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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    LisaPunkinHead reacted to BigDaddyJG in Vitamix to foamy?   
    So today we mixed everything except the Protein powder first then added it at the end. So much better. Like night and day. Thanks for the tip.
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    LisaPunkinHead reacted to roseluv3 in Keep this post going:) Things I am looking forward to (not food related)   
    My girls putting their arms around me.
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    LisaPunkinHead reacted to ProudGrammy in Keep this post going:) Things I am looking forward to (not food related)   
    @@Jessica Radcliff
    Tomorrow, the next day, the next day, the next day and the...... etc
    looking forward to continuing my healthier, happier, lllllonger life
    looking forward to getting a face lift June 25th
    hadn't " officially" "announced" it yet
    for now, please keep my secret
  4. Like
    LisaPunkinHead reacted to Alex Brecher in What’s the Plan, Stan?   
    Okay, it sounds cute, but it’s a serious question. If you want to lose weight or keep it off and get healthy, you need a plan. The old saying, “Fail to plan, and you plan to fail” could have been intended specifically for weight loss surgery patients. Fail to plan after Weight Loss Surgery (WLS), and you’re planning for plateaus or regains and possible complications.
    What should you be planning? You don’t want to become fixated on planning, but there are a few key areas to be aware of. These are some of the questions you might ask yourself to make sure you’re planning enough. Each question is followed by the pitfall you might fall into if you don’t think ahead.

    Where are you shopping, and what are you buying?
    Possible pitfall: Finding an empty fridge and opting for McDonald’s or pizza delivery, or going to the supermarket without a list and buying whatever looks good – which usually doesn’t include lettuce and chicken breast.
    A solid answer identifies when you’ll shop, and it includes a list of Proteins and other essentials, such as vegetables, fruit, healthy starches, and healthy fats. Check the list to make sure it has enough healthy foods for the meals and Snacks that will get you through to the next shopping trip.
    What are you having for Breakfast tomorrow?
    Possible pitfall: Being so rushed you grab a pair of Pop-Tarts on your way out, get a bagel at the coffee place, or get to work so hungry you sneak in a doughnut from the reception area.
    A solid answer is realistic, so if you know you’ll be in a rush, it doesn’t involve a lot of preparation. You may want to get your breakfast ready the night before, even if it’s as simple as putting some cottage cheese and a few slices of turkey in a portable container with a tight-fitting lid.
    What are you ordering for lunch?
    Possible pitfall: Going out with the gang and ordering what they do…anything from a burger and fries to Pasta primavera.
    A solid answer considers where you’re likely to find yourself at lunch and what’s on the menu. Identify your source of Protein and a vegetable beforehand and stick to your pre-made decision when you order. If you end up going out unexpectedly, look for salads, grilled chicken and fish, and sides of vegetables and fruit.
    What are you making for dinner?
    Possible pitfall: Ordering in or getting take-out, or falling back on a high-calorie, low-nutrition quick fix such as macaroni and cheese or taco kits.
    A solid answer identifies your source of protein and vegetables so you can figure out what you need to buy and how much preparation is necessary.
    When, where, and what is today’s workout?
    Possible pitfall: Running out of time if you haven’t scheduled it into your day, or chickening out of the workout if you haven’t quite made the commitment to a specific exercise.
    A solid answer says when you’ll work out, whether you’ll do it at home, at the gym, or somewhere else, and what clothes, shoes, and other equipment you need to bring with you, if any. Your answer should also include what you’ll be doing, whether it’s 30 minutes of walking on the treadmill plus 15 minutes of lifting weights, going to a Zumba class, or pulling weeds and sweeping the driveway.
    What will you snack on at the party?
    Possible pitfall: Eating whatever happens to look good, and ending up with not enough protein, too many calories, too much fat and sugar, and possibly nausea or dumping syndrome.
    A solid answer doesn’t depend on what the host may serve. Your plan may be to bring some hard-boiled eggs or beef Jerky for yourself, plus a large green salad, vegetable skewers, or fruit salad for you and the rest of the guests to enjoy.
    How will you answer your mother when she offers you a freshly baked chocolate chip cookie (your favorite) or the entire batch?
    Possible pitfall: Feeling guilty for refusing or being caught off guard, and accepting the cookie or batch.
    A solid answer includes a polite refusal, possibly with an explanation, such as, “No, thank you. My doctor has advised me not to eat cookies.” If you can’t avoid taking the batch home as a “gift,” don’t be afraid to throw it out. Nobody likes to throw away food, but if you’re going to, better to throw it away in the trash can than in your body.
    How are you going to feel at the end of the day?
    Possible pitfall: Let doubt creep in, and you may be setting yourself up for bad decisions with eating and exercise.
    A solid answer is positive and confident with no room for self-doubt. At the end of a day of good eating and a bit of exercise, you may be tired, but satisfied, proud, and a little lower in weight. Staying positive and optimistic sets you up for good decision making without even thinking about it.
    You always hear about the importance of planning for weight loss surgery success, but that advice may seem confusing if you’re not a natural planner, or even if you’re just not used to thinking so much about your WLS-related habits. Know the answers to these questions, and your planning skills can help you lose more weight and stay healthy.
  5. Like
    LisaPunkinHead reacted to sa111antha in WLS Water Bottle   
    So I stumbled across the most AMAZING water bottle for WLS patients.
    Here is the link.
    It has an awesome Quote on the front "GOALS ARE ACHIEVED ONE SIP AT A TIME."
    Also, the way the spout is designed it doesn't allow you to take in Water and air at the same time. It litterally only allows you SIP.
    I wanted to share this with you guys because I hadn't seen anything like it.
    On the back side of it, it has a time line for making sure you drink the proper amount of water in the correct time frame.
    My friend purchased it for me as a present for being "brave" enough to get VSG done. I got it today and it is the best.
    ***I don't work for this company or have any stake in the product. This is my own personal opinion about a product I actually use.
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    LisaPunkinHead reacted to judyoz in Pre-op testing - mine is cancer   
    I had to have a cat scan on my kidneys pre-op because they were afraid I had certain type of Hypertension. Did not have it, but they found a tumor on my kidney. It is in the early stage right now. It will be removed June 22. Bariatric surgery quite literaly saved my life in more ways than one.
    Anyone else have an experience with pre-op testing?
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    LisaPunkinHead reacted to RJ'S/beginning in And.... I puked.   
    More then 2.5 years out and can still puke my guts out if I eat to fast or my stomach decides it is just not going to handle it. It is something we will live with the rest of our lives....
    Isn't it wonderful to continue to have the reminder that we have changed our life patterns for the better. This includes WLS!
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    LisaPunkinHead reacted to bellabloom in And.... I puked.   
    About a week ago I started to do better and be able to eat more solid food. It's been three months since my surgery and this is the first time off liquids. I've been really struggling and throwing up a lot and it's been rough!
    Anyway I had a good week and ate some cheese and chips and guacamole and salads! These are all new for me.
    Then I started to worry- what if my sleeve is gone and now I can eat again? I still have 8 pounds to lose and what if I never get there and start to gain? What if my restriction is gone?
    I have been wanting to eat a sandwich for months. I crave them so badly. This morning I decided shoot I'm doing so good, let's try a subway turkey breast.
    2 tiny bites later... I am puking my guts out into the subway bag.
    Sleeve still works.????
  9. Like
    LisaPunkinHead reacted to JamieLogical in Anyone else aggravated?   
    I will say that I am often shocked by the number of people who post to these forums who seem to just genuinely have NO clue what they should/shouldn't be eating post-op. Did they not receive any information from their surgeons and nutritionists? I find that incredibly hard to believe. And if they didn't receive adequate info from their surgeons, then why they heck did they go through with the surgery?!?!?! I would never, in a million years, undergo major surgery without learning every single thing I could about it before hand. If I couldn't get the info from my surgeon, then I would look for it elsewhere. I wouldn't make such a huge decision with no information!
  10. Like
    LisaPunkinHead got a reaction from Alex Brecher in More mods to stop the spam?   
    You missed a load of them in the Gastric Sleeve Surgery General Discussion forum.
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    LisaPunkinHead got a reaction from tfarr in Bras   
    Victoria's Secret is the best place for bras. They will measure you and bring you different styles.
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    LisaPunkinHead reacted to jeanniereenie in Your Favorite Post-Op Go-to Foods   
    I had it up to here with Premiere, as good as it is i needed a change! i found New whey liquid Protein 42 grams in one bottle and it doesnt taste very good but i can sip the 3.8 oz and be done with it, in half an hour i get over half of my required Protein, i try to get the rest from food but sometimes have to do another oz or so of the evil liquid or i will freeze the premier into popscicles,
    my fave go to foods right now seem to be
    anything turkey! espeically the low fat meatballs, 3 meatballs feels like a feast right now!
    Morning start farms black bean burgers, i can make one last me 3 meals, low fat and great protein
    for my sweet tooth a mashed up banana or some mashed up rinsed peaches
    love the ideas!
  13. Like
    LisaPunkinHead got a reaction from livvsmum in Before and After Abdominoplasty/Panni Pics   
    That is a remarkable difference. I bet you feel better even this soon postop. Looks great!
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    LisaPunkinHead reacted to dms724 in Potting Soil & Cat Litter!   
    I've had two very impactful moments this week that I thought I would share!
    Last weekend, I was carrying a very large and very heavy bag of potting soil from the car when I wondered just how heavy it was. I heaved it on the ground and noticed it was 25 lbs. I am nearly 5 months out and down 48 pounds. Realizing that this bag weighed half of my weight loss, I was compelled to pick it up again and walk a few more feet. Wow, was that a powerful moment! I could not imagine carrying two of these bags around all day, every day! But I did. Amazing.
    Then, yesterday, I was at the pet store and picked up a 42 lb bag of cat litter. Yet another super powerful moment. No wonder I felt so tired and everything was so hard pre-op.
    It's a great reminder for me when I feel I should have lost more by now or that 48 lbs isn't enough. Next time I am feeling that way, I will pick up a bag of cat litter or potting soil!
  15. Like
    LisaPunkinHead reacted to ShrinkingPeach in First rejection at a restaurant. So annoyed :[   
    I haven't used my card yet just because I haven't been to a restaurant that has a kids menu I could eat. I have had meals that lasted a week lol. If someone is rude to you for a request then do as you would for poor customer service and speak through your money. Good for you for not going back.
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    LisaPunkinHead got a reaction from Sleevefornellie in Almost cried at my doctors office   
    scales do not measure anything more than the gravitational pull of our bodies to the earth. Sometimes that's different depending where we are or how the scales are calibrated. I weigh about 10 pounds less at my mom's house in Southern California, but she weighs the same at my house. It's time to stop judging ourselves by that number on the scale -- it's just a checkpoint, that's all!!
  17. Like
    LisaPunkinHead got a reaction from Sleevefornellie in Almost cried at my doctors office   
    scales do not measure anything more than the gravitational pull of our bodies to the earth. Sometimes that's different depending where we are or how the scales are calibrated. I weigh about 10 pounds less at my mom's house in Southern California, but she weighs the same at my house. It's time to stop judging ourselves by that number on the scale -- it's just a checkpoint, that's all!!
  18. Like
    LisaPunkinHead got a reaction from Sleevefornellie in Almost cried at my doctors office   
    scales do not measure anything more than the gravitational pull of our bodies to the earth. Sometimes that's different depending where we are or how the scales are calibrated. I weigh about 10 pounds less at my mom's house in Southern California, but she weighs the same at my house. It's time to stop judging ourselves by that number on the scale -- it's just a checkpoint, that's all!!
  19. Like
    LisaPunkinHead got a reaction from Sleevefornellie in Almost cried at my doctors office   
    scales do not measure anything more than the gravitational pull of our bodies to the earth. Sometimes that's different depending where we are or how the scales are calibrated. I weigh about 10 pounds less at my mom's house in Southern California, but she weighs the same at my house. It's time to stop judging ourselves by that number on the scale -- it's just a checkpoint, that's all!!
  20. Like
    LisaPunkinHead got a reaction from Sleevefornellie in Almost cried at my doctors office   
    scales do not measure anything more than the gravitational pull of our bodies to the earth. Sometimes that's different depending where we are or how the scales are calibrated. I weigh about 10 pounds less at my mom's house in Southern California, but she weighs the same at my house. It's time to stop judging ourselves by that number on the scale -- it's just a checkpoint, that's all!!
  21. Like
    LisaPunkinHead got a reaction from Sleevefornellie in Almost cried at my doctors office   
    scales do not measure anything more than the gravitational pull of our bodies to the earth. Sometimes that's different depending where we are or how the scales are calibrated. I weigh about 10 pounds less at my mom's house in Southern California, but she weighs the same at my house. It's time to stop judging ourselves by that number on the scale -- it's just a checkpoint, that's all!!
  22. Like
    LisaPunkinHead reacted to 4me4them in For the first time ever...   
    So for the first time ever....as in 32 years that I've known my husband....as of this morning....I weigh less than he does. He has been a great support to me on my way up the scale (unconditional love and acceptance) and now on my way down the scale. We've known this was going to happen for about a week now...he is heavier now than he likes to maintain and we both track our weight on the mirror in the bathroom.
    So now, the worrier in me wonders how he will respond in his own Quest to be healthy. He has been struggling to refind his groove lately... Anyone go through this and how did you support your spouse?
  23. Like
    LisaPunkinHead got a reaction from Elizabeth21 in Regrets?   
    When I woke up from surgery, the first thing that came into my mind was "what the heck did I just do?" It gets better. Breathe, take care of YOU, and go along with the process. The first several weeks postop are hard because you are learning to do everything all over again. It will get better.
  24. Like
    LisaPunkinHead got a reaction from sandyb68 in I'm a size Medium? NO WAY!   
    Congratulations!!! That's definitely happy dance news!!!
  25. Like
    LisaPunkinHead got a reaction from Elizabeth21 in Regrets?   
    When I woke up from surgery, the first thing that came into my mind was "what the heck did I just do?" It gets better. Breathe, take care of YOU, and go along with the process. The first several weeks postop are hard because you are learning to do everything all over again. It will get better.

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