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  1. Like
    kmalcom28 got a reaction from CocoNina in My new favorite yogurt   
    I really wish I liked yogurt.
  2. Like
    kmalcom28 got a reaction from Raymia in Off to Mexico   
    On my way to Mexico for surgery tomorrow. I've known this is what is right for me and what I want to do since I made the decision. I've been confident and excited about my decision to have surgery. NOW I'm actually getting nervous!
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    kmalcom28 got a reaction from Newme17 in Well meaning, but misguided spouse.   
    I've struggled with my weight my entire adult life. My husband has always wanted me to lose the weight but always seemed to sabotage in some way. Now he's gained weight and has finally jumped on board with me. Problem is we are learning that he has absolutely no idea what healthy eating is so he's being a good sport and is learning.
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    kmalcom28 got a reaction from n.ancion in Pre-op diet starts tomorrow   
    I'm on day 11 of pre op and I have slipped twice. Once I had 3 chicken strips. And today with my husbands influence I caved and had some Mexican food. I am not blaming him but he is an obstacle for me. I still take responsibility. I just need to learn to handle the obstacles in my life (without getting rid of them altogether)
    I am down 15lbs so that's great!
  5. Like
    kmalcom28 got a reaction from n.ancion in Pre-op diet starts tomorrow   
    I'm on day 11 of pre op and I have slipped twice. Once I had 3 chicken strips. And today with my husbands influence I caved and had some Mexican food. I am not blaming him but he is an obstacle for me. I still take responsibility. I just need to learn to handle the obstacles in my life (without getting rid of them altogether)
    I am down 15lbs so that's great!
  6. Like
    kmalcom28 reacted to clc9 in very disappointed   
    You don't have anything to be embarrassed about. Things happen. I get it's a huge letdown, but quitting seems counterintuitive to why you were going through all this in the first place. You're entitled to feel discouraged, but you're going to need to brush yourself off and keep moving forward. You can lose that 50 pounds! Try to think of it as a delay rather than an end.
    Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App
  7. Like
    kmalcom28 got a reaction from sonkat5355 in First 3 months after gastric sleeve   
    @candygrl thank you for the detailed post. My starting weight will be a little bit less than yours only because I am losing pre op but starting weight was 260. I feel like I know a little more about what to expect.
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    kmalcom28 got a reaction from Raymia in Shoe size   
    Has anyone that has lost a significant amount of weight noticed if your shoe size gets smaller?
    Since I've gained weight my shoe size has gotten larger. Before I buy any shoes I don't want to waste money if I'm going to need a smaller size in a few months.
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    kmalcom28 reacted to tsawyer91 in First 3 months after gastric sleeve   
    Hello! I am almost exactly 3 months post op! (10/8) and I have lost 51lbs. Hope this helps and good luck to you!! =)
  10. Like
    kmalcom28 got a reaction from Madmanpbsgc in Fat Be Gone Are you getting your steps in   
    I need to charge my Fitbit. Then maybe we can do challenges to inspire each other.
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    kmalcom28 reacted to Brady12 in NEED SUPPORT :(   
    I love watching food shows now! Since I don't or can't really eat that way, it truly satisfies!!! Gawd, we are sick fuckers but at least we are thin and no longer eat any and everything we see!!! What an empowering moment right?? This is our life!!!! Yaaaaay!!!!
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    kmalcom28 reacted to biginjapan in Fat Be Gone Are you getting your steps in   
    I'm a big fitbit fan too - I usually can hit 10,000 steps daily, just from work, but it's the days off that I have to push myself to get out of the house and walk as much as I can. I hope the fact that I'm walking so much now will help me out when I am post-op.
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    kmalcom28 reacted to Madmanpbsgc in Fat Be Gone Are you getting your steps in   
    I tried to post this before but I guess the Bariatric Gods did like it
    IM 64 days out and i am loving it. I know the first time my Doctor told me I have to walk 10000 steps a day I want to cuss him out a hundred fold. In my mind i was thinking what the f**k are you talking about im not about to run a Marathon what is this foolishness you speak of. It was another one of those moments when I was about to throw in the towel. But i got over it told myself I dont have to do 10000 a day I can do 2000 maybe 3500 but then i had my surgery and I started to lose and lose and lose and this energy made me get up and walk I noticed that when i walk I can poop easier and the weight comes off even faster and now i find myself determined to to hit 10000 everyday I must say that the Fitbit has been a great tool for me but i think it you have a step counter it will inspire you. I found good step counters on Wish.com for cheap.
    if your a Fitbit owner and want to have some motivation add me to you fitbit friends list Madmanpbsgc@gmail.com
  14. Like
    kmalcom28 got a reaction from FamilyGuyNJ in Can I lie - hernia op?   
    I'm so excited to finally have hope of losing real weight that I don't care who knows. I share with anyone. I really don't care what they think about it. And you never know who you may be helping by sharing your story.
  15. Like
    kmalcom28 got a reaction from bariatricmomof2 in Trying Hard Here!   
    Love yourself enough to not care what they think. Block those that are gossiping to your parents. You don't have to block them from Facebook but there is a way to block them from seeing those posts. Surround yourself with people that love AND support you. If someone is acting contradictory to that then stay away.
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    kmalcom28 got a reaction from curlyinthecity in Scared & Anxious the Day Before Sleeve   
    I love "going under" it seems that is the best sleep I've ever had.
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    kmalcom28 got a reaction from GregMedic51 in Clear liquid diet   
    My surgery date is also January 25th. I use PB2 in my chocolate Protein Shake. I'm surprised you can have fruit juices. I was told no fruits. I have 3-4 Protein Shakes, broth, sf Jello and lots of Water.
  18. Like
    kmalcom28 reacted to rydersmama in 1 year post op   
    It's been one year today since I had my sleeve done. My life has changed in every aspect.
    My start weight was 333.1lbs
    My weight this morning was 137.8lbs
    That's a total loss of 195.3lbs!!
    I've also lost a total of 95 inches...I'm a size 6 now...used to be a size 30.
    I have accomplished this by being very focused and strict with my eating and exercise.
    I eat very low carb, and always get in my Protein, Vitamins and Water every day.
    For all of you just starting out, just know that anything is possible, and if you put your mind to it, you can achieve anything!! 
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  19. Like
    kmalcom28 got a reaction from crazywomanincage in Tijuana in January?   
    My surgery is scheduled on the 25th at OCC with Dr Ortiz. I can't wait!
  20. Like
    kmalcom28 got a reaction from bill1130 in Pre-op diet starts tomorrow   
    I've just finished day 6 of the liquid diet. I've lost 15lbs since the 1st of the year. I knew I would have to do the liquid for 2 weeks so I started preparing myself the 1st so I cut out sugar and tea (I'm from the south so sweet tea is a staple). I think that has helped me with the liquid diet. I've taken my shakes out for pizza with my family and didn't even cheat with 1 bite. I've been fine so far and I truly hope I can stay this strong for the remainder of my 2 weeks.
    I will say I had green tea (hot) tonight and was surprised at how full and satisfied it made me feel. I've had clear Soup from Japanese restaurants which I love! And I've made homemade bone broth. First time I tried it I love it but 2nd time was gross. I'm going to keep trying because it's got to be better for you than canned broth.
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    kmalcom28 got a reaction from thenewdanni78 in 3rd day of pre op diet!   
    3rd day finished and not one cheat at all. I'm ok with no real hard struggles so far. Hoping I can stay this strong for the remainder of the 2 weeks.
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    kmalcom28 got a reaction from thenewdanni78 in 3rd day of pre op diet!   
    3rd day finished and not one cheat at all. I'm ok with no real hard struggles so far. Hoping I can stay this strong for the remainder of the 2 weeks.
  23. Like
    kmalcom28 got a reaction from AMVV12 in He is gone!   
    That sucks. I'm leaving on the 24th for Mexico and would love to hear your experience.
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    kmalcom28 reacted to Farcaster in How long before people noticed?   
    That has been my experience as well. A number of people at work noticed, but didn't feel comfortable saying anything. Eventually, someone who was a little less socially-sensitive brought it up at a group lunch and other people commented that they had noticed for a while. So, yeah, if you've lost 50 pounds, people have probably noticed, but just don't feel comfortable saying anything.
    What is more important than looks though is is how you feel. At 50 pounds lost, I could already tell that my knees and back didn't hurt like they used to; I could bend over and tie my shoes without straining; and I could run up a couple flights of stairs without feeling like I was going to die.
  25. Like
    kmalcom28 reacted to highfunctioningfatman in Sex   
    Played around 2 days after, took it slow and easy at day 5, going at it like rabbits on crack on day 9.

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