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    LessOfMe0503 reacted to Jerr_Bear in Things men say when told about WLS :)   
    This. I'm sure it's always been this way, but I've noticed it as I've gotten older. But the world is filled with men who think every woman in the world must conform to his idea of beauty. They're assholes, plain and simple. I know this because I have many friends who think this way, even though, they themselves are far from perfect. Luckily, I don't have to date any of them. But be warned ladies, they are out there. They don't have a sweet side that no one else knows about. They're not sensitive once you get to know them. When you peel back the layers on an jerk, you just find more jerk. To the OP, your time is much better spent on finding a person who will appreciate who you are now, and the journey you took to get here. So it might be time to fire up that long dormant sense of self confidence and tell him if he has a problem with it, he can hit the bricks. Sorry for posting in the ladies room, I'll see myself out
  2. Like
    LessOfMe0503 got a reaction from Oklahomagirl1970 in August Bands   
    I'll be heading to the hospital in about 24 hours! I'm excited and nervous... and a little bit worried. I can't wait to get started on this journey!
  3. Like
    LessOfMe0503 reacted to James Marusek in Nesting Syndrome   
    Good luck on your surgery and check back with us when you get on the other side.
  4. Like
    LessOfMe0503 got a reaction from lucky1gg33 in Nesting Syndrome   
    Me too! My surgery is Tuesday as well. I keep thinking of things to add to my list. Today is the day before surgery and I can't sleep. I need to wash the sheets, clean my car, pack my son's suitcase, pack my hospital bag and scrub the tub. That's probably why I am wide awake at 4:30 in the morning.
  5. Like
    LessOfMe0503 got a reaction from Oklahomagirl1970 in August Bands   
    I'll be heading to the hospital in about 24 hours! I'm excited and nervous... and a little bit worried. I can't wait to get started on this journey!
  6. Like
    LessOfMe0503 reacted to OKCPirate in Tips From The Trenches: Six Wardrobe Mistakes Not To Make During Your Weight Loss (and I Made Them All!)   
    I'm actually finding the thrift and consignment shops more interesting as I lose weight. I found two where there are very high end clothes in OKC. When I went there at 305, there were not many options, but in the 220's...oh tons of great buys. I found a shirt that I really liked at Nordstroms but they wanted $280 for it. $5 at 2nd hand store - obviously had never been worn. It's one of my "go to first date shirts". . So most of this obviously depends on where you live and your life style, but the basic message is:
    1) Don't invest in clothes during the transition.
    2) Dress your age, not what you wore last time you were this size
    3) Don't work on Wall Street unless you have $15K to invest in clothes
    4) Look for a good tailor if you can
    What was not mentioned was you can get your belts taken in at any shoe repair store. Saved about $200 worth of belts on that one.
    Oh, and if you served in the military...
    keep an old uniform, it feels really cool when you can get back in it again.
  7. Like
    LessOfMe0503 reacted to BLERDgirl in Tips From The Trenches: Six Wardrobe Mistakes Not To Make During Your Weight Loss (and I Made Them All!)   
    This post is a big commercial? Chile PLEASE!
    I am a fashionista! I look cute ALL the time and I bargain shop. Please stop spreading the stereotype that all fat folks wear unfashionable clothing in dark, boring colors.
  8. Like
    LessOfMe0503 reacted to joatsaint in Food stages?!?   
    For me, each stage was scheduled for 1 week. But Frankensleeve was kinda cranky and I stayed at the soft foods stage for months. At the 4 week mark, I still wasn't able to eat more than a teaspoon of any full food without LOTS of complaining from Frankensleeve.
    So I just stayed on soft foods, and every few days, tried a teaspoon full of some new food till Frankie gave me the all clear signal.
  9. Like
    LessOfMe0503 reacted to Elode in My Guy LIKES big Women...   
    @@betrthnever My husband loves me no matter what, so he says but I'm pretty sure he likes this skinnier me better. I lost weight on my own back in the day and my ex preferred bigger women and told me I " looked sick" and he wasn't as attracted to me.......soooooo I told Felicia bye, which is why he is now referred to as my ex. See how that works! So technically I dropped that 60 lbs plus 170lbs of ass! Not too shabby!
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    LessOfMe0503 reacted to enjoythetime in How/When were you able to follow the rules?   
    @@Butterfly512 let me start by saying no one does this thing perfectly even with the right amount of fills. It's more about finding the balance works for you more then it is striving for perfection. The band should not be used to FORCE you to make the right choices or to follow the rules, that is something you have to take control over and make your mind up that this is what you're going to do for your overall health and the bands optimal effectiveness and longevity. If you're using the band as a restrictive tool I just worry that you'll run into troubles down the road. It's a tool to help you but the mindset has to be there. You can't drink with your meals, it defeats the purpose of having the band it just washes everything you eat right through never giving you that satiety feeling even if you're at your sweet spot, how will you know?. If you wait until you're unable to drink with your meals, well in my opinion that means you're possibly too tight and being too tight hinders your weight loss more than not having enough Fluid in my opinion. Not being able to drink with my meals was one of my biggest fears when I opted for this surgery but I just didn't give myself a choice. I drink right up until I take my first bite, sit at the table with no glass in front of me finish and then wait 1 hour before resuming. It really hasn't been as hard for me as I thought it would be. Regarding your portion amounts, did your surgeon give you any guidelines? Here's what mine said 3-4 oz of Protein, 1/2c veggies and 1/4 c or starch. I eat my Protein first, then my veggies and very rarely do I even have room to eat my starch. This is ALL of the food I allow on my plate if I eat it all great, if I don't great. If I'm still hungry afterwards then I will get up and do something, anything, because I know that it's head hunger not real hunger. Once my hour has past I follow it by drinking fluids and 9 times out of 10 that does the trick to help that hunger "feeling" go away. Not always but most of the time. Keep in mind this is only if you're in the green zone but even if you're not you still have to follow the same guidelines until you get there, yes it will be a little harder, but the rewards are so much sweeter than anything you can put in your mouth! Best of wishes throughout your journey. You'll get there!!!!
  11. Like
    LessOfMe0503 reacted to Aliciasbrewer in How to approach the idea of VSG with my PCP?   
    I was all geared up to get stern with my doctor with a "if you're not on board I need a new doctor" line all raring to go...turns out she knows my surgeon, has several patients who have had the surgery, and even though I personally had no Co morbidity my BMI and family history was enough to get her on board. I say give your doctor the benefit of the doubt but go in with an action plan to back up your decision.
  12. Like
    LessOfMe0503 reacted to OKCPirate in Question   
    This is my opinion based on my observations of testimonials and stories of WLS patients that I read prior to getting my surgery - most of the hoops that third party payers (people with insurance) are forced to jump through are ways of weeding out those who are not motivated to properly use the tool. Part of the testing is CYA stuff that we do in the US to prevent lawsuits.
    While this is an observation, it is obviously not universally true...there are some highly motivated people on this site who jumped through the insurance companies hoops to have their surgery, and they did so quickly to get the show on the road. But if you were motivated enough to put your own money into WLS and go down to Mexico, odds are you are highly compliant and ready to make the change.
    So which ever route you take, self-pay or insurance, those who make it through the initial process, eh, already have skin in the game. The people who are not disciplined enough to get through all the steps, are probably not good candidates, and those who have someone else do all their work for them, or were pressured into surgery are often the biggest whiners that "it doesn't work."
    It's just a tool, you still have to do the work.
  13. Like
    LessOfMe0503 got a reaction from CanyonBaby in Quick! I need help on this one!   
    I'm so sorry about the whole situation. You and your family will be in my prayers.
    I wouldn't call them out publicly. Although I think I would tell them one on one that you are hurt by their actions. They could have handled that many different ways, but they didn't handle it well. However, even the best Christian makes mistakes and is worthy of forgiveness. Afterall, isn't that why Jesus died on the cross?
    Then I would work hard at forgiving them and letting it go. You will be able to focus more on your family if it's not eating you up inside.
  14. Like
    LessOfMe0503 reacted to KristenVSG2014 in Quick! I need help on this one!   
    Matthew 5:23, 24, 44 - “If, then, you are bringing your gift to the altar and there you remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar, and go away. First make your peace with your brother, and then come back and offer your gift. However, I say to you: Continue to love your enemies and to pray for those who persecute you."
  15. Like
    LessOfMe0503 got a reaction from CanyonBaby in Quick! I need help on this one!   
    I'm so sorry about the whole situation. You and your family will be in my prayers.
    I wouldn't call them out publicly. Although I think I would tell them one on one that you are hurt by their actions. They could have handled that many different ways, but they didn't handle it well. However, even the best Christian makes mistakes and is worthy of forgiveness. Afterall, isn't that why Jesus died on the cross?
    Then I would work hard at forgiving them and letting it go. You will be able to focus more on your family if it's not eating you up inside.
  16. Like
    LessOfMe0503 got a reaction from CanyonBaby in Quick! I need help on this one!   
    I'm so sorry about the whole situation. You and your family will be in my prayers.
    I wouldn't call them out publicly. Although I think I would tell them one on one that you are hurt by their actions. They could have handled that many different ways, but they didn't handle it well. However, even the best Christian makes mistakes and is worthy of forgiveness. Afterall, isn't that why Jesus died on the cross?
    Then I would work hard at forgiving them and letting it go. You will be able to focus more on your family if it's not eating you up inside.
  17. Like
    LessOfMe0503 reacted to JustWatchMe in Some times it's the "small" things.......   
    Whenever something like that happens to me I wonder, is that how naturally thin people behave? Seems like it, no?
    Thanks for the uplifting post. I've missed your presence here. Glad you're back.
  18. Like
    LessOfMe0503 reacted to Dr-Patient in New Dating Site for Bariatric Patients!   
    Thanks. I'll check it out and may join by week's end. But... Men...we need MEN to be there! :-)
    And congrats on reaching your goal!
  19. Like
    LessOfMe0503 reacted to jess9395 in Dr put me on strange diet and I have questions   
    I don't agree with your doctor's diet and think everyone has given sound diet advice.... BUT I also don't agree with you abandoning YOUR DOCTOR's Advice. You need to trust your doctor and their judgement. My suggestion is to either question your doctor about the refined carbs/processed foods and perhaps ask for a referral to a nutritionist/dietician who could work in conjunction with your doctor or find a new doctor. If you abandon your doctor's advice now it could be a slippery slope when the advice is necessary and important.
  20. Like
    LessOfMe0503 got a reaction from Bandista in 5 years + with lapband and happy   
    I'm glad to see people satisfied and happy too. I feel good about my decision to band. I used to 2nd guess myself when people would come on the lapband board and bash it, but now I just get a little irritated. I get it. It doesn't work for everyone. However, when I go back to the reasons I chose the band over sleeve or bypass, those reasons are still valid.
  21. Like
    LessOfMe0503 reacted to catfish87 in 5 years + with lapband and happy   
    Congrats on your decision to improve your life!
    As I mentioned earlier in this topic, I often attend support group meetings where there are every type of surgery patient's in attendance. I see people ( even some I consider friends ) who have had Sleeve and bypass surgeries who are as big (or bigger) than pre-op. Not to say every band patient is 100% sucessful either, but at least we have another option except being told to diet.
    You'll see people on this site who get on here and say things such as "my surgeon doesn't do lapbands anymore because they don't work", yet EVERY one I've personally contacted ( and I have contacted several over the years ) tell me quite the opposite. I'm sure there are bariatric surgeons who don't perform band surgeries, but the reason isn't always what is thought. This site used to let you see each person's surgeon, experience level, etc....not anymore.
    Best wishes!
  22. Like
    LessOfMe0503 got a reaction from Bandista in 5 years + with lapband and happy   
    I'm glad to see people satisfied and happy too. I feel good about my decision to band. I used to 2nd guess myself when people would come on the lapband board and bash it, but now I just get a little irritated. I get it. It doesn't work for everyone. However, when I go back to the reasons I chose the band over sleeve or bypass, those reasons are still valid.
  23. Like
    LessOfMe0503 reacted to Oklahomagirl1970 in August Bands   
    Ok I'll start it I'll name it Banded82015
  24. Like
    LessOfMe0503 reacted to lauraellen80 in Pre vs post op diet...prepare yourself! (This is somewhat of a rant also)   
    I'm sorry that you are still having such a rough time of it... we must have had surgery about the same time, because I'm six weeks out, as well. Can I ask--how long did it take from your first seminar/consult to surgery? and did you feel pressured into the surgery by family, a friend, or a doctor? I only ask because it seems like people who don't feel like the choice was entirely theirs have a more difficult time adjusting...
    Anyway, there are definitely things that suck about it, no doubt, and there have been times recently where I just desperately wanted to binge-eat like I used to. I just got back from two weeks of being out in Indiana after finding out that my dad was in severe heart failure, and he ended up having triple bypass surgery. It was tiring and incredibly stressful, and I did have moments where my old comfort foods were calling my name. But, my dad's heart problems (and the fact that they have a genetic component) made me even more sure that my surgery was the right thing to do for my health.
    I think the reason that your initial post came across as "scaring people off" a little is because of how you worded some things--rather than saying that a negative may happen, you said that it will happen. From reading these boards, it's become clear to me that there is not one, monolithic, WLS experience. People's bodies and brains react in all kinds of ways, and you can't really predict it. I've always had a weak stomach, and I fully expected to be one of the people who puked up new foods all the time, but (knock on wood), I so far haven't. I agree that people need to be well-informed of all the possibilities, both good and bad, but all each of us can say is, "This is what it's like for me personally."
    Best of luck--and remember, our stomachs are just now getting fully healed from surgery, so don't count on things sucking forever! We still have a long way to go!
  25. Like
    LessOfMe0503 reacted to BarrySue in Worst things people have said to you or behind your back regarding surgery   
    "Sorry, on my period right now and I feel so gross and bloated, ugh."
    If it's a woman, they'll sympathize.
    If it's a man, they'll shut up immediately.

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