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    Elizabeth21 reacted to CanyonBaby in I'm Having a Breakdown   
    This emotional rush is, in my opinion, NEVER gone over enough (if at all) with so many WLS patients, and the teams who are there to prepare us for this should really send this point home, as well as the hair loss, stalls...... I see a lot of touting the surgery for benefits such as the obvious weight loss, disease improvements............., but they don't seem to tell us what to expect that SOOOOO many of us endure following the surgery. Maybe they think it will scare folks off, but REALLY, we're made of stronger stuff than that!!! Just be honest, surgical teams, and lay down the goods (or not-so-goods), so we can truly prepare for the nasties that get to us following surgery. RANT over, for now!
    Most of us have been through what you are going through, and it will pass. Get a BIG box of Kleenex (the really soft ones!), a few really good movies, a craft or two to keep your hands busy while watching said movies, and keep you computer on so we can be there for you! Bless you, dear one....
  2. Like
    Elizabeth21 reacted to JamieLogical in I'm Having a Breakdown   
    The first couple of weeks are just so rough. I promise you it will get better! You will feel normal again! I remember those dark days in my early weeks when I was crying and uncomfortable and struggling, but they are a very distant memory now, seven months post-op. I feel normal 99% of the time and I have become used to my new life. You will get there. Just have faith and patience. Do everything you can. Sip, sip, sip. Walk, walk, walk. Get in your liquids and as much Protein as possible. Stick to your nutrition plan, and you WILL get better and be successful.
  3. Like
    Elizabeth21 reacted to imsoglad56 in I'm Having a Breakdown   
    One of the things I read before surgery that I thought might be a bunch of hooey was that as we start to lose fat fast, like right after surgery, it causes a hormone surge. Apparently this is because the hormones are stored in fat and as we burn the fat, the hormones sort of flood the body. I thought it was BS, but less than a week after surgery, I started breaking out in HORRIBLE acne like I hadn't seen since my teens. I imagine that's part of what is happening with you. It doesn't make it any easier, but just try to hold on knowing that it will get better. You will do wonderful. Hugs.
  4. Like
    Elizabeth21 reacted to BLERDgirl in I'm Having a Breakdown   
    @@Tanika81 Hang in there. Some people go through an emotional period, especially right after surgery. You are the first person to experience these feelings. Just follow the instructions you were given and the weight loss will happen. It takes some time to work up to meeting the Protein and Fluid guidelines. Do the best you can and you'll get there.
  5. Like
    Elizabeth21 reacted to gowalking in Guilt free indulgence   
    Hi Friends. I went to dinner with my sister last night and made the decision to indulge a bit. We shared a bottle of wine at dinner and I had a mini cannoli washed down with an espresso and a shot of anisette as well. I knew I'd gain weight from this meal but because I knew it, I didn't worry about it..or feel guilty about it.
    I do this every once in a while. And as long as I'm compliant today...and I will be, the weight I gained from last night, will come off and life will go on. The wrong thing to do is feel guilty about indulging and then throwing the baby out with the bath Water. No need for one evening to knock us off course. Just get back on that horse and keep moving forward.
    I really enjoyed dinner last night...I didn't eat more than I should have...I just drank more than I normally would. And since this was restaurant food, it was likely heavier on the sodium and calories...especially since it was delish. But I like to eat out and I plan for it and after that, I just do the best I can to make as good decisions as I can. We had Italian and I didn't order Pasta...no point as I can't eat a whole portion of it...nor would I want to. We shared a salad, veal parm and lasagna. And when I say shared, I mean I took a band sized portion...not half the meal.
    As Alex said...think and act like a thin person. I'm working on it.
  6. Like
    Elizabeth21 reacted to LipstickLady in So you thought my husband cheated on me eh!?   
    Good for you for standing up for yourself! You deserve to be treated well.
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    Elizabeth21 reacted to RJ'S/beginning in So you thought my husband cheated on me eh!?   
    You got that right...For some reason I don't hang with any of my old crowd. I am out looking for new friends...Any takers...lol
  8. Like
    Elizabeth21 got a reaction from jinxxy5 in Anyone compete in bikini after weight loss surgery?   
    You have great aspiration! I'm just happy I can use a regular bathroom stall again!!
  9. Like
    Elizabeth21 reacted to Bill Good in I am 45 and loving life   
    Hi I am early into being sleeved (2/16/15)...so far loving the results.. It's finally warmer where I live and now can do more outside instead being in the gym.. Good luck to all in your journey
  10. Like
    Elizabeth21 got a reaction from JLMET in Nervous - Does Anyone Else Feel This Way   
    The scale can make me crazy. So, I stay off of it. I can tell I am losing by the way my clothes fit and what I am doing. I am not going to weigh myself again before I go back to doctor for follow up at the end of April. The last time I weighed in was at my last follow up appointment. For me the number can just be an enemy. I am focusing on the non-scale victories. I have already enjoyed so many of those! (Lower BP, fitting in chairs, looking better, etc.) And really, if you think about it, those are more important than the actual number on a scale.
    My advice: let go of the scale and embrace the new you. Let the new you focus on your improved health and quality of life!
    Good luck!
  11. Like
    Elizabeth21 got a reaction from Mel24 in Biggest surprise/regrets after surgery?   
    Overall quality of life. I am almost 4 months out. My biggest surprise is how quickly I reached my "minimum goals" for my overall quality of life. Even though I am only about halfway to the ultimate weight loss "goal," I am already so much more comfortable in my own skin. I now look "average" not huge and I can fit in chairs and bathrooms and look decent in clothes. My BP is better and I do not hurt like used to. Although I'd like to lose more, if I didn't, I would still be okay because I can move okay and function normally in the world again. For me, it is important to acknowledge how far I've come already so I do not get caught up in what could be an elusive goal of a number on a scale. The only "symptom" I did not expect was how dry my facial skin would get, but, that's just a matter of updating my moisturizer. But being able to feel pretty again -- and feel good again -- and just "fitting in" again: priceless.
    Good luck!
  12. Like
    Elizabeth21 reacted to JLMET in Nervous - Does Anyone Else Feel This Way   
    Thank you for this, I totally agree! I've been careful to only weigh myself once a week but I think I may have to let go of that as well, or else buy a scale that gives the same weight every time! YEESH!
    You're totally right though, my clothes already fit better and I FEEL better so that's truly what matter! Thank you
  13. Like
    Elizabeth21 reacted to pink dahlia in Can I get a hug and maybe some guidance?   
    First off BIG HUGS to you ! Secondly, if you had dental problems that were causing you to have a lower quality of life, and your Denist recommended dental surgery, would you feel "ashamed" and think you could "solve the problem on my own " ?? I don't think so !!! By putting YOURSELF first ( healthwise) everybody wins ! More hugs to you !!!
  14. Like
    Elizabeth21 got a reaction from JLMET in Nervous - Does Anyone Else Feel This Way   
    The scale can make me crazy. So, I stay off of it. I can tell I am losing by the way my clothes fit and what I am doing. I am not going to weigh myself again before I go back to doctor for follow up at the end of April. The last time I weighed in was at my last follow up appointment. For me the number can just be an enemy. I am focusing on the non-scale victories. I have already enjoyed so many of those! (Lower BP, fitting in chairs, looking better, etc.) And really, if you think about it, those are more important than the actual number on a scale.
    My advice: let go of the scale and embrace the new you. Let the new you focus on your improved health and quality of life!
    Good luck!
  15. Like
    Elizabeth21 reacted to desertgirl_74 in Finally told someone & OMG, smh! :(   
    What you said is the exact point. This is about YOU. This is your health, your struggles, your life.
    When I talked to my husband the first thing he said is "I don't want you to do this. I love you just the way you are". I told him I was glad to hear that, but the bottom line is that I'M not happy with the way I am right now. I don't like being a diabetic. I don't like being embarrassed by my size. I don't like feeling miserable every time we go on a trip somewhere. I could go on and on here. We all get my point.
    And yes, people who have never been REALLY overweight will never really understand. But that doesn't mean they have to be so judgmental. I've only told a handful of people. I know I don't need negativity right now. Knowing what I'm about to do is stressful enough.
  16. Like
    Elizabeth21 reacted to kvlasy in Finally told someone & OMG, smh! :(   
    "Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary."
    Steve Jobs
    US computer engineer & industrialist (1955 - 2011)
  17. Like
    Elizabeth21 reacted to minniegirl in Finally told someone & OMG, smh! :(   
    I am really sorry that your friend reacted that way to you, clearly its because she loves you but she is not very informed and thinks that she is.
    I had someone in my family that I am very CLOSE too and there was no way around telling her.
    I made it much harder for her to criticize by opening with "we are so close and I am only telling you about this because I KNOW I will have your support" She still gave me a bit of a hard time in roundabout ways. However, I think it eased what I would have had to endure if I had just told her without saying I KNOW you will support me.
  18. Like
    Elizabeth21 reacted to IcanMakeit in Finally told someone & OMG, smh! :(   
    I know I would feel lonely if I was doing this without any support. Maybe you can educate your friend. Perhaps you should send her the URL of this website. She is obviously uninformed and some real stories from real people might be what she needs to read to shake her preconceptions.
  19. Like
    Elizabeth21 reacted to Babbs in Blue?   
    Awwww, hang in there! Your new journey is right around the corner! And yes, I'm a total wreck without caffeine! I'm sure the withdrawal has a lot to do with your mood.
    I'm going to Hawaii for the fist time around the time you're having your surgery, and I'm going to go scuba diving and will be hiking up to a volcano. Things I know I couldn't or wouldn't have done before surgery
    Hope you start to feel better and good luck with your upcoming surgery! Keep us posted!
  20. Like
    Elizabeth21 got a reaction from Mel24 in Biggest surprise/regrets after surgery?   
    Overall quality of life. I am almost 4 months out. My biggest surprise is how quickly I reached my "minimum goals" for my overall quality of life. Even though I am only about halfway to the ultimate weight loss "goal," I am already so much more comfortable in my own skin. I now look "average" not huge and I can fit in chairs and bathrooms and look decent in clothes. My BP is better and I do not hurt like used to. Although I'd like to lose more, if I didn't, I would still be okay because I can move okay and function normally in the world again. For me, it is important to acknowledge how far I've come already so I do not get caught up in what could be an elusive goal of a number on a scale. The only "symptom" I did not expect was how dry my facial skin would get, but, that's just a matter of updating my moisturizer. But being able to feel pretty again -- and feel good again -- and just "fitting in" again: priceless.
    Good luck!
  21. Like
    Elizabeth21 reacted to finediva in Things men say when told about WLS :)   
    I'm in my early fifties. The young guys keep looking. I just give my secret smile and keep walking. Yeah, like that!
  22. Like
    Elizabeth21 reacted to LisaLouBop in Things men say when told about WLS :)   
    Can't wait to hear about number four!!
  23. Like
    Elizabeth21 reacted to blondebomb in Reversal for gastric sleeve?   
    I am sooo happy for you!!! I read this thread and I felt so bad for you. I am 10 months PO my first month was brutal! my surgeon warned me it would be. he said if you can get thru the first month you'll do good. it wasn't perfect by far easy brezzy? heck no!! I had my crying spells my bitchy spells I had hernia repair also and the esophagus spasms were awful. those last almost 3 wks. I could barely sip Water myself. my first month I did good to get 1 can of my shake. I tried soo many different Protein types either powder or drinks finally the pure Protein Shakes worked for me and so did the nectar brand helped also. for my my shakes counted toward my Fluid intake so that was good. my first month believe me I had my doubts as well..I was second guessing myself what the heck have I done????? I knew deep inside though I really wanted this and I talked myself through it. I was struggling with the head hunger/craving thing also. learned about it during our preop psych classes. I also have GERD have had it for eons of yrs. thankfully I had a great surgeon he did start me on protonix IV from the gecco. I was having to sip water as well all day long my first wk I had dropped 20 some pds. it was at 4 months PO I was still only getting about 2 maybe 3 bites in at 1 setting. I didn't get my energy and feeling better till 6 months. my internist also said the healing of the tummy takes a good 6 months to heal and it takes all the energy we have for healing. I understand your frustration and anger. I hate it that you had a jack*** for a surgeon that only cared about his wallet and not you. I would have to complain to the board myself. that behaviour is not acceptable. there are many many great surgeons and caring dr's out there and I just read that you have a caring dr that is working with you now to get you the help you need. I was so glad to read that! I hope you really don't think this procedure to help you reclaim a healthy life back and prevent further health problems down the road was stupid move bc I really think once you get back to where you can get feeling better and get your nutrition where it needs to be I really think you will bounce back better then you expect..at least I'm hoping that for you!! my first 6 months was a struggle. this is the hardest thing I ever went through and I went through a ugly divorce after 20 yrs of a first marriage myself. but I am 10 months PO now and over 100 pds down I know you think its the devil now but just wait and you'll see even though it was extremely difficult for me as crazy as it sounds on my end I would do it again in a heart beat my benefits have outweighed everything I endured. it sounds like your on the fastrack on recovery with a new caring dr's you'll get fixed up and on the mend and 6 months from now this will be a distant memory and you will be strutting around with your head held high! hang in there!! keep us posted..I'll be looking for your updates dear! don't pressure yourself...do the best you can
  24. Like
    Elizabeth21 got a reaction from Mel24 in Biggest surprise/regrets after surgery?   
    Overall quality of life. I am almost 4 months out. My biggest surprise is how quickly I reached my "minimum goals" for my overall quality of life. Even though I am only about halfway to the ultimate weight loss "goal," I am already so much more comfortable in my own skin. I now look "average" not huge and I can fit in chairs and bathrooms and look decent in clothes. My BP is better and I do not hurt like used to. Although I'd like to lose more, if I didn't, I would still be okay because I can move okay and function normally in the world again. For me, it is important to acknowledge how far I've come already so I do not get caught up in what could be an elusive goal of a number on a scale. The only "symptom" I did not expect was how dry my facial skin would get, but, that's just a matter of updating my moisturizer. But being able to feel pretty again -- and feel good again -- and just "fitting in" again: priceless.
    Good luck!
  25. Like
    Elizabeth21 got a reaction from Mel24 in Biggest surprise/regrets after surgery?   
    Overall quality of life. I am almost 4 months out. My biggest surprise is how quickly I reached my "minimum goals" for my overall quality of life. Even though I am only about halfway to the ultimate weight loss "goal," I am already so much more comfortable in my own skin. I now look "average" not huge and I can fit in chairs and bathrooms and look decent in clothes. My BP is better and I do not hurt like used to. Although I'd like to lose more, if I didn't, I would still be okay because I can move okay and function normally in the world again. For me, it is important to acknowledge how far I've come already so I do not get caught up in what could be an elusive goal of a number on a scale. The only "symptom" I did not expect was how dry my facial skin would get, but, that's just a matter of updating my moisturizer. But being able to feel pretty again -- and feel good again -- and just "fitting in" again: priceless.
    Good luck!

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