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Brian T. Poe

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Status Updates posted by Brian T. Poe

  1. Things are going good. Feel normal and gym is my best friend...5 months post op and I'm just as excited as I was 2-3 months ago.

  2. Currently 3rd stall since surgery , but I've been going harder at the gym. I'll get to goal soon enough. Feeling great

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jordan861


      I just finished stall number two since surgery... 1.5 weeks with no movement on the scales finally lost 1/2 pd... I'm counting it..... Stay in the Journey the stall will pass

    3. Who Dat 70461

      Who Dat 70461

      Stalls will happen, main thing is to stay the course. Fantastic progress man!


    4. Brian T. Poe

      Brian T. Poe

      Thanks y'all. Been doing the gym 4-5 days a week... Regardless of the scale I'm still going strong...scale will move when it feels like it lol

  3. 51lbs down since my surgery October 13th. 76lbs since July 2nd

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. *****
    3. ProudGrammy


      hey dude you are aces!!! keep up the good job :o)


    4. Jordan861


      Wow your doing amazing.. .....


  4. First stall.... Hopefully it's muscle gain...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jordan861


      Rmember it is not a sprint but a marathon..... as for the stall (this too shall pass) my first one was at about 4 weeks...lasted over a week....


    3. Jordan861


      Hey come by your profile to check in on you. How are you doing?


    4. Brian T. Poe

      Brian T. Poe

      It's been an eventful 7 weeks, a lot of bad days but hopefully they're over with. I'm 51lbs down since surgery...76 total

  5. 4 weeks post op...43lbs down.. 68lbs down since July:)

    1. haleytrim


      Points for you man!! Congrats!

    2. shmeyers
    3. McButterpants


      Wow, you're doing great! Keep up the great work!


  6. 23 days post op, finally had a sweet potato, and drank 75g of protein today, gotta start somewhere :)

  7. 3 weeks post op, finally starting to feel better...might start gym sessions this week

    1. haleytrim


      Hey Brian,

      To coin a phrase "Just Do It" Swoosh! You've got this.

  8. Had to get IV's today, hope I can stay on the liquid intake:/

    1. RJ'S/beginning


      Try G2 Gatorade or coconut water. It is a natural hydrator. They will keep your electrolytes up..:)

    2. Jordan861


      Water water water..

    3. Chayil532


      I agree with Jordan. Water is key. I stick with cold water or Crystal Light. I don't go anywhere without it. I'm also working on getting my shake intake up. Will keep you in my prayers.

  9. Having a powerade, I'm hoping this goes well....going to see the nut tomorrow, can't shake this fullness feeling...which makes it hard to get liquids in

  10. 1 week post op appointments tomorrow :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LAG50


      Congrats. How did it go?

    3. Brian T. Poe

      Brian T. Poe

      Feeling ok.... Really been tough to get all the liquids in and protein. I feel bloated all the time :/

    4. Jordan861


      Congrats.. the over full feeling will subside. Get up and move, drink and have some protein... Your going to do great.

  11. 6 days post op, finally have SOME energy, not much but been out of bed for most of the day, one day at a time i guess

    1. taylorj7


      take it easy man, each day gets better and better trust me.

    2. chellede


      Keep getting up and get out and do some walking. You got this !!!

    3. Bandora


      Walking actually gave me a little energy boost. Don't overdo it, but a little moving helps you heal faster.

  12. 1st full day back at home, was a ruff stay at the hospital but feeling better now

    1. Kiki2004


      was wondering how you were doing...hang in there...rome wasn't built in a day :) prayers for the days ahead to be better

    2. shmeyers


      First full day for me too. Hospital was rough.

  13. 28 hours and counting before I head to the hospital for surgery :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Who Dat 70461

      Who Dat 70461

      The anxiety leading up to surgery was the worst part! I was ready for them to just get it on and be done with it! Time seemed to be going at half speed during this period, as well as the first few months post-op. Hang in there though, it'll be a distant memory before you know it. Now (17 months out) it seems like a lifetime ago! I pray the surgery is textbook and that you'll soon be cursing the nurses for waking every few hours to check you out and making you walk the halls! LOL

      Godspeed for a rapid recovery!

    3. Jordan861


      You will do fine. By day 2 I felt good. I was up and walking day one but sore.... Just remember follow all your doctors rules and get up and walk as soon as possible. It will keep complications down... will be thinking of you...

    4. Packerfan61964


      Take a deep breath and breathe!! You will do fine and everything will be ok


  14. Got confirmation today, surgery is Monday at 8am :-)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Zoey716


      So exciting!! Wishing you all the best and for a quick recovery!!

    3. Tucson41


      sending you positive thoughts for a fast recovery. Good Luck.

    4. Kiki2004


      very exciting! will say a prayer for you!

  15. Tomorrow I find out my surgery time....becoming more real :)

  16. Nerves.....second thoughts...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Who Dat 70461

      Who Dat 70461

      No worries. Trust me, you aren't the first or the last to have second thoughts. I'm telling you though, this procedure has been an absolute blessing for me! I'm 47 and feel better than I have in decades! I'm working out every day...no longer sore with aches and pains (attributed to the excess weight my frame was carrying)...and just feel like I've got a new lease on the second half of my life! Don't ever hesitate to give me a shout if you have any questions or just need a sounding board. I ain't an expert and am far from perfect, but I'll damn sure be honest with you! LOL


    3. Brian T. Poe

      Brian T. Poe

      Definitely will man. Redskins fan here! ✔

    4. pink dahlia

      pink dahlia

      Its 3:29 AM, sleep problems as usual. But lap band problems ? None, zip, zero. I flew from Wash state to NY this summer, did tourist stuff and Amtrak'd back home. Never once had a problem food wise. Ate on planes , trains and automobiles, just small portions and stayed away from the few foods that bother me, ( rice, pasta, some breads) almost 3 yrs banded, life is sooo much better ! Best decision ever !! Good luck !!

  17. Less than a week for my surgery....

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
