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About Wickerbuni

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  • Birthday July 12

About Me

  • Biography
    I love animals, boating, camping, traveling, and crocheting.
  • Gender
  • Interests
    Animals, crochet, flea markets, gardens
  • Occupation
    Not working
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  1. Wickerbuni


    I found some protein oatmeal on Amazon. It's instant but you have to cook it a bit longer.
  2. I've been worried because most food isn't bothering me either. I eat a few bites and see if I feel full or whatever sensation I should feel but it's usually nothing. I did get nauseous from fat free refried beans. My husband is griping at me and says I should not be able to eat more than a spoon or two of anything. I am worried about getting my protein in. I can drink liquids too...I feel a discomfort if I drink too much, but most of the time I don't have to sip it. I feel mentally crappy right now. Hoping I'm not doing the wrong thing. Big mistake of husband in the room with nutritionist talking about my diet. I have the paper work and the binder with tons of information. I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
  3. Wickerbuni

    My husband doesn't want me to have surgery

    My husband wound up supporting me. He was really good for the first few days and was with me at the hospital, but now he is nagging me so badly about everything. I know what I'm supposed to eat and not eat and he is on me every time I even mention food. I'm in the pureed stage at the moment. I actually had my surgery on the 28th of February. I'm getting my water in and most of my protein. He is driving me crazy though. I must mention that he is overweight, has a health issue but still eats really bad things. Pizza, ice cream, chips and dip, sugary sodas and sweet tea...I'm sure he eats other stuff when he isn't home too. *sigh* I'm not trying to sabotage my tool.
  4. Wickerbuni

    My husband doesn't want me to have surgery

    I am so sorry it has taken me so long to get back on here. I've been jumping through hoops all over the place. I just got my surgery date for January 28th. Husband still insists I don't need the surgery but he has finally stopped saying we don't need to be together if I do have it. Not sure what he is going to be like after I have the surgery, but if he continues to be, or becomes a real jerk like he was again...I will leave him. Life is too short to be unhappy and be with a person who treats their spouse like this. Thank you all for taking the time to read my post and answer it too. I appreciate the support. I will be back soon. :)
  5. I haven't had surgery yet, but I've seen the surgeon, the nutrionists, and had some of the insurance required tests already. I still have a few things to do, but the surgeon said he thinks I should be able to have it in November. So wouldn't you know that the moment I commented on one of the posts here about unsupportive boyfriend MY husband decides that he does not want me to have surgery. First he said he is worried something will happen to me, then he says I can do it by exercise and diet, and then today he said that he met me heavy and he wants me to be like how I was when we first met. Honestly I think he is worried that if I get thin that I will leave him, which I would not leave him but he told me that he will not support me on my decision to have it. He said we will get a divorce. He had already told me that he would not take to me or pick me up from the hospital and that he wouldn't take care of me at home, and I needed to call my sister to come and do it all. It is very odd because we have been together 12 or 13 years, married for ten of those years and he has never been that way with me. He says he loves me but he sure isn't acting like it. I think in the end he will go along with it but for now he has really upset me. His parents said they would help me when it comes time for my surgery. Each time I drink a shake he asks me why I'm still doing that diet. I just tell him it's because it's easier than eating at the moment. I guess I should mention that I've already lost some weight and now he is heavier than me.....not by much but he knows I'm going to keep losing and he is struggling to lose it, but he has started to the gym and hopefully he can lose it and won't feel so insecure. I really do think he will change when it comes to surgery time, but for now I'm just dealing with him nagging me about the diet and exercise. I'm all about exercise, but I'm healing from some tendon surgery so I have to wait until after my physical therapy for my whole body. Has anybody else had a spouse that didn't want to support their surgery in the beginning but changed their mind later?
  6. Wickerbuni

    Protein shake

    I got the Chocolate Fairlife yesterday but they didn't have any other flavors at Sam's Club so I have to wait until they restock Vanilla, and someone said the coffee Fairlife was good....I'm going to give it a try with some sugar free Torani syrups.
  7. Wickerbuni

    Made my first goal 😃

    I'm so happy for you!! Way to go!!
  8. I'm 53 and when I was exercising all the time I felt so much better. I had to stop for a while for surgeries, but I'm going to start again. I think it is good for any age. I see 80 year olds at planet fitness a lot of the time and they are outdoing me on everything. I'm in awe of them. You have to start somewhere. I recommend having your heart and everything checked first and then start. Any movement is better than none.
  9. I have Sunshine Health medicaid and I have had to have a few tests done that they require, and am still in the process. An endoscopy, a chest X-ray, EKG, sleep study, that nasty swallow test, a stress test, and I have to see a hematologist because I have a bleeding disorder in my family so they want to make sure that the blood thinner won't make me bleed to death and that I also won't get blood clots. They have to figure out exactly how much they can or can't give me when it's time. I've had quite a few surgeries already and have been fine, but this one you get blood thinners after it. I already have the history of dieting, pills and exercise. I'm 53 and have gone from 350 to 245-250 on my own over the years. I also have to see the nutritionist two or three times so I can learn how to eat properly. I don't think my surgeon requires the liquid diet, but I do have to be on a portion control diet with high protein. I can lose weight but I'm stuck at this weight so I need a bit of help. I have already changed my way of eating. No fast food, no fried food, way less sugar, but no sweet treats at all. I mostly eat the way I'm supposed to, but I have cheated a bit with a few sodas. After surgery I'm never going to drink them again. Nobody needs that stuff in their body anyway. My surgeon said if all of my testing is finished and ok that I can have my surgery in November. I've already done some of the tests and Monday I will get my appointments for the rest of them. I'm so excited to be getting the testing overwith and getting started on a new journey. I'm 5'3 I am 250 approximately. Highest weight was 350 Type 2 diabetic but A1C is 5.8 down from 7.2 High blood pressure High cholesterol (should be lowered by now) I used to have sleep apnea but had my tonsils and uvula removed (when I was 50..talk about the pain) I have figured out that one of my new exercises is going to be hunting for pokemons or whatever they are called..lol I just started playing that darn game and now I'm addicted. I'll be going to the gym too of course.:)
  10. Wickerbuni

    New here

    I'm excited.
  11. Wickerbuni

    Pain levels

    So not everyone gets a binder to wear? I thought I read somewhere that wearing a binder helps a lot with the pain.
  12. Wickerbuni

    Unsupportive Boyfriend

    I'm sorry for resurecting older posts, but I really hope you lost more weight than your body did. Hope you lost him. He sounds so selfish. That comment about what will he get out of it just irks me. If my husband said that to me I'd divorce him.
  13. Wickerbuni

    New here

    Hi. I don't have an exact date, but my surgeon told me it will most likely be in November. I just have a few tests I have to do. Have already done some of them.
  14. I'm 53 and am supposed to have my RNY in November. I have been through menopause. I got thrown into it when I had a TAH with OOPhorectomy. I had a uterine ablation and it didn't help me at all. I had some major issues though. My sister was the same way. It failed her too. I used to be able to lose weight...100 pounds at a time, but that was so long ago.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
