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Gastric Bypass Patients
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    Nurse04 reacted to bluedreams86 in November Surgery Dates Anyone? Let's Connect!   
    Good luck!!!! Mine is today at 11am. Everything is going to go well!
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    Nurse04 reacted to carriekos in November Surgery Dates Anyone? Let's Connect!   
    My day is tomorrow at 9:30.
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    Nurse04 reacted to jenn cox in November Surgery Dates Anyone? Let's Connect!   
    Hi all the November surgery dates. This is Jenn. I haven't posted since my surgery on November 4th so I thought I'd update. I had two rough nights in the hospital mostly with terrible stomach distension from gas which was painful and walking didn't seem to help a whole lot. I was reluctant to drink the broth and Jello they brought to me. But by the day I went home I was feeling better and from my first full day home I was able to get in my 64 ounces of Water and two Protein Shakes plus my Vitamins. I just focused on 8 ounces of Fluid per hour and that works for me . Still adhering to the same regimen to get my fluids in and Protein. I'm 12 days out and I still just have a little pain in the lower left side of my abdomen. So I can't complain I have had no nausea and I'm thankful for that I think it's made all the difference in my recovery. Good luck to everyone who is recovering and yet to have surgery
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    Nurse04 reacted to NewJeffrey in November Surgery Dates Anyone? Let's Connect!   
    I was told to go with chewable vitamins or liquid. So I went to Vitamin Shoppe and bought the Bariatric chewable Multivitamin by twin lab. I also bought Twin labs liquid B Complex 50 and the B-12 sublingual dots. There all pretty easy to take. My Bariatric Center recommended taking chewable Tums for 8 weeks as a Calcium source and for the stomach (gas, etc...) and then moving to calcium citrate. We also were advised NOT to take anything in a Gummy form due to our new pouches.
    Its good to hear everybody is doing well. Its interesting. If you look at our conversations 3 weeks ago we were all pressing through the 2 week liquid diet, dealing with anxieties about the surgery, and dealing with the stress of our everyday lives!! Now we are talking about vitamins!! :-) :-). I guess you can tell by our conversations that things do get better one day at a time.
    That's encouraging :-) :-)
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    Nurse04 reacted to HilaryInRC in Wearing a medical bracelet after bypass surgery   
    I ordered the rhythm and blues bracelet with the rose gold gardenia plate. I'm planning to get a few more bracelets.
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    Nurse04 reacted to catdaddy in Wearing a medical bracelet after bypass surgery   
    I just got my ID Bracelet from Lauren's Hope. My wife picked it out and she chose I nice one. I'm happy
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    Nurse04 reacted to Dabliss111114 in November Surgery Dates Anyone? Let's Connect!   
    How is everyone? Had my surgery on Tuesday afternoon. My doc said it took longer than normal. At this point I'm not sure why. Yesterday was rough. Definitely more pain than I expected. I couldn't keep anything down. Los of zophran for the nausea and in bed most of day. I finally was able to get up and walk a little last night. Im feeling a little better today. I'm up in the chair and the nurse said I can start walking more today. I may be able to go home tomorrow.
    I hope everyone else is doing ok. I'll read through all the other posts later this afternoon.
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    Nurse04 reacted to Time4ChangeNY in November Surgery Dates Anyone? Let's Connect!   
    So glad to be home from my surgery. I am feeling a little better every day, and the liquids are going down easier with each day. I am so glad this part of my journey is over, and now I can move on to the good part. I am glad to hear that everyone else who has had their surgery is doing well.
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    Nurse04 reacted to TJBab in November Surgery Dates Anyone? Let's Connect!   
    Sitting i preop waiting my turn...met with anethiologist just sitting here un patiently.... Lol
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    Nurse04 reacted to Tootles1975 in November Surgery Dates Anyone? Let's Connect!   
    First day of the two-week pre-op liquid diet and I can't get this out of my head: "Ya know, it's all about the shake, bout that shake...no trouble..."
  11. Like
    Nurse04 reacted to NewJeffrey in November Surgery Dates Anyone? Let's Connect!   
    Good afternoon everybody. I had my one week check up. They took my staples out. I was expecting pain, but I didn't even realize she was doing it until she said it was done. My incisions are healing real well. They put "surgical strips" over my incisions, and it feels great having those staples removed. I moving from liquid diet to the full liquids diet, and I'm feeling real good about the decision to do this operation and be in this process. The best is yet to come!!!!! :-) :-). Have a great day November buddies :-)
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    Nurse04 reacted to Jim1967 in You know you've had WLS when ___________________ ! ! ! ^_^   
    You know you've had WLS when....
    ...You've listened to people b***h at you your whole life about howfat and unhealthy you are. To now about how concerned they are that you've gotten so skinny and you should be monitored by a Doctor to make sure there's not a problem. :angry:
    sorry I should've posted this in the rant & raves forum....
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    Nurse04 reacted to snowblue in You know you've had WLS when ___________________ ! ! ! ^_^   
    OK I know i've posed the last 16 things, but I had one of these while I was reading and responding... when u forget to take ur bra off after being home for 4 hours (because it doesn't hurt)... I used to unsnap it walking up the stairs into my house :/
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    Nurse04 reacted to Kindle in You know you've had WLS when ___________________ ! ! ! ^_^   
    Ok, so let me first explain the two circumstances that came together that day to create the "Litter Box Incident"....
    1) when I had C. diff, my BM's consisted of a severe, painful cramp, followed by projectile, watery diarrhea approximately 5-10 seconds later. This occurred 15-20 times a day at the height of my infection. No way to either predict or prevent the chain of events.
    2) I am a vet tech/partner in a mobile veterinary practice. It's just me and the vet. Our mobile unit is basically like a 25 foot RV. We took the toilet out years ago in order to convert the tiny "bathroom" into a storage closet.
    Despite my preference to camp out in my own bathroom for the day, I ended up having to work. My vet had just had a hysterectomy and was laid up on her couch. One of our clients called to say she was out of pain meds for her dog that was recovering at home with a broken pelvis. I had no choice but to venture out. I made the 20 minute drive to her house without incident (whew!). But as I was getting up her pain meds, I was consumed with the tell-tale cramp. Knowing I had about 5 seconds before you know what, I grabbed a litter box out of the cupboard, dropped my drawers and squatted. I'm just glad the client didn't come in!
    And who said pooping can't be fun?
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    Nurse04 reacted to btibbits in Anybody having surgery the 24th of Nov? What a countdown buddy?   
    I'm scheduled for the 25th! In NH
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    Nurse04 reacted to Jacqbult in has the sleeve doubled or tripled your sex drive?   
    I will let you know after my surgery. One can only hope, wish and pray for that. My husband would be thrilled. LMAO
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    Nurse04 reacted to Darcie46 in November Surgery Dates Anyone? Let's Connect!   
    I'm today (Nov 10th) as well. Not til later in the day, need to be to the hospital at 11am. Thinking of you, hoping all goes well. Stay strong and let us know once you're feeling better and able to post. I won't be far behind you!
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    Nurse04 reacted to karebearr100 in November Surgery Dates Anyone? Let's Connect!   
    Had my surgery yesterday around noon. Doing well so far. Lost 10.2 # on preop diet. Can't wait to go home tomorrow.
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    Nurse04 reacted to ready2B in November Surgery Dates Anyone? Let's Connect!   
    Hi y'all. In about 36 hours, I will be in the OR. Seems really surreal after all these months to finally be near the finish line. I had my last solid food for a while tonight. I only have one day of liquid preop diet, so I get to start that tomorrow. I don't know why some doctors require 2 weeks or more and others don't? Maybe they go in a different way and so some need the liver smaller? Or maybe my doc just figures people will cheat anyway so why bother? Who knows? Anyway, I feel for those of you who have to do it for so long. I am sure the postop diet part will be hard enough.
    I am strangely calm about things now. I already had my panic attack earlier in the week so I hope I got that out of my system!

    @@ptksmcc - glad to hear your surgery went so well! Feel free to friend me if you want a buddy. I will be joining you very shortly! Any last minute words of advice?
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    Nurse04 reacted to NewJeffrey in November Surgery Dates Anyone? Let's Connect!   
    I watched Netflix during my two week liquid diet. No commercials.
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    Nurse04 reacted to NicoleSW in November Surgery Dates Anyone? Let's Connect!   
    Just panicked a bit. Bawled like a baby in the parking lot of Wal-Mart (needed some non-slip slippers, I hate wearing socks) for about 5 minutes then I was fine. I don't even know what part of this whole process I'm scared of anymore. I think doing my living will/medical power of attorney papers really freaked me out. I know the risks are low compared to my risks of long term obesity. I don't even really know what started it. So glad my surgeon said I could take a Xanax in the morning! My surgery is at 11:55 am...ahhhh! First day of my healthier new life!
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    Nurse04 reacted to NewJeffrey in November Surgery Dates Anyone? Let's Connect!   
    Hey 4th of November people!!! I'm sitting here drinking this tasteless unsweetened tea, but the wetness feels good in my mouth. The Doc came about an hour ago. He says that my white blood count is high. He wants to make sure that it's not from an infection, else wise everything is great. I'm already up to 2 ounces of Fluid an hour. So pumped up for the future. Already the last two days have been awesome!!!
  23. Like
    Nurse04 reacted to Alumace in November Surgery Dates Anyone? Let's Connect!   
    Had my surgery 6th November. Some pain in the left side but only happens when I walk to much. Not hungry drinking enough Water I hope. Off my high blood pressure meds and my lantus insulin has gone down 20u so all going good.
    2nd night in hospital I kept have hot flashes but seems to have gone down now.
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    Nurse04 reacted to NewJeffrey in November Surgery Dates Anyone? Let's Connect!   
    Good morning. So I'm looking at being discharged sometime today. The reason that they want me to be able to drink 4 ounces an hour is to make sure that when I get home I will not get dehydrated. They are pumping fluids into me now, but that will end when I get home. I've been fortunate. No shoulder or neck pain. I've been walking around the ward without help. The only thing holding me up is that my blood pressure got elevated and they're trying to get it down. I can't over emphasize the importance of the two week liquid diet. My Doctor said he did a woman yesterday who cheated, and he couldn't do her surgery with the robotic arm. He had to cut her open, which makes recovery longer and more painful. I'm truly excited!!! I'm not hungry at all. I can't wait to start learning my pouch and diving into a healthier lifestyle.
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    Nurse04 got a reaction from gahannagal in Anyone in Ohio?   
    I'm in Ohio. Dayton! I'm seeing Dr Schumacher at Kettering Bariatrics. Approved and last Preop is in 2 days! Surgery will be on November 25th (my son's 17th bday)....ready for the real me to shine again!
    Can't wait!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
