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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Haha
    marie88 reacted to frust8 in Hungry...   
    @ love4040 please allow me to channel your body a moment:
    "Hey love4040, it's me -your body. What do you think you're trying to pull? I thought we had a good thing going, I was in homeostasis, that's a fancy,word for balance, I was kinda happy there. Sure you were rather pudgy and all but I was getting q.s., that was medicalese for quantity sufficent Fluid, plenty of fluids and beaucoup calories and things were fine from my perspective. Then you haul me off to some hospital, take a nap and allow doctors to perform assault and battery on my sweet self. I'd call you a back-stabber except that is not where they stabbed me! Now in addition to allowing them to hurt me you are giving me a diet that would barely keep an earthworm alive! I suppose you want me to use your fat stores for enough energy? You do? Now I thought we were friends, we have hung around together for years and now you won't give me the calories I want, fine buddy you are! Okay okay I'll try burning your fat but it's not going to be a happy time for you. I plan to give you a Headache, mess up your bowel habits, maybe I'll give you loose stools maybe hard as bricks, haven't fully decided yet. I'll make you feel weak, I'll make you cranky, I may even send my good buddy appetite or his sister-in-law nausea to visit you. I'm not happy with this new you and I just want you to know this! Oh well maybe after a while I'll resign myself to all this, but right now? Meh I don't love you so much!" ,,,,,,......Your Body
    Sent from my VS880PP using BariatricPal mobile app
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    marie88 got a reaction from laureninmaryland in Cooking for family post-op   
    I had my friends and other family members cook meals and bring them by the house for the first week home. It helped a lot! I also didn’t sit at table with them for a week or two. Now past 3 weeks I’m totally fine cooking what they will eat and sitting with them enjoying my puréed egg salad 😁
    good luck with your approval!
  3. Like
    marie88 got a reaction from laureninmaryland in Cooking for family post-op   
    I had my friends and other family members cook meals and bring them by the house for the first week home. It helped a lot! I also didn’t sit at table with them for a week or two. Now past 3 weeks I’m totally fine cooking what they will eat and sitting with them enjoying my puréed egg salad 😁
    good luck with your approval!
  4. Like
    marie88 reacted to FluffyChix in Crap I Eat In a Day - Week 4 (Piccys! All bare! All nekkidy! All Day!)   
    Week 4 lunch - Soft Diet (Phase 3)
    Remember tuna casserole when you were a kid? We used to mix it with different veggies like spinach or broccoli or a box of blue box mac n' cheese to feed more peeps. But now days, Pasta is off the table--at least for me while I'm in double stealth losing mode! I opened a can of salmon yesterday, now I'm in a race against time to use it up or make dishes with it and freeze it before it goes bad. And when good salmon goes bad. Man. You don't wanna be there!
    Salmon Stove-Top Casserole -
    Serves 1: 1/2c by volume (figure weight based on recipe ingredients)
    1.5oz canned salmon, skinless (bones pulverized and mixed into salmon for the Calcium boost) (HoneyBoy Pink)
    1/4tsp minced onion
    1/4tsp granulated garlic (Tones)
    1/4tsp dried basil
    fresh ground pepper (optional)
    1oz baby spinach
    14g (1/2oz) frozen baby peas
    1/8c Water (to use for sauteing spinach and peas)
    30g (1oz=2tbsp) Classico Light Asiago Romano Alfredo
    1/2Tbsp grated parmesan (Frigo)
    Nutrition for entire lunch: 106 cals; 13g protein; 4g fat; 7g carbs; 2g fiber; 5g net carbs; 2g naturally occuring sugars (from veggies)
    ***I'll be back for afternoon snack! Stay tuned!

  5. Like
    marie88 reacted to James Marusek in Feeling deflated   
    Stalls are very common especially with sleeve surgery. That is why someone on this site a long time ago created the phrase "Embrace the stall". Many sleeve patients remain in the weight loss phase for up to 2 years, so you have many, many months to go. Just follow your program guidelines and shift your focus to NSV, non-scale victories, such as fitting into smaller clothes or the remission of serious medical conditions.
  6. Like
    marie88 reacted to wendybird in Home from the Hospital - Tips for You!   
    Hi Everyone! I know I came to these forums to help prepare me for the surgery, so this post is about helping you be as prepared as possible and know the nitty gritty.
    I was sleeved Wednesday 1/24 in Chicago. Your mileage may vary.
    The night before, I was NPO after 9PM and was the first surgery of the day, so I had to be at the hospital at 5:15 am. Have a backup ride ready because you might not know this until the day before, and my husband had to stay home with our kids. Pro Tip: You can reserve a cab or Lyft ride in advance, so I had a lyft scheduled at 4:30 AM.
    They do weigh you at the hospital when you arrive. Pre-Op was a breeze. I have a high BMI so I had a shot of a drug to prevent blood clots, if you don't like shots, ask for it in the thigh. I had mine in my right shoulder both days and it was fine, nothing more than a flu shot feeling.
    Post op your mouth will be DRY. DRY DRY DRY DRY DRY. Bring lip balm to keep your lips moist and you will, will, WILL get through it. If it's really bad, make sure you are not getting dehydrated. Late on the night of my surgery, my heart rate and blood pressure went way up, so they gave me a "BOLUS" for dehydration, which is a lot of IV fluids really fast, it did the trick and by morning I was fine.
    WALK! Get up as soon as you feel able to. I walked and walked, and peed and peed. They will measure your urine so don't flush it, there will be a measuring thing in the toilet, don't put paper in it because you want credit for every ML of urine you produce! And did I mention walk? It's so easy. I was shocked that I was the only person walking around the floor. It really helps with that gas pain.
    The morning after surgery I did a "water trial" where a member of the doc's team brought in two thimbles of Water. I had two hours to finish them and it took really about an hour. Go slowly. After that, I was not brought a tray of anything, just a FULL styrofoam cup of probably 20 oz of water and was told "this is what is between here and home." It took me about 3 hours to drink it, and then I was finally discharged around 3PM. Walking around in CVS on the way home is when the farting began. It hasn't stopped but I'll tell you I have zero gas pains!
    Get the liquid Tylenol. You will want it when you are home, even if just one incision hurts (I have five "stab wounds" and only one is really bothersome at all - and the liquid tylenol is enough.) Now I am home and am slowly sipping Premier Protien Clear (yum) and water (yum) all day. TIP: Don't buy the orange Protein water sold at Target, order the Premier Protein clear online. They are vastly different.
    TL:DR? You will fart a lot. That's good. You will burp a lot. That's fine. WALK A LOT. Stand up a lot. You'll do great.
    Ask me anything!

  7. Like
    marie88 reacted to firefighter3158 in My Journey   
    Hello my name is William and I had RNY Gastric Bypass on April 5, 2012. Starting weight: 382 lbs, Goal Weight: 230 lbs, Lowest Weight: 196 lbs and my Current Weight: 200 lbs. I went from a size 56 waist to a 34 waist. I also had a lot of medical issues like diabetes and high blood pressure, but since surgery all of them are gone and I’m on no medications. I’m the happiest I have ever been in my life and I’m positive that my weight loss surgery saved my life. 
  8. Like
    marie88 reacted to Seahawks Fan in Puréed 4 ounces at 1 week post-op!   
    I was given the ok today to advance early to puréed 4 ounce meals. Yay!! My rash is a normal reaction to glue and topical applied pre-surgery. They gave me something for the itch advanced my diet & told me I was ok to go swimming & use the hot tub. My 10 pound lifting restriction was also raised to 25 pounds. I’m so happy that I can now pick up my 12 pound baby girl! I feel very fortunate thus far in this journey. LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL
  9. Like
    marie88 reacted to LittleLizzieLilliput in Disappointed   
    You won't know for sure. What you need to do is let go of that worry and understand what all your body is going through right now. You had 80% of your stomach removed. Ok, think about it like this. Think about the hardest you've ever fell or been hit by something. Think of the deep bone level bruise you got. How long does it take to fully surface? A week? 10 days? Well, that's internal bleeding, coagulation, blood rising to the surface, your white blood cells flooding to the area, more blood to begin healing, the area is hot for weeks! The bruise will raise and take weeks to slowly heal and go away. Can be 6 weeks before the bruise disappears. And that's just from a blunt force trauma.

    Now imagine you have 80% of your stomach removed, you have hundreds of sutures/staples in there, you have 5-7 incisions points - each the equivalent to being stabbed by a knife. Now think about all the swelling and healing that requires? Think about all the processes in the body, the shock, the attempts to heal itself. Our bodies will retain Water, send blood and Fluid to the areas that need to heal, it will slow down the metabolism in order to promote healing and prevent weight loss as that is a primal process in our bodies.

    There is a lot of science behind why people don't lose or gain in the first few weeks post surgery and most of it is related to how the body behaves as it's healing.

    Don't waste another thought or worry on this!!!!!!!! Just focus on meeting your goals, I PROMISE you, you will begin dropping weight like crazy if you follow your post surgical stages and protocols. You are doing great, it's so hard and scary, I had a ton of these types of questions and only learned these answers from asking. I am so proud of all of us, TBH, we are SUCH badasses for doing this. You are gonna do great and you are totally OK.
  10. Like
    marie88 reacted to sleevedshereen in Progress pic! 6 months post op   
    Hi guys! 6 months post op. Highest weight was 228 a week before surgery, current weight is 175. Before surgery I felt hopeless, I thought, "There is no way I can lose 80+ lbs." I was so unhappy in the body I was living. Couldn't look at myself in the mirror, ashamed of how I let myself go, disgusted by my food addiction. I hated myself. I was at rock bottom and completely depressed at my highest weight. I'm about 52-53 lbs down and think to myself "only 25-30 more lbs to go" that is so much more achievable than 80+lbs was. I feel, hopeful that I can lose the 25+ lbs by July "my surgiversary". I'm just getting happier and happier every day and gaining my confidence back. Here's a progress pic from right before surgery to me currently.

  11. Like
    marie88 reacted to NewBeginnings2018 in 2 weeks pre-surgery....very nervous reading some of the posts   
    My post-surgery experience was not bad at all. I felt just ok for the first few days but by day 5 I felt great and by day 7 I couldn't even tell something had happened! I have had no issues getting in fluids, no pains with eating, so overall it's been a very positive experience. I was very nervous too and was happy to get to the other side!
  12. Like
    marie88 reacted to Creekimp13 in 2 weeks pre-surgery....very nervous reading some of the posts   
    I had an incredibly positive post op experience:) Super easy. I felt terrific then, and still do today. Very happy with my sleeve:)
    Yes, people with reflux can experience worse symptoms after sleeve....but it's not a sure thing. Remember that reflux is worsened by carrying extra weight. As you lose, it might actually improve.
    Also...get this.... I had some reflux before surgery. During surgery, my doctor fixed a hiatal hernia that I didn't know I had...part of my stomach had been protruding into my chest! After he fixed it, my reflux improved remarkably and is almost non-existent now.
    When worrying about all the things that can go wrong with surgery....challenge yourself to think, instead, about all the health dangers associated with obesity...and how you will overcome and prevent them:)
  13. Like
    marie88 reacted to Seahawks Fan in Everything is good!   
    My surgery was on January 18th. With the exception of the full liquid diet & soon to be puréed I feel as though everything is normal. I can chug Water already & so far no food has disagreed with me. I’m starting to wonder if they even sleeved me at all. Feeling great & hoping things only improve!
  14. Like
    marie88 reacted to SleevedSoulSistah in Any February Sleevers?   
    I’m the day after you

    The Road 2 A Better Me
  15. Like
    marie88 got a reaction from fat to fit in Any February Sleevers?   
    Hi, My surgery is set for Feb 27th if all goes well!
  16. Like
    marie88 got a reaction from fat to fit in Any February Sleevers?   
    Hi, My surgery is set for Feb 27th if all goes well!
  17. Like
    marie88 reacted to Zombiefreakreyes in Any February Sleevers?   
    This is a great place to exchange info. I'm new also. I got the news a few days ago and my surgery date is FEB 2. Nerves overload. How to prepare? Where to start? I have five kids so I have planning to do for them as well. Sitters, school stuff, and it is just overwhelming. But I have broken out my legal pads and calendars and I am making lists and getting things done. We can do this!!! Beast Mode!
  18. Like
    marie88 reacted to Seahawks Fan in 1 day post-op & feeling good!   
    I had surgery yesterday and everything went well. I’ve had one little trouble spot below the center of my rib cage. I started drinking Water today. It’s going pretty good if I don’t have any setbacks then this is pretty much a breeze. I have yet to feel the fullness of my pouch but I’m sipping water & taking it slow. I’ve been taking my pain meds pretty regularly due to that one trouble spot other than that things are going great! Almost time to go for another walk.
  19. Like
    marie88 reacted to VSG_Meow_Bitch in I LOVE MY SLEEVE!! [emoji175]   
    Just super happy with my sleeve. I love not feeling hungry all the time and love how i can feel full from eating small portions. I feel so classy when eating now cuz i just take small bites instead of shoveling food into my mouth.
    Sleeved on 12/11/17
  20. Like
    marie88 got a reaction from lyfechanging in Had my Surgery Today in the Morning...   
    Glad to hear you're doing well! I'm in NJ too getting mine next month at St Clares in Dover.

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