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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    Dar61 reacted to Daisee68 in getting frustrated with water intake   
    ​Ok, don't beat yourself up. It takes time to get there and figure it all out. Your stomach is still swollen, so it takes a while to be able to drink. Regardless of what the dr told you, most dr and NUT's don't expect you to hit all your Protein and Fluid goals in the first couple of weeks. You definitely don't want to dehydrate, so make that your number one goal. Having said that, my NUT counts my Protein drinks as "fluid", so I count that towards my goal. I am 3 months out and don't always get there (but don't use me as an example!) My best suggestion is to sit down tonight after dinner and after the kids are in bed and use a 1 oz. medicine cup and set a timer for every 5 minutes an sip 1/3 to 1/2 of the cup every time your timer goes off. At the end of an hour, you will have 4 oz in. (You may be able to do more than that by now. if you can, do so, but likely no more than 8 oz an hour). If you can do that a couple of times a day, it will help. Be patient with yourself. It will come in time and this 1st week memories will be far behind you.
    Now that I said that, I am going to take my own advice and get some Water....
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    Dar61 reacted to atontor in Is 8oz too much?   
    You stomach can handle more but it's definitely not recommended. You need to stay at 4oz since your stomach is healing and you wouldn't want to have any issues or having it begin to stretch . This surgery is definitely a life changing experience and we need to follow certain things in order for it to succeed and for us to accomplish our goals. It took me a while to prepare mentally that even though I could drink or eat more that it's best that I don't.
    I had surgery on 5/29/15 weighting 306 lbs and as of this past Friday I'm down to 210 lbs.
    Current pic is
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    Dar61 reacted to butterfly23 in Surgery Tomorrow   
    Good luck tomorrow! I am 5 months out and cannot believe how quickly the times has gone. May your surgery go smoothly and hope you have a quick recovery. It was eaiser than I expected, hope that is true for you too.
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    Dar61 reacted to WeightIsntFate in Surgery Tomorrow   
    So tomorrow at noon I am getting sleeved, part of me is so excited and wishes I could go under right now then the other part of me is wishing I would have went out and eaten In-N-Out & Sushi & Pasta & all my favorite foods before starting my no foods diet. How is everyone doing with pre op and knowing your going into surgery? I'm not nervous about pain but more about never getting to enjoy the horrible fattening foods I loved. I know the results i'll get are better than the food I could consume without it but 3 day of no food is really getting to my head.
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    Dar61 reacted to stacyg1 in Giving up my daily habit (weighing myself)   
    @@mismatched - not snarky at all. I know it was from my hard work but the scale was one tool I use(d) to keep me accountable! Thanks for the support!!
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    Dar61 reacted to KarenLoh in Giving up my daily habit (weighing myself)   
    I'm having the same stall - a long one and I'm at week 5. I still weigh daily though and just take it for what it is and move on. Like someone else said, I can't do more than I'm doing... well, I could get more exercise but food-wise I'm on target. I can't imagine not having that information. I think it does help motivate me not to break the rules or go off track.
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    Dar61 reacted to stacyg1 in Giving up my daily habit (weighing myself)   
    I had surgery 16 months ago and weighed in daily. I'm having a few issues and was ordered by my surgeon to stay off the scale for the next 8 weeks. His words "numbers mean nothing to you now". It's been 6 days and I'm having a really hard time. Weighing in was how I kept control and insured I was on track. I lost 130 lbs weighing in daily, so it's hard to give up that control. But, I'm doing it. It helps that my family hid the scale from me so it's kind of out if sight, out of mind!
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    Dar61 reacted to AngelaWilliamsMD in Giving up my daily habit (weighing myself)   
    I admire you for your courage, but I for one, hate to see surprises. To me, the scale provides accountability and motivation, even if the number is not what I want to see.
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    Dar61 reacted to Bean80128 in Giving up my daily habit (weighing myself)   
    I think I will join you in putting the scale away for awhile-I am in the midst of a 3 week stall (it started at week 5). I am getting about 800 calories per day, usually hit my Protein and Water goal and am working out (lightly)...Jeez body what more do you want!
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    Dar61 reacted to slvarltx in Giving up my daily habit (weighing myself)   
    I gave up the daily weigh in. The worst stalls were at 3 weeks (almost 3 weeks) and then again at week 9 (2 weeks). During the first stall I just stopped the daily weigh in and went to a once a week. I put the scale on a shelf and only get it down to do a weekly weigh in. Much better! For me the weight has been released much easier the further away from Surgery I get. I eat between 1200-1500 calories a day and am averaging 2 lbs per week, though the last couple of weeks have been 3-4 lbs, which I attribute to my higher caloric intake and my body just going with the flow. 25 lbs to goal weight, I can only imagine the weight loss is going to slow down.
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    Dar61 reacted to brandnewme2015 in Weight loss at 6 months?   
    I have lost 50 lbs. in 5 months and am almost at goal. I average about 2.3 lbs./ week- some weeks I lost more and some weeks I lost only 1 lb. I never stalled- but I think most do at least once. I agree with the others- it really is individual. There is not a one- size- fits all magic number. Important thing is don't let the numbers dictate your success. Success is being healthy and fit.
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    Dar61 reacted to liannatx in Weight loss at 6 months?   
    I am losing slowly but pretty steadily, and always have lost slowly in the past. I expect I will be down 50 lbs at 6 months... but that is halfway to goal for me, and I am Very happy with the results so far. I have no doubt I will reach my goal, it is just going at a slower pace for me.
    I understand that you are just looking for a rough goal to shoot for, but is impossible to compare different peoples results. For reference I am 5' 4" also, 48, menopausal, PCOS, and (HAD) Insulin Resistance, I am also a band to sleeve revision... I don't expect anyone else to have the same metabolism I do, although I know there are many that do. Some lucky people are able to drop 15-20 lbs a month and reach goal by 6 months. I think the majority fall somewhere in between.
    Good Luck! It has been a great, and I would do it again in a heartbeat.
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    Dar61 reacted to maggie409 in Weight loss at 6 months?   
    I am 51, post-menopause with a starting BMI of 51. I have lost 39 pounds in 10 weeks. I have no idea what I expect to lose and as long as I lose I really don't care. I will admit that when I only lose 1 or 2 pounds a week it can be discouraging but I'm just so happy for my loss so far. One up side is that I have not had a stall. I have lose 1 to 2 pounds a weeks consistently.
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    Dar61 reacted to livvsmum in 22 Months Post Op - 155 Pounds Lost - Before & After Pics :-)   
    So after 22 months, losing 155 pounds, reaching my "dream goal" weight of 125 pounds and healing from my Tummy Tuck and panniculectomy, I took some before/after pics that I feel really embody the new me. It's been such an amazing journey, and I can honestly say that the change has been from the inside out, thanks to some hard emotional work with my therapist, dealing with the "eating issues" that really were not about food at all.
    This journey has been absolutely amazing, and while the recovery from the TT was WAY harder than I expected, I wouldn't change any of it for the world. I Think my journey is complete now for the most part. I am waiting on insurance approval for an arm lift, and I was told I would hear by the end of June, so that is the only other thing that could possible make me feel any better physically.
    And now that my TT is mostly healed (though i'll be sore for several more months) I'm back to running now, which emotionally makes me feel so much more grounded. It is my meditation.
    Anyway....I just thought I would post this here for anyone coming on the "success stories" board to see if the surgery is right for them or could help them. I can tell you that for me, it has provided me the opportunity to make some changes I wasn't able to make before and I'm way happy with the results!
    So here are my almost 2-year post op (post TT) before and after pics.

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    Dar61 reacted to dsheive in First time back.   
    I went to the gym tonight, with a physical therapist. Covered by insurance and I have reached my high deductible so yeah Ill go till January. Any how it was awesome to get back, it's been 8 weeks and I didn't realize how good it felt. And having a "trainer " is a bonus. So check with your surgeon and see if they have an after care exercise program through physical therapy. It's called M. O. V. E here in Rochester NY. Now my problem is finding time for one more thing.! ????
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    Dar61 reacted to JCP in Sleeve NSV >>> Walking Improvement   
    Walking is so much easier! Trips to the store, etc, are really a joy. It always makes me smile to think how it feels now versus how it felt a year ago.
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    Dar61 reacted to padremama in Sleeve NSV >>> Walking Improvement   
    Congrats. I have improved too with the help of neighbors and friends.
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    Dar61 reacted to RaginCajun in Sleeve NSV >>> Walking Improvement   
    Happened to click on the 'YEAR' view on the Health app dashboard on my iPhone. Was amazed to see improvement in walking steps taken over time since my GSV on 4-16-2015. You can clearly see the vast improvement and trend in my ability to walk.
    What is really awesome is that I have two bad knees, scheduled for replacement before end of year. So, its a miracle that I have improved my walking and steps taken each day this much.
    A huge NSV indeed

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    Dar61 reacted to Daveo in This NSV caught me by surprise   
    @@borg/assimilated love the username! That's a great NSV, I was sitting in the chair the other day and pulled my leg up to my lap like I used to do years ago. I didn't even notice for minutes until it hit me. I hadn't been able to do that for the longest time.
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    Dar61 reacted to borg/assimilated in This NSV caught me by surprise   
    This week I walked my dog down to the small public beach along the beautiful St. Croix river. Kids are back in school so it was a very peaceful morning down there. I sat down on a half buried log to enjoy the view. I was watching some fishing boats go by when I realized that I was hugging my knees to my chest. What? I was astounded that I just naturally did that without thinking about it and that it was comfortable. Six months ago I couldn't/wouldn't have done that. Hurrah for that NSV! I was tickled pink as they say.
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    Dar61 reacted to mariavg in Progress   
    Congrats ! We look amazing my god how tall are you? Lol . You are I have the same surgery date -it was the best day of my life- HW- 278 SW 265 CW 202- as of today! 76 pounds in total gone and it feels amazing! We should all take a bow for our hard work
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    Dar61 reacted to NewNewMe in Wondering how April 2015 sleevers are doing ?   
    I am feeling great! Down 62lbs. What I can eat seems to very. Anywhere from 1/3 to 1/2 cup. Depending on what it is. For things like steak just a few bites. So glad I did this. It feels so good to not be driven by food. If anything it is more of a chore to eat now.
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    Dar61 got a reaction from momfromjersey22 in Wondering how April 2015 sleevers are doing ?   
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    Dar61 reacted to samuelsmom in Post-Op Bariatric Patients Share Their Tips for Weigh-Loss Success   
    Good tips. I would add:
    1) Remember that this is a Marathon not a Sprint. Keep working and the results will come with time.
    2) Eat healthy foods you enjoy. Eating foods you don't like is a set-up for failure. I personally hope to never see cottage cheese again!
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    Dar61 reacted to Shustar in Buying the wrong size?   
    I have a wonderful consignment shop in my area where I have built wonderful relationships with the salespeople. They are the first ones to tell me whether something is a good size and more importantly, whether it really looks good on me! They have become my wardrobe coaches. As I shrink out of clothes, I return them to get credit on future purchases.

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