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    belaby18 reacted to shriner37 in Anyone just been sleeved in the last week? (18th Sept today)   
    I'm with you. I was also sleeved on the 15th. I read and studied enough that I knew what to expect, but it never really registered to me before surgery just how little you can really take in the first few days.
    My surgeon's plan has me just today starting on some yogurt, skim milk, oatmeal or applesauce. As little Water as I've been able to get in I am waiting to see how this works.
    Good luck on your journey!
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    belaby18 reacted to JamieLogical in Important Question   
    I don't know whether this helps you at all, but here are two photos of my face. One was taken in July 2008 (so 7 years ago) when I weighed about 100 pounds more than I do now. My husband weighed about 50 pounds more at the time. The second photo was taken two weekends ago at Niagara Falls. So we are 7 years older in the second photo, but have both lost significant amounts of weight:

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    belaby18 reacted to BigViffer in 7 Months PO and need snack options   
    I know this is going to sound crazy, but try Pork rinds. They have a ridiculous amount of Protein for the serving size. An ounce has about 18 grams of protein. Believe it or not, my surgeon recommended them to me because I am having problems with low blood pressure. The higher sodium content and high protein count make it a good snack. I use hummus as a dip. I have even used Peanut Butter. Weird I know, but it goes together pretty well.
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    belaby18 reacted to Folly in Struggling day 7 post op   
    Wow, being mean to people who acknowledge it isn't all sunshine and lollipops for them is a little f***ed up! It's a daily struggle to get to a place of comfort with the changes. Please reach out to people who will give you some understanding and ignore those who are being hateful or self-righteous. Your choices maybe could improve but it seems your a little lost with it right now. If I can help in any way please let me know.
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    belaby18 reacted to Lopez1628 in Struggling day 7 post op   
    Thanks for the confidence boost and reminder. I'll use your message to go bash myself now on why I won't eat for the remaining week and remind myself if I do fail it's all good cause my chances were slim of being successful to begin with "obviously". have a good night ????
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    belaby18 reacted to jm726 in Heartburn/nausea/dehydration   
    Hi, my name is Jessi & I probably posted on here at least 5 times about nausea alone, because I was and have been having such a hard time with feeling nauseated. My surgery was on 5/11, and I was in the EXACT same boat. I've been nauseated 24/7. No vomiting, diarrhea, or cramping. Just constant nausea...for the last 3+ weeks (mainly all day, but especially at night). I've cried every day telling my husband I made a mistake, and I can't live like this the rest of my life... I have work and school...& I've been having so much trouble functioning.
    However! The last few days... HAVE been better. Now I don't know if it's just time, meds, or weird homeopathic stuff I've been doing...
    But here's what I've done:
    1. Peppermint oil (like the straight stuff). When I get nauseated I sniff it (was also told to rub on abd, but it gets like suuuuper burning hot).
    2. Sea Bands, got them at Wal-Greens. They're these "acupressure" wrist bands that put pressure on the inner wrist, supposed to help. I've got one on each arm.
    3. Walking outside (in the evening) too hot during the day. I felt like it helped me to get my mind off of focusing on the feeling.
    4. I cranked down the AC, turned on the ceiling fans, and busted out the cold wash clothes.
    5. The zofran, Pepcid, & phenergan combo...
    6. And for me prayer... I broke down and gave it over to God, and shot out a message to my friends to put me on their prayer list for healing. I told God, I knew he wouldn't give me more than I could handle and I was done! That I needed him to take this away...
    I'm trying to have faith that we were brought to this place for a reason & it will get better... So please hang in there, and if you need to gripe, be frustrated, or just talk feel free to message me. We will make it past this.
    Again, I'm not a doctor, but maybe some of this will help.
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    belaby18 reacted to fat_free in Laxatives   
    Prunes! Haven't been constipated since I had 4 a day followed by a mug of hot Water an hour later....daily success!! Happy body
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    belaby18 reacted to tabithad in Whats The Worst Thing You've Eaten Post Op?   
    I chewed a chicken taco with cheese, (no shell) and spit it out. It was so flavorful, I cried afterwards because I felt out of control, even if I didnt swallow it, I told my NUT what I did and she comforted me by saying alot of ppl do this and its normal.
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    belaby18 reacted to Eat That Frog in Whats The Worst Thing You've Eaten Post Op?   
    I went to Dunkin' Donuts drive through for a "Skinny Iced Latte." I asked what sugar free flavors they have and was told that all of their flavors are SF. Then I asked them to name the flavors and selected mocha to add to the latte.. OMG, this was so good. The more I drank the more I became convinced that it couldn't be SF, so I looked it up on their website. Moch isn't SF and the drink had hundreds of calories. It was so good...
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    belaby18 got a reaction from SleeveMe247 in Gallbladder sludge, Actigall, Protonix and Sucrafate Oh My!   
    I currently have the same thing happening to me I got sleeved August 17th had (still have the slimmies) terrible nausea and vomiting around 3 weeks post op. I couldn't drink or eat nothing went to the hospital they had me npo for 3 days and Doctor said I also had that gallbladder sludge. Really lost hope in the care because the doctor went on to say everything was fine no leaks, the gallbladder was emptying. I had my surgery in TJ so I was more frantic on what could be causing this discomfort so I decided to call the doctor up and recommended I take either nexium or Prilosec and so far nexium gave me troubles. But I'm crossing my fingers for Prilosec, I can see myself slowly getting better ????????
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    belaby18 reacted to Radar in Things I didn't expect my first month post-op   
    Thanks. I was told if I drink caffeine I have to drink more Water, and I didn't anticipate swallowing Water would ever be this difficult. I'm used to downing a liter of water in a minute or so without really even trying. Now I take the smallest sip possible and immediately start feeling pain.
    I never thought I would be looking forward to flatulence because farts make me feel better and I really never thought my wife would want me to pass gas.
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    belaby18 got a reaction from SleeveMe247 in Things I didn't expect my first month post-op   
    I was sleeved August 17th, and my has it been a journey. Things I didn't expect were
    1. Week 1-3 felt like a breeze yes there was pain which was oddly taken away by tylenol. I did manage to maintain my Fluid intake and Protein intake I felt optimistic.
    2. Week 3 there might be set backs. I didn't know I was going to get terrible nausea and vomiting. I felt weak. I couldn't drink or eat much.
    3. I didn't know how easily you can end up at the hospital. I staid there for almost a week trying to not get dehydrated.
    4. Acid reflux = the death of me. But Zofran is currently my bff.
    5. Be careful with rapid weight loss (the irony) they found I had gallstones.
    6. I was always a ice with Water type of person but now that I can just have sips, coke seems so appealing. But mind over matter, it's hard at times.
    7. I agree with everyone, the Fluid intake and Protein intake is really hard but it's getting better. It really is a full time job trying to eat/sip sip every second.
    8. Personal wise I didn't think I would need to take some time off from school but Here I am. Didn't know that would happen.
    Thanks for posting things guys, it's good to hear how similar we are.
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    belaby18 reacted to lmag in Things I didn't expect my first month post-op   
    I am 6 days out and I really want to poop. I have done milk of magnesia 2 days in a row and nothing. Is this normal?
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    belaby18 reacted to kranky813 in Things I didn't expect my first month post-op   
    How easy it is not to eat and drink and how fast dehydration could set in (hospitalized 2 times in the first week)
    How much I HATE drinking today, lol. I look at my 64oz and feel dread. I know it will get easier but ugh... anyway.
    How happy I was to take a bite of cream soup... OMG heaven!
    How frustrated I get when the scale doesn't move down every day.
    How even though I have lost almost 30 pounds my pants still fit the same (although my boobs shrunk YAY!!!)
    How tired I get. I am zonked out at 8:30 every single night.
    How sometimes when I see someone eating a huge piece of pizza I feel a little regret.
    How my hair is starting to feel dry and brittle.
    How I really want to get a tatoo on my wrist that says NTAGASF - Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels. Just for me so that even in the hard times I can remember.
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    belaby18 reacted to TiffanyC in Hydration Lacking- Need Tips!   
    I wish I could get an at home IV hook up and just take fluids while I sleep !! LOL
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    belaby18 got a reaction from antpatte in September sleevers?   
    I agree with @, Dr. Fernando Garcia is a great doctor. All his team is great. I was attended at Hospital CER and it was overall pretty good. You will be taken care of good luck guys!
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    belaby18 reacted to Threetimesacharm in September sleevers?   
    Just wanted to say that for all who have chosen Dr Fernando Garcia, excellent choice. He performed my lap band to VSG revision and it was a complication free surgery. You are all in good hands!!
    Best wishes!
    I am going for a revision, again, with a Bariatric Pal Dr Zavalza and am scheduled for Sept 4th.
    best wishes everyone!
  18. Like
    belaby18 reacted to antpatte in September sleevers?   
    I fly down on the 10th for surgery on the 11th with Dr. Garcia
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    belaby18 reacted to beanx2 in Buyer's Remorse?   
    I am in massive regret mode myself right now. I just am not ready to let go of the lifestyle and living my life like this is just making me miserable. Some days I feel better but not today.
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    belaby18 got a reaction from Pejela in Any 2015 August Sleevers in Tijuana?   
    Thanks. So far it's going good. Yes the Protein shakes are a miracle. Took the hunger right off. My surgery is in two days so im a little nervous but ready. Packing my last minute things. Any more tips on what to pack? Anything specifically you would have known before going to TJ. Happy all went well with your surgery.
  21. Like
    belaby18 reacted to HopeandAgony in Reflection   
    I know how you feel. I avoid mirrors as often as I can. I refuse pictures. When I spoke to the surgeon and we talked about doing this for my physical health I also told him how much this impacts my mental health. I have no self confidence. I have no self respect. As much as I try to love me for who and how I am I just have never been able to.
  22. Like
    belaby18 got a reaction from Chylyn7 in Reflection   
    I feel you. I felt the same way, these 2 weeks with the whole pre op diet has me feeling different. Can't wait for it. You'll be ok, the day will come
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    belaby18 reacted to Pejela in Any 2015 August Sleevers in Tijuana?   
    I made my own broths but I think I would have been better off just buying already made broths but it's hard to find lower sodium ones. Today I will be able to take a few sips of the Tomato creamed Soup. It's amazing how a couple of sips fills you up. It's frustrating mentally but then you remember why you are in this position to begin with because you needed something to stop you from devouring everything. Quite a reality check. The brain hunger is very tricky so beware.
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    belaby18 got a reaction from Pejela in Any 2015 August Sleevers in Tijuana?   
    . Awesome. My surgeon is Dr. Garcia. Your doctor is with Limarp right?
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    belaby18 got a reaction from Pejela in Any 2015 August Sleevers in Tijuana?   
    This girl right here, well kind of. I'm scheduled to get it August 17th in Tijuana. Just started my pre op diet

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