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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    lfry925 got a reaction from The Candidate in I'm 21 and freaking out!   
    so many thoughts about what your auto correct changed fuddy-duddy to lol
  2. Like
    lfry925 got a reaction from Elode in Fat confessionals   
    lol this made me laugh! (Not at you)
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    lfry925 got a reaction from elliesgaga in Keep this post going:) Things I am looking forward to (not food related)   
    Already have reached half of my goals after 3 months post op. My biggest achievement was playing on the playground with the kids (all the kids) while other parents watched from the benches and going down the sliding board My daughter (oldest) says "why didn't you ever do that with me?" Broke my heart but I'm doing it now and that's all that matters. I'm willing to be in front of the camera instead of behind the camera now. I can come home from work and have enough energy to roll around on the floor with the kids AND make dinner. I love this person I've become. I hugged the crap out of my surgeon on Friday!
  4. Like
    lfry925 got a reaction from elliesgaga in Keep this post going:) Things I am looking forward to (not food related)   
    Already have reached half of my goals after 3 months post op. My biggest achievement was playing on the playground with the kids (all the kids) while other parents watched from the benches and going down the sliding board My daughter (oldest) says "why didn't you ever do that with me?" Broke my heart but I'm doing it now and that's all that matters. I'm willing to be in front of the camera instead of behind the camera now. I can come home from work and have enough energy to roll around on the floor with the kids AND make dinner. I love this person I've become. I hugged the crap out of my surgeon on Friday!
  5. Like
    lfry925 got a reaction from elliesgaga in Keep this post going:) Things I am looking forward to (not food related)   
    Already have reached half of my goals after 3 months post op. My biggest achievement was playing on the playground with the kids (all the kids) while other parents watched from the benches and going down the sliding board My daughter (oldest) says "why didn't you ever do that with me?" Broke my heart but I'm doing it now and that's all that matters. I'm willing to be in front of the camera instead of behind the camera now. I can come home from work and have enough energy to roll around on the floor with the kids AND make dinner. I love this person I've become. I hugged the crap out of my surgeon on Friday!
  6. Like
    lfry925 got a reaction from elliesgaga in Keep this post going:) Things I am looking forward to (not food related)   
    Already have reached half of my goals after 3 months post op. My biggest achievement was playing on the playground with the kids (all the kids) while other parents watched from the benches and going down the sliding board My daughter (oldest) says "why didn't you ever do that with me?" Broke my heart but I'm doing it now and that's all that matters. I'm willing to be in front of the camera instead of behind the camera now. I can come home from work and have enough energy to roll around on the floor with the kids AND make dinner. I love this person I've become. I hugged the crap out of my surgeon on Friday!
  7. Like
    lfry925 got a reaction from elliesgaga in Keep this post going:) Things I am looking forward to (not food related)   
    Already have reached half of my goals after 3 months post op. My biggest achievement was playing on the playground with the kids (all the kids) while other parents watched from the benches and going down the sliding board My daughter (oldest) says "why didn't you ever do that with me?" Broke my heart but I'm doing it now and that's all that matters. I'm willing to be in front of the camera instead of behind the camera now. I can come home from work and have enough energy to roll around on the floor with the kids AND make dinner. I love this person I've become. I hugged the crap out of my surgeon on Friday!
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    lfry925 got a reaction from Elode in Embarrassing tummy picture 8 months post-op!   
    my friend had a tummy tuck after a c-section with twins. She said it was the most painful thing she's ever experienced. Also, 10k and 7 years later, she's pregnant. Doh!
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    lfry925 reacted to roundisashape in Keep this post going:) Things I am looking forward to (not food related)   
    Crossing my legs!
    Wait - oh crap, seriously? I just tried it and I CAN!
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    lfry925 reacted to livvsmum in Keep this post going:) Things I am looking forward to (not food related)   
    Wearing my first bikini in my life this summer after losing 150+ pounds and having completed my panni & abdominplasty. I feel like a literally new person!!!!
  11. Like
    lfry925 reacted to SnOwCrAsHeD in Keep this post going:) Things I am looking forward to (not food related)   
    Giving up CPAP for good! ❤️❤️❤️
  12. Like
    lfry925 reacted to Debbie Jean in What do you tell people?   
    Tell them the truth. You are eating less and exercising more. They don't need the particulars.
    As for turning down the cake, I suggest watching how naturally skinny people handle these situations. They have no problem saying they don't like it, don't feel like it, don't want it... or taking a piece and pushing it around their plate and dumping it.
    I tell people I had WLS and it doesn't bother me at all. But then again I couldn't give a rats *ss what others think of my medical decisions. That's between me and my doctors. I suspect people understand that since I've never gotten anything but positive feedback.
    FWIW, If asked, I use the opportunity to educate people when it seems appropriate. Often what seems negative is actually a combination of ignorance and curiosity.
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    lfry925 reacted to Ashley1213 in Post-op day 2 and regretting   
    Yes. The lights came on today (post op day 7)! Hallelujah! The pain is more discomfort (except when sneezing) and I'm wanting to get out and join the world again!!!
    Not to mention a 13.4lb loss from surgery!!
    Thanks for all the encouragement and support!!
  14. Like
    lfry925 got a reaction from Ashley1213 in Post-op day 2 and regretting   
    ohhhh you WILL feel better. I posted the same thing immediately post op. I felt AWFUL. The pain was horrendous for me and I couldn't drink either. I'm 3 months out and this was the best decision I've ever made for myself. I'm down 60 pounds and off my blood pressure meds since week 8. Hang in there, kiddo.
  15. Like
    lfry925 got a reaction from Ashley1213 in Post-op day 2 and regretting   
    ohhhh you WILL feel better. I posted the same thing immediately post op. I felt AWFUL. The pain was horrendous for me and I couldn't drink either. I'm 3 months out and this was the best decision I've ever made for myself. I'm down 60 pounds and off my blood pressure meds since week 8. Hang in there, kiddo.
  16. Like
    lfry925 got a reaction from Elode in Embarrassing tummy picture 8 months post-op!   
    very true!
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    lfry925 reacted to Pillar2butterfly in I'd rather....than continue to be fat!   
    I recently went to a support group meeting that my doctor's office has on a monthly basis. (I am scheduled for the sleeve surgery on 8/19.) The focus on that night's meeting was geared towards individuals that have not yet had surgery and fighting those weak moments when you just want to eat.
    One of the speakers was one of my NUT's. She had suggested making an "INSTEAD OF BOX" meaning go to this box instead of eating. She showed examples of things like: deck of cards, inspirational books, puzzle books, back massager (this got a big giggle from the crowd), etc...simply put, things you like or can do to take your mind off of eating, While this sounded kind of silly at the time, I thought about it and decided, just today (so I figured I'd share), to make my own box. However, my box is not just going to be filled with things I can do, but slips of paper of why I am doing this...and things I'd rather do than continue my overweight lifestyle and indulgences.
    For example, slips of paper that say:
    I'm tired of being embarrassed when wearing a bathing suit
    No longer having high blood pressure
    I want to be able to shop for clothes at a normal store
    I want to be able to walk up stairs without being winded.
    I'm putting in pictures of places and things I want to do that I was am too embarrassed now to do.
    Has anyone done this? How did it work for you? Kind of like putting signs on the fridge.
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    lfry925 reacted to Elode in Embarrassing tummy picture 8 months post-op!   
    Well I say embarrassing but not really. I'm pretty proud of the 90 yr old woman looking belly!! I've been asked a lot about how the stomach looks after losing so much weight....well here's mine. It's not perfect, I never expected it to be so I guess that's why it doesn't bother me to show it. I'm 34, I've had 3 c-sections and 5 wonderful VSG stabbings so to say my body/stomach has been through some trauma is an understatement. It's ok though, when the time comes if I feel I want it fixed then so be it but until then I'm not hiding her from the world anymore. Set goals, strive for excellence but remain realistic and you won't be disappointed. Be proud of what you have/are accomplishing. We can be our own worst critics! PS: There is a C-section roll hiding under those pants, don't be fooled!! My pup pup in the background is not impressed but I put him on a diet so......

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    lfry925 reacted to VSGKirk in kicked off of a fair ride....   
    It's happened to me too. I even went to Orlando where they have a few seats on the rides for big people and I was STILL too big! Not anymore I can sit comfortably in an airplane seat, use the belt (no extender) and I believe I am under the weight limit to use the slides in Water parks, so I am looking forward to summer. Of course I am going to look very, uh, interesting in a bathing suit, but who cares?
    Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !!!
  20. Like
    lfry925 reacted to Elode in Fat confessionals   
    @@Nikki Monroe Lol!! Yay! Now don't you feel better sharing that ha!! It's ok I'm sure there's a LOT of "embarrassing" issues we have all been through that aren't being shared. I'm proud to say I have not put any pants in harms way since dropping the weight. If you are a pair of pants you are safe in my presence!! -
  21. Like
    lfry925 reacted to samuelsmom in Fat confessionals   
    I am so glad I found this post! I can relate. I have been overweight all my life and am a nurse also. I really didn't care what anyone else thought of me, however, I knew that good luck and a favorable gene pool will only get you so far. I was 50 years old and couldn't walk down the street. Every step was painful on my knees and I couldn't handle any physical activity. I actually felt my body giving up and knew that if I didn't do something that I wouldn't live to see grandchildren. I tried for a year on my own with no success and then started my pre-op visits on July 28th 2014, had my surgery on November 19th and am down 93 pounds.
    I am still overweight, still a little afraid that I won't succeed, but mostly grateful that I have been given this opportunity.
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    lfry925 reacted to Elode in Fat confessionals   
    @@The Candidate Thank you so much! It's a whole new world in the clothes department now. I'm constantly complaining that I don't have anything to wear but now it's because I keep shrinking out of everything!
  23. Like
    lfry925 reacted to ZoeyBear in Fat confessionals   
    Here's my latest NSV...I just put 10 pairs of size 24 jeans & capris (all the same brand and style haha!) on an online garage sale!!! I'm in a 20 now and soon will be 18! It feels great going down, down, down! I started in April in a 26/28!!!
  24. Like
    lfry925 got a reaction from Elode in Fat confessionals   
    lol this made me laugh! (Not at you)
  25. Like
    lfry925 reacted to ShrinkingPeach in Fat confessionals   
    I love your posts and thank you for sharing! I have been overweight my whole life and after going through a traumatic divorce (ending in a restraining order and other issues), I retreated into solitude and ate more than ever before.
    I met the new love of my life in 2010 and we got married 2 years ago. I now want to live longer so I can spend time with him. I want to be healthier so we can do more. He has 2 kids from a previous relationship (14 and 10), and I want to be able to keep up with them!
    I also work at a job where I wear scrubs and I couldn't even find scrub pants that fit, so I had to wear knit pants in black with scrub tops. I have now gone down from a 4x to a 2x. It feels great to not feel like I need to try to be invisible as I have my whole life. I feel like a butterfly being re-born. I still have along way to go but my whole confidence level is changing, it is bleeding over into every aspect of my life.
    Thank you again for your post and that is my share!

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