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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    ImsexyandIknowit reacted to Bypass2Freedom in PreOp Anxiety   
    I think it is so normal to have nerves. I know I was an absolute bundle of anxiety pre-op - it was the first surgery I had as an adult, and I didn't know what to expect.
    Just keep reminding yourself that you are in safe hands, you will have a professional team around you, and the surgery you are having is safe, otherwise they wouldn't be doing it!
    My advice is to just focus on how you will feel after - maybe write down what you are looking forward to post-op, and what things you are excited to experience as you start losing weight on this journey. That really helped me focus on the reasons why I did the surgery, rather than the fear of the surgery itself. Because in the grand scheme of things, the surgery is over so quickly and is such a small part of the journey, and it is all worth it!
    Best of luck
  2. Thanks
    ImsexyandIknowit got a reaction from FifiLux in 1 yr post op - photo evidence :)   
    You look amazing. Great job 👏 👍 👌 ❤️ 😍 💖
  3. Hugs
    ImsexyandIknowit reacted to ChunkCat in Sadi vs gastric bypass   
    The SADI and the Duodenal Switch (they are different) are the two surgeries with the highest percentage of excess weight loss, the lowest rate of regain and the best reputation for significant weight loss in people with high BMIs. You can read studies about this. That said there are plenty of people with high BMIs that go with Gastric Bypass instead and plenty of them do keep the weight off.
    Both surgeries have restrictive and malabsorptive components, though their malabsorption is rather different. The bypass tends to be better for people with GERD issues but has a higher risk of ulcers and strictures. The SADI-S tends to be better for people at risk of developing ulcers, for those that smoke or vape and plan on going back to it after surgery healing is complete, and for those that may need to take NSAIDS in the future.
    The bypass involves a modified stomach with smaller capacity (about that of an egg) while the SADI has a sleeve stomach (banana shaped) so will eat bigger portions. Both still restrict enough calories for weight loss. The SADI is pylorus sparing so the stomach still has the valve in it that keeps food in so digestion happens in a more normal way, the bypass has no pyloric valve so you have to be extra mindful to chew thoroughly as things pass through the stomach differently.
    Both have to supplement Vitamins but do so in a different way--but they are not optional. If you stop taking the vitamins you run a high risk of nutritional deficiencies.
    The diets are a bit different for the two. I believe bypass patients need to be mindful of seeds, skins, and meat that is overly dry. They need to be more particular with lean Protein as they don't have malabsorption of fats to the same degree a SADI patient will. There is some conflicting data that suggests fat absorption in SADI-S patients normalize in the second year post surgery so they need to be careful about not eating too much fat, but the studies are by no means conclusive at this point. SADI patients need a bit more protein than bypass patients since the SADI bypasses a larger amount of the small intestine.
    Dumping syndrome is more common with bypass. Diarrhea may be more common with SADI-S though I've been told most tend towards Constipation like with the bypass. SADI people may have more gut issues with carb consumption but don't tend to have dumping syndrome.
    SADI-S is a much newer procedure and we don't know as much about it as the bypass. That doesn't mean it is bad and it isn't considered experimental by many insurances anymore, but the fact remains we still don't understand as much about it as we do the Gastric Bypass or Duodenal Switch.
    In the end it is very much a matter of preference and which patient profile you fit best. You have to pick the surgery that works best for you! I wish you much luck in deciding, I'm debating the sleeve vs DS myself.
    ETA: The SADI has a bit better chance of resolving metabolic conditions like diabetes and other co-morbidities. Though the bypass does a good job of resolving those too compared to the sleeve!
  4. Like
    ImsexyandIknowit got a reaction from inpursuitofhealth in I think I am failing and I am so scared!! Any advice please!!   
    I was a slow loser
    I had my surgery in March of 2020. I could eat what ever I wanted to right after surgery. Which confused me. Don't freak out. I thought right after surgery I would lose all this weight and My medical issues would just go away. I was wrong. My first year I only lost about 50 pounds. It wasn't until I got my mindset on point was when more weight would come off
    Trust me your stomach is about the size of your fist. Just try and get your Protein in first. Don't obsess over everything. It will hurt you mentally. So Water protein and veggies. And walking 🚶‍♂️
    My doctor's off was no help for me actually i really never had any follow-up with them which bummed me out. But I just kept doing my thing.
    Don't be hard on yourself. Everyone is different. I would try not to do the Snacks, even the sugar free ones. And watching the carbs, your body need the good carbs.
    It wasn't until I was way past the 6 month mark that more weight started to come off. I used to get upset when I saw/heard/read about people who lost 100 in 6 months. Crazy. I was too hard on myself and that was also part of my problem. I started at 250 and really it wasn't until I was well into a year when more weight would start to come ff
    But that was me. So. Protein water and movement. There is is book out there Bariatric Mindset. I know your not a few months in. Please do not start to get upset. You will be surprised how your bodies react to stuff. You have to have a better understanding/relationship with food. It took me a long time to finally get it. It took years to get where you started at it will take time to get to where your going.
    Yes you should be losing a bit more than what you said. Be honest with yourself and really be accountable for what you choose to eat. No you won't stretch you new stomach out. It's all about better choices now.
    Read read read and get your water protein in first.
    You can do this. We are so hard on ourselves. Please don't be. As long as you don't have any pain. Just keep moving along. It will happen. Be honest with yourself and maybe start logging your food. You would be surprised at what you see.
    Like I said I started at 250 pounds and 3 years later I sit between 130-140
    We are all different. Much love to you on your journey you can do this.
  5. Like
    ImsexyandIknowit reacted to maintenanceman in loose skin after gastric sleeve   
    Whether or not you get loose skin and how much is such a crap shoot. I started with a low BMI and lost about 80 lbs... a relatively small amount for WLS patients... but I ended up with so much loose skin. I'm at my Ideal Body Weight with 18.2% body fat, and I still look like I have a tummy because it's all loose skin. Even after losing all the weight, I'm still not comfortable going without a shirt. I look terrific in clothes, but naked... oh my.
    I might get surgery. I don't know. It's expensive, painful, and carries risk. And for me, the only reason would be cosmetic. The loose skin doesn't affect me in any other way.
    Still... I will take loose skin over being fat all day every day!
  6. Like
    ImsexyandIknowit reacted to Sleeve_Me_Alone in Constant pain during work   
    First of all, congratulations on your progress! That is amazing!!
    Second, I echo @Saxons. Even if you have hit your Protein goal every single day since surgery, muscle loss is an inevitability. Additionally, after having lost so much weight, the way we carry ourselves changes which can lead to new aches and pains as our bodies adjust.
    Adding in some weight/resistance work will help build those muscles back up and help your body adjust to its new shape and weight distribution.
  7. Like
    ImsexyandIknowit got a reaction from Jnpxo2 in Smoking   
    I was a heavy smoker it took about a month not to show up. It's called cotinine You can get test strips off Amazon to see if it still shows up
  8. Like
    ImsexyandIknowit got a reaction from GreenTealael in For those of you who have gotten the sleeve do you wish you had gotten the bypass?   
    I had the sleeve, I had GERD and was taking prescribed meds for it. My doctor did not advise me which one to do. I am 3 years out and I am very happy where I am at weigh wise. Started at 250 currently between 130-140. I was not really into them rerouting my intestines' and all that stuff. But that is just me lol.
    I still have heartburn issues but I pretty much know what to eat to keep it at bay. I still will take OTC meds. Best of Luck on your journey
  9. Like
    ImsexyandIknowit reacted to Possum220 in 2 years Post OP   
    You are more than welcome in check back in with the surgeon now rather than continuing to gain. They would much rather see you now than waiting too long and reversing all the good you have done. Your dietician would also rather see you now. Sometimes a few words really can help turn things back around. Talk to some-one who is rooting for you. Kick those old and failing habits back to the curb, 😊
  10. Like
    ImsexyandIknowit got a reaction from mammawdd in Any 50yo or older?   
    I will be 59 in April and I had my sleeve done March 2020. Just like some of the other replies I wish I would of done this sooner. Lost 120 pounds now I am moving forward to get plastic surgery going. Best of luck with your journey 💗
  11. Like
    ImsexyandIknowit reacted to catwoman7 in Not Eating enough?   
    it's the infamous three-week stall. It happens to almost all of us (it's not ALWAYS the third week, but that's the most common time. It can happen any time during the first month to six weeks after surgery) I just did a search of this site on it for you - here you go - 17,500 posts!
    https://www.bariatricpal.com/search/?q=three week stall
    p.s. it typically lasts 1-3 weeks, so you're likely very near the end of it. Just stick to your program and stay off the scale for a few days. As long as you stick to your program, it WILL break, and you'll be on your way again.
  12. Like
    ImsexyandIknowit got a reaction from mammawdd in Any 50yo or older?   
    I will be 59 in April and I had my sleeve done March 2020. Just like some of the other replies I wish I would of done this sooner. Lost 120 pounds now I am moving forward to get plastic surgery going. Best of luck with your journey 💗
  13. Like
    ImsexyandIknowit got a reaction from mammawdd in Any 50yo or older?   
    I will be 59 in April and I had my sleeve done March 2020. Just like some of the other replies I wish I would of done this sooner. Lost 120 pounds now I am moving forward to get plastic surgery going. Best of luck with your journey 💗
  14. Like
    ImsexyandIknowit reacted to Bari_KS in BCBS Federal   
    This is good news.

    The real good news is the fact that Basic option pays $200 for a surgeon and $100 per night at the hospital. My VSG was considered outpatient (I stayed 23 hrs) so the total bill for surgery out of pocket was $300 only!
  15. Like
    ImsexyandIknowit reacted to BigSue in Feeling down….   
    The beginning is the hardest because you're still recovering from surgery, still getting used to the huge changes to your lifestyle, but haven't seen all the benefits of the weight loss yet. It does get easier, as you progress through the post-op stages and lose weight. You will start to feel "normal" again, maybe a new and different normal, and this weird and difficult post-op period will eventually be a blur in your memory. Hang in there!
  16. Like
    ImsexyandIknowit reacted to Spinoza in Meal replacement bars that are good?   
    Oooooo - interesting to read all the replies! I look on bars of all varieties as some of the things that made me obese in the first place. Along with all other highly processed foods. There is sugar or some sort of sugar substitute in ALL of them. I would rather have a handful of raw nuts or some deli meat these days if I can't have a proper meal. That's not to say I am holier than thou, just to say that if I can go through this journey scrutinising every bite that goes into my mouth and asking myself what it's for, I think I'll come out the far end a better eater and a healthier human.
  17. Like
    ImsexyandIknowit reacted to The Greater Fool in loose skin   
    The older and/or larger you are/were the more excess skin will be an issue.
    As we age our skin starts losing it's ability to repair itself. Likewise, the heavier we are/were the more our skin has stretched out leaving a bunch on inelastic skin. Women have the additional skin stress of carrying babies. All of these stresses take their toll that make shrinking it all back in naturally rather unlikely.
    There really are no products that can help your skin recover in spite of the promises. It's probably time to use that magical potion that has been passed down through the generations from mother to daughter or father to son for use "as a last resort when the need is great" with vague warnings of a "price." The evil spirits that will infest your life are a small price to pay for no extra skin.
    When it comes time to consider surgical options most insurance tries to call it "cosmetic" and refuse to help. The word to keep in mind is "reconstructive" for which insurance will pay. Document yeast infections, rashes, back pain, anything you can come up with. Even then it is an uphill battle.
    Good luck,
  18. Like
    ImsexyandIknowit reacted to summerseeker in Phobias since surgery   
    Just rest, sleep and heal. Forget everything else, you have enough to think about with Vitamins, supplements and drinking your quota.
  19. Like
    ImsexyandIknowit got a reaction from j1540801 in Who experienced heartburn or GERD after gastric sleeve?   
    I am 2 years out, I had the sleeve. I have some issues but not that much.
    I take OTC meds and it helps a lot
    I just know the stuff that will make it happen, eating to fast, eating Tomato based stuff..and stress lol

  20. Like
    ImsexyandIknowit reacted to grizzlysarah in Pre Op Diet Concerns   
    I am a serious coffee drinker every morning at work, however I shouldn't be having withdrawals because I have Protein Shakes that have caffeine in them. So I'm getting a small amount of caffeine in my body still. Yes I guess I ate a moderate amount of carbohydrates and sugar. I had something similar happen to me when I was low carb program through my doctor's office. I was on very low carb intake and I began to have aching joints to the point where I would lay in bed and almost cry at night. The doctor said it was lack of carbs, Calcium and magnesium. Which is why I went and took one of those Vitamins right away last night. I feel so much better today. It's probably just carbohydrate withdrawal, sugar, caffeine. I've also been making sure I stay hydrated. Thank you so much for all of your comments. 4 days left! I've waited a year and a half for this and although I'm excited I have been very emotional for the last week. Probably just nerves, scared and a little nervous to go into the OR.

    Sent from my LM-G710VM using BariatricPal mobile app

  21. Like
    ImsexyandIknowit reacted to summerseeker in Pre Op Diet Concerns   
    Did you eat a lot of sweet foods or drink sweet drinks. It sounds like you are having a reaction to withdrawal from no sugar in your diet. The reaction is a bit like flu symptoms, making you ache all over. It happens with strong coffee drinkers too.
    Contact your team and check in with them. I doubt very much if you will need any Vitamins at this stage.
  22. Like
    ImsexyandIknowit got a reaction from Gonebacktohealthyandfit in The ENTIRE bagel???? Like, SERIOUSLY?!   
    I could really eat anything I wanted to 6 months out...however I found out I was not being mindful about WHAT I eating AT ALL. so when I started to really think about what I was putting in my tummy it all changed for me...I am a carb girl so I totally stopped all carbs and stayed around 30 grams per day and the weight started to fall of. This however to took almost 2 years to get my body and mind in the right place.
    I know when I do not chew my food and eat too fast my pouch tells me so. So yes you can but no don't do it. N not worth it. Load up on Protein and veg first and then maybe later if you do want that bagel then you can have it. But by then you mostly won" t want it...
    Everyone is different
    best of luck on you journey
  23. Like
    ImsexyandIknowit got a reaction from Gonebacktohealthyandfit in The ENTIRE bagel???? Like, SERIOUSLY?!   
    I could really eat anything I wanted to 6 months out...however I found out I was not being mindful about WHAT I eating AT ALL. so when I started to really think about what I was putting in my tummy it all changed for me...I am a carb girl so I totally stopped all carbs and stayed around 30 grams per day and the weight started to fall of. This however to took almost 2 years to get my body and mind in the right place.
    I know when I do not chew my food and eat too fast my pouch tells me so. So yes you can but no don't do it. N not worth it. Load up on Protein and veg first and then maybe later if you do want that bagel then you can have it. But by then you mostly won" t want it...
    Everyone is different
    best of luck on you journey
  24. Haha
    ImsexyandIknowit reacted to kcuster83 in The ENTIRE bagel???? Like, SERIOUSLY?!   
    I am just sitting here thinking how I want a bagel now....

  25. Like
    ImsexyandIknowit reacted to Arabesque in Post op hair loss... SO WADJYA DO?!?!   
    It’s just one of those frustrating things that are part of the weight loss journey. Mine started at around 4 months. Most people notice the Hair loss persists for about three months +/- regardless of taking supplements like Biotin. The hair on your head is already dead & you can’t save dead hair. The thing to remember is the hair you are losing is hair you would have lost anyway as part of your natural shedding cycle - it was destined to fall out. It’s just that this cycle has been temporarily accelerated. You still have new hair growing but it’s at it’s usual rate. Supplements may benefit this new growth.
    Best thing to do is not stress, take your recommended Vitamins & meet your Protein goals.
    I remember my surgeon told me my body had better things to do with the nutrients I was eating then save my hair. A bit harsh but true. When I hit my goal & was eating more & a wider variety of food the rate of the hair loss slowed until it was like it was pre surgery so at about month 7. I took no additional supplements.
    A lot of us cut our hair so the loss isn’t as noticeable & it takes less time for the new growth to catch up & be the same length. I cut mine from almost my waist to just above my shoulders. The shorter length of hair doesn’t look as bad in the bottom of the shower either 😁😁.

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