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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Status Updates posted by JerzyTomato74

  1. "Oh Yeah" protein drink has got to be the most disgusting I've ever tasted! Blech!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. teb


      I make my own protein!!!! it taste good and you can adjust the taste to your liking.

    3. JerzyTomato74


      Miss Mac, the chocolate is the one I bought. LOL I usually drink Premier Protein but I was out a little longer than expected yesterday and one of my stops was a health food store. I was in a pinch so I bought it. I got half of it down but couldn't take it anymore.

    4. NewLife'sGr8


      teb: *PERK! how do you make your own protein?

  2. 15 lbs away from being under 300 for the first time in 4 years!!!

    1. ProudGrammy


      woo hoo -twoderville in site! down over 40 lbs in such a short time!!!keep up the great job - good luck - congrats

    2. barriej9
    3. Packerfan61964


      that is awesome girl!!! I am just 6 lbs away!!!

  3. 5 day pouch test was a success! Out of my month-long stall and down 5 more lbs!

    1. Djmohr


      Hooray! Sometimes our bodies simply need a change of pace. Glad to hear you are doing well!

    2. LDAF


      what is a pouch test?

    3. JerzyTomato74
  4. Another stall at 275 lbs. This is so frustrating!

    1. une nouvelle vie

      une nouvelle vie

      Stalls are awful, aren't they? I had one for THREE MONTHS. Just in the last few weeks has it let go an I'm back on the downward movement. Change up your exercise a little? That's what did it for me

    2. Veronica Page

      Veronica Page

      I get one every 10lbs weight loss so I def know your frustration...but LOOK at your progress. Awesome weight loss. Whats a lil stall when you've had such success!

  5. Been stuck at 282-284, back and forth for several weeks now. Thinking about trying the 5 day reboot.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BayougirlMrsS


      when i got stuck... i stopped what i was doing at the gym and started something new. My big thing was Zumba... so i stopped and started doing weights... Not heavy.. and started Elliptical.. How's your food intake? Try and up your protein and cut more carbs. Good luck

    3. JerzyTomato74



    4. JerzyTomato74


      I don't have a problem getting protein in but I honestly haven't been keeping track of my intake of calories, fat and carbs and I know I need to do it. I'm trying to make that effort starting today.

  6. Been stuck at same weight for 6 months. Having an abdominal CT scan done today to see if there are any problems going on.

    1. Stevehud


      i hope things work out better for you. Hopefully its just one of those things! Good Luck!

    2. jane13


      what did you find out?

  7. Being on vacation in a shore town makes me long for the days when I won't feel so out of place and can enjoy a dip in the pool or sit on the beach feeling comfortable!

    1. Ginger Snaps

      Ginger Snaps

      Just start now and take lots of pics so you can have good before pictures! It will happen and you can do it... from a Jersey girl who was out at Asbury Park yesterday.

    2. JerzyTomato74


      Thanks! Pics I see of myself now only fuel my desire to get this surgery over with!

  8. Day 6 of pre-op diet and 7 lbs down. Pre-admission blood work shows I'm anemic. Never had that problem before. Going to have to recheck prior to surgery.

    1. TheCurvyJones


      Add some additional Iron to your vitamin regimen, if you haven't already!

    2. JerzyTomato74


      That's what I was thinking but the two a day vitamin regimen already has me constipated from the extra iron. I have a call into my surgeon's office so I'm waiting for a call back to see what they want me to do.

  9. Down another 4 lbs in two weeks! This makes my total loss 80 lbs! Next goal is 20 lbs in two months for my vacation in Myrtle Beach! I think I can, I think I can!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MrsSugarbabe


      Awesome!!! I know you can! I know you can!!

      Keep up the great work!! With every pound we lose, we get healthier. :)

    3. ProudGrammy


      you are aces!!! 80 lbs down! congrats!!!!

      but...you forgot to inviite me to Myrtle Beach sob sob

    4. ProudGrammy



      "with every pound we lose, we get healthier :o)

      love that - woo hoo 59 lbs down - keep up the good work kathy

  10. Down another 5 lbs finally! Also down to a size 20/22 from 26/28. Woo hoo!!!

    1. LipstickLady


      GOOD FOR YOU!!

    2. Packerfan61964


      that is so awesome!!! keep up the good hard work!!!

    3. ProudGrammy


      clothes sizes are amongst the best NSV's keep up the good work, i know you will kathy


  11. Endoscopy in the morning. Officially 3 weeks away from surgery!

  12. Finally met my first post-op goal...under 300!!!

  13. Follow up with surgeon and he said he's is not concerned. No sign of any infection and spleen is only slightly larger than when I had surgery. Prescribed diet pills for a couple months to help get me out of the stall. Not sure how I feel about that.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. jane13


      @proudgrammy I totally agree with you - diet pills?

    3. JerzyTomato74


      I've tried the 5 day reboot, nothing. I've tried juice fasts with protein added, nothing. So I'm at a point of unexplained plateau. Lab work all came back normal and he wasn't concerned with anything on my CT Scan.

    4. JerzyTomato74


      Thanks Kathy! I know I've come a long way and when I look at a before pic, it puts things in perspective. However, I still have so much more to lose and until I get down at least one more size, I won't be truly happy. :/

  14. Gastric emptying study done. What a pain in the butt!!!

  15. Gastric emptying study on Monday, then when I get home I will have a fun-filled afternoon on the toilet after taking magnesium citrate to clean me out. TMI? LOL

    1. Packerfan61964


      YAY!!!! Me too!!! I am not looking forward to this!! I bought the grape flavored magnesium citrate......hope it at least tastes decent so i can chug it down and not gag and barf it back up!! Good Luck!!!

    2. UnRuLyJuLiE


      Gastric emptying study was the worst part, for me Yuck


    3. JerzyTomato74


      @packerfan I got the grape also. I am told it's best to mix it with something so I'm going to mix it with a grape flavored Powerade. @UnRuLy why was it the worst?

  16. Got my surgery date! 10/29...let's do this!

  17. Had my 3 week post-op appt today. Skipping puree's and going to soft foods! Halle-freakin'-lujah! Also down to 311.2 which means I am hopefully out of my stall! Good day!

  18. Had to buy my robe for the hospital online because the store doesn't have the bigger sizes. I will be so happy when that's no longer an issue!

    1. Packerfan61964


      I bought a pair of scrub pants to wear under my hospital gown!!

  19. Hope everyone had a happy Thanksgiving! Hubby had to work so we're celebrating tomorrow! Can't wait to have some turkey!

  20. I can't describe how good it feels to go down a size! I actually look forward to shopping for clothes now. Can't wait until the next size drop! Woot!!!

    1. MrsSugarbabe


      A terrific feeling indeed!

  21. I'm 9 lbs away from 100 lb loss and I really want to lose it before my vacation. I can do this!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Djmohr


      You can absolutely do it! Good luck!

    3. Packerfan61964


      I hit mine and been stalled!!! CONGRATS!!! You look so amazing!!! Keep up the good work!!! YOU GOT THIS!!!!

    4. ProudGrammy


      good luck bud - good positive vibes being sent your way. congrats on loosing 91 lbs - IF you can't get to 100 lbs it will be disappointing - but be proud of your success kathy

  22. I'm officially out of the 270's! Happy dance!!!

    1. ProudGrammy


      86 lbs down pre and post op!! that is great!! keep up the good job - congrats - kathy

    2. MrsSugarbabe


      That's terrific!! Keep up the good work!

  23. Insurance approved! Now my surgeon is on vacation for two weeks so I have to wait to get surgery date.

    1. ProudGrammy


      what a bummer!!! in the end it will be worth the wait, but.......

      "God Grant Me Patience Just Hurry Up About It! LOL

    2. JerzyTomato74


      It's ok. I feel better knowing he will be well rested and refreshed after a vacation! ;-)

  24. Insurance requirements complete! Looking at an October surgery date!

  25. Little over 3 months, couple of stalls but 68 lbs gone!

    1. Packerfan61964


      That is awesome!!! I've been on a 3 week stall with 77 gone total!!!

    2. JerzyTomato74


      That's great! How are you feeling? These stalls are terrible! LOL I lost another 2 lbs for a total of 70! That's where I had hoped to be at the end of January.

    3. Packerfan61964


      Yes, they are Jerzy!! But I am glad its 70+ lbs gone and not gained for the both of us. Im feeling good for the most part. All of my issues are mental and not physical.......fighting the old demons that made me fat...ya know?!?!?

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