER DID RIDE with him. He wound up selling the bike for less than I paid for it. I am sad because before I married him he was in the service, had a bike and loved it, and I wanted to share in this love with him, but would not. So now, if he gets another one, I WILL DO IT!!! So sometimes we have to realize, as I did, to take the ME out of the situation and put the WE into it! Go, DO IT and have fun, it is a great cause (cause you LOVE him and HE loves you) and it will help children, WHAT MORE????
  8. janetsjourneytoslim

    Officially a Bander

    Congratulations, yes keep walking, I know it is hard but it is only the beginning, soon you will be past all this and feel like running too!!! There will be a burst of energy hiding inside of you, after you get past all the time of being concerned and you should be this first month just take care of and listen to yourself! It pays to. Take care and Congrats again.
  9. janetsjourneytoslim

    I really appreciate all of you reading.... I cheated today.... But not really

    I second Sandradee!!! Good Job~but be careful.
  10. janetsjourneytoslim

    my scale lied

    Five lbs is a lot, CELEBRATE Girl!!! All Dr.s offices scales are off to ours at home, use the one you want to. I go by my scales, cause after the followup, you will only have YOUR scales. I bought a new set and they are expensive enough to not lie! lol! It is the time of day you weigh as well and with clothes on or not too! Congrats.
  11. janetsjourneytoslim

    Buckling down

    My anniversary is 3-17-11 and I AM WITH YOU! I have tried Buckling Down many times and do not do it! So lets BAND together~(no pun intended) And see who can do it???? I think I need more accountability to someone, who??? I no longer have to go into get weighed monthly etc. And my husband is satisfied with me and my family does not think I need to lose another lb, BUT I DO!!! I so want that size 12 just like you, I am in 14's and some 16's (Bust size is not down like I thought it would be) I REALLY want to wear a size 12 too. I think we should challenge each other to post the days food intake on here and we can see what we did that worked for us??? Anyone ready for that?
  12. janetsjourneytoslim

    Jump in the water

    Good for you, LapBand is my ENABLER too! I too made that list, not a goal for 100 lbs, just a list for things I have longed to do for years, I have acheived almost all those things on my list, and would have completed it, but~~~~~I keep adding to it! LOL Life is so full and all ahead of us, great post, enjoyed reading it.
  13. janetsjourneytoslim

    Changing perspectives.

    Nor should YOU HIDE! You are gorgeous! And you have come so far, if there were no more weight to be lost, look at what you have accomplished. My lands girl!!!!! Your smile is so positive now and I see confidence just falling off you and in your wordings! The world is your oyster and you are its pearl!!! Remember"God is the Light by which you see the world and yourself. God is the light through which you understand your reason for being. Stay close to his light. His light will enable you to fullfill the purpose for which you were created." Psalm 36:9
  14. janetsjourneytoslim

    Another of me and my sister, Chris.

    You look amazin! Doin a great job.
  15. Hi, yes I love Zumba too, I had to get in the Golden Zumba, could not keep up with the teenie boppers! LOL Always loved to dance so why stop now, Right??

  16. Thanks I always loved dancing and find it so much fun, it is a good workout too.

  17. Hey Girl, it is difficult at first and a bit confusing too. I wanted to use this site so bad and get the motivation I needed to help me stay accountable. I use the Blogs and it seems you are doing well with that, and the personal messages too. I don't know how to use the Go Advanced button so I don't use it. I have learned to change my profile pic by using the change AVATAR button. I usually just get on, check for messages, private or on my blog, add to my blog, then read recent blogs. I look at the photos submitted by others and that is what I do here. I do know how to add friends etc. So If I can help you I will.

  18. :smile:WELL I went dancing over this past weekend and boy was it fun!!!!! We celebrated with a friend her 60th Birthday Party, and had a blast. She is a breast cancer survivor and lost one of her breast already and the cancer has come back, so she is taking treatment again. Such a wonderful women and a great leader and motivator. I am a Princess House consultant and she is our upline leader, I have known her and been in Princess House Products since 1999!!! Well we always celebrate after every Rally and she is a Zone Leader and we danced the night away. We all dressed up in 60's attire on Sat. I was (and still am) an old hippie. It was nice to be in skinny jeans and a vest and an afro wig, and not in a Mama's and Papa's ~Mama's long dress covering up my bulges!!!! I saw so many people from all over the deep south that I knew from my heavier days and they hugged me and told me how good I looked, and that is what I really needed to hear and gave me the motivation I needed to come back and get busy losing these last 20 or so lbs! I know it is the most difficult time of the year, but I can do it!!! Yes I can. And if you need Princess House Products and can't find a consultant, message me, I will give you an address online and e-mail to see the catalog, great Holiday specials RIGHT NOW!!!:smile2:
  19. I love nuts, so I keep two oz of almonds, or peanuts, any kind of cheese and a few wheat crackers, string cheese is the best. I just have to keep something that I can get to every three hours or so because if I get too hungry I tend to eat too fast when I eat and then I can not get it to stay down. I like the fruit snacks too. I keep an orange or apple (small) when I have them, I have to peel the apple so I keep a small folding knife in my purse too, this always gets me when I fly, I have to remember to take it out of my purse. Oranges are better for the juice but I don't eat the peth, It layers over the opening to my stomach if I eat too much of it, I think I am very tight for my restriction and I am being very careful now.

  20. :cursing: It just does not agree with me anymore. I just throw money away to try and eat out! Don't eat the bun, the frys or the soda that "Come" with the "DEAL"! Paying high prices for meals I take home to the dog! I just noticed today and my husband said something to me that Su Su is getting "FAT"! He wanted to know what I have been feeding her???? OMG I am making this dog FAT eating the foods I CULL She is going on a diet and the leftovers in the Garbage Disposal!!! LOL There are so FEW places I can eat out, and I know exactly WHAT I can have there too. But tomorrow I am on the road again with a group of my friends traveling for another celebration and friends 60th BD Party. She has had breast cancer and it is back, we are dressing in 60's clothing and singing "My Girl" for her and giving her 60 Red Roses for our love! She is special. I know I will "Brown bag" my lunch and get my protien shake in before I leave in the morning, just got to think ahead with the lapband that is all. Snacks I can have in the purse, check, protien powder in zip lock bags, check! Does anyone out there do what I do???? It helps to keep my weight in check, I am not losing any longer. Got to try to settle down and get back to my routine and diet and more exercise, got Disney out of the way, spent time on the road with my daughter and new granddaughter and now off with friends, So after this weekend, no more traveling till Thanksgiving!!!! Then it will be Home Again, Home Again, Jigggety Jog!!!:thumbup:
  21. Your post was so right on, I do hate to waste too, money or food??? So I ate string cheese today on the ride back home with about six ladies. They wanted to stop at an all you can eat Country Southern Buffet, I stopped with them but you could not order off a menu only eat the buffet for $11.00 I KNEW I could not eat but a small childs plate of anything anyway, so decided not to eat. Then stopped on the way home this evening and ate two crispy tacos on the way home by myself, relaxed!

  22. That is close! I live just outside of DeFuniak Springs, FL. Who did your surgery or is doing your surgery??

  23. Thanks Sandra, got home finally got unpacked! Had a blast and I am ready to go again, heading to our home in Eufaula and then on to Columbus GA today with my oldest daughter and youngest granddaughter 7 week old Ava. Having a great Golden Year time of my life.

  24. Thanks so much, lots of prayer and hard work, still have a ways to go. What part of Alabama are you from?

  25. Losing these extra pounds is wonderful! One of the things I wanted to accomplish is being able to get down and play with my grandchilden! My oldest grandson Dylan just turned 7 and I took him to Disney World~all four parks in five days. We took one day off to swim in the pool and get in the hot tub and shop! I was able to walk without giving out of breath, ride ALL the rides with him, even Splash Mountain and Mission Space, (although I can say I have been there~done that) which were very scary even for me. I FIT in all the rides, did NOT have to have anyone PULL me out of them, Had a BLAST at 58! I just realized, that I FEEL YOUNGER!!! Taking off weight is Wonderful, no I have NOT lost 100 lbs, NOT met my personal weight loss goals yet, but I AM getting there with the help of the LapBand AND I am reaching the goals I set for my life changes and it feels good. I did not overeat on this trip, we bought groceries and cooked at the Condo, I took Crystal light for my water, snacks that I could have in my backpack, and it was all good. I did have a little of the Funnel Cakes and a Dole Pineapple soft serve as a VACATION TREAT! We had a great week. Then last night went out to eat in Destin/FWB at Fish Lipz on the Gulf of Mexico. I had the appetizer of Crab Cakes, they were so fresh and delicious, All I could eat! Drank water later, FULL! Everyone else had Ribeyes, Salads, potatoes loaded, I ate slow all went down and stayed down. $9.00, I was a cheap date, LOL Enjoyed food and friends we seldom see. I never knew how much fun is was to PLAY until NOW! Thanking God for the Band!:thumbup:

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