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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Hugs
    NancyLF reacted to salazarski628 in What The Hell Man   
    Omg yes yes yes
    On my journey pre op. I was finally hearing everything that they have been holding in. They would talk so negatively about my weight or say yea you were actually really big. My starting weight was 430. I had my surgery June 11 2019. And now I’m getting comments such as you don’t want to be that big again. Or your not losing enough yet. I’m literally a week out tomorrow. Definitely have to try to not let the negativity bother me. But it’s definitely hard when it’s your family or friend.
  2. Thanks
    NancyLF reacted to Whosthatgirl?! in What The Hell Man   
    In America, something like 60% of us are overweight or obese. People just don’t know what people look like at a normal weight. If you haven’t told people about your wls then I wouldn’t be surprised if they imagine something is wrong. Finally, some people may be rude because they are a bit jealous but won’t say so. My best friend, when I told her I was having wls, said “oh no, you’re going to look hot and I’m still gonna look like this!” I appreciate her honesty, and I know to be sensitive around her, and others who share our struggle with weight or body image. Try not to let people’s comments and insecurities get you down. You’re doing this for you, so enjoy it! Maybe just respond with “You’re right, I have lost a lot of weight! It’s weird seeing me at a healthy size, right?”
  3. Like
    NancyLF got a reaction from justmetj in DO YOU   
    Amen to that! I enjoy watching YouTube videos by others who have experienced Bariatric surgery. I especially appreciate the ones who emphasize that they’re relating THEIR journey, and that yours may differ. It helps to know what you MIGHT experience - even if not exactly.
  4. Like
    NancyLF reacted to VIKING 0424 in MEN 300-350 LBS START WEIGHT STATS PLEASE   
  5. Like
    NancyLF reacted to justmetj in DO YOU   
    I've noticed some people become diet experts after THEIR surgery. Often I see comments about how YOU should eat because that's what works for THEM. You have to do what works for you and don't let others dictate or make you feel inferior because the way you choose to lose your weight. This is YOUR journey not theirs. There is a fine line that people sometimes cross when giving advice that crosses over to being condescending. So if eating clean all the time is your thing, go for it , or if you choose to "eat in moderation" because your a big girl/boy and can add a "treat" into your macros and be accountable at the same time go for it. DO YOU!
  6. Like
    NancyLF reacted to Brandiabrego in I give up on protein :(   
    Try Protein Water, I feel ya in the Protein Shake crap. I’m using the slim fast advanced shakes they have 20 g of protein and I also drink the protein water which is 15 g of protein plus your water at the same time. I’ve tried lots of them and the best so far is protein2o grape flavored is best

  7. Like
    NancyLF reacted to Sosewsue61 in REGRET   
    @BlueAngelEyes you need to switch therapists, one that understands and isn't biased against wls patients - ask your bariatric team for a recommendation.
    Hormones play a big part of your mental states right now, and this will jack with your perceptions and they will continue to bounce around during this process. Soon adding more exercise and getting better sleep will level these out.
    All of you are thinking you are deprived because you have made food events a large part of your lives and now it has to change. It just has to or you will not succeed. I am not trying to be negative here, but these changes need to be permanent or you will gain weight back. Early in this journey you will naturally lose because of the severe restriction and the honeymoon period, even if you eat non-nutritious food. You will think -' hey I ate my Protein and I had some pizza and lost 8 pounds this week, this works'. Yes it does because of the honeymoon period. Don't let that be a slippery slope to indulge whenever you 'feel' like it - it's my brother's wedding, it's my friend's baby shower - I must Celebrate. NO, not with the food - enjoy the gifts, the decorations, the party part - food is secondary.
    Everyone that has been obese is insulin resistent, and your body has spent years getting there. Some of you say you were healthy at 41BMI and I call BS. You were headed for diabetes and high blood pressure and sleep apnea, and compromising all your organs. The longer you keep grain carbs with no nutritional value and sugar out of your system the less you will crave them, and you will be free from this demon of ill health. I am not saying never, but build this early resolve to fix your health. You will be amazed, active, more energetic and happier.
    And wanting to look healthy and cute is not vain. Don't beat yourself up over wanting to look good - you will feel even better. Hang in there.
  8. Like
    NancyLF got a reaction from AZhiker in Not telling anyone   
    My mother & my sister were the only ones I was going to tell. I ended up telling a few church friends, mainly because one had the VGS done 10 years ago & the DIL of another had it done 2 years ago. I’m not really keeping a secret, but I’m not blasting it out all over either.

  9. Like
    NancyLF reacted to Carrot64 in Not telling anyone   
    I am an open book with EVERYTHING in my life ( Sicilian, hairdresser, Pisces) so it’s no surprise I tell whoever wants to know.. if you’ve known me for a while you know my struggles, I could lose ok but , maintaining never lasted long and I’d gain back 2 fold.. I feel great and the fact that there are people out there waiting for me to fail only motivates me to prove em all damn wrong.. I have changed on the inside even more than the outside ... watch my dust naysayers, I GOT This ... no going back because I don’t know that lady anymore, the one that chose food over life.. she’s in my past .. as a matter of fact a ceremony is in order, one in which I burn some of my former fat selfs old clothes( the basic uniform of comfy black anything) I never knew this person I have become.. she’s the BOMB and I’m keeping her healthy so she can get out and LIVE
  10. Like
    NancyLF got a reaction from Teachergal82 in 7 days on PO Clear Liquid Feel Like Crap- HELP   
    YOU GOT THIS!!!! My date is 2 weeks after you - on 7/22 & I am P*U*M*P*E*D!!
    You know what helped/inspired/encouraged me? YouTube videos!! Just search "VGS" "BARIATRIC" & "BARIATRICPAL" (YES!! BP has YouTube videos!) You'll see people who have gone through this whole thing! They tell you what you might experience, before & after. They offer tips. There are even some who were VLogging the DAY OF THEIR SURGERY!!! Also -- if you're not the squeamish type: there are videos of the actual surgery!! I found it fascinating, but I like watching that type of thing! LOL! Watch some of the videos- they really help!

  11. Like
    NancyLF reacted to ebonisekim in Before and After Pics   
  12. Congrats!
    NancyLF reacted to Jennifer575 in Before and After Pics   
    This is the first time posting any pics. I am a couple days shy of 2 mos post op. Down 46lbs.

  13. Like
    NancyLF reacted to Losingit2018 in Puréed stage need ideas!   
    This will give you great ideas. This blog got me through the different stages. Excellent easy recipes and ideas here.

    the ricotta bake is the favorite of many post op. Very easy to make as well
  14. Like
    NancyLF got a reaction from tal in July 2019   
    I have a TON of stuff. Some from the BariatricPal Store, some not.
    I have a lot of Protein juices & Soups - sampler packs from the BP Store. Batches of Bone Broth (Kitchen Basics) Beef & chicken. The Beef is OK, the chicken is delish! sugar free popsicles!! I've been buying them for a couple of months, every time they went on sale. This week they were 2 (18 in a box) for $5! My freezer looks like a store freezer display! I have about 14 boxes! My surgery date is 7/22! I'm ready! Let's go!

  15. Like
    NancyLF reacted to Akeem in 7 days on PO Clear Liquid Feel Like Crap- HELP   
    Have sugar free Gatorade for electrolytes. Your body doesn’t know what is going on. Drink drink drink. Honestly you won’t feel great for awhile. You just have to deal and rest. Not being mean just honest. None of this is a cake walk. But the health benefits are trade off in the future.
  16. Like
    NancyLF got a reaction from Aimy76 in Surgery tomorrow 6/24?!?   
    You got this!!!
  17. Like
    NancyLF got a reaction from justmetj in Oh the places you'll go!   
    I’d like to go to Scotland & St Kitts. That’s where my mother’s family is from.
  18. Haha
    NancyLF got a reaction from justmetj in Oh the places you'll go!   
    I’ve been to the Dead Sea. Do NOT put your face in that water! Would you want to pour a cup of salt in your eyes? Well, there ya go!
  19. Like
    NancyLF reacted to alex76 in July 2019 - Surgery Schedule   
    2 day post-op has gone way better than I expected. I'm taking my fluids, walking, and passing gas normally. My pain is well managed and I've had zero regrets. My dr just dropped in to give me discharge info, and my nurse said I should expect to be free to go by lunch. I couldn't have asked for a better experience. Thank you for checking in with me.
  20. Congrats!
    NancyLF reacted to DianaP in July 2019   
    I had my surgery 7/1, so I guess I'm late responding- you guys are so on the ball! I've been pretty out of it. Still pretty weird to be on the other side of it.
    On Monday morning, I nursed my baby for the last time (not really baby, he just turned 2, so it was about time ) then dropped my sons off with friends. Was really nervous going to to the hospital. Once we started the check-in process, the nurse gave me a great cocktail of stuff that included an anti-anxiety pill; my husband got to join me a few minutes later and was like "wow, I can tell you're feeling better!!" . So that was really great.
    Surgery was at noon, and went well. The doctor found and repaired a pretty substantial hiatal hernia, so that's good to have that fixed. I guess I'm REALLY sensitive to anesthesia, because I was pretty out of it for the first 18 hours. Like, not staying awake for more than 10-15 minutes at a time. My husband sat with me for the first 6 hours, and though I was aware he was there, pretty much couldn't have a conversation because I would just say something and then go back to sleep. They made me get up to go pee in the evening, and the moving/sitting up was a very sharp internal pain, but other than that, wasn't feeling any gas pain or anything as long as I was lying still. Took my first walk in the hall at 4am (which was later than they would have liked, but I was just so out of it still), and then would walk every couple hours. They also weighed me then, and I was 3 lbs up, but they said that's totally expected because of all the fluids they pump in.
    I was surprised at how little I needed to sip to not feel it "slosh" in my stomach. People have talked about an ounce or whatever, but I felt like I had to take an ounce in like 3 sips! Jello was good right away too. They took me off the IV pain meds and started me on oral yesterday about 10, several hours before discharge. I miss the good stuff. 😢 Yesterday when I got home was AWFUL. That's when I started to have the gas pains. Or maybe I just wasn't aware of them earlier because of the higher dose pain meds and anesthesia wearing off. For me I don't feel them in my chest or shoulder, but it just feels like my entire abdomen wants to explode from the inside. The hydrocodone they prescribed is a pill, so I have to crush that and mix it with liquid, which is horrendous. My first 2 doses I actually couldn't keep down, which was terrifying to have my stomach spasm as I spat it back up. But today I just took one *tiny* sip, then waited 5 minutes, another sip, waited, then finished it, and I kept it down.
    I also was really concerned about getting enough hydration and Protein, because yesterday I only had MAYBE 8 grams of protein from protein Water and 10 ounces of Fluid (they did have me on an IV until I went home though). Today I've been having a Pure Protein Shake, which has 35 grams of protein in it, and I've already gotten half of it down, so I'm not as concerned about it.
    Anyway, sorry for the long post- I wanted to share my experience, and also saw some questions about pain and such immediately following surgery, so just thought I'd include it all. Good luck to everyone!

  21. Haha
    NancyLF reacted to Frustr8 in NSV's Spring 2019 Edition   
    Well I have an unexpected NSV today. I have had hung back a pretty robin egg blue outfit, Capri pants, a lacy feminine blousy top, a 44B mat Hong bra and panty set. Don't know why I think I have to be gift'-wrapped to go to the doctor's office but bear with me. I started by trying to put on the bra. OMG the "girls Underfill the cups and the band is LOOSE! What flippin" size am I anyway? There is one remaining store in my general area(well in Newark-23 miles South) who has a Bra- Fitter, guess I shall have drag my formerly fat, now flappy, floppy loose-skin self there, and humble myself to be measured. So needless to say, if that didn't fit , I went no further with THAT outfit.
    Maybe I will be like Aunt Myrtle, she used to fill her cups with tissues to look bigger. At least, if my nose runs I won't be without something to wipe with!👈👸👉
  22. Haha
    NancyLF reacted to S@ssen@ch in NSV's Spring 2019 Edition   
    I have what I would say are "small NSV's" almost daily. I mean, I notice small things and am amazed by them nearly every day. Like, I can see definition in my ankles whereas I have had "cankles" all my life. BUT, the most amazing NSV happened to me about a month ago...
    I work from home and my home office is near the bathroom. I went into the bathroom without turning on the light and as I was walking out, there was a STRANGER in the bathroom with me! For the fraction of a second that it took me to realize that the stranger was me in the mirror, sheer terror ran through me. Once I realized that it was me, I had a very good laugh and it made me feel good that I've made such a transformation that I didn't even recognize myself.
  23. Like
    NancyLF reacted to Lynnlovesthebeach in Non Scale Victories   
    I've had a lot of NSVs lately. I had hip replacement surgery on June 17 and I must admit being in the hospital and being treated like a "normal" weight person was nice, if you know what I mean. It only took one person to help me get out of bed, when the physical therapist came to help me walk I didn't worry that the belt they put around you so they can catch you if you fall would be too small.
    Yesterday I had my post op appointment with my orthopedic surgeon. I had to change into the paper shorts they have you wear for X-ray. The tech asked me, "What size do you want? We have S/M or L/XL." I asked her (already knowing the answer) "What size would you suggest?" She said,"Small." They were huge on me! When I went there 11/2 yrs ago for my first appointment at 235 lbs, they just handed me the L/XL and they were embarrassingly snug! At that appointment my doctor suggested I lose wt before he would do the surgery. He wanted me below 200 lbs. He said at that current wt the surgery would be difficult and my recovery would be hard. When I went back to him the next time I weighed 149lbs. He was impressed! The day of surgery I weighed 133! After surgery, he told me, "Your surgery was very easy to do since you are so small!" Recovery, as he predicted, is going great!
  24. Like
    NancyLF got a reaction from MikeIL in Realizing just how fat I was...and still am   
    You look awesome! Congratulations on your success!
  25. Like
    NancyLF got a reaction from kathaleen revell in New date for my VGS! 7/22/19   
    Hey, Sleeve Sister! My doctor isn’t as strict on the liquid diet 2 week pre-op as others. He said that I should avoid carbs- cut out the Pasta, bread, etc... you know, the “good” stuff. LOL! He allows soft foods, yogurt, scrambled eggs, etc. I’ll probably do what I did before my date was changes. Do the soft food thing for a week & switch to all liquid for the final week.

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