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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About suitechicguy

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    Guru in Training

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  1. suitechicguy

    Regrets that got better

    I think it was the second day when I had a moment. The gas pains were so bad I was crying thinking what have I done, why couldnt I just eat right and exercise. That moment didnt last long and I moved on. It will get better dont worry. No regrets though as it was the best thing to do to help me.
  2. suitechicguy

    Ability to drink alcohol post-op, your experiences?

    I pretty much am in the same boat as you. Big buzz at first but would have to have a drink about every 30 minutes to keep up with it. I don't plan on overdoing it too much Just a little here and there.
  3. suitechicguy

    Male Before and After Pictures

    Here is my before and after. I am a year out.
  4. suitechicguy

    1 year Surgiversary

    Above is my before and after. Today marks 1 year from when I had my surgery. The decision was a tough one, but I am very thankful that it all worked out for me. This has been a great tool and I am so glad to have it. It felt like forever from starting the process to get approved for the surgery and then BAM! a year flew by. It was hard in the beginning and has I had ups and downs. It was all worth it though and I would not change anything about it.
  5. suitechicguy

    Before After

  6. suitechicguy

    How was goal weight determined?

    They had asked me to set a goal for myself. The surgeon never set one for me and always said what is YOUR goal.
  7. suitechicguy

    Att: Peanut Butter Lovers

    I have had the chocolate syrup and it is horrible. It was very bitter. I also tried a dressing and it was not good at all.
  8. suitechicguy

    Feeling down

    Are you hitting your protein and water goals? That really makes a big difference.
  9. suitechicguy

    Family likes to eat out

    At first it is a little weird but eventually you will find your groove when eating out. I learned not to get anything but water to drink because it was a waste for me to get anything else. Also, healthier appetizer and sides are something I usually gravitate towards. When I do get a regular meal I always end up taking some home and if I don't eat it I know my bf will.
  10. suitechicguy

    Tofu noodles?

    I tried the Shirataki noodles and just couldn't do it. Between the smell and texture they just weren't for me. I do like doing the Zucchini noodles.
  11. suitechicguy

    Sisters's "Concerned" Speech! LOL

    I had people saying the same thing to me. My dad is always saying I need to lift weights with him because I look like a stick, but it started when I was in the 200's still with people saying I'm losing too much and I knew I still had a way to go. My job offers an incentive for health insurance where if you fall in a certain fitness level they credit you towards your premium. I went for my fitness appointment and saw my old manger coming out and she even told the health assessment person to tell me to eat a brownie. People just have expectations of what others should look like to them based off of how we have looked in the past I guess.
  12. suitechicguy

    Can I specifically request Gastric Sleeve?

    You can do whichever procedure you think would be best for you. However, I went in thinking that the lap band was what I wanted and was set on it. After talking to the surgeon, he said that he really doesn't do the band anymore and recommended the sleeve. After him explaining that a lot of lap bands end up having a revision, I ended up going with the sleeve and Im glad I did. So basically really take what your surgeon says into consideration, but ultimately its up to you.
  13. suitechicguy

    Bypass or sleeve ?

    When I started my process I originally was going to do Lap Band. I want as minimum done to my body as possible as far as surgery goes. After my consultation with the surgeon, he said he basically stopped doing the band and recommended the sleeve or bypass. I ultimately decided sleeve because I figured I would rather lose part of my stomach than rearrange everything. It has been good to me. It will be a year on January 31st. I have lost about 150lbs and started out at 323lbs. It all really depends on what you end up preferring. I haven't had any issues so far since the surgery.
  14. suitechicguy

    Guys, what do you consider your ideal pants size ?

    I am 32/34 depending on what style of pants. This is coming from a 52. I never thought I would be below 36.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
