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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Status Updates posted by JerzyTomato74

  1. Three days away from surgery. I've been good on the pre-op diet so why am I suddenly getting cravings?

    1. ImOnMyWay61


      good luck on Wednesday. keep up the great work.

    2. JerzyTomato74


      Thanks! I didn't cave even though I wanted to real bad! A fear in me says that my surgeon will know if I cheated and cancel my surgery! LOL

    3. LAG50


      I've heard that too.....and I was shocked when they actually put me on a scale inside the OR. What if I had gained? Yikes! I can't believe they would have you there at the time of surgery and weigh you again...lol. Clearly they are not playing...lol.

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  2. Gastric emptying study on Monday, then when I get home I will have a fun-filled afternoon on the toilet after taking magnesium citrate to clean me out. TMI? LOL

    1. Packerfan61964


      YAY!!!! Me too!!! I am not looking forward to this!! I bought the grape flavored magnesium citrate......hope it at least tastes decent so i can chug it down and not gag and barf it back up!! Good Luck!!!

    2. UnRuLyJuLiE


      Gastric emptying study was the worst part, for me Yuck


    3. JerzyTomato74


      @packerfan I got the grape also. I am told it's best to mix it with something so I'm going to mix it with a grape flavored Powerade. @UnRuLy why was it the worst?

  3. Day 6 of pre-op diet and 7 lbs down. Pre-admission blood work shows I'm anemic. Never had that problem before. Going to have to recheck prior to surgery.

    1. TheCurvyJones


      Add some additional Iron to your vitamin regimen, if you haven't already!

    2. JerzyTomato74


      That's what I was thinking but the two a day vitamin regimen already has me constipated from the extra iron. I have a call into my surgeon's office so I'm waiting for a call back to see what they want me to do.

  4. Had to buy my robe for the hospital online because the store doesn't have the bigger sizes. I will be so happy when that's no longer an issue!

    1. Packerfan61964


      I bought a pair of scrub pants to wear under my hospital gown!!

  5. Pre-surgery testing and bariatric class done today. Also on day 2 of pre-op diet. So hungry and missing coffee! Massive headache right now not helping either. I will get through this!!!

    1. Kiki2004


      hang in there!

    2. ImOnMyWay61


      I found after surgery coffee wasn't that important. I was an avid coffee drinker, I mean all day and take it to bed. Drink it hot or cold. At least 1 1/2 - 2 pots a day. Since my surgery I have drank 2 cups total. You can get through this.

    3. JerzyTomato74


      Thanks! I'm actually only a morning coffee drinker and I've heard many people say I won't miss it after surgery. I just miss it right now! LOL

  6. Starting pre-op diet on Wednesday. Cheating my butt off until then!

    1. Kiki2004


      saying farewell to a former lover, nothing wrong with that!

    2. ☠carolinagirl☠


      so did i.....i went out of my super morbid obese life w/style

    3. ImOnMyWay61


      I know what you are going through. My family and friends had a "fat" "Going away party" for me the Saturday before my surgery. Everywhere I went I would say why not I won't be here again. Lol don't beat yourself up over this you can do it.

  7. Endoscopy in the morning. Officially 3 weeks away from surgery!

  8. Got my surgery date! 10/29...let's do this!

  9. Insurance approved! Now my surgeon is on vacation for two weeks so I have to wait to get surgery date.

    1. ProudGrammy


      what a bummer!!! in the end it will be worth the wait, but.......

      "God Grant Me Patience Just Hurry Up About It! LOL

    2. JerzyTomato74


      It's ok. I feel better knowing he will be well rested and refreshed after a vacation! ;-)

  10. Waiting for insurance approval!

    1. ProudGrammy


      good vibes being sent your way - good luck

  11. Being on vacation in a shore town makes me long for the days when I won't feel so out of place and can enjoy a dip in the pool or sit on the beach feeling comfortable!

    1. Ginger Snaps

      Ginger Snaps

      Just start now and take lots of pics so you can have good before pictures! It will happen and you can do it... from a Jersey girl who was out at Asbury Park yesterday.

    2. JerzyTomato74


      Thanks! Pics I see of myself now only fuel my desire to get this surgery over with!

  12. Insurance requirements complete! Looking at an October surgery date!

  13. Not getting any sleep lately. Stressing too much!

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