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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    ALLABTME_KISHA reacted to JPacella in 7 Months Post-Op: Everything going great   
    I had a VSG at Northwestern Hospital (Chicago) on March 3 2015. I've lost over 110 pounds in those 7 months and to keep my progress up I'm able to do vigorous Step Reebock workouts for an hour every day. (My favorite workout from the 1990s) I'm off the pre-diabetes and cholesterol medicine and the only remaining pill I have to take is a fraction of the blood pressure medicine I used to take.
    Probably after New Years I could start looking into having the hanging skin slopped off.
    Having the surgery was one of the best things I ever did.
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    ALLABTME_KISHA reacted to The Candidate in When People Notice Your Weight Loss   
    I enjoy it. In fact, I love them. It's substantive confirmation of how hard I'm working to get the best results out of my surgery.
    My last successful weight loss attempt on my own before surgery was over 10 years ago, when I was able to get down to 130 pounds. I was even able to hold on to that weight for close to two years. I loved the compliments and attention. I love how I felt. It was an amazing time.
    But then inevitably, the weight slowly started packing on again, plus more. The compliments suddenly went away, and there was just silence. A terrible awful silence. I had worked so hard to get to that place, but I just couldn't hold onto it. It really did me in, emotionally, physically. After that I just couldn't summon the strength to do it again, and so I went on to become my highest weight ever at 248.
    Now, after weight loss surgery, I'm only 45 pounds away from that 130 I was before. The compliments I've been receiving already are so wonderful, because it's finally displaced that terrible, awful silence. And I can't wait to be reacquainted with the 130 pound woman I was before, because I've really missed her.
    Those compliments are concrete proof of how far you've come. So it doesn't matter how far you still have to go. Enjoy where you are now, give yourself a little pat on the back, and bask in the knowledge that it's only going to get better!
  3. Like
    ALLABTME_KISHA got a reaction from Jovie62 in Scale GONE!   
    Im starting to agree... The not knowing is killing me more than the over weighing myself. So off to Walmart I go tomorrow. I intially that this would help, but after 3 days of not knowing Im going crazy!!
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    ALLABTME_KISHA reacted to Seahawkgirl in Scale GONE!   
    Oh, the scale. My friend, my enemy, my friend, my enemy. I think it's brave to give it up. I'm not sleeved until Monday, but I already know I am going to be a scale junkie.
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    ALLABTME_KISHA reacted to bellabloom in Scale GONE!   
    You could set a clothing size goal instead and focus on that.
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    ALLABTME_KISHA reacted to FancyCakes in Dinner dates...   
    I just started seeing someone for the first time in four years. My best friend introduced us and luckily she told him everything. He is so great and very understanding. Zero judgement, plus if someone judges us for this they are obviously not someone we should be seeing.
  7. Like
    ALLABTME_KISHA got a reaction from thisfathasgot2go in 200 lbs sleevers   
    My heaviest weight was 223 and day of surgery I was 203 and today Im 159lbs.... I was sleeved on 6/22/15 from HW to now Ive lost 64lbs
  8. Like
    ALLABTME_KISHA reacted to Inner Surfer Girl in Scale GONE!   
    Good for you!
    I think you will find much more peace from not weighing every day.
    As to when to weigh. Early out, you have so many doctors appointments, you will get weighed.
    Later, you can come up with a strategy that works for you.
    Do you go to a gym? Do you have a personal trainer? You could weigh at a gym once a week (or even less often). If not, you could even drop in at your doctor's office to weigh. I know I have done that in the past and was never charged a co-pay or anything.
    Congratulations on taking control of your scale.
  9. Like
    ALLABTME_KISHA reacted to joatsaint in Scale GONE!   
    When it comes to how often to weigh yourself, it is very controversial.
    Some say once a week
    Others say once a month
    More say only weigh when you go in to the doctor for your follow-ups.
    I made a deal with myself. I can weigh as often as I want, but only the morning weigh in counts.
    The rest are just for my own amusement.
    After 3 years, I'm still with that system.
    I need the daily feedback to know I'm on track.
    There's no right or wrong system, the best choice is the one that works for you.
    Get my free eBook - The Top 10 WLS Fears and How to Kick Their Butt!
  10. Like
    ALLABTME_KISHA reacted to The Candidate in Scale GONE!   
    I've thought about it, and I certainly admire your strength to do so. But I decided early on to weigh everyday and chart my progress. That's how I can see that there is some pattern to it, and therefore I don't freak out every time it goes up a pound. It always compensates in a downward trend.
    Of course I'm only a little over two months out. As the year progresses it might start wearing on my nerves and I may well need to chuck it. ????
    Thanks for sharing!
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    ALLABTME_KISHA got a reaction from The Candidate in Scale GONE!   
    Yesterday morning after my normal routine of weighing myself 3-4 times, I finally told myself Kisha this is crazy! So I finally got the nerve to throw away my scale. I had to throw it away and not just move it from the bathroom, otherwise I wouldve been just weighing myself where ever I moved it to. My 10yr old was like 'ma why you throwing the scale away? Is it broke?' and all I could tell him was it was breaking me.... He says 'whatever!' and takes it to the dump. The scale is gone!! But now this morning Im like how the hell am I suppose to weigh myself now and keep track of my progress??? Did I do the right thing throwing away the scale?? It was becoming an obsession and it really wasnt helping my mental.
    BW: 223lbs
    SW: 203lbs
    CW: 156lbs (as of yesterday morning)
    Now Im questioning whether throwing it away was a good idea... Im only 18 weeks post and not really close to goal. Should I go get another scale this afternoon????
  12. Like
    ALLABTME_KISHA reacted to Linaka in How to weigh yourself   
    1. Must be first thing in the morning.
    2. Must pee prior to weighing (poo-ing is jackpot bonus).
    3. Remove all clothes, ponytails, jewelry.Cut fingernails if necessary.
    4. Five jumping jacks here can't hurt.
    5. Tip-toe lightly onto scale as this prevents a potentially upsetting overshooting of your actual weight.
    6. Holding your finger against the wall, purely for balance is acceptable.
    7. Exhale all air as you step onto scale as air might weigh something.
    8. If things don't seem right, weigh yourself three more times to make sure your scale is working. Unless you are down then don't touch that scale again!
  13. Like
    ALLABTME_KISHA reacted to fabnsab in How to weigh yourself   
    I even take off my glasses!
  14. Like
    ALLABTME_KISHA reacted to Babbs in Some times I feel like a failure   
    Okay, a little tough love here.
    You started at 230, and now are down to 168. That's over 60 pounds! That's a lot! You need to focus on the fact that the surgery has enabled you to lose over 60 pounds, and now you need to keep it going.
    I have a feeling looking at your past posts that you are relying on the surgery alone to lose weight. I'm afraid it will and can only take you so far (hence the 60% of excess weight loss statistic the surgeons tell us to expect). You have to work REALLY HARD after that initial honeymoon period to get to goal. What does that mean? It means no grazing, unhealthy snacking like Cookies, crackers etc, ONLY getting your carbs from fruits and veggies, tracking and measuring portions, 64oz of Water, Protein first, then veggies if you have room, and move more!
    It sucks, but it has to be done to get where you want to be. This is now my life, and if I want to continue to feel amazing and wear a size 6, this is what I have to do. Now, the choice is yours....do you want to get to your weight loss goal or not? It's all about how bad you want it. Get back to basics, and make it work for you!
  15. Like
    ALLABTME_KISHA got a reaction from thisfathasgot2go in 3 month check up   
    Ur story spunds very familiar... I went on my 3month check up last week. Starting weight 223lbs and now Im 156lbs... Sometimes I feel like maybe I should be losing faster and other times Im like okay your pacing along... My goal is 135lbs although thats still an over weight bmi for my height. Im 5" tall. But who knows maybe that'll changed the closer I get...
    Sounds... Cellphone typing lol
  16. Like
    ALLABTME_KISHA got a reaction from thisfathasgot2go in 200 lbs sleevers   
    My heaviest weight was 223 and day of surgery I was 203 and today Im 159lbs.... I was sleeved on 6/22/15 from HW to now Ive lost 64lbs
  17. Like
    ALLABTME_KISHA reacted to bellabloom in Knowing my worth.   
    For all you single ladies out there, or ones in relationships that could be better... And even the married ones. This topic applies to all of us women who may have lost touch or never understood how to value ourselves.
    I've been doing a lot of thinking about self worth, what to look for in a potential partner, and how to make sure I respect myself and demand respect from others.
    When is was younger, I settled for men who were not good enough to be with. I did have standards for myself and I knew what I wanted in a man, but I never went for that. After a series of boyfriends who didn't respect me I settled for the first man to get serious about me. And that led to years of an unhappy and abusive relationship.
    Being overweight young, or simply struggling with insecurity, sets us up for bad relationship choices. As I gained weight my standards for myself and what I would put up with only got worse.
    There is a fear that one is not worthy of love from a high value person. Only the broken men made me feel comfortable because I was so insecure.
    I'm setting out to change this. I recently got into a relationship with a person far below my worth and dropped my standards for myself almost immediately for him. After surviving my 8 years of hell with my kids dad and losing all this weight, here I was again in the same situation!!
    This needs to end.
    I am creating a list of "standards" for myself based on how I want to be treated, what i will and won't do in a dating situation, the values I must have in another person and the reasons I deserve these things.
    I'm building a framework for my own worth and self confidence to keep myself reminded that in my search for a partner, there is a destination in mind.
    After losing so much weight I feel like a different person. I won't repeat the patterns of insecurity that ultimately led to my unhappiness and weight gain.
    I want to set the bar high and this time, no settling for less than Im worth in love and life. I know it's up to me to set the standards by which I'm treated!
  18. Like
    ALLABTME_KISHA reacted to Michelle. in 200 lbs sleevers   
    My hw was 224.9 m- day of surgery I was 201.9 I weighed myself today I weigh 183.4. My goal weight is 140-150
  19. Like
    ALLABTME_KISHA got a reaction from thisfathasgot2go in 200 lbs sleevers   
    My heaviest weight was 223 and day of surgery I was 203 and today Im 159lbs.... I was sleeved on 6/22/15 from HW to now Ive lost 64lbs
  20. Like
    ALLABTME_KISHA got a reaction from WorkinOnMe in Yessss! The scale us moving again   
    I had been in a stall for 3 weeks and it has really been messing with my mental. But yes! The scale is finally moving again. I had been stuck at 162lbs for about 3 weeks or so and it was very fustrating. Today I weighed in at 159lbs!! Im so excited!! It feels good to see the scale moving again.
    Here's some stats:
    Hw: 223lbs
    Sw: 203lbs
    Cw: 159lbs
    Gw: 135lbs
    Total lost so far: 64lbs
    Surgery date: 06/22/15
    Pix show from now to the beginning(probably shouldve did it the other way around, but whatever)!!

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    ALLABTME_KISHA reacted to msramonda in Yessss! The scale us moving again   
    Looking Good Girlie
  22. Like
    ALLABTME_KISHA reacted to chunkymonkey86122 in Houston medical center   
    Hi guys,
    I'm about 18 months out and would love to have a fitness buddy who also had the sleeve to help keep me on track. I work out casually near the medical center but am looking for the motivation to do more. Anyone want to take some classes with me?
  23. Like
    ALLABTME_KISHA reacted to casper_808 in SF Bay Area Support Group   
    I live in San Leandro, I would be interested.
  24. Like
    ALLABTME_KISHA reacted to jhclikesshopping@gmail.com in SF Bay Area Support Group   
    Hi Folks,
    I have one friend in the SF Bay area and we were thinking of starting a support Group. Anyone interested in joining us? Please reach out to me.
    Some Ideas that I have:
    - Walking / hiking group
    - Support meetings
    - Phone chains
  25. Like
    ALLABTME_KISHA reacted to 1Sleevecomingup in 1year today   
    S.w 248 cw 165

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