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  1. Like
    HealthyLifeStyle reacted to kristieshannon in What to eat   
    It’s actually great. I’ve always loved rice, and pre op could eat a ton of it. I’m completely and totally satisfied with just a couple bites now and don’t feel like I’m missing out at all.
  2. Like
    HealthyLifeStyle got a reaction from SummerTimeGirl in Portion Control Containers   
    I am 9 months out and still use portion containers. It helps me to stay on track.
  3. Like
    HealthyLifeStyle reacted to kristieshannon in Snack Ideas   
    Yes! 7g per serving.
  4. Like
    HealthyLifeStyle got a reaction from STLoser in Swimming?   
    It is a comfortable, fun exercise that is enjoyable to do. I hate being in the gym. I would rather be outside in the sun getting some exercise in nature.
  5. Like
    HealthyLifeStyle got a reaction from Jessicac2884 in First Stall and Carb questions   
    Hello everyone has stalls at different times of their weight loss journey. It is completely normal. I have had several. Some have lasted a week, and others have lasted 3-4 weeks at a time. It is very discouraging but if you stay on track, you will keep losing.
    Your carbs and calories seem very high to me. I am 9 months out and my carbs don't go over 20, Protein is 90-100, and calories is around 800 at the most per day. I know we are all different, and on different eating plans.
    I am not a doctor, but my advice would be to try to increase your protein, eat less carbs and calories and watch what happens.
    Good Luck
  6. Like
    HealthyLifeStyle got a reaction from ANewJourneyAwaits in Swimming?   
    I love swimming and can't wait to go. It just started warming up here in NH so it won't be long. Before the WLS I was super embarrassed to wear a bathing suit in public. Now I bought 2 really cute suits and can't wait to wear them.
  7. Like
    HealthyLifeStyle got a reaction from lizonaplane in This group is really great   
    I have been here now for 9 months and honestly don't know what I would do without this group. Most people have been extremely supportive and knowledgeable. I haven't encountered any rude people or rude comments at all. Sometimes I am on here all day commenting, and other days I just read and it makes me feel better. Thank you to everyone on here.
  8. Like
    HealthyLifeStyle got a reaction from lizonaplane in This group is really great   
    I have been here now for 9 months and honestly don't know what I would do without this group. Most people have been extremely supportive and knowledgeable. I haven't encountered any rude people or rude comments at all. Sometimes I am on here all day commenting, and other days I just read and it makes me feel better. Thank you to everyone on here.
  9. Like
    HealthyLifeStyle got a reaction from lizonaplane in This group is really great   
    I have been here now for 9 months and honestly don't know what I would do without this group. Most people have been extremely supportive and knowledgeable. I haven't encountered any rude people or rude comments at all. Sometimes I am on here all day commenting, and other days I just read and it makes me feel better. Thank you to everyone on here.
  10. Hugs
    HealthyLifeStyle got a reaction from lizonaplane in Discuss: childhood dieting & related trauma   
    My mother was always a Yo-Yo dieter and still is at 74. Sometimes it was 25-30 lbs. and others 80-100 lbs.
    I was chubby as a kid and my mom was always trying to put me on a diet. I remember she made me make a chart in a notebook to track my calories when I was only 12 yrs. old. She would look it over every day to make sure I was doing it correctly. I was sneaking Snacks at school, and after school I would go to the convenience store which was the bus stop for snacks like chips, Cookies, and candy bars. Oh how I loved junk food.
    She couldn't understand why I wasn't losing weight, instead gaining. I had to weigh in once a week and write it in the notebook. If I didn't lose that week, she would ground me. For punishment she would make me exercise. Then she would take away food from my meals, making me eat fewer calories.
    My sister who was skinny would call me fatso, and other not so nice names, and my mom wouldn't do anything about it. My grandfather (mothers father) was relentless and always talked about my weight my entire life. He would always say that it "looked like I put on a few pounds". He did the same to my mom. He finally stopped doing it when I was in my 30's and confronted him about it. I told him that I didn't want to hear his comments about my weight and it was none of his business. He apologized and told me he didn't realize it bothered me so much and he was only joking. Yeah OK.
    I was also made fun of in school and high school and was not one of the popular girls because of my weight issues. I struggled very hard with this. I didn't have a boyfriend like the other girls because I was too fat. The kids would put "kick me" signs on my back and as I walked down the hallway between classes I would get kicked and if I fell down they would all laugh at me as I tried to pick up my books. It was traumatizing. When I would go home crying to my mom, she would tell me that I have to lose weight if I wanted to "fit in".
    I could go on and on about my not so nice childhood with weight issues. I will stop here because it is getting too emotional for me. I am 51 yrs. old and still have flashbacks of my younger days. It is very depressing.
    All I can say is that it sucks to grow up thinking that I was never good enough. It has followed me into my adult life. I am working on it along with other stuff. Even though I have lost weight. I still can hear the rude comments in my head. I don't think it will ever go away.
  11. Like
    HealthyLifeStyle got a reaction from STLoser in No more boobs   
    OMG!! I died laughing at soap-in-a-rope boobs!! LOL
  12. Like
    HealthyLifeStyle got a reaction from Arabesque in Has anyone regretted getting the surgery?   
    I regret not doing it sooner. I was supposed to do it 10 years ago, but chickened out of it. I don't know if you would call it regret, but when I am at my family's house for a holiday, or dinner, etc. I look at them eating something and wish I could eat it too. Like this past Easter when everyone was eating my moms famous brownies and ice cream. I knew if I even took a bite, I would be sick so I kinda talk myself out of things like that, but at the same time still wish I could eat it.
  13. Like
    HealthyLifeStyle got a reaction from STLoser in No more boobs   
    OMG!! I died laughing at soap-in-a-rope boobs!! LOL
  14. Like
    HealthyLifeStyle got a reaction from Arabesque in Has anyone regretted getting the surgery?   
    I regret not doing it sooner. I was supposed to do it 10 years ago, but chickened out of it. I don't know if you would call it regret, but when I am at my family's house for a holiday, or dinner, etc. I look at them eating something and wish I could eat it too. Like this past Easter when everyone was eating my moms famous brownies and ice cream. I knew if I even took a bite, I would be sick so I kinda talk myself out of things like that, but at the same time still wish I could eat it.
  15. Like
    HealthyLifeStyle got a reaction from Starwarsandcupcakes in Food Before and After Photos   
    Yummy! I made this once so far and loved it. I don't eat pork so instead I put chicken in my sauce. It was so good.
  16. Like
    HealthyLifeStyle got a reaction from Tracyringo in Revision completed   
    I had to get myself away from artificial sweeteners too. Before the WLS I was addicted to diet coke. I weaned myself off of it a few months before the surgery. Now I wouldn't even try to take a sip of it. I was so afraid I would crave it, and I honestly don't.
  17. Like
    HealthyLifeStyle got a reaction from Tracyringo in Revision completed   
    I had to get myself away from artificial sweeteners too. Before the WLS I was addicted to diet coke. I weaned myself off of it a few months before the surgery. Now I wouldn't even try to take a sip of it. I was so afraid I would crave it, and I honestly don't.
  18. Like
    HealthyLifeStyle got a reaction from StratusPhr in Revision completed   
    I am 9 months out and still have a very hard time with carbs in general. They just sit in my belly like a rock. I eat whole wheat pita bread sometimes but only 1/4-1/2 pc. sometimes I can tolerate it and others not so much. I do not eat rice, potato's, or Pasta. I tried to eat chickpea pasta and didn't really care for it, and it also felt like regular pasta in my belly so I just don't eat them anymore. I thought I would miss it but I really don't.
  19. Like
    HealthyLifeStyle got a reaction from StratusPhr in Possibly looking at revision; dumping syndrome   
    A lot of people say its from too much sugar. The first one was def from too much sugar. After that I don't know what it was from.
  20. Like
    HealthyLifeStyle got a reaction from StratusPhr in Possibly looking at revision; dumping syndrome   
    I have dumped a few times. I haven't in a while. I finally stopped doing it after the last bout was awful and I mean awful. I felt like I was dying and was very close to going to the ER. You will learn the easy way hopefully and not the hard way like me.
  21. Hugs
    HealthyLifeStyle got a reaction from mamabear_2_2 in No more boobs   
    Thank you so much. This makes me feel a little bit better about doing this now.

  22. Like
    HealthyLifeStyle got a reaction from Arabesque in Feet shrunk!   
    Like us women need so many excuses to buy new shoes/boots. LOL
  23. Hugs
    HealthyLifeStyle got a reaction from lizonaplane in Discuss: childhood dieting & related trauma   
    My mother was always a Yo-Yo dieter and still is at 74. Sometimes it was 25-30 lbs. and others 80-100 lbs.
    I was chubby as a kid and my mom was always trying to put me on a diet. I remember she made me make a chart in a notebook to track my calories when I was only 12 yrs. old. She would look it over every day to make sure I was doing it correctly. I was sneaking Snacks at school, and after school I would go to the convenience store which was the bus stop for snacks like chips, Cookies, and candy bars. Oh how I loved junk food.
    She couldn't understand why I wasn't losing weight, instead gaining. I had to weigh in once a week and write it in the notebook. If I didn't lose that week, she would ground me. For punishment she would make me exercise. Then she would take away food from my meals, making me eat fewer calories.
    My sister who was skinny would call me fatso, and other not so nice names, and my mom wouldn't do anything about it. My grandfather (mothers father) was relentless and always talked about my weight my entire life. He would always say that it "looked like I put on a few pounds". He did the same to my mom. He finally stopped doing it when I was in my 30's and confronted him about it. I told him that I didn't want to hear his comments about my weight and it was none of his business. He apologized and told me he didn't realize it bothered me so much and he was only joking. Yeah OK.
    I was also made fun of in school and high school and was not one of the popular girls because of my weight issues. I struggled very hard with this. I didn't have a boyfriend like the other girls because I was too fat. The kids would put "kick me" signs on my back and as I walked down the hallway between classes I would get kicked and if I fell down they would all laugh at me as I tried to pick up my books. It was traumatizing. When I would go home crying to my mom, she would tell me that I have to lose weight if I wanted to "fit in".
    I could go on and on about my not so nice childhood with weight issues. I will stop here because it is getting too emotional for me. I am 51 yrs. old and still have flashbacks of my younger days. It is very depressing.
    All I can say is that it sucks to grow up thinking that I was never good enough. It has followed me into my adult life. I am working on it along with other stuff. Even though I have lost weight. I still can hear the rude comments in my head. I don't think it will ever go away.
  24. Hugs
    HealthyLifeStyle got a reaction from lizonaplane in Discuss: childhood dieting & related trauma   
    My mother was always a Yo-Yo dieter and still is at 74. Sometimes it was 25-30 lbs. and others 80-100 lbs.
    I was chubby as a kid and my mom was always trying to put me on a diet. I remember she made me make a chart in a notebook to track my calories when I was only 12 yrs. old. She would look it over every day to make sure I was doing it correctly. I was sneaking Snacks at school, and after school I would go to the convenience store which was the bus stop for snacks like chips, Cookies, and candy bars. Oh how I loved junk food.
    She couldn't understand why I wasn't losing weight, instead gaining. I had to weigh in once a week and write it in the notebook. If I didn't lose that week, she would ground me. For punishment she would make me exercise. Then she would take away food from my meals, making me eat fewer calories.
    My sister who was skinny would call me fatso, and other not so nice names, and my mom wouldn't do anything about it. My grandfather (mothers father) was relentless and always talked about my weight my entire life. He would always say that it "looked like I put on a few pounds". He did the same to my mom. He finally stopped doing it when I was in my 30's and confronted him about it. I told him that I didn't want to hear his comments about my weight and it was none of his business. He apologized and told me he didn't realize it bothered me so much and he was only joking. Yeah OK.
    I was also made fun of in school and high school and was not one of the popular girls because of my weight issues. I struggled very hard with this. I didn't have a boyfriend like the other girls because I was too fat. The kids would put "kick me" signs on my back and as I walked down the hallway between classes I would get kicked and if I fell down they would all laugh at me as I tried to pick up my books. It was traumatizing. When I would go home crying to my mom, she would tell me that I have to lose weight if I wanted to "fit in".
    I could go on and on about my not so nice childhood with weight issues. I will stop here because it is getting too emotional for me. I am 51 yrs. old and still have flashbacks of my younger days. It is very depressing.
    All I can say is that it sucks to grow up thinking that I was never good enough. It has followed me into my adult life. I am working on it along with other stuff. Even though I have lost weight. I still can hear the rude comments in my head. I don't think it will ever go away.
  25. Hugs
    HealthyLifeStyle got a reaction from lizonaplane in Discuss: childhood dieting & related trauma   
    My mother was always a Yo-Yo dieter and still is at 74. Sometimes it was 25-30 lbs. and others 80-100 lbs.
    I was chubby as a kid and my mom was always trying to put me on a diet. I remember she made me make a chart in a notebook to track my calories when I was only 12 yrs. old. She would look it over every day to make sure I was doing it correctly. I was sneaking Snacks at school, and after school I would go to the convenience store which was the bus stop for snacks like chips, Cookies, and candy bars. Oh how I loved junk food.
    She couldn't understand why I wasn't losing weight, instead gaining. I had to weigh in once a week and write it in the notebook. If I didn't lose that week, she would ground me. For punishment she would make me exercise. Then she would take away food from my meals, making me eat fewer calories.
    My sister who was skinny would call me fatso, and other not so nice names, and my mom wouldn't do anything about it. My grandfather (mothers father) was relentless and always talked about my weight my entire life. He would always say that it "looked like I put on a few pounds". He did the same to my mom. He finally stopped doing it when I was in my 30's and confronted him about it. I told him that I didn't want to hear his comments about my weight and it was none of his business. He apologized and told me he didn't realize it bothered me so much and he was only joking. Yeah OK.
    I was also made fun of in school and high school and was not one of the popular girls because of my weight issues. I struggled very hard with this. I didn't have a boyfriend like the other girls because I was too fat. The kids would put "kick me" signs on my back and as I walked down the hallway between classes I would get kicked and if I fell down they would all laugh at me as I tried to pick up my books. It was traumatizing. When I would go home crying to my mom, she would tell me that I have to lose weight if I wanted to "fit in".
    I could go on and on about my not so nice childhood with weight issues. I will stop here because it is getting too emotional for me. I am 51 yrs. old and still have flashbacks of my younger days. It is very depressing.
    All I can say is that it sucks to grow up thinking that I was never good enough. It has followed me into my adult life. I am working on it along with other stuff. Even though I have lost weight. I still can hear the rude comments in my head. I don't think it will ever go away.

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